'* Ht.lorlaal i M l H f THE STAYTON MAIL ¿5th. Year, No. 19. S T A Y T O N . MARION C O U N TY . OREGON. THUR SDAY, M A Y 15. 1919 Alta Myers Wins First In Contest Crystal Shank Second «aval Baiioon, Ready For Mrs. Addie Daue _ Files | MAY DAY FESTIVAL Suit For $5,720 Damages Trans-Occan Trip Breaks IS GREAT SUCCESS Against Ov/ncr Ot Auto Motrin* And Drifts Aw aj The Annual May Festival that M Serial No. 1153 COR. H.E. RIGGS WRITES LETTER FROM FRANCE Mr«. Ail'Uc It Daui) lia» brought nuit * iigaii,»- H. J. Miles ami Don­ is given e jery year by the ladies * fur % ald W. M ili*«. of Rebeccas, was held Wednes- * i her . m ,,plaint »h. «lingo« that on ■ tve n in tr in the I O O F * nv. :iing of It.«. 14. Ittis. lit n oViock, aHV e v e n in g in m e i. vj. u . r . * Enger*. Germany, i . i v. »tim ing on the e»»t »i ie of Hall. There was only standing * i April IS, litio. • - ..p i.'wiiiniTi’iai atreit at Hus, street, r o o m vvhen the program started ¡ * Demr Father: ■ ir tt, purpo.n or boarding a north . . , purpoiM.' Poaruiug .. ......... , »1 « I will drop you « few line» thin even- 'id »trei t i :ir then upproarniug. A b o u t fift y Children DtOR p a rt * f rll. r .ilhg. ir.»t •»...' *7 J. in th e p ro g ra m . T h e M a y pole ‘"g- Thi* leave* me feeling rine. 1 will + The contest that ha* been un-1 of you all the time. Mil * r r S W 3B V ery p re tty ■ indeed you « little ht.tory of ou, great tier way on the Mail for the past1 The run fuf first place was diviaion. T)i; ♦ he operating the automobile Mcnta Caldwell was Queen of * Washington. Muy 15.—The eighteen days, closed Wednesday very close between Miss Aita Thi* ir, ii.y. negligently ana nt an unm- M y a j the crownjn(r ceremonv ,n>’ ” 1« »tralght ' Tr*IpBI »tuff. Tt 1* pnt out •): ruvv (li'i-.irfim-nt hat ordered «veiling at eighth o ’clock. The Myers and Miss Crystal Shank, * the itn»troynr Edward», equipped ful rut • or pi ■ 1 thout due regard for - y “ ,,U , 7 , * < * re m o n V *y Major ( },.„ „ ai j ohn A . Lejcune. H ' > *«»•»» • ( hi d that he did WHS v e r y beautiful and im p res- ¡, our divWonal commander. . way tli«1 contestants worked und and it remained for the final * with noil nirrmft gnu*, to rnn * (lot'll the C 5 and Hrlnjr her hav, the automobile under eon give. The §tory o{ fc<,w the f^coni Divh. the support they received from votes to lx* counted liefore one * down by pin, (during h‘T hag. ol. I The whole affair was adecided ion on June 1, 1918, w u deployed It is further alleged that he ''hanged * The iiic»«age to the navy ile-' the people shows that the Mail could tell who was the winner. i ■ Wi h i 't warning and that the J su ccess and g r e a t Credit is due *l‘Tn** the Paris-Mrtz road north of * * jiartnient m id: it TH E paper for the people of Ml":5 11 Dirigilo« ''-3 broke udHft w I. -inliff wa» «truck hr the na'o he wn* ; Mr. and Mrs. Perkins who had iß B. Schaefer and Miss the Marne, near f'hateau Thierry, on an this part of the country. from mooring I’loMOitviUr. Hip * driving ami that »he was carried HO! 1« front, to »top the virtor- charge of the con test handled the Ella Williams who drilled the rord broke. .Vo oui! ou bou ni. * feet, «linos' kitiir.g her and rendering We have added u number ol iou» advance of the Hun toward Paris. affair in a very creditable man­ X<> fuiumlti«*». Kdwurd» pro* » * her unconsrtou». little folks. o f new subscribers to our already The Kecond Division not only earriea Mr*. Pnue allege* that »lie » a » acverc- * ríTílin^ in a nortln*u»tcrJy «li- ner. The contestants and the A fte r the program games were oat their rpisston bat that it attack­ rcctlon tri» pomoiif with íniitrue- ♦ Iv lateral d uml bruiaed, iici^.'iMiiatlng large list and this will give our stilisrribers are loud in their tí (inn te* ni« flint bringt« 3 down * ii.. ,lieu 1 treat incut, nnd that he nn.. played and a jolly good time was ed continuously and relentlessly for advertiser« a better service. * ami »pine nnd hack were bruised, jarred had by all. witS inti lirrrtft fír«».M praise for them and the Mail is over a month, capturing Hill 142, Bour- We want to thank all those F • i* thí point nt * i: ■! injured »» uiueh ao that »hi i* now c so hors, Vaux, and the Boi* de Balliau, pleased with their efforts. Mr. rvou» nnrl luffera iatenavly. It ie Ht. John* whorc tlie C-5 n t * who helped make fhe contest a nnd taking prisoners from ten German * al* » alleged that several ribs were brok- and Mrs. Perkins go from here incharfd. LODGE BANQ UET success. To our old subscribers! * i n and that »he received internal injur- division*, which were thrown into the to Silverton w here they will have ; ck . ( using her imin and »nffering. Last Saturday evening the battle line to stem it» advance. * * * • * - * * * * . 8 * * * * * who paid in advance and to the I Mr». Dime state» in the eomplaint charge of a contest fur the Sii- Th:» wa* the t .rn of the wide. new ones added to the list, we | 1 « :hut her hospital expenses as the result members o f the local Masonic verton Tribune. Again at on July 1« and of being run down, were »«.so. and that Lodge enjoyed a very pleasent F A M IL Y R E U N IO N thank you for your sup|sirt and 1*. did this immortal diviaion strike a -----------------------1 r v a:,eg .„.pai.d wa* dam aged in ,evening. There were three de- Following is standing of the hope that we can please all o f 1 it i f lurn of $1*22. That aincc Dec. 14. £ . / Last Sunday the home o f Mrs. ,<,) H »he • ...» ,,ot been able to f.*»i»t Ifrees conferred on.this occasion, decisive blow. After a night march of you some of the time and some1 final count: unparalleled difficulty, over an un­ Mrs. Mose Stavton was the se^ne , h r huaband. Kin -r a . Dane in the »tore v hich was followed by a sumptu- known terrain, by reads crowded with " l.ere she had h-en helping him and h an n n M - of a pleasant family reunion, i it this lo*» amount to *100. Also that _ _ 9 ' traffic, it attacked at dawn, in eon- I which was occasioned by the re- u* a rrKill of being struek bv the auto. Lesides the members o f the junction with the First American dir- VOTES turn of Miss Koxie Stayton. who! »he ha« not been able to work local lodge there were represen- W on and the First French Moroccan NAM ES DISTRICTS . * L r , I anil ha* nurfnrM tierrhy n ]•>*• of f.j00. i,, .-.»idition to th<’*e io*»<*« and <•*- tatives from several outside d>TW ° n the flank o f the great enemy West Stay ton.......... 372. U00 has boon overseas with th6 Kcd 1 Alta Myers ............................ bfnM1. ?.fr*. iHiue a*k* for #5000 |>erma* places. Among those having a 'ia,»re *-y tfr0!,h 1919. troops. PHKSKNT A N D PAST S’ ,n wh,rh 8 coter,e of 8w ’ \ ed Baker and a girl employe in the fur­ drove forward with magnificent elan to represent America in the interallied j V®1 *chalr patriots can from out tfce.r nace room. A customer walked in be- through a network of barbed wire and a Dougins Fairbanks was one dr.y just FREE DANCE IN championships which will be staged in pear shaped domes evolve a system fore the bandits left nnd they locked ^ ¡ T ’/ . " T T ? ^ BTRErr BUILDING about to do his most important acono of »he powerfully fort.f.ed heights ¡of government that would make a him in with the em,doves. SA T U R D A Y N IG H T "Hound in .Morocco." his new Artcrnft Pari». June 22 to July 6. Police believe the bandit* timed their 0f U an * T Morris Duane, secretary of the T:.- | ).'f-4tz turn green with envv? And the photoplay which will be shown at tho In the afternoon of October 3, al­ northwestern association of the , ... robbery with the expected arrival of There will be a free dunce in the Star theatre next Sunday when a Dies ciflr , . .... . . . iwav in which some Americans so though the diviaion on its left had not Amateur Athletic union, has been re - ♦ 15 0000 ,or a payroll. The president ^ " e h e d f^rn its Trench^. it Streff building Saturday evening, .w«y sage was given him that n man wr.s quested to nominate the noithwi stern ' ailed fall for the same? W ell it, of the bank was at the railroad station I7tli. Thi* dance I» giteti by the Pa Malting to see him on a most important I __ • . .. ' . . . . . ------, , ----- attacked, passing beyond the ridge. On passeth understanding.” For athletes for the team. triotir l.cnguc of Stavton, nnd is for all mission and demanded an immediate In­ U . * _ . „ „ J , th,> " » “« r “ >«• robbery Octobor 4 l an(, Mlfcpedin (iav8 it oon. Dunne will make his selection* within stance take up this Socialistic Bol- whs going on. ............. ■ the soldier boy* who have been across terview. Mr. Kairbank» naked that he tinued its savage attacks, and in spite nnd those who hav elieen in I nele Barn's lie shown into the studio. . Greetings a few days, and all service men of »hevlk propaganda und see how beau­ 1 of the most persistent and violent coun­ L IN C O L N FOR ROOSEVELT service. The lamtcr* read those who m - tc exchanged, after which the visitor marked ability are renueated to rom- tiful It appears. ter attacks of two fresh German div- All are brethren munieate with Itim in rave of the Mult­ H IG H W A Y have been In France nnd there wns n sr.ld :— I isions. it held the ground gained w ith nomah club. Portland. w,»h everything in common owner- mistake. It should have read all bovs the utmost tenacity and destroyed the " I hate romr to see you about three _________ . a __________ ship. If A has a fat hog to dispose j Newport, Or. May 11.— (Special)— who have been in servire— this dance is important things. One is that you don't enemy forces confronting it. As a di­ Lincoln eoumv i* waking up to the rect result ot its successful blows, the of he mu«t after marketing the oive* for all the BOYS, who have seen wunt atorieal Second, you don’t pay for All ad mi revs of Beaoue llaynkawa 1n | same turn the proceeds over to his advantages of the proposed Roosevelt German army of the Champagne with­ servire both on Innil anil sea— vou l.re stories! And third, you steal stories! I lh>ramount pictures, have had occasion along the Pacific, const. B. _in j i , highway along nil invited to rouie and enjoy the even drew from the impregnible heights east to olwcrre that he is not only a highly community committee who will dis- F. Jones addressed a special meeting ing with the Parlotlc Lengnc of Slav- have just written n play— ”. artistic fwrtrayer of subtle dramatic tribute pro rata among X 5 and Z ot Xewjiort citizen* last night on the of Tiheimcs and retreated to the Aisne. Hut Mr. Fairbanks didn't allow him During the latter paTt of October- •ton. roles, hut that he is an athlete of so that all may have a share j subject at a meeting presided over by the Second Division niarehed to join to finish. He ordered the man out of remarkable energy and skill. He i* If B has a wife he mav not ob-1 1 » rl Havi* in which he not only ex- the First American army on the bat­ We, the contestants of the the studio with a suggestion that he em­ physieally a su|icrior man of hi* race Jeot should he find her rooking l'1* / " ^ » ^ highway, but «Wo the irri- tlefield of the Meuse-Argonne, and was gatio" projects in eastern Oregon. A Stayton Mail contest wish to ploy more tact in the future. Bo, after and hi* well knit figure indicate» that he is n man i f extraordinary strength, breakfast for C who has no wife. straw, vote was taken afterward* and having, on account of. its well-known thank those who helped us to all Mr. Fnirbat.k»’ pathway through life which ho utilizoa with tolling effect in Common ownership you know so everybody voted " v e s ” for the adop­ ability, been selected to assault and is not alwnv* strewn with rose». break through the strong enemy post- \ every picture in which he appears. ..„n wlth thp ,lanoe let joy be ttn- tion of both measures__ Oregonian. win one of the prizes and assure . tions near U n d rts tt-St. Georges, In hi* lntest photoplay, "T h e f*»T I . . „ you that your kindnes3 is appre­ which had hitherto been considered int- of Dint Faces.” winch will 1 m - shown nt ' 1' ' Mr and Mrs. Albert Frank of the Mtnr theater next Saturday night.! Children if any to he known b> prcgnible. ciated by us. On November t, with the Eighty Rocky Point have received word Mr. llaynkawa displays his skill in• number and cared for by. the state. Alta Myers. Crystal Shank, Ninth Division cn its right, it drove the Jupittiesi» judo or wrestling, when By the way would this induce race that their son Norris has return­ forward irresistibly through barbed i he easily vonqui»liix two trained n rc*t Mildred English. Alma Nendel, wire and trenches to r depth of oyer ed to the states. He has been lers ami thri ws them over his shoulder suicide? If so " ’twere well among Elsie Apple, Thelma Mytrs, its advocates. But approp of all nine kilometers, captured five fortified in the service since October 1, scarcely without effort. There are few this do you know that when the tiiwns and Bois des flazois. Again the France's Neitling, athletes who can accomplish such a Through an order of the circuit court, 1915, and has been out of the , f. at, hut then, as most people identi­ Spaniard came to Peru he found a | the State Industrial Accident Conmiis* result of its victory was far reaching. Angeline Hermens, Pearl Grimes United States for over two years. fied with the Lnsky studios tu Cali­ form of government that was social- sion is ordered to pav not later than The enemy’s retreat to the east bank Hazel Phillips. Hazel Spences of the Meuse began, and the’ division fornia are aware, Mr. Hnyakawii :< no tstle in a primitive way. All lands M «v SJ, 19V9 «15 60 a month to Kvalyn - Most of this time was spent on ¡ordinary tnttp. Vnrh in < Ha «hr». Rutn and Paul Whiteman, or on 1X9 iriT " . . **t en joy a good fight in my plinto were under state control. the U. S. Pittsburgh, and he to appear on that date and show cause Bnzaney and Briguetinv wi ou s MILL CITY HAS dramatic work,” said Mr. Havnkawa^dlvidual arriving at a certain ago w|,v' jj,r SU|„S should not be paid. Mrs. opposition also spent about a year in the continued its in n recent interview. ‘ ‘ When I learn- ttag i„w empelled to marry. He D„ra Whiteman is mother and guard- Th'* Division M AY DAY CONTEST war zone. On account of censor ed -.1 thnt ,v ., I . hn v-.i wmp wrp„|in)i .v, in wa| , hpn aIIot, P(, a certain nroa of ian’of th children. Tho commission rapid advance, and on the evening of November 3 it* advance guard imne- his parents have been unable to •T ' - t V V iJ.Tii*':'' f,k «i state land and the community in was paying « 6.00 a month to the child trated the enemy’s lines and passed May Day was observed at*Mill Nfinl to tho » ouo o tho twttlo m thi . . . . « »...11 « #nr u mad,. monfh. through tho fores' of Hclv.il. Bv 11:30 C ity, by the pupils of the pupils |iroll,cm renters on the que* p. nt.. on that day. it had debouched abouts, and this has only recent­ terest. How 1 acquitted myself, the dwelling. As his family increased ^ o f the High School of that place. picture shows. more land was given him to till, tion whether the children are orphans, from the forest* nnd had seized a po­ ly lieen lifted. la mo-t I nn nroduetion*. Other lands were tilled for th o , as the father and mother had been di- sition near Beaumont. six,kil< meters in Prof. Georjce Winters and his advance of the divisions.on it- right He arrived i^i New York on had to fight American fnshioni saine- A ll produrla were plaeed In 'erred before the accidental death of assistants were on the job and and left. On the succeeding nights, bv •hiag I know very little of. but I have Rt*te......... ... — ...... ....... father the U. S. S. Chicago, and left been able to introduce n few jiu-jitsu w arehouses and distributed to Indl-- ______ _______ a series of night attacks, it -cleared the and there was plenty o f enthusi­ that place on May 6th for New '•■ichs. However, I have never before ykluals according to their needs. And , A >t<)XcV has brought suit fur west bank of the Meuse, on its front, asm during the entire program. d S . splendid nn opportunity to s^-ige r ,anufiu.turp(i products were treated .flood damages against Jake Moser. He of all enemy troops, Foundland, where an aeroplane In the afternoo La 1 0 were a a on hat «e tw o n tmself and „ hp ,nannpr alleges that Moser contracted with him Binallv in the last battle of the war feat is to he held. Mr. Frank is ■; ,,f <‘onrse are n>j.»tn- 10 r>.„, a ,,Bst„re for sheep for « 12'* ¡tt the face of heavy machtte gun and number of athletic contests and h wonderful art nfMofenee. All taxes wore pa d In la _ for six months. Thnt after the sheep artillery fire, it- leading battalions- expected horn»' about July 1st, if d- ts also a number of contestants. as in this fine picture. were built and kept up bv the state. ^ , tlI(.(> M ,.wr r,.ninvwl foil, wed by a lia- - s*talion of the he does not receive his discharge the Jiu iitsu tinltke any other mode ; Rach ^d ivid u al was by law requir- , hpm „ violpnt n,Knnw ch.»in g them Nin" ' v,>” ' There was something doing from constructed foot - nf conflict. before that time. , ___ ed to labor. None could avoid aud killing a certain number. Thnt the Meuse by two hist the time the bell sounded till the rork When a person became ills- -keep were being fed for mutt, a and bridges, seized the ,-ig W ,>n the ra-t M o n o tn It il-lng Sheep last race was run. bled or infirm he was eared for by *>" *” '«tme„t they ¡ » » J “"J- ' Methodist Centenary Thos. It. K:\v of the Salem Woolen nlded coiiM not 1)0 »obi a» sttf£. »ncr«* -»till |nir»u.n^ . n« .. .... I I \ _ i.i.. V,» o i m i LI rr t ' A M ' r i P n 11H . 1 , i. •> In these battles i the . »j Second Division M ill- is an etithitilaule booster for, the state None could grow rich no — % pri.**>ners. over one on« became poor. Tho Ancient P «- 7n the n.attcr of the estate nf Frank captured The Centenary is the church more sheep Ho nays: fourth of the to I number eanMiTcd by tuYinn moved within a prescribe' - ! • . I- in Marien county have t e m noilo- more money on ntv 1'tO cannon, about < ne I a- follows: SKVj and S th A. E. F. ami Revival meeting will lieifin in prei itiinii for tin* Kivat “ after­ ob. ,p finn I can on the rrop* of my circle who»«» boundaries be could do: I i ....... I!1, of the M V 'j and N K 1, of the S fourth of the total number raptured war.” Tho need of tho hour is t .0-1, r - far»*'. 1 don't understand I pn*.:.. For him life was a trend mill K ', of section 26. T 9, SR IK 160. bv the A. F. F. and it ad'u need i'- the M. E. Church on Monday, Juno 2nd. conducted by a gra­ a revived and miffhtily spiritua­ Why the furme.-s In the Wlllamotta j of exaltanee. How do you like tho I *5055; NWk, of se,-tien 21, T 9, SK front line» in the fare of despernte 4E. 16(1 acres. «8 190.06. duate of tho Moody Bible School. lized church having a new vision. Valiev do not i;o In more for sheep." | Pb'ture? (Continued on page 4) I ! * * * St . John». N F., May l i ­ Tho na vy «1 i r i K i l>l<* f* 5 broke loos, from it» mboriting» thi» uf ter non and wa« blown nea- There was nobody v*sr,|1. tibor -'I, arrording to word frala l'io*.craton field. T w o .n n i « b'i 'Vi re ou Ute dirigi!.!,- when it broke k>o»« , j i , pisi to the «reumi a» it wa* rising. i kilomet'T Final Standing of Contestants Service Athletes Or Oregon Mây Participate In Paris ************ Court House Notes • ************ GKT RIGHT WITH GUI)