The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, July 24, 1919, Image 3

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    Services at 11 u. m. and 8:00
. m . S u n d a y School 10 a. m.
L m j f u e 7:3 0 p m . ,
P r a y e r m e eting on Wodneaday
in the parnonaKo at H p. rn.
I am in the market for
Fat Hogs
Sheep and Cattle
Market Price Paid f or Livestock
‘hone or See Me Before Selling
4 4 4 4 4 4 M 4 4 4 I 4*4*44 »4
Aluminum Five-Piece
Combination Cooker
This Combination Set has more uses
a. I advantages than any other
s: ailar set on the market.
The regular price of the Combina-
t i Cooker is 54.50 but we will re-
d. ;e the price to
$ 2.80
F o r Saturday", July 26 only"
Charter Oak and
Toledo Ranges
Aluminum Perculators
All Kinds of Dishes
W e can save you money, come in and let us
show you how we do it
3 77 Com 3t.
LOST $10 in greenbacks and a U t U R G E W A S H I N G T O N O N
few centsjin silver also 3 padlock A D O P T I O N O F C O N S T » I U T I O N Place W here Mother Sat It Forever
Sacred in the Memorie» of Her
D uring the years 1787 and 1788,
keys last Wednesday, July 23.
Purse folds over and clasps. $10
ent le tte rs expressed bis hope th a t
reward for returning to Maii of­ the C onstitution for a le a g u e of th ir ­
By the window In th e sittin g room
teen Staten m ight be ratified; many »food the old chair. It was “moth­
of bis rem arks are ex trao rd in arily ap ­ e r’s ch air"—otherw ise It would have
plicable In th e p resen t discussion of been Juut a chair. W ith m other In It,
our ratification of th e C ovenant for however, It became a shrine to which
the le a g u e of N ations. ‘‘T he C onsti­ flocked h er devoted little worshipers.
In the rocker, as we sat on moth­
tution th a t is subm itted, is not free
from im perfection, but th e re a re as er's knee or a t h er side— for the chair
Preaching every second and few radical defects in it as could well was generously made—th e bumped
fourth Sundays of each month, be expected, considering the h etero ­ head and the bruised h ea rt were
i morninjf a n d evening. Morning geneous man.! of which the* C onven­ healed, says a w riter In the People’»
services at 11 a. m. and evening? tion was composed and the diversity Home Journal. Frightened, we found
of inte-rests th a t a re to be attended there a safe re tre a t, a refuge from ev­
services at 8 p. m.
to. As a C onstitutional door Is ery harm . At night the bedtim e story
Sunday school each Sunday opened
for fu tu re am endm ents and w as told to th e rhythm of Its soothing
morning at 10 h . m.
alteratio n s, I think It would be wise awing. Joys, sorrows, all were brought
S. L. Boyce, Pastor.
In the people to accep t w hat is offered to Its encircling arm s. M other’s chair,
to them .”
rocking, rocking, rocking by the win­
Th«it Surprising Way.
The old chair, we think, hod n hand
“T w as never more disappointed In
th e m aking of character. Maybe
esybodjr In my life than I wa* In my
cousins up In K ay See,” adm itted G«ibe It was more effective in th is service
Gosnell of Grudge, who w as Just hack than we realize. Seated In It, we
First—Dont Delay. Second-Don’t from a visit to the Big Burg. “Why, watched the needle in quick, nimble
with everything on earth going on and fingers, glinting In and out among the
frayed edges tirelessly : we heard our
anything you could think of liable to
childish perplexities explained over
happen a t afiy moment. I’ll be switched
and over again, w ith no hint of vex­
If they don’t poke off to bed a t be­
atio n ; we sang the songs which tau g h t
If you suffer from backache; head j tween 9 and 10 o’clock every night of
ur some of th e beauty of life ; we lis­
aches or d u ty apeil*; if you restjpoorly j the w orld!”—K ansas City Star.
tened to stories of bravery and truth.
---------------------- 1—
i ana are languid in the m orning; if ¡[the
Industry, patience, beauty, courage,
Animals In W ar Service.
i kidney secretions are irreg u lar and un-
honesty—they can be traced back
Animals on hand In the service of through a golden pathw ay straig h t to
i n atu ral in app earan ce, do n ot delay.
In »uch caaea th e kidneys o ften need tne w ar departm ent November 2, m other’s chair.
l'Jlfc w ere 113,723 cavalry and riding
T he old ch air h as seen valian t serv­
D oan'a Kidney Pills a-e especillay horses, 180,348 d ra ft horses. 144,611 ice. Old-fa-hioned, scarred and worn.
d raft mules, 17.298 pack and riding It still stood In the fam iliar place by
prepared for kidney tro u b le—th ey are
mule», and 13,280 unclassified anim als,
recommended by thousands. Can resi­ m aking a total of 477.202 anim als th e window. Why Is It not refinlshed
—th e scars smoothed out, th e worn
dents desire more convincing proof ready for use.
places covered ?
W h a t! Cover the
than th e sta te m e n t of a citizen of this
m arks which little hands have made,
th e worn spot w here m other's tired
H. C. M angas, retired d ru g g ist, 412
bead rested, th e scars m ade by tiny,
If vou a re paying a high r a te o f in­
' S. F ifteen th S t., Corvallis, O re., says:
restless feet? Such a question came
te re st. why not refund your loan at
“ 1 have tak en D o an 's Kidney Pills at
from one who did not understand. To
a low er ra te and more liberal term s.
him the old chair was mere wood and
different tim es when 1 have felt in need
It is not good business to pay a
p ain t—Just a piece of fu rn itu re, not
of a kidney medicine and have found
a shrine.
h ig h er ra te o f in te re st th an the
i ' them to be all th a t is claimed o f them.
We do not say It aloud—our g reat­
In irecs7Ui“" ',,ng D oan’s Kidney Pills,
est longings are not spoken—but some­
ness to keep your surplus tunds on
1 am only speaking from personal ex ­
tim es when life gets tangled we find
tim e deposits a t 3 to.4 p e rc t. p er an ­
perience, b ut from w hat I knew of
ourselves going again to th e old chair
num when 6 per cent ciT rreadily be
I 1 o th ers who have received g re a t resluts
to have th e knots untied. W hen grief
secured on first Farm M ortages. .’ f
rom th e m ."
comes we sob It out there. When Joy
Price 60c, a t ail dealers. Don’t sim ­ you have money to loan or wish to '\Sin.vS we run to tell It there. W hen
refund or secure a new one, call or
ply ask for a kidney rem edy—g et
we fail. wh“n we win, our thoughts
D oan’s Kidney P ills—the sam e th a t
w rite S. H. H ELTZEL, S tayton,
fake us to the old ehairv»..i\nd *1 night
M an ias had.
Foster-M ilburn
the little lisping prayers come beg­
Co., M fgrs., Piiffalo. N. Y.
ging to be said, and we send them,
along w ith our grown-up petitions,
up to heaven by way of th a t sacred
Baptist Church
Stai Ion
*'W ot co n ten t with estab lish in g k world record : m be Inn the rim i to fly a balloon aero - th e ocean.
Vom E n gland to th e U nited State». M ajor Scott and hl» llr|tl» h crow of th e R-34 had no m ore tn an
i.milnd' tit M lneola field. New York, th an they were m aking preparation» for th<- re tu rn n ig h t Tbl» I» <■
Icture of th e biggest d irig ib le balloou ever built, ra ¡aiu rln g 934 feet long ab o u t two city block».
saiem. Ore.
Balsiger & Brotherton
OMJLTt»■'VJmtc Jt-.t
A h
HEN you have a bilious attack your liver fails
to perform its functions. You become con­
stipated. The food you cat ferments in your
stomach instead o f digesting. This inflames the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible
headache. Take Chamberlain’s Tablets. T hey will
tone up your liver, clean out your stone .h and you
will soon be as well as ever. There is nowi ;,. octier.
h J
E BUY anything in the Pro­
duce line from cascara bark
to a dressed cow. Will sell you
anything in the oMerchandise line
from a knitting needle to a thresh­
ing machine. Come in and see us
Balsiger & Brotherton, Lyons, Oregon
."AT l
t O' -
. . YrtCTUREt
v / 0? YOU.7!
ARTICLE v a tC tlf ^ f a P iP P ltE r tn
SOME B ook
5 i\vi ;i
?: e
I & to?
Tj L IF E ’S
A bundant Reasons Why Fighting Men
Develop a High Degree of F ata l­
istic Reasoning.
T ha T reaty of P art» Is tho longest
single treaty ev er signed, i t Is six
tim es as long as th e tre a tie s of the
peace of W estphalia (1648) and te a
tim es aa long as th e tre a ty of V ienna
(1816); It la aa long as the la tte r and
all the subsidiary tre a tie s resu ltin g
from It. Though It covers m ore
ground than any other tre a ty made,
it w si prepared in h alf th e tim e re ­
quired for the peace of Vienna, an d In
Icaa th an o n e-ten th of th e tim e r e ­
paired for the tre a ty of W estphalia.
T his phenom enal re su lt Is a ttrib u te d
j by E uropean statesm en to th e in itial
adoption of the C ovenant of the
I Le-igue of N ations, which provides for
1 the fu tu re settle m en t of a large nura-
i her of perplexing problem s. D espite
I opinions to the co n trary , th e verd ict
of history will unquestionably be th a t
I the Peace of P aris c a rrie s Into effect
\ to a rem arkable .degree the program
accepted In advance by th e peoples
of th e world, and em bodied In the
Fourteen P oints put fo rth by th e
A m erican governm ent on Ja n u a ry 8,
1918, ten m onths before the actual
| signing of the arm istice.
1 Of th e F ourteen P o in ts thus ac­
cepted by a world in arm s, serious
objection has been raised to only one,
the 14th. T h at objection h as come
from a faction in the U nited S tates
Senate. T his 14th Point, as em bodied
j in the trea ty Is A rticle X, of the
; Covenant of th e League of N ations.
. G erm any herself h as in sisted upon it
j a3 an essen tial p a rt of th e peace.
T he trea ty as signed m akes a new
world, politically, physically, m orally
and spiritually. T he m an datory sy s­
tem ends th e old regim e of exploita­
tion, an d m akes w ards of the whole
world in Asia, A frica an d th e Isles of
th e sea. The T re a ty has established
i in the place of artificial sta te s n a tu ra l
. political and n atio n al u n its. It has
rem oved from the m ap nu m erous h is­
toric w rongs w hich have long served
to em b itte r th e in te rn atio n a l r e la ­
tions. It has set th e w orld upon a
! new path of progress m arked by th e
following guide p o sts:
1. In tern atio n al co-operation. In-
' eluding the consolidation of a ll e x ist­
ing in tern atio n al ad m in istra tiv e a c ­
2. E xtensive m achinery fo r co­
operation in a L eague of N ations open
to all th a t prove w orthy of m em ber­
3. T he cre atio n of a labor con­
ference and labor b ureau to solve th e
problem s of an in d u stria l civilization.
4. A pledge to reduce arm am ents,
and as a first ste p tow ard it th e d is­
arm in g of th e one nation w hose geo­
g raphical situ atio n has m ade it a
m enace to th e world.
5. T he abolition of conquest by
A rticle X, w ith o u t in te rfe rin g w ith
o th e r m ethods of te rrito ria l a d ju st­
m ent.
6. T h e d eclaratio n th a t any w ar is
a m a tte r of concern to all. and the
erection of m achinery for dealing with
conditions w hich en d an g er th e peace
of th e world.
7. An ag reem en t n o t to go to w ar
before peaceful se ttle m e n t of disputes
h as been tried.
8. A utom atic provision sanctions
for th e p u nishm ent of th e breach of
ag reem en ts v o lu n tarily taken.
9. A
re p re se n ta tiv e
A ssem bly
m eeting reg u larly and, am ong oth er
things, carry in g on th e w ork of codi­
fying and rev isin g in te rn a tio n a l law
begun by the H ague Conference.
T he tre a ty is th e m ost m om entous
docum ent ev er prep ared by the hand
of man. . I t se ts th e world rig h t about
face, u m ark s th e triu m p h of A m er­
ican ideas, policies and institu tio n s,
by extending to a league of sovereign
n atio n s the dem ocratic principles first
em bodied in our league of sovereign
sta te s.
G eneral S ecretary,
W orld P eace Foundation.
As I to u r th e m ilitary hospitals,
says a w riter in a London paper, I
h ear stran g e stories frofli the w ard
»isters, from m atron herself, and from
men of all g rad es iu the serried rows
of beds. Poor M----- braved all the
te rro rs of w ar — wounded a t Molls,
and gassed at La B assee—only to be
Ignouilniously killed by an omnibus in
the city stre e t a t home! W hole fam ­
ilies of sons He buried in France. B ut
I know n ease in which four sons and
a son in law joined up In August, 1914,
and w ent clean through the whole stu ­
pendous dram a, w ithout one of the five
getting so much as a s c ra tc h ! 1 know
a heroic m ajor, w ho had the m addest
escapes from shot and shell, anil w*as
killed at last by a falling branch of
freland’s Flax Crop.
a tree w hilst at home on leave.
T he flax crop Is engaging the a t­
I know a chaplain V. C. who all but
broke his neck on a flight of stone tention of ag ricu ltu rists in the north
steps at Saighton Towers, w here he of Ireland. F lax pulling is giving em­
w as Countess O rosvenor's guest. I ployment to every hnnd th a t ean be en­
know a w ar correspondent, of mauy gaged. and fa c to ry w orkers, clerks and
fierce campaigns, who met Ills death business men are Joining in th is Indis­
a fte r all In a London a ir raid. And I pensable work. T he cadet corps of
talked w ith the sole survivor of a rhe Royal Academical In stitu te of Bel­
ship, who turned out to he the only fast Is also engaged in pulling flax.
member of the crew who couldn't Before the w ar the price paid for flax
sw im ! How shall we explain these ranged from $1.30 to 82.30 per stone.
vagaries? They m ade fa ta lists of our The highest price ever paid for (lax
m e n ; and one day iu tin hospital, I was $.'1 per stone In 1^04, during the
came upon a lad who was reading the I Civil war. T h is y ear th e flax supply
Moslem Kurau. He held up the page com m ittee has arranged to take over
to me. and pointed to the v erse: "No the whole crop at price» ranging from
hap chaneeth, but the -...toe w as w rit­ $7.30 to $10 per »tone, according to
quality. Tho flax will he divided Into
ten In the Book of D ecrees!”
1 »lx grades.
H A N D IC A P \