9 IM S GROCERIES OF QUALITY Look m ore to thfc quality* o f your* G roceries th an \o th e price. W h e n you buy c h ea p groceries they are cheap. If y ou w artt th e best grocerit-.; the m a rk e t affords, b u y '' here. Y ou will g et full vain« for y o u r m o n e y ' Summer Clothing Summer Goods N ew w hite w ash. Skirts in g re a t v a rie ty ' o f styles and m aterials. G inglm yi a p ro n s and hotise dresses c h ea p e r th an you can m ak e them . S u m m er u n d e rw ea r. Sheen for men, women and children. This store has no unworthy stoclf to «»lief or to advertise. Satisfaction in guaranteed. Stayton Oregon S am ples o f ta ilo r m ad e clothing from the celeb rated In tern atio n al line o f m e n 's g u a ra n te e d suits. F ro m the larg e line o f sam ples you can choose the latest styles. Twenty years eyiwrience in pleasuring and fitting Huits and garments for men and young men Fit and materials guaranteed Stayton Oregon CHAS. GEHLEN Paint W e still have some of theSpencer hjardware Co. Paint at - $2.98 Varnishes a t ......................$2.50 Calcimine per lb - - 12 l-2o Calcimine - Varnish Salem Hardware Co. How’s This? W » o lf# r O np U iinH r«-l I>>glar« R aw » f o r a n y cnne o f r a i u r r h t h a t c a n n o t c u r e d by H a ll's C a t a r r h M e d lin e . H a l l 's C a ta r r h M e d icln r h a s L ie n ta k b y c a t a r r h n i f f r r e r s fo r th e p a s t t h i r t flvo y e a rn , a n d h a s b eco m e k n o w n a s tl m o st i» |ia b l» re m e d y f o r C a ta r r h . H a ll C a ta r r h M edicine a c t» t h r u ih e B lood c t h e N fncoue » iirfacc» . e*p«-lllpir t h e P n l- u n fn>m th e B lood a n d h e a lin g th e d ls- «»•*1 p o rtio n s . A f te r y o u h a v e t a k e n H a ll'* C a ta r r h M e d icin e f o r a s h o r t tim e y o u w ill see a .g r e a t - im p ro v e m e n t In y o u r g e n e r a l h e a lth S t a r t t a k i n g I l n l l 's C a ta r r h M e d i­ c in e a t o n ce a n d p e t rid o f c a t a r r h . S e e d f o r te s tim o n ia l» fre e F J C H K N E T dr C O .. T o le d o . OhU Bold by a ll D ru g g ist» . 7Sc. THE STAYTON BAKERY HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND COOKIES NO ORDEP. TOO LARGE G E. KRA.VIER, Proprietor STAYTON * OREGON Ur ion Hill Personals S i a n O , m. A number of people from here attended the Pioneer picnic Sat­ urday and also the dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott and family were visiting with friends near Victor Point last week. m / 1 The Walluga Club met with Mrs. J. Frank. A social after­ ■A noon was enjoyed after which mm refreshments Were served. *l'he parant teacl er’s association VÍ' .net Friday 27th at the school i era r è o house and a very interesting pro­ gram was had by the closing of Ev**' 'IX'ujfl. 'h«- »*p«a; ol if,«- a a y l i g m »avia* m » i» Ooi effe«- tlvi- .m i) 0f In d i a n a a n d R a p r a a a n u t i * * Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Scott and h w h ..r « '■ ■ » ...i n won in »ha H ouse *** to l i i f a m i l y visited relatives and M t. P le a s a n t Ite m s ! H. It. Shank, wife and son, friends in Salem Sunday. | and Ernest Kuapp spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ashby G. H. liay, John Flick and Mr. at the Mrs. Koxie Shank home. were visiting with relatives in • tberhoard attended the sale at i G. H. liay wAs a Lebanon and Shaw the last part of the week. the Curtis Cole Ranch near Lacomb visitor Monday. Tom Tate who has been in the Albany Saturday. | Roxana Shank visited with her Army for the past £0 months re­ Ed. Smith is the proud owner aunt Mrs. Nodataned of Salem turned home. Mr. date was 6f a new Ford. a few days of this week. • accompanied by his mother from G. H. Ray motored to Salem Portland where Mrs. Tate lias Mr. and Mrs. Henry Senz and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Senz and Tuesday. been visiting relatives. Mr. Tate ‘little daughter were Sunday jWas fortunate enough to return Coon Hollo« Notes visitors of Mr. - Shoemaker of uninjured. Sublimity. Mr. and Mrs.* Cornish* and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ryan and . Miss Violet . . . Rossiterof Portland daughter Mable of Stayton visit­ family accompanied Mrs. Frank 18 no* visiting friends and rela- ed at W. H. Rqbens and family. Haberman to Salem Sunday o n 't‘ve8' n ^ °°n Hollow A large crowd attended the sur­ Mr. Adolph Heater returned her return to Aberdeen Washing­ to his home from Salem where ton, after visiting the past few prise party given in honor of Mrs. he has been for the past week. John Hafner, Barbara. Alex and weeks with home folks. Mr. Heater will return to Salem Ernest kuapp of Elk City is Pete, lapt Wednesday nigh«, who in a few days on business. spending his summer vacation had jupt returned home from Mr. and Mrs. Clark Seibie with Mr. and Mrs. H R. Shank. Portland. motored to Salem Monday. Laurance Siegmund of Fern * Mrs. P. H. Lambert and Hazel, Mrs. Iiabens and daughter Dora ¡Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brenner were! Ridge spent the week-end in and Mrs. E. Carter and son Lyle Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Coon Hollow.' were in Stayton Saturday. j Linp Lambert; . A few of the neighbors gather­ The Walluga Club will meet Cora Ray is visiting with her; ed at the Bennett home Friday next with Mrs. M. M. Gilmore evening of last week. sister Mrs Don McKnight. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Downey. Thursday 10th. Maude Sm ith,, Roxana Shank Daniel Kelly, Tony Neitling and W. H. Moiiet and family and and the Eberheardt sisters were Laurance Siegmund were callers Misses Zeima and Elsie King Sunday visitors of Elsie Downing. at the Apple hom£ last Sunday. visited friends near Silver Creejc Lyle I.ittz and Roy Brenner. Mrs. Hafner and children, Mrs. Senz Bros, and Dave Aegerter Frank Basl, Rosie and Johnnie Falls Sunday. G. D. Scott motored to Salem were among the Albany visitors all of roon Hollow have gone to T uesday. ;the berry yard. this week. . V. uav r RETIRING FROM BUSINESS i Dicter-Bell & Company, Merchants, of Sublimity, Ore, Are Going Out of Business * . • P • Entire stock thrown open to the public, prices cut to the bottom in every' department. Now is the time to lay~ in your’ supply' while the stock is complete. Dry' Goods Department is a mass of. genuine bargains. Outing flannels 19c yd. Calico 9c yd. Dress ginghams 19c yd. Entire line reduced in pro­ portion. / Extreme Bargains Shown in our Shoe and Rubber Department; also ■ Shelf * Hardware and ' Cutlery t . ' . * This is a wonderful opportunity for you to obtain ¿TVlerchandise at rock bottom prices DITTER-BELL CO., SUBLIMITY, OREGON u ra T u g V w n R " O i: