Young Fruit Tret»« A ■mull fruit tr«n that Imiv not at­ tain ad Ita g ro w th and atri'iigth ahoulil not alwaya bo allow ed to bnnr a c rop o f fruit th * Aral year It la trana- plantnd Into thn parinanont orchard For If no fruit la daalrrd, lha hloaaoma can ho nipped off aa noon aa they ap MT. PLEASANT ITEMS Mi*a iloxanu Shank «pent Saturday evening with Mi»* Maud Smith. Sunday June Hth, Children’a Day i* to be well remembered at th« Ml. Pli-a.ant church. A »luall program and preaching at II a. m. nnd a large buaki-t dinner at noon in honor o f all the hoy* who have been in »ervir.e. The afternoon 1» to be devoted to *|>eaking ami vocal •election*. Everybody i* cordially in­ vited to (one, and all Ihoae that will bring a lunch ha*k«t. Mr. Hchuff » • Stavton called at M. F. Kyan* Monday. UNION HILL NOTES SUBLIMITY SHOTS Tuny and Frank Jam* inotured to Al­ pour; If a few frulta are wanted, Mis» Zelma King o f near Sil- Mis» Kattie Van Handel who when the liloaaciiia have aet fruit the bany Wrdnriuluy. Mr. and Mr*. Kd Hniith and aun Fred verton called on Miss Bertha has been in Portland for a few remainin g trull can be picked off. nnd Mr. and Mra. II. K. Hliark and hk'» Mollet Thursday. months spent the week end visit­ h a v in g the n u m b er the brauchna can motorrd In Albany Hunday. take care o f w ithout d a m a g in g the The Minin* ttbina, t'ryvtal and >!•■* ing with her folks here. Mias Mamie Amort of Shaw »In Hhauk anil Hal Hhrlton were Haleni tree. spent a few dsvs with her sis­ Quite an accident occured Mon­ Viaitur* Sunday. ] ’ . II. l^imbnrt and wlfn, l.inn Lam- ter Mrs. Lena Ashby. day afternoon which may attract bert and wifn, und M i u (trace Hbauk . Mr. Bert Bower was a busi- the attention o f the public. and Frank l^iubert ipnnt Sunday at the W. K. Hrnnnnr home. While Bill Hermens, accompanied rfess caller in town Saturday. Winer Itay and wifn and Mia* Zoria Mr. Adolph Heater was a Sa- by t.wo of his friends were driv- liny and Mr. Irvin » Hay *pant Sunday Miss Clara Willing o f .Stayton with th»ir father at Srio, who ia very lem vesitor Monday, being one ¡nK home from Aumsvillt ir his was a guest at the Peter Fiedler III. of the juryrmn from here. Ford truck a s u d d e n sen* II. K. and Melvin Shank rnadn a home last Thursday. buaitteo* trip to Auinavillc Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott 8ation overco^ e his Ford and it Mrs. Lee Downing and child­ The Hen/ nnd* brutficr* motor­ ren, Joe Gessner and son Ray­ and family were Salem callers act‘ ‘^ though it had had some ed to Allmny Sunday. mond, Joe Phillip, and Lawrence ‘ ‘hard cider” or ‘ ‘joy water” or Th« Mi**«* Maud Smith, Klaie and j Saturday. Kmlu ln>wning, Koxaua Shank, An#«- | and Andrew Pietrok ftere Sun­ something similiar for with all of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rubens line nnd Hetty Kyan, Anna t’oonely | day visitors at the Peter Fiedler! Win. ’s energy it was impossible to and Fram-i* Klocr und \l*-»»r* Johnnie home. _______ _ and family were viaiting relatives Aegi-rter, Ib-rnard L'ormdy and Tony keep the car in the road. It made a in Salem Sunday. nnd Mattie Klu-r were entertained at OX F IRIN G U S E ” B ” liner across the road, but the Kd Khi-riu-adt home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ashby before anything could happen the l.inn Kaintx-rt nnd wife called at O. Elk lodge* will m a na ge the Halva - 1 and Ralph and Bertha Mallet il. Itaya Saturday. brakes were adjusted and Henry Mi*. Kd Kbcrhcardt i* viaiting rela­ tlon A rm y drlv o f o r h o m e s e r v i c e ; motored to Salem Snuday. sloped, whereby an investigation fund* the woek o f June 22d. tive* at Pratuta thin week. o7W en Young Men and 33 Who are particular as to Style, Pit, Quality and Price . Heavy Work Shoes . ---------- - Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Berg and Mr. George Berg o f Portland spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ashby. Mr. and Mrs R. H. Mollet and daughter Loui 3 e of Portland have been visiting at the W. H. Mollet home the past week returning to Portland Tuesday. Mr. Elbert Tate spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tate, returning to Portland Monday. ,,, for Heavy brown grain, double Hole, Munson army I ant ................................................ ,J) 0 »U U Heavy black or brown, double soles in grades ut $7, $5, und ......... 4 ) J Cf\ U Heavy black or brown Jumbo extra wide, can lit any wide foot, up to hi /. i - lli .......... n AA 4 ) /♦ U U Medium weight light tun army styl^, Munson last, Neolin »ole, comfortable.......... O r i Sprini Samples A A if A A Tailor cTViade P lo th 4 ) J * U v / The Celebrated International line o f M en ’ s guaranteed Suits Outing Shoes ^ wE^ . riin,ry F rom the large line o f sam ples y o u can ch oose the latest and best suits at a m oderate cost Men’s Klk Hals, outing shoesin brown or black chrome leather tops, elk sole», usually priced at $3.25 to $ 2 , 9 H. We Specially price the men’s at ............... .................. ^ Boy’s sizes 1 tO 6 , at / Q Z*07 ^ .................... Youth’ s sizes’ 9 to 1 :!. at f r Tw enty years experience in measuring and fitting Suita and garments for men and y< ung men. 4 Z A j ^ 4> L Salem "J A Fit and c7Vlaterials Guaranteed Chas. Gehlen Salem Oregon ^ ' Oregon Stayton, Oregon was made which explained the misconduct. The radious rod was so badly bent that it was im- possible to turn it. A remark was made to get a ‘ ‘Ford Doc- tor” to fix it. The question was reconsidered and the boys under­ took the job themselves. With a little pain and a few words of revjew in the French language the r°d was straightened and the hoys homeward drove feel- ind j ust,y P ^ d of their machan Mrs. C. C. Carter accompanied al experience. The big dance given here last Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crabtree and family to Portland Thursday Friday night was very well at­ returning home Sunday while tended and all reported a good they visited relatives and friends. time. Miss Clara Raucher who has Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carter and son Lyal spent Monday eve with b^en employed at the Hazelwood C. C. Carters. in Portland is visiting friends Mr. Wallac° Neal o f Stayton and relatives here, returned home Monday. Sim and Frank Etzel were Miss Ethel King spent the week-end visitors at their home week-end with G. D. Scott and town. family and M. M. Gilmore and The drama. “ Out In the family and later returning to her Streets,” will be given by the home near Victor Point. Mrs. Myrtle Carter entertained Sublimity -Dramatic Club at the the Ualluga Club at her home commencement exercises o f the Thursday. Mrs'Clarence Hunb Sublimity School in the C. F. and daughter Georgia were visi­ tors. A social afternoon was Hall Tuesday June 10th. Every­ An enjoyable enjoyed after which refreshment body welcome. were served. evening assured. Universal Range Demonstration Until June 9, w e will give you a chance to see what our Universal Ranges will do. Don’t fail to visit our Demonstration A Free Lunch for everybody Durhir this tima Mr. Kadderly, the factory r e p ite n ta tiv e , will be with us fi Simplex Combination Universal Coal, Wood and Gas Ranges T h e only combination range that changes fuels without changing parts. Burns coal, wood or gas. But T H IS combination range does N O T require shifting of parts when you change from gas to coal or wood or vice versa. It is the only combination for which such ideal simplicity can be truth­ fully claimed. If you want to use gas for the oven, turn the key. Everything is automatically adjusted for the use of gas and the burner is ready to light. If you want to use coal or wood, turn off the gas. And that is positively all you have to do. T h e gas burner, instead of folding back, sinks down into its place flush with the bottom of the oven. From this posi­ tion it is raised by the same key that turns on the gas. Because of the position and operation of this burner the deflector plate and oven racks do not need be disturbed regardless of fuel used. 9 I __| BROILING ANOTQAST:NG COMPARTHfeNT P O R C E L A IN DOOR PANELS PORC.CLAIN 6PLA5HER WASHABLE- SANITARY r W HITE PORCELAIN Mllliiii?** BROILER PAN r I FUME DAMPER TORGAS CHECK DAMPER TOP COAL TOUR BURNERS TO R G AS SELT STARTERFO R GAS NO M A TCH ES DRAFT CONTROLLER DAMDCR ' WHITE P O R CELA IN DRIP PAN TOUR COVERS TOR COAL AND WOOD .. V WIDE AND SHALLOW EIRE BO X PORCELAINGASCOCKS ADJUSTABLE AIO MIXERS CAST IRON BURNER BOX ‘ ¡A LIFE TIME RANGE POKER D O O R •SIMPLE TWIST CHANGES 4 - OVEN COAL TO GA 5 , ^NO BARTS TO REMOVE D R A F T SLIDE UNDER G R A T E S OVEN 16X18INCHES FOR COAL.WOOO OR GAS ALL CAST IRON BODY A LIFE TIME RANGE B U R N S COAL.W G A S - A T THE SAME OR INDIVIDUALLY Givefi away free with every range sold during this demonstration. Free Eats Make our store your store. free lunches during our Don’t neglect coming in some of our eats. Y ou are W e will serve demonstration. and sampling welcome. W ith Every^ Range goes a Guarantee Bond Have a cool kitchen in summer by using gas—a warm kitchen in winter by using coal or wood without gjas. A saving of fuel regardless of which fuel you use. Ideal cooking results always and an endless amount of trouble done away with. All this is yours when you become the owner of a Simplex Universal Combination Range S E T S IN 4 0 INCH SPACE Trade in Your Old and Used Furniture Salem, Oregon F our* Stores I_____________ IK Z U S B U O IB M B I ..ja f TijM E DAMPER. M jp [ NO ODOR IN KITCHEN WG G M P A R T M L n V " FRIT-10-Piece Set of Aluminumware or 11-Piece Set Pyrox ■■■■■■■■■ inumili