.P w w T ' 11 • - lo r i«* * Î H o t'll I \ • r 11 M o l . i fy THE ST A Y ÎO N MAIL ¿5th. Year, No. 26. S T A Y T O N . M AR IO N C O U N T Y , OREGON. T H U R S D A Y , JULY 10, 1919 Serial No. 1161 LOOKS LIKE A REAL RAILROAD PORTLAND & SOUTHEASTERN ROAD BUYING RIGH-OF-WAY IN STAYTON JOS. STEINKAMP IKILLEDBYTRAIN AT THE DALLES RIGHT-OF-WAY MEN HAVING NO DIFFICULTY IN SECURING ALL THE LAND THEY WANT LAND OWNERS GETTING THE AFTER-THE-WAR SPIRIT NEXT TEN DAYS WILL SEE THE RIGHT OF WAY SECURED W AS WALKING ALONG TRACK ON W AY TO HARVEST FIELDS— STEPPED OFF FREIGHT TRACK IN FRONT OF PASSENGER T R A IN -D IE S ON W AY TO HOSPITAL Art1 the dreams of some o f th«- faster than she ever moved l>e- Joseph William Steinkamp. son eitizena o f Stayton' and vicinity fore. o f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steinkamp to come true? It seems that For not only will we l»e able to of Aumsville, was hit by an O. such is the case, for during the move our Hnished product out. W\ R. & N. passenger train at past two weeks there has been in , but we will be able to bring the Millers, a short distance from our midst Mr. Williamson, righ- j raw material in at a greatly r e - ' The Dalles, on Monday morning. of-way man for the Portland & duced expense. The road which When William was picked up Southern Railroad Co., and the' will run east of Stayton. will he was still breathing, but his Representative manager o f the penetrate one of the finest tracts skull was so badly crushed that company; Mr. M. Lvnott. who of timber that there is in Ore- : he died on the way to the hospit­ have been here for the purpose gon, as to quantity and quality, al at the Dalles. pf picking up where Mr. Lynott With these possibilities in view The President o f the United States is again at his desk in the White House after an absence of According to trainmen Stein- and his men left olT before the j for Stayton. and in fact for all four months spent at the Peace Conference in Paris. He returned Tuesday and was accompanied kamp was walking on the tracks war. | o f the Santiam Valley, it should by Mrs. Wilson who has been with them him during the conference. The party landed in N. Y. ¡carrying a suitcase. He stepped It will I h * remembered that Mr. inspire every man and woman to Tuesday and in speaking the President said: “ The peace concluded at Paris was a just peace which, off one track to avoid being hit Lynott and representatives were do everything in their power to ¡f it can l>e preserved, will safeguard the w’orld from unnecessarv bloodshed.” by a freight train but stepped here some two years ago or such get the road. directly in front of the passen­ a matter, for the purpose of get- —------ ger train which was passing the ting right-of-way for a railroad. , O B IT U A R Y I IMCI i r i l T A fA IM freight. The work progressed nicely and ------- j U M E L lu H l A u A IN The body was taken to Cran­ just as everything was in readi- j The suuject o f this sketch, ------- dall’s undertaking parlors at The Mrs. Malina Faulkner, of Pen­ ness to strike the nail on the Rachel M. Ledgerwood, was born During the home coming re­ The Rebekah Lodge o f th is, Dalis, where it was prepared for head to start grading the road, in Atchinson County, Missouri, ceptiun held in Silverton on the dleton. Oregon, who has been city, held a very interesting! (shipment. The remains arrived the work was stopped on ac-1 September 11, 1846 and died at 5th o f July, for the returned here visiting her parents. Mr. weeting on Tuesday evening, Wednesday. count of the United States going her home in Stayton, Oregon . soldiers and sailors. J. E. Hos- and Mrs. Joseph Sestak, over the . c, . .. ., D j it when the new officers of thei Joseph _ William Steinkamp was into war. This fact is known July 5, 1919. age 72 years, 9 rner butted in when Rev. J. A. Fourth, returned to the Round-Up |lodge were installed into their born at Sublimity twenty years throughout this part of the va l-' months and 24 days. She was Bennett was speaking, saying j city .Monday via auto -and respective chairs for the regular a« ° and was the y o ^ g e s t son ley, and it was understood when married to James W. Taylor he was not speaking the truth, was her own car that she made of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steinkamp term. the project was laid aside -on April 21. 1868 and to this union The speaker was talking of the; the journey in. at that. Prior to Hobson. Deputy i He was a l i a b l e young man Mrs. W. H. account o f the war that it would was born 13 children, 6 boys and pregent conditions in Russia, and' Her leaving, her father. Mr. Sea-' and very popular among his as­ President: W. H. Hobson. Dep-1 be taken up again as soon as 7 girls, o f this number 1 0 a re jM jd tbat “ in this country we j t*k presented her with his new sociates. He attended school at uty Marshal; B. A. Schaefer, Uncle Sam saw fit for the pro­ still living. Their names are as j must bve under one flag or the six cylinder Overland car. Mrs. Aumsville and Sublimity and was Grand Warden; Miss Ella Will­ follows: Laura D., Sallie At.. other, the Red. White and Blue . Fanlkner was accompanied by moters to go ahead. a bright and attentive scholar. iams. Grand Secretary: Mrs. H . ¡ Now that peace has been de­ Mary K.. Myrtle E., Winfred E-, or the Red.” ( her sister Miss Silvia Sestak, who He left a week prior to his sad Lilly, Grand Treasurer: and Mrs. clared the lid has been removed John S., Joseph L., Stephen R.. WhenHosmar, who is a strong’ » i l l spend the summer at the H. A. Beauchamp were the past death for the harvest fields o f and the Portland Southeastern Thomas H. and Charles E. De­ Socialist, interrupted the speaker. F ^ lk n e r home in Pendleton, officers who had charge of the east<>rn Oregon, and ten days Railroad Co. has been informed ceased are Ella M., Nellie F. and the boys yelled “ put him out” ! Guy 5sl°0er- who has recently installation. before leaving joined the Catho- W. Her husband James and ^ then and there # bunch returned from the army was that they may ahead and James _ , ... , . . . . . . . ------- r, The new officers are Mrs. Nina Order of Forresters at Sub- build their road. "■ Tay,or d,í a* ™ tJ O years |of „ jd ie r boys started for th e , l * * * * ” ™ “ Ch* f e{ir Ringo. N. G.: Mrs. Edna Sloper. As stated above. Mr. Lynot ago. Sister Tayk>r became a ' ntlemen. The president of the and P»oleted «he car to its desu- y G ; Mrs Margaret Schaefer.! His intentions were to stay in 9aved Mr Ho8mer from nation. Guy has secured a pos.- an(j M„ £ Starr, Portland for a few days to viait and Mr. Williamson have prac­ a member of the Baptist church ;d ¡ friends before going to Eastern tically secured all the right-of- in Stayton in the year 1902 and tome rouKh handIinK by callinff tion in one o f the large garages Treasurer way the company wants, through lived a faithful member till sh e1 the meeting to order. at Pendleton and will spend the TV_ o___ Oregon and his parents thought The appointive officers are Mrs. summer there. this part of the valley, but it was called from this earthly he was there till they received Mr. Hosmer has been in the Anna Hobson, K. S. o f N. G.; will take about ten days more to abode to her eternal home in the sad message o f his death. limelight before when he was in | Wages For Threshermen Miss Ella Williams. L. S. of N. heaven. Sister Taylor was an get the contracts signed up. He saw training at the Stu­ the newspaper game some time G.; Mrs. Emma Sloper. Warden; Upon a tour of the country a f f e c t i o n a t e wife, a loving dents Training Camp at Corval­ The Linn county farm bureau Mrs. Maud Beauchamp, Conduc- ago. He spent some time in the that the road will touch in this lis and was ready to go to his immediate vicinrtv, we find that hest^of' alt »^earn est ^coi^ecrat- count>r -¡ail at Salem for libel,; has established the following! tor; Mrs. Minnie Caspell, Out- country’s call, but was cheated phriatinn Th.> writor of having been convicted on a charge rates for thrashing crews: Un- side Guardian; Mrs. Marcia, Ma- the people of Stayton and the out o f serving the U. S. at the 1 i. monv nioouani A made by the Benedictine Fathers skilled labor, advance in price o f yo, Inside Gurdian; Mrs. H. Lil- farmers of the Santiam Valley words spent many pleasant and, ioa- __ t » o vt front bv the signing o f the ar­ 25c per day. making $3.25 per ly, R. S. V. G.; Mrs. Nore Gard K are more than pleased to meet profitable hours with her in her |or mistice. day for labor and $4.75 for man ner, L. S. V. G. and Marila Mr. Lynott, whe is the repre­ home talking o f the great life The funeral was held at Sub- Chaplain, Fire Destroyes Residence and team. Price of threshing per j Gardner, sentative manager o f the Port­ beyond. Her funeral s e r m o n . , , . . „ . , limitv Wednesday morning from sack was advanced 2c. Wheat A fte r the installation ceremon-, the Catholic church at 9 0-c|ock land & Southeastern Railroad was preached by her pastor S. L. was placed at 25. oats 20 and j ¡es ad were invited to the ban- Boyce at the Baptist church in . , , i with Rev. Fr. Lainck, officiating, Co. The farm home o f J. P. Ruckel. barley 22*c per sack. quet room where an abundance Interment was in the Catholic For the benefit of our read­ Stayton July 7, after which her one mile southwest of Shaw, was! ers we will state that we have body was tenderly laid to rest in I destroyed by fire on the Fourth -p h . Thomas, forest ranger of of ice cream and dainty cakes j c e m e t e r v . pv*i.J K v t h o P A m m i f t o o , . . . , looded up this company during the Rocky Point cemetery near Qf July, while the family were j ordarit was ¡n stayton a few were served by the committee. He leaves to mourn his loss The hour was late when the his parents, and three brothers. the past ten days and find that Stayton there to repose in peace; celebrating in Salem. The loss davg thi9 week Mr. Thomas it has recently been organized till (iod shall awake the sleeping ¡s estimated at! $3500.00. The reports considerable work beirg jolly crowd disperced, all satis- Henry, Tony and Felix, The pallbearers were Fred A l­ and incorporated with sufficient dust. property was insured in th e idone jn that district to illimate fled with the evening’s work. and with bright prospects for a ; bu8, Leo Highberger, Alba Zu- capital to build a road from Stay- Sister Taylor was a woman of farmers Fire Relief Association I dangers of fire, and says the prosperous year in lodge work. her, Eugene Ditter, Wm. Albus ton, thence through the Santiam sterling qualities ot character of Sublimity for $1000. people in general and campers and was respected and loved bv Valley pass and on to Bend. • and Tony Leverman. ' particularly Are becoming friore Mr. Lynott advises the people all who knew her. The large Mrs J. F. Lau and children and " * ' Miss Ruth Roy left Thursday careful with fires. thu9 lessening o f Stayton and vicinity that all | crowd attending her funeral was mornjnfi for an extended visit in the work o f the forest fire Mrs. T. J. Creech and children Mrs. Fisher, o f Salem, is visit- his c o m p a n y is asking is that the proof of the above statement. Vanciuver B. C. with her sister wardens considerably and great­ spent spent several days last ing at the A very Murphy home people along the route show To the bereaved family we extend and husband Mr and M r a G C > ly reducing the annual loss caus­ week visiting Salem friends and ' here this week. their faith in the line by giving o u r heart-felt sympathy a n d Batson relatives. ed bv forest fires. the land to build the road upon, ! prayers.— Communicated ‘ and we quote Mr. Lynot as say-1 — ' * ' BIRD-EYEING • THE WILLARD-DEMPSEY FIGHT ARENA AND REFERFE ing: “ That there will be grad- — fir ing contractors at work inside ot CKIIAV f Cl CDD A T Ifill Curtis Cole was in town Sun­ thirty days after the right-of- t n J U I v E i L l DKA 1 lUN day visiting with his parents for way is secured.” | ------- a few hours and while here told Mr. Lynott also stales that the | The people of the Jordan Val- ■pi the Mail that he and his partner. JSK& ? road will lw> some ninety m iles1 ley gathered at the Thomas grove i w Raleigh Harrnld had recently shorter via Stayton to Portland and celebrated the Fourth of held a sale of Registered Short­ than the present line that ex- July in real American style. The horn cattle. Seven cows and tends up the Dechutes river. day was spent with speaking, nin£ calves brough $3,300.00 We cannot but feel than when singing and the kids had a great J x - The top cow sold for $520.00 this road is completed, that Stay- time competing for first honors and the top bull calf for $230.00. , ton and .vicinity will enjoy the in the various* sports. There The sale was held near Albany blessings of transportations that was plenty of ice cream and f l l on Saturday, June 28th. has been denied her all these other good things to satisfy the -\r » Messrs Cole & Harrold are years and with her convenien- inner man and the day passed Tiilj photo of th<> Willard Dimpsey fight arena at Toledo. Ohio, was taken from an airplane a! a height of about a thousand feet, showing the wonderful seating capacity of the lmmen--e structure The (proprietors o f the Hub Stock ties we are sure that Stayton- only too quickly. Mrs. Sarah Inserted photograph la of Ollle re c o rd , official referee of the Toledo Poxing Commission, who _ was ' Farm and all their stock is regis­ with all her splendid manufaetnr- Cox was the oldest lady at the selected to officiate in the big scrap. .„In'-' I tered. i:iK -t- ...... j . C'.'I ------- J. E. HOSMER IN THE PRESENTS OVERLAND CAR REBEKAH LODGE TO MARRIED DAUGHTER INSTALLS OFFICERS REGISTERED STOCK SALE BRINGS GOOD PRICES JORDAN VALLEY PEOPLE Tc u