t Find* Fot of Qold. » Virginia. III.—John Sovwron lo show Ing hl» friends o pot of gold which fell at hla f.-ot out of o foundation near Sovoron bought the old Chas. & Clark. Editor and P r o p r i e t o r _____ Ctiandlervllle. Robert Morgan rotato north of «'hand- lervlllr recently. Hr nan sounding thr «tour undrrpinnlng of thr houar. built before thr Civil war. rrrrntly. Hr dla- Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application_______ lodgrd an anrlrnt krttlr and It contai», rd 14«) $20 gold pieces. • S fe S T A Y T O N M A IL Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year in Advance Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Stay ton, Marion ity, Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. County, Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail Lost Jewels; Two Honest Women; the ’Double-Cross” I N'D.—Cecil G. Fowler, banker Mi.l hotel owner, took mi auto­ L went AFAYETTE, mobile trip to Chicago the ether tiny. H. H. Punbsr, the hotel manager, with him. So «lid Mrs. Fowler. Auit Mrs. Fowler took her Jewelry aloof with her. Quite a lot of It there wu»v diamonds and pearls, valued at $10,000. When the Fowlers and Mr. I>un- bar had got enough of Chicago they started home. Mrs. Fowler put her Jewels in her sultease. She put the suitcase on the hack seat beside Mr. Puubur. saying: “Take good care of It; It's got my Jewelry in It.” Then she took a front seat. At Fifty-ninth street and Western avenue. Chicago. Mr. Fowler stopped to put up the side curtains. Some of the curtains were under the rear sent, so as Mr. Dunbar stepped from the machine he lifted out the suitcase containing the Jewels and also his own. When the party had proceeded about ten miles Mrs. Fowler looked back to see if her grip was in the seat. It wasn't. Mr. Fowler drove back without finding the missing grip. The party reported the loss to the police, put an “ ad” in the paper and returned to the Chicago hotel to await results. • • • Out in Chicago Heights there'* a nice little row between Mrs. Charles Griese. 1610 Aberdeen street, and Mrs. Hattie Erickson, 2flOU Jackson street. "It pays to be honest." says Mrs. Griese. She has been paid $5U0 for returning Mrs. Fowler's Jewelry, which was picked up at Western avenue aud Slxty,-third street. "She got the reward and double-crossed me." saya Mrs. Erickson. ' 1 found the jewelry and we agreed to divide the reward." Incidentally, Mrs. Fowler’s diamonds uud pearls are valued at $500 more than they were. And Mr. Fowler says the incident is dosed. Famous Old Inn uone. .Tnkee soldiers are keeping the The city of Augsburg has seen the French shops busy these days. Sou­ venirs of France anti various regions last of that famous Inn, “ Drei Moh- and cities of France are all the go. ren.” or preferably. In sonorous Among these souvenirs are brooches French, “l'hotel des Trois Maures." bearing the arms of different cities. The Bavarian revolution has demol­ The head of the famous Lion of Bel­ ished it with the famous room and fort. the statue of Bartholdi, the fireplace In which the financier Bug­ aculptor who designed the goddess of ger, to save his life, lit a fire with Liberty. Is another favorite. The Lor­ all those "1. O. L’ .'s.” awkward re­ raine cross has also proved very popu­ minders of a monarch's Indebtedness. lar with the Tanks. This symbol has It was in this hostelry, too. that Marie two sets Of cross arms instead of one. Antoinette put up on her way to It appeals particularly to the Ameri­ France to become the wife of the cans because of the part which the dauphin. Over the lintel of the ‘‘Trois Tanks played in Lorraine during the Maures" were carved the lilies of war. The Red Cross dog and the France in commemoration of the lueky^whlte elephant charm are other event. Now the Inn and the lilies have French souvenirs which the Ameri­ disappeared In another such cataclysm cans are procuring in large numbers as swept Marie Antoinette to the guil­ to take back to the States.—From The lotine. some hundred and twenty-odd «•ears ago. Sttiker. France., NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING « Notice is hereby given, to the legal voters of School District No. 77 of Marion County, State of Oregon, that a School Meeting o f said District will be held at the Stayton High School, on the 18th day of June , 1919, at two o’clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 16th, 1919, and ending on June 30, 1919, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts . to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, spec­ ial district tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDG ET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7- 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Teachers’ salaries................................. ......................$ 7,375.00 Furniture....<................................................................, * 200.00 Apparatus and supplies.such as maps, chalk, era­ sers, stoves, curtains, etc................................. 350.00 Library books................................................................ 30.00 Flags............................... .*................................ ........... 15.00 Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuilding^ or fences . .. . 300.00 Improving grounds...................................................... 30.00 Playground equipment .......................................... 10.00 Janitor’s wages ......................................................... 405.00 Janitor’s supplies...................................................... 75.00 Fuel.................... 250.00 L ight............................................ ................................... 70.00 Clerk’s salary........ ................................................ ... 25.00 Postage and stationrey............................................... . 50.00 Far the payment of bonded debt and interest there­ on, issued under Sections 117, 144 to 148, and 422 of the School Laws of Oregon, 1917 ....... 3,090.00 P ia n o Ltvs.sions orchard', d o s e to sebool an d on cieatn ro u te . P rice $.Y>00, part cash, balance CLASSIFIED ADS. F, S a le One I horse Services at 11 «. m. and 8:00 Sunday School 10 a. m. Epworth League 7:30 p. m., Prayer meeting on Wednesday in the parsonage at H p. m. Notice of Appointment of Administrator H. A. BEAUCHAMP. M.D. Physician and Surgeon c. H- brewer , m . d . PHYSICIAN AND SUKUEON S t a y t o n , O regon W . N. Pintler, D. M. D* DENTIST Office Opp. Lknccfleld Shoe Store Phone 2152 Stavton, Ore V. A. GOODE L A W Y E R an d N O T A R Y PUBLIC Office Room No. 6, Roy Bldg. H. H . H K L T Z K L Attornev-at-l.aw- Notary Public FUNERAL DIRECTOR - J . M. RINGO— STAYTON OREGON Dr. Paul Fehlen Save 25 QV to 50 /C Gas VETERINARY SURGEON DENTAL EXPERT Calls Answered Day or Night Phone--Res. ¿8X24 OREGON STAYTON STAYTON MEAT MARKET SESTAK St TH OM AS, Proprietors. j FresluSalt & Cured Meats Lard, Creamery Butter Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Slock Dr. L. W. Horn MOHAIR WOOL OREGON STAYTON, : M O T O R L IF E i| 4 - Apply to Ben (iehlen, Stayton, Ore­ p. m. gon;__________________________May Mif ONE WEAK SPOT VETERINARIAN Calls promptly attended to day or niebt O ffice in Residence 4 Phone 1522 Stayton Oregon Wilbur Woolen Mills Co. 0 <*0 O C J O / q O i O / q OÏÔ j t q O ÌÒ uro OjOriró OJ' Muslin Underwear j OUR THE OUR OUR SIZES ARE ACCURATE WORKMANSHIP IS GOOD STYLES ARE ATTRACTIVE ¡MATERIALS ARE EXCELLENT „ O , jQjfä „ O y” jQ -»«, jfo Ol( DENTIST One of the best equipped offices in the valley 414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 606 Hamman Auto Stage e Change of Schedule, Effective We are also showing some new novelties just received. Come and see them. May 2 1 , 1 9 1 9 ' Mill City--Stayton--Salem A U TO STAG E H;’I0 a. m. Lv Mill City Ari7:00 p m 1MW " I.yonn •:30 '* ■ Mehama ,6:25 M »•.45 " Stay ton t Ki.'lft '* Ml " Sublimity *5:25 M 11*15 '* Aumnville f 5:06 M 10:35 M Turner *60 M 10:50 " State IfoMpital 4:40 " IfclW '• Cottage h arm 4:35 M 11:10 *' Ar Salem I.v|4:20 *' w : .............. Market Salem, Oregon Neckwear w Price Paid for Produce .............. . Total estimated expenses for the year ........................ .... $12,275.00 Total estimated receipts, not including the tax to be voted . 3,445.00 W Dr. UTTER No charge for examination, and estimates willingly given. Ladies «^■The time has arrived to consider • w arm weather undergarments. W e • have enjoyed an exceptional good j business in this line. • From county school fund during the coming school year $ 1,308.00 From state school fund during the coming school year..., 320.00 Cash now in the hands of the district clerk ....................... 317.00 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school y ea r................................... 1,500.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax...................... $ 8,830.00 Dated this 16th day of May, 1919. Attest: W. A. Weddle. A. D. Gardner, District Clerk. Chairman Board of Directors V cu ltiv ato r, ESTIMATED RECEIPTS RECAPITULATION Pastor W. J. Warren Notice is hereby given that on the pravi .ally aew. Apply to Ohas. tilo well. Stayton. Oregon. U 19th day o f April, 1919, the County Put Sale -5 |ms»eiiger Htmlebakcr | Court of'Marion C.’Unty, Oregon, duly 4 new tires and one extra tire.. Will appointed thu undersigned as Adminis­ Many Stayton People have a weak la* sold cheap if taken at once. See trator of lhe estates of Lulu It. Baker, .'> 22 If and Alice M. Baker, both deceased, part and too Often it’s the Back Pha*. Olsdek, Stayton, Or. Many people have a weak spot. ’ and having qualified as r e q u ir e d All kinds of rough lumber for by law, all persons having olaima Too often it'» a bad back. Twinge» follow every sudden twist. sale cheap, at Wright’s saw mill against either of said eatatea are Dull aching keeps up day and night. near Shaff station. hereby notified to present them to Backache is often from weak kidneys H. L Wright 5-22-tf the undersigned at the law offices of In such cases a kidney medicine is Frank A. Turner, in the Bank of Com­ T E A M FOR SALE Weight 1100 merce Building, Salem, Oregon, with- needed Doan’ s Kidney Pills are for weak | ami 1200. Inquire, F. Silhavy, i in six months from the date o f the first i publication «if this notice, to-wit: May kidneys. , Stayton. __________________ x Hth, 1919. Date o f Inst publication For backache and urinary ills. FOR FALK—One buggy in fair ¡Juno 5th, 1919. Frank A. linker, Good proof o f merit in the following condition, will be sold cheup if Administrator statement. taken at once. U. Whitney, Stay- Mrs. R. W. Forgev, Madison St., ton, Oregon.____________________ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION them until 1 had finished four boxes, Notice if hereby given that the un­ J. R dersigned, by an order of the County which cured me of the backache and For Sale—Two Shoats. kidney disorder.'* Blum. Stayton. Court of the State of Oregon for the for two or three weeks at a time with County of Marion, duly made and en­ For Sale Rubsell threshing tered on the 25th day o f April, 1919, my back. My kidneys were out o f or­ der and acted irregularly and I got so outfit 18 horse ¿engine, 36-60 was appointed Administrarix o f the Es- weak and tired 1 could hardly drag my­ seperator, wood saw. water tank, tote of Benjamin F. iioringer, deceas­ self around. Other medicines had very cook outfit complete. ¡Inquire at ed, and that she has duly qualified as little effect and 1 was getting worse. such administrate. All |>eraona hav­ 5-29 1 tried Doan’s Kidney Pills and the first the Mail office. ing claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same duly box gave me great relief. 1 stuck to them until I had finished four boxes,, 'FOR TRADE 1150 lbs., sound verified as required by law, to S. II. Ilelttel, Attorney for the Estate, at which cured me of the backache and and gentle mare. Will trade for Stayton, Marion County, Oregon, with­ kidney disorder. good milk cow. B. F. Fresh in six months from the dali^uf this notice. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't »*•**• Stayton Phone Stayton Dated at Stayton, Oregon, this 1st ply ask for a kidney remedy—get day of May, 1919. Doan's Kidney Pills the same ihat Wanted Old incubator. Hot Sara J . Beringer, Administrarix, Mrs. Forgev had. Foster-Milburn water heated.preferred. 150-egg S. H. Ilelttel. Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. ¡or larger. Attorney for Estate. i Phone 10242 H, R. Shank, May 1 29 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE I Route 1 Scio, Oregon i_ _ _ _ _ Notice is hereby given that the un­ _ _ _ _ — F r Sale— Improved 160 acre farm der signed, by an order of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, has ! two miles to town. .30 acres under cul I tivation, balance timber and pasture, i been appointed as administratrix of , Six room house, new barn, well at the estate o f Alfred Charles Peter­ j house .spring in pasture, good family son. deceased. All persons having claims against such estate are requir­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ed to present them within six months from the date of this notice, with the Department of the Interior proper vouchers, to tl** undersigned. | U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon Dated this 10th day of May. 1919. April 29. 1919 ANNIE B. PETERSON, Notice is hereby given that Herman Administratrix. i H. Erase, of Mill City, Oregon, who, R e m o v e s C a r b o n f r o m C y l i n d e r s tion proof, to establish claim to the , Discharge Prcslucea Higher Motor Efficency land above described, before the Regis­ ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at In the County Court of the State of Portland, Oregon, on the 11th day of Oregon for the County of Marion. June, 1919. H « L C L ARK,Distributer In the matter of the estate of Ursula I Claimant names as witnesses: Niebert, Deceased. MARION & POLK COUNTIES i Chas. Streff, of Mill City, Oregon Notice is hereby given that Josephine* Ned Richards, of Mill City, Oregon Clark's Tire House Matthieu and Jacob J. Niebert, execu­ Andrew Taylor, o f Mill City, Oregon trix and executor respectively, of the Albert Richards, of Mehama, Oregon 319 N. Commercial St. Salem N. Campbell, Register. estate o f Ursual Niebert, deceased, May 1 29 have filed in the above entitled court their final account and report as such executrix and executor and their ap­ plication for decree o f distribution and + discharge, and the said court has, by an order duly made and entered on the * * 26th day of May, 1919, appointed the 30th dr.y of June, 1919, at the hour of 10 o ’clock a. m., in the court rooms * * Brins: your wool and mohair to the Woolen Mills. of said court in the city o f Salem, We will pay you more soot cash than you can get ♦ County of Marion and State of Oregon, * elsewhere. When we say MORE we mean what * as the time and place for hearing the * we say. »aid final account or report and objec­ ---------------------------- T R Y U S ---------------------------- * tions to the same, if any there be, and + for the final settlement thereof and for * Wool Sacks and Twine and Mohair Sacks for sale a degree of destribution and discharge. * * Dated at Stayton, Oregon, this 26th 4 * + day of May, 1919. *$• * Josephine Matthieu, Executrix , Jacob J. Niebert, Executor. * Stayton, Oregon V. A. Goode, Attorney for Estate. * ♦ First publication. May 29th, 1919 Last publication June 26th, 1919 Total estimated amount of money to be expended for all purposes during the y e a r ....................$12,275.00 Total estimated receipts, not including the money to be re­ ceived from the tax which it is proposed to vote $ 3,445.00 Methodist Church I can take a few more pupils easy term s. Will give possession and for thj piano at my home at crop if sold before J u n e 1st. W . II. itovely, Winy to n, O r. May H if West Stayton. Mrs. E. M. Gil­ FOR SALE Ford lio n trunk, run bert. 5-22 tf less than WOO miles. In good romiitlou DOLL’S C ash S to re I M g ¡V 2 e 1 (>>nn«»rt. Kin».ton .I n » ,. I M w ti Trakl S.T Southbound L 3 TRM' tic k e ts n o o n KOR THIRTY l>AYS ? Jf round |. Hamman Auto Stage ■ 0 v 1