V 278 ARE DETHRONED BY WAR SAYS FOE Bavaria LaaSa, With Pruaala’ a THIf- ty-Thraa R a ya ltl»» In Kalla Sac- and In L i f t A P P R O PR IA T E W ED D IN G G IF T S forJUNE B R ID E S For those who give wedding gifts in sterling silver or plated silver ware, we have m un /' beautiful pat- * terns to choose from. o4lso w might mention Sheffield plated bread trays, tea sets and cut glass Come into our beautiful Jewelry Store ami let us hdlp you make your selection O u r D E C O R A T E D W ED D IN G w orth/* of you r inspection. R IN G S are Hartman Bros. Co. Jew elers an d Opticians N. It*. Cor. Stute und Liberty Street» S A t.E M , O R E G O N Salem Doctor Cures Cancer •) a If Your* Battery is old mid run down and undependable, you will Have moneo by buying a new one B attery ~ S h o p Philadephial i Diamond Grid Battery 263 N. Commercial Street, offer» a very liberal allowance for the used battery toward the pur­ chase price o f a new p ffi I pj m Berlin.— A German professor figure* that l hr abdication* and dethrone ment* In Germany Include 278 per«>na. Bavaria Irada with one king, on# qurrii, 111 princes. IS prlnreaara, flve dukra and onr duchess. Pruaala hit« amt S3 royalties Into exile, Including the rtuprror, empress, 20 princes and 11 prlnreaae*. Brunswick la at thn bottom <>f thr Hat, with only tha dnrnl couple nnd their thrrr rhlldren. Thr two tiny principalities o f lieu»*, who«* area la hardly onr three hundredth port o f that o f I'russla, have exiled rnyultlea. T h r principality of Llppe, only about 20 «ju n re inllra larger than thn Iteuar atatra. had n royal fandly nuinherlnir 24 peraona. Most extraordinary la th< rnae o f Bchaiimhiirg Llppe, with It» area o f ISO «p in re mile», where there wna nearly one royul perwmnge for every live wpiare nillea. Theae Incltld- ed the reigning prince, 17 prlncea and »even prlnceaaea. Mrs. Julett Adams, Prominent Resident o f Polk County, Cured of Cancer of ’ the Face. j To whom it may concern: For »¡x years 1 suffered with cancer of the face. 1 waa haunted by the realization thgt It waa ateadilv berorn- ! irig woroe. As a last reaort I applied to Dr. 8. C. Stone for treatment. He r applied a remedy for a few days and 1 the cancer dropped completely out. I j am happv to »ay that I am now com- ; pletely free from the dreaded disease. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Stone and hi» treatment. Mrs. Juliett Adam«. K. 1, box 14, Salem, Or. : Noy 30, 1917. i 1 will be pleased tf refer you to other Salem people whom I have recently cured of cancer. Call in any time and let uh assist you with your* battery trouble«, or any electrical trouble that might develop on your car. % S. C. STONE, M . D. R H O N E 413 ------- Stone’s Drug Store ------- f f l 241 N. Commercial St., Salem Phone 35 ! Consultation and Advice Free m : a MAXES INDIANS R ich P' ffaat Steamship Captain » * • * cal \'«n y P ir Developments in Southwest Net Them Big Returns. r a d »«-* - “ Went Aatr»y " Hydncy. Aiiairalla.- Charge* th'it German* who handled R d f ’ ro »» pur ••■1» for Au»trallan soldier* In prison ramp* robbed Ihe prisoner* am made by « ’apt. Alexander Donaldson of the ■team»hlp Malungn. lie w a» raptured when the MatiingH wa« taken hr the flerman raider W o lf and wa* »ent to a prison camp In the llnrta mountain». ••The officer In chariie o f the camr » a » an old rogue.*' «aid Cupfaln Don- nld«>n. "H e »eemed to make n hu«l neaa o f robbing ua o f onr Red f r imp parcel*. About 40 per cent o f them went aatrajr before the armlatlce and about HO t«*r rent after If. owing to dls- organlzatlon In Germany. The 'Fritz' who had the Job o f driving from «he «tatlon to the camp with our parcel* had a habit o f dropping a lot o f them off at bla «hop on the way up." Oil and Coal Add to th « Fortunes of tha Aborigines In Okla­ homa. AIR SMUGGLING ! IS NEW PROBLEM Customs Officers Puzzled to Find Way to Prevent Threat- , ened Evil. I Washington.— There are .»0,000 In dlnna scattered Throughout the 18 s t a te « o f the Union; many o f them, the Osage*. Crooks and Qtiupuw*. are rich in natural resource*; rich In oil. Treasury Department BombardoK i;a*. coni, aaphaltum. *lr.r and other With Requests for Rulinqa— A ir­ mineral* that not alone make wealih plane» and HydropfSnea Classed for theniKelve*. but fo r the roantry o f as Automobile» for Time which they were the original occu­ pant*. Being. _ • Oklahoma rank* f)r*t o f all the Washington.— Smuggling by airplane atnte» o f the Union In Indian popula­ tion.. The Interior department, through ' «lum ls exciting. anti la proving «n te Ua to speak, “ up in thn air" year 1 .«58.020 dcrea o f land for olL about It. For thn tlmn being, thn de- _"Tnkee wddlera are keeping the Thla vast estate la being administered | partmnnt hs* mind thnt airplanes nnd French ahopa buay theae day*. Sou­ through the Indian office In Washing­ hydroplane« are automobile* so far venir* o f France nnd varlou* regions ton. through the coiuiplaslouer o f the as It I* cnnivmwl. but It it well »w a r* and rftle* o f France are all the go. five civilized tribe* at Muskogee, and that calling a bird a wagon will not Among theae aouvenlra ore brooches through the never*) Indian agencies bring It down to narth whnrn It cm* bearing the anna o f different cltlea. «•atiered throughout Oklahoma. tnll what kind o f a bird It la. The head o f the famoua l^lon o f Bel­ So far thnrn ha* hnnn no report o f The total numlter o f e «rre l* o f oil fort. the afatae o f Bartholdi, the Illicit Importations by air linn, hut ex­ produced from theae rich field* during aculptor who dealgned the geddeaa of the last ffsoal year is 24.103.267. The pectation o f auch truffle 1» not denied. Liberty. 1» another favorite. The Lor­ H ow ^ o prevent It la a perplexing prob­ value o f tHla oil In dollars would ag­ raine croaa has alao proved very popu­ lem. growing more and more pressing gregate * . » . 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . « lar with the Yanka. Tlila aymhol ha* as request* for rulings come from dep­ The royalties alone during the toot two set* o f croaa arm* Inatend of one. uty collectors on our northern and fiaeal year actually paid to theae Ip It appeal* particularly to the Ameri­ j sonthern borders. In the latter eaaa dlnn tribe* approximated tM.OffO.OO«. can* because o f the part which the they have had to do with tobacco and fo r the six year* preceding there Yank» played In Lorraine during the 1 brought In from Cnba by way o f Key wa* derived In royalties alone anti ac­ war. The lied Croaa «log and the West and Tampa. tually paid to the Indiana for their Here I* an entirely new problem fo r lucky white elephant charm are other benefit In oil royalrle* S20.00IMJOO. French aouvenlra which the Am eri­ -the treasury to deal with in the col­ The total amount o f oil taken from cana are* procuring In large number* lection o f revenue through cuatotns du­ these Indian lauds In Okluhoma, all ties. It Is ontvTo be solved by f roaid to take back to the Staten.— From The told, since oU wa* originally «Uncov­ ury regulations (bom o f decisions) for Sulker. France. _________ ered, aggregate* 388,000.000 barrel*. which m> additional leglslatltfh Is need­ The total amount o f royaltle* and ed. That It may be solved by a com­ Catarrh C annot Be C u red bonuses paid the Indian* by oil o|»er- prehensive order is almost despaired w ith L O C A L A P P L I C A T I O N S , a * «hey ator* during this development Is t-'Ki.- o f because the heat thought o f tt»*» d ^ • anno« re a c h th e »eat o f th e dite.tae. C a t a r r h la a lo c a l d ise a se , g r e a t ly In­ 000.000. partinent. although the need o f deal­ flu en ced b y c o n s titu tio n a l co n d itio n s, a n d in o rd e r to c u r e It y o u m u st t a k e a n With the Coming o f the white people ing with the situation has been long In te rn a l r e m e d y H a ll's C a t a r r h M ed i­ to the state and with the marvelous foreseen, has not been able to hit upo* cin e la t a k e n in te r n a lly a n d a c t s th ru Improvement going on in the construc­ a method to closA this door to secret th e blood on th e mucous s u r fa c e s o f th e sy ste m . H a ll's C a t a r r h M ed icin e w aa tion o f railroads, wagon roads, school- Importations thrown open hy a m od p rescrib e d by- on e o f th e b e s t p h y s ic ia n s . house* and churches 8t will be seen ert- method o f transportation most d if­ In th is c o u n tr y fo r y e a r s I t la com­ posed o f som e o f th e b e st to n ic s k n o w n , that the Indians are fast becoming as­ ficult. If not impossible, to control. com bin ed w ith so m e o f th e beat blood similated Into society, taking their pu rifiers. T h e p e r fe c t c o m b in a tio n o f May Require Registration. th e in g re d ie n ts In H a ll's C a t a r r h M ed i­ place and assuming the role o f citizen­ It Is believed thnt some scheme may cin e Is w h a t p ro d u ce s s u c h w o n d e rfu l ship. he worked out whereby all airplane# re su lts In c a ta r r h a l c o n d itio n s, » en d fo r te stim o n ia ls, fr e e leaving the country will be registered F. J. C H K N E Y A C O .. P ro p » .. T o le d o , O. at the nearest custom house on tha A ll I ir u g g ls ts . 71c H a ll's F a m ily P ills fo r c o n stip a tio n . border, where a certificate will be ia- aued to he presented at any custom ; house In returning, a* la done now la the case o f automobiles. This would In most cases he n mere formality, but would permit sejiri'h In suspicion#, ease« oi'tl would tend to keep down Joneggllng. “ W ill be registered" Is rec­ ognized a* putting It strongly, as It j Is admitted It would Impossible ta roni|»el stirh registration o f a machine miles above the clouds. The auto- mobilist find« it best to comply be­ cause without his certificate to surren­ der on return be must prove h i» car Is o f Amerlcnn make or pay perhapa 4.* pey cent ad valorem duty. There would he no way to stop the flying ma- ; chine, coming or going. Deputy Collector Hayden L. Moor-, at San Juan. Porto Itieo. sterns to 1 think he has them going. If not com­ ing. T o him airplanes are not nv'o- mohiUs but seagoing vessels. Serious Inquiries from business men on the Island have caused him to make tl i* ruling: Put up in two styles “ In the absence o f specific instme- tl<*ns from the department, t shall -re- quire airships clearing from Port* Itieo for foreign ports to he properly documented under the rules o f the de­ partment o f commerce in the same manner as seagoing vessels are regu­ lated, en'ries and clearances to he made and all dues paid at custom houses In districts where landings are tffected or voyages started.” Difficult to Enforce Rules. This Is very simple, hut airplane# are peculiar in thqlr mode o f trnveL The colletcor does not say Bow he pro­ poses to enforce this requirement, and has received suggestions from some o f the Porto Ricatls thnt an nviatio* school for diatoms men be established to lu-stow degrees o f ‘‘sky inspector” nnd “ custom ace.” Service windows i* the cuatoni house also are urged bear­ ing the legends “ Airships entered" and "airships cleared." 387 COURT STREET - I Deputy Collector Brsgassa. at K ey West, has his troubles over what is na airplane. He recently wrote to C-olleo- tor Arthur G. Watson, at Tampa, that It was almost n dally occurrence fo r airplanes to so c w to Cuba and re­ turn. One day Ills messenger boy over­ heard a man who hail been n passetv [ ger on a boat from Havana tell the difference between traveling that way nnd by airplane. He said he had Jwd paid $20 duty on a lot o f cigarettes, | when the other day he bad brought ihe same amount home by air and did not pay a cent. Collector Bragasaa want­ ed to know. “ How about It?” Collec­ tor Watson told him to talk to ihe navy people about It. He replied: “ I have conferred with Admiral Decker, who has Issued Instructions te tin- Key West air station that civilian ' passengers will not be permitted to be carried in airplanes unless |«rmlssinif . ' # bus been granted by the customs offi­ cer In charge o f the port, and also be v « Issued Instructions thnt all airplane* arriving nt this (xirt from foreign countries will comply with the nnvy’a end o f the regulations in connectm* with the reporting to the customs of­ # ficer the arrival of American niival vessels from foreign | m » i -| s .” KARO TO ENFORCE RULES ‘See here,” says the Good Judge I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco . BALSIQER & BROTHERTON ___________ a__________ »______________ New Goods In the ...Lyons Store... SHOES Heat Made at the Old Price Best Laundry Q / ^ arid Laflndry A THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW TD J L W E BUY FA RM P R O D O C E -M A K E IT JU S T LIKE CA SH T O YOU Remember that this is a Cash Store Once a Customer, cAlwajrs a Customer The Farmers Store in the Lyons District & It tastes better because it’s good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. Balsiger & Brotherton Ä R IG H T G U T is a short-cut tobacco W-B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco Supplies and | Repairs I Bicycles and ^7VIotorcycles C O U N T R Y T R A D E SO LIC ITED Lloyd E. Ramscjen Salem, Oregon THE STAYTON BAKERY Always busy at S C H R U N K ’S More people every day realize that they can save money by buying their supplies at this Big Busy Storo, consequently we are always busy. I f you are net already acquainted with our store and our money saving methods we urge you to give us a trial order. . Bring in yOUr^-L l OQU.C0 D m ' m / v 4 -, . / - » n We ate always in the market *<>r Butter, Eggs, Vegetables HOME MADE BREAD, C A K E S AND CO O KIES NO ORDER TOO URGE C. E. K R A M ER , Proprietor STA Y TO N GEM OREGON C O N F E C T IO N E R Y First Class Confections. fy »We have on hand about 150 Bushels of old potatoes. Not the shriveled up kind, but firm and in good shape. We are selling these at 2 cts per pound. The. Farmers’ Store, Salem The only real FARMERS, STQRE sn Saltm — The on«? that pays you CASH for Produce High Grade Pure Candies Fine Cigars and Tobacco Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks All Prices and Style Box Candy j J. A. H E N D E R SH O T T , Proprietor] Staytotl, Oreron Mill.ons Have Malaria. Washington.—The Unit.-d State* public In clili service • «timnte« mat ...... «even mill < n pc pie in the United S t.at" are Infected wills umlutiu.