Lloyd’s Loom Products W e are Salem's unents for the famous Lloyd Princess Buby B ukkd *. s . There is nothing bet­ ter. The quality is first class and the style leads them all. Prices right. Hegular $65 buggy, hihtwi I ...... $49.80 Regular $50 buggy, s p e i a l ..... $89.70 Regular $.'50 buggy, special $23.80 Regular $20 Buggy, sp ecial......... .$14.80 Clarke Jewel Stoves Save your strength by using one o f our Clarke Jewel Oil Stoves. It is not only a labor saver but a fuel saver. W e guarantee that this stove will use less oil for the same heat than any stove made. Sold on approval. Victrolas $96.15 Victor outfit consists ot one Victrola, 14 beautiful selections and 200 Victor needles. See this outfit today. There is nothing that can bring more pleasure to the home. I f you want to dance the Victor will furnish the music. I f you want to hear Caruso sing— let the Victor demonstrate. I R A D II IN YOUR U S U I) GOODS E. L. Stiff & Son Salem f ST.°—s- O regon Biliousness rHEN you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. Y ou become con­ stipated. T h e food you eat ferments in your stomach instead o f digesting. This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. T ake Chamberlain’s Tablets. T hey will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. T here is nothing better. ChambeVlain’s Tablets SCOURGED BY TYPHUS MEET AFTER TWO r SCHOOL NOTES Ï YEARS OF WAR ï Sapling* Planted Years Ago Serve ae Poet*. A fence that he* no |w>*f* was re­ cently cited by a lumber e*|M*rt ae an object leeeon In til« Utility of Wood. Whole Towns Are Wiped Out in Title fence without iioeta I* on the big road to Monroe, Midi. Poland. Ho many yenr* ago that nobody In that asctlon knows when It was, nor who wiin the labor saving Renin« who Pitiful Tale* of Distress and Suffering did It. ltd* fence waa built by forcing Told by the Red Cross Hjdlt bonrd* between aapllnga. 'Mien Mission. the tree* grew. They kept growing, until now they Washington.—Pitiful tales of the dis­ are of lininen*« size, and deepty im­ tress and suffering throughout eastern bedded In them are iln* ends of Ihoae and southeastern Poland have been old ralla. It I* Impossible to tell bow brought to Warsaw by members of ' ir they extend Into the tree trunk«. •he Americaii i led fro«« mission who They are weathered, yet they rib.- 11« I I lave Just returned from nn eight-day true under a hummer a« though Ju«t tour of lri«|»ect|ofi «luring which th«-y hewn. covered 1.500 miles and distributed It> happened that the trees formed fissl, t-bulling and medicines In 20 eit­ a houndury line for on e’ of the old le« and numerous villages, according tracta. The growth of the tree# around to cable advices to the It«-«I Cross the rail end* tiu« created one of the ! bcai|«|uurters here. moat subNtantiul fence# Imaginable. Everywhere they found kyphus, I which hud practically wlfssl out whole THREE HOURS’ SLEEP towns. Smallpox and trachoma also wen; prevalent, epidemics threatening Woman Declares That Enough In Any because sick and well are herded to­ Twenty-Four. gether in many homes.« Three hour«’ sleep In any 24 la In iiuiny of the Isolated vlllnges enough for any one. At lenat this 4a starving peasants llneil the roadside the aaaertlon of Mra. M. 1C. Wlabard ami begged for food. For weeks they of Seattle, who aa.va ahe ha« followed laid been living on nn Imitation bread till« rule for the last 18 yeara. made from potato peelings, dirty rye "My health la perfect, due to the nail the bark of trees, but the supply fact »that I avoid coffee, drink only of even these Ingredients had been one rup of feu a day and sleep sound­ exhausted. ly,” ahe «aid. Sixteen yeara ago «he decided ahe waa not Improving her time to the heat V ndvanlnge, ao ahe loaded up with buel- Plan War on Waste neaa enterprise«. She obtained a down­ V With W ar Stamps town hotel, a boarding house, a restau­ ------ V rant. and a grocery store, all of which Washington.—The department «lie peraonally maiingea. Three yeara V ngn ahe build the hnllhut schooner HI- X of commerce ha« declared war ’J on the city dump. The waste A loam. The vessel paid for Itself In the drat year. After another year'« op­ »J« reclamation service ha« forma- J*| eration Mr«L Wlahard sold the vessel. X Iste8 tlint the hen has become' a mother to the rats. Steam Shovel for Coal Mine. Steam «hovel coal mining mny he- come a reality In South Dakota. Prof. C. C. O’Hara of the State School of Mines roeently announced that hi* sur- vej of the available coal supply with­ in the state show« at h-nst t.flOil.tsiO ton*. Vast quantities of soft «vial are buried close to the «tirfnee and Pro­ fessor O’Hnrn believes that the sur­ face enn easily he *trlpp«*d nnd that mining can be profitably accomplished by methods use«! In some of the Illinois soft coal Helds. Unconscious on Ledge 48 Hours. Miss Doris Heller, student nurse, foil from the twentieth story of the Daniels A Fisher building observation tower at Denver and landed on a lodge at the seventeenth story. She was fouml IS hours after the accident. She probably will recover. c>411 K in d s i f FARM and CITY PROPERTY -IN S U R E D - Harry Humphreys First door North of Theatre The Mail is $ 1.50 a Year Stayton. Oregon »J V 4« X £ A X 4« waste paper from 1,000 tons to about d.iaai tons a week. This was effected through the efforts of the controller of paper. The War Savings nn«l Thrift stamp can become the paper controller for this country. The waste rec- lamatloii service has request«?«! the local waste reclamation V councils to assign a waste dealer to each district and to have the X housewife sell her waste for A Thrift stamps. V A A X £« ij ’♦* ij X 4' fe V ALASKA SEALS BRING MILLION Lifting of Ban on Killing Enrichea Coffer* of th* United State* Treasury Department. Washington.—Uncle Sain now re­ ceives about $1,000,000 annual revenue from his Alaska fur s«*nl service, ac­ cording to a statement by H. M. Smith, commissioner of fisheries of the de­ partment of commerce. For several years the killing of seals was stopped by law. but by an act of congress in 1917 it was resumed to a limited extent, the last year under vigilant official supervision. Under the new methods only the surplus males are killed. The herds off the Prtbyloff Islands are esttmausl to be made tip of about 52.3,000 seals, and the number killed during the last year was about 33,000. The skins after being prepared for use were sold at nn average of $30 each. SIGNS 20 CHECKS AT A TIM E Mechanical Device Aide War Risk Bureau In Handling Immense Business. DRAPERIES W e have an unusual nice line of Curtains and Draperies. C U R T A IN S W IS S E S . C R E T O N N E and desirable materials tor Spring Curtains, in attractive patterns and good quality, also specially for bedroom and sash curtains, excellent Marquisette in several pretty patterns. C R E T O N N E S , beautiful new patterns and colors. \ Our Grocery Department < l A L A R G E line of fancy and staple groceries, fresh and new. Everything you will find first class and prices always right. Ginned goods the best S M ark e t l Price for Produce DOLL'S Cash Store Washington.—The war risk bureau now Is Issuing checks for allotments, allowances. Insurance aud compensa- ! tlon lu the same months that they fall due. Announcement was made that 1,062.- 306 checks were mulled In March, rep- presenting a total *»f $39,148.323.03. Since the bureau's establishment, near­ ly $419.000,000 has been paid out. A mechanical device by which 20 checks nre signed with an nctnal pen signature at one time has been In- | stalled to assist In handling the . enormous volume of business truna- ; acted by the bureau. AIRCRAFT WORK IS ENDED United States Production Bureau Has Canceled All Undelivered War Orders. | Washington—A statistical report on the status of war orders shows the bureau of aircraft production lias prac­ tically no contracts now in operation. 84 per cent of those in force Novetn her 8, 1918. having been terminated and deliveries completed under 13 j>er rent. The ordnance department still Inis 12 per cent of its contracts active and the military anllronds 10 p«-r cent, while 74 per cent of the contracts f«n signal corps supplies are yet In op- e ration. The total March 13 v as pi it ooe fifth that of Nuvemler 8, 1918. Caralia Melke - Editor Brothers From Chicago Hold Happy Reunion in Paris. ONE AMONG FIRST PRISONERS Harry Loughman Waa Among First 1.000 Yank* to Fight Hun* and Among the First Eleven to Be Cap­ tured—Spent Long Year in German Prison Camp*—Honored by Being Made Peace Conference Guard— Brother Steve Also Saw Action. “ '1 » . « l e v e l " "WUy. b'goali. It's Hy. Howdy, hud­ dle." 'Tty the— why. where'll you come from T The two clasped hands. And »o Pri­ vate Harry Loughman, after a span of two yenr* of war. met his brother. -Sieve, in Paris. Back on April 6. 1917, the I-ough- man home at 461 O.ikwood boulevard. Chicago, was a-twltter over the dec­ laration of war. Harry, the eldest ton of Mr. nnd Sira. Stephen II. Lcugh- nuti. enlisted that day. In First Ten Thousand. The next day he said good-by to his younger brother. Stephen, ami left for Texas. In a short time be went across among the first 10 090 Yanks to reach France. He was among the first 1,000 to fight the Huns and among the first eleven to be captured. Back borne. Stephen, only 16. yearned for action nnd a sight of FiMnce. He gained his parents’ per­ mission. became a patriotic .falsifier by telling the reeruitiug officers that he was 18, and Joined the army. He, too, went over and did his part In the fight. Came pence. Harry was released from a German prison and named a* a member of the president's guard of honor at the peace conference. Steve, with his detachment I d Luxemburg, obtained a furlough and went to see Paris. It was there that they met after a span of two years. Emotion Is taboo In the American expeditionary forces, but the gruff sol­ diers who saw the reunion between the two young brothers admit they temporarily lost all interest In the fourteen points and freedom of the seas. The colonel himself tossed his brand new cigar out of the window and remarked he’d better be going to write some letters home. Harry, after enlisting, got across In three months, fought on the Lorraine front and was captured November 3. Transferred front camp to camp, he finally got to the “strafe” camp at Tuchel, where he was kept in under­ ground quarters. There were 43,000 Russians there. It was their duty to haul logs a distance of fourteen miles each day. Food consisted chiefly of thin potato soup. Through mediation of the Red Cross, he was removed to a camp near Baden. A month after the armistice he was released. It re­ quired one month at a base hospital In Vichy to regain his strength partly. Then be was honored by appoint­ ment to the peace conference guard. Company 2. and will return to the states with Preslqent Wilson. Steve returne«! to his company In Luxem­ burg after the reunion. Writes to Parents. “Dear mother and father,” writes Harry, “we are together again for the first time In about two yeara. Steve looks fine. I was guard at the presi­ dent's house when Steve was out to my barracks looking for me. I was relieved before noon on Friday, snd when I arrived at barracks, outside Paris, they all said my brother Steve was here. “I found a note he left In the office asking me to meet him In a Y. M. C. A. hotel In Paris, so I left In a hurry for the subway. I was Just going down the stairs. Who comes im but Stevie. Gee, It sure made me happy to meet him. We both are h**re In the reading room of the Soldiers and Sailors' club. We are going to have our pictures taken. Stevie Is leaving tomorrow morning. “Love to all. Give Margaret my re­ gards." Turkish Promias*. The first of more than a hundred j treaties wrong front Turkey hy which 1 the porte promised prote«'tlon to the Christians wttlffn the boundaries of | the Ottoman empire, was signed 145 years ago, at the Instance of Russia. Not one of these hundreil promises has j ever been kept—which Is sufficiently indicated by the fact that all the treat­ ies cover practically the same points. Kvery time the European powers saved Turkey from dismemberment, the retgnlng sultan In his gratitude, sol­ emnly promised that he would grant his ChristUn subjects In European Tur­ key liberty and equality before the law with Moslems. After France and England, at the tremendous «Hist of the Crimean war. had saved the Turks from the Russians, the sultan Issued the famous Hattlhumatoun of Febru­ ary 1.8, 18.36, In which he swore by the beard of the prophet to give Christians full equality. The promise, like so many others, was but a “seraj> of pa- per." Abdul Hamid on his ascension j to the throne, declared that he would p'ck«' “no distinction of creed" nhd P -d n* tbe protector of the Chrls- I nans and Jews, of whom probably more than a million were slain during his reign «if 33 years. J T 4tb annual picnic of the class of '19 waa held on 'he hanks of the ’iintiam river last Thursday waning, «.-tween the hours of 4 and 7. A ia.-g«- bonfire wa* built over which weinies were roas ed and around waich her “ e..ts” consis iug of baked beans, buns, pickles, and eoiikies Were served. Hmce this pirate is always held on May 1, one of the main features Is the crowning of the May queen. Mis« Bva McClellan was awarded the honor of icing queen thia year. Hhe waa seated • n a stump aud crowned with a most eautiful crown of Dogwood. All pres­ ent then inar-hi-.l around to pay hom­ age to her, either in the way of a ki»*, a bow, or a g ift. Most of the boys ,ave gifts, (f) H iiid-i th-’ members of. the senior > m , the following teachers: Mis« Mil- it , Mrs. Tegart, Mrs. Creech, Mr. W eks and l’rof. Grover; and Miss Miller’s aunt, Misa George of Portland -teeompanied the merry crowd. Many “ snapshot»"were taken which will be kept as reminder« in the «lays to come when these students are “ has beens" of old S . H. 8 . , of the many go«»i times they had together. The Misses Ruth Roy at d C«cilia Mielke are spending Junior week end at the University of Oreg«)n, as the jurats of -Miss Wan«ia Brown at Hen­ dricks hail. In the base ball game last Saturday afternoon with Br- w: «ville high, on he local school field, Hfayton was vie- ciaoua by a score of 11 t«» 5. Miss Miller enjoyed a visit for sev­ eral «lays last week, from her aunt, Miss George, of Portland. The little Misses Mary Jane and Frances Lau visited at school la-i Tuesday. Miss Nora Crabtree has again return ed to her work after an illness of sev­ eral days. Much preparation La being made by the senior riass for their week end trip to Niagara. They will leave here >n the 16th and return home on th«; 18th. Each and every member of the class is eagerly looking forward to this outing. The 7th grade is now holding geogra­ phy classes from S o ’clock until 9 o ’clock each morning in preparation for the final examination which will come next week. Miss ftebifferer has begun a contest in her room, known as the “ Army in l Navy c o n te s t." This is being held in the spelling work and both classes are taking part. Whenever a word is miss- spelled, either the army or navy loses a point, according to the side that missed the word. This will last until the end of the term and the rictvsS will then be announced. Paul Stayton and Clara Mulkev were absent from the 3d and 4th grade room last Monday. The 2d grade is putting time, m«*as- urement and money value tables ia their note books. Manv 100’s have been reersved in the number work by both grades ia the primary room, since the holders were required to have perfect papers. Earl Sanders in the 2d grad*, ean say the multiplication tables up to and including the 6's, faster than any oth­ er member of the class. The pupols in the primary room are learning the five senses. The teachers all received many pret­ ty May baskets from their pupils, which were appreciated very much. The following poem mentioned in last week's notes that has been com­ posed bv the girls in the 4th grade: ■ -in the Good Old Summer Tim e’ ’ Now it is vacation time, And everything seems to rhyme; All the children are happy as can be. T h at’s the way for Polly and me. Where the birdies are all singing. And the school bells are not ringing; Where the children are full of glee, T h at’s the wav for Polly and me. All the birds are singing. All the bee* are winging Over the wide world you can see; That's the wav for Polly and me. * Where the lilies grow the sweetest, ^ And the gardens are the neatest; Up the river o ’er the lea, T h at'» the way for Polly and me. We gather flowers here and there. Pick the pretty daisies fair; Then go right on till we come to the sea. That's the way for Polly nnd me. Then big Rover takes a swim. While we're swinging on a limb; Tli «» ii home we go for tea. T h at’s the way for Polly nnd me. Then we sleep in the hummock by day, When we are ail tired of play; We can hear the busy bee, That's the wav for Polly and me. The following is the poem compos­ ed by the bo's in the same class; "V a ca t: r t i .e '’ In the hot saminei days. When the son show • its ray«; School is out then, tee hee. Lots of fun for Johnnie nnd me. Up the river bright nnd deep, Where the «aim---» lie asleep: I'p the river and over the lea, Tha: '* the war for Johnnie and me.