The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, July 03, 1919, Image 6

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JU L Y 3, 4 AN D 5 A T S A LE M
S«TjTt. Alxin C. York, I “nil Mall.
Fontrvss county, Tenn., Three Hun-
drcxl ntiil Tuenty-vlKhth Infantry,
i^ithty-s.Hximl division (All-America),
has lie n proclaimed us "the soldier
who has distinguished himself uboVe
all men in the war In the achievement
o f the greatest indlvHlunl ileeil In his­
tory.” This deed Is reully a little bat­
tle In Itself, but told us briefly us pos­
sible it is this:
York, then rori>oral, October 8.
1918, killed 20 Germans with his rltle
uml pistol: captured 132 prisoners, in­
cluding a major and three lieutenants}
put 33 machine guns out or busluesy
and thereby broke up an entire bat­
talion which was about to counter-at­
tack against the Americans on Hill 223
In the Argonne sector, near Cliatel-
Pull Mall Is a mountain cross­
roads with possibly 20 houses scattered
about.^York was born there December
13, 1887. one of 11 children. He is a fanner and blacksmith. He provides
fo r his mother, one brother and three little sisters. He is 6 feet and weighs
205 pounds. He Is red headed. He Is sure death with both rltle and pistol.
As a fighter, he Is'the rare kind that gets cooler as the danger grows.
He used to drink a little, gamble a little and swear. He quit in 1915
and Joined the Church of Christ and Christian Cnion. of which he Is second
elder and singtng leader. He was a conscientious objector. His captain con­
vinced him In camp that it was his duty to act us the peacemaker iu Europe.
His “ girl," Grace Williams, says: “ It wasn't A lvin : It was the hand of
The above dates are the official days on which will be held the greatest celebration in the
history of Salem. The boys who wore the uniform are to be welcomed honie and everything
is. being made ready to receive them and show them the best possible time. Every soldier,
sailor and marine who went from Marion and Polk Counties is invited to be present.
Grave of Her Convict Son at Her Rainbow’s End
meals will be free and you will get
AMMOND. IND.—The Salvation Army found her, on her fifty-seventh
birthday, penniless and alone in the railroad station here, hoping to get
to Butte. Mont., where her sister lives. Her only treasure was a email
photograph of the type used in rogue's
galleries. It was the picture of a
young man of twenty-two, who had
been convicted of burglary. For 18
years the woman had been following
a rainbow of hope. She had Just come
to the rainbow's end— and found ihe
grave o f a convict in the cemetery of
the New York reformatory at Elmira.
A pretty five-year-old boy. golden
haired and sturdy, was playing on the
grass In front o f a little farmhouse
In Athens township. New York. In a
buggy, outside the fence, a woman watched him, charmed. Then she called:
“Come here, sonny.”
The boy trotted out to the road. The woman helped him Into the buggy
and talked to him. Finally, after looking closely at the house and seeing
no one, she whipped up her horse and sjied away with the child hfslde her.
That was lrf 19U0. Eighteen years later the mother, grown old and gray
In unceasing search throughout the country fo r her son, received a letter
from Mrs. Nancy Browning of South Hills. Pa. She got it purely by chance,
fo r she had married again since her boy's disappearance and now was not
Mrs. John Kipp, but Mrs. Amos Shoemaker.
“ I am dying,” Mrs. Browning said, “ and I cannot go in peace until I tell
you that I kidnaped your boy. When the boy grew up he left me.”
Sympathetic strangers took the sorrowing mother to Chicago, gave her a
birthday dinner, bought her a ticket and sent her on her way.
Dayton Bicycles
Easy Riding
Built for Service
Best in the Long Run
| Lloyd E. Ramsden Salem, Oregon *
War Mothers
Welcome Warriors
ing great preparations to en­
tertain the boys who wore
Y o u r room
a free pass to the movies, dances,
They” are doing every­
thing in their power to make the
three days the most pleasant of .
your lives.
Don't fail to be here
and enjoy what the W a r Mothers
have prepared for the boys in the
form o f a welcome.
Community Service
For these three days there will be
many features. Here are a few :
H E W a r o^VIothers are mak­
the uniform.
War Camp
N o matter
where you wore a unitorm—A L L
Flying Machine
Community Float Parade
Industrial Parade
Auto Dealers Parade
Private Auto Parade
Street Features
Human Fly
Aquatic Sports
Baby Parade
Street Singing
Band Music at Wilson Park
Banquets, Receptions,
Auto Rides, Moving Pictures
Air Trips
Service is co-operating with
the W a r ” Mothers and you
will find automobiles at your com­
mand; young ladies for partners in
the dances;
you will
enjoy; a welcome at every turn—
in fact .everything is being done
that can possibly be thought of lor
the welcome and entertainment of
you and your friends.
Come to
Salem on the morning ot the 3rd
of July and go immediately to the
Commercial Club where you will
Everything Free for Soldiers
be provided with everything you
For all who register be­
fore July 3, 1919. Register for air
trip with McCnmky at ^alem Com­
mercial Club not free.
are welcome.
H E W a r Camp Community”
can possibly wish for.
Salem Commercial Club Program
Register Here for Membership Cards and Information as to Free Entertainment
_______________ _________ ____________
The Salem Commercial Club will have charge of the features for the 4th. They
are giving free membership cards to all men who wore the uniform. The
members have charge of the parades, the flying machine, in fact they are pro­
viding most every form of entertainment you can possibly wish for.
We are now prepared to furnish your camp
outfit complete with the most compact fold­
ing equipment that has ever been put on
the market.
You can carry a complete
outfit in a very small space.
Canvas Folding Chairs
Canvas Folding Tables
Canvas Foldihg Cots
TENTS, C AM P STOVES and Everything you need in
Camp furniture.
There i9 nothing
that adds
more pleas­
ure to camp
life than a
We are the only dealers in Salem handling Victrolas
and Victor Records exclusively.
Free Passes to Everything for Soldiers, Sailors &Mairnes
Every" Stunt Known to Flying
¿TVIen to be Performed
Take a Ride in the Big Aeroplane. Stunts
Performed daily” over” Wilson Park. This
feature will surely” bring you.
J. F. HUTCHASON, Chairman,
You (Jet More for Your Money at Moore's
■ ,
Every Person In Marion and Polk Counties and State Cordially Invited
to attend this celebration.
____________________________________ * ___
Salem, Oregon.
4th o f July Advertisement Committee
■M M