The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, May 08, 1919, Image 3

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    It ìfà&mbì&ìm]
Save Today fo r Tom orrow 's
Do you live
“ from hand to mouth?”
There ie a ayetem o f livin g whereby
Today may 1» made to provide
fo r Tom orrow — this year for
next year— the prime o f
manhood for old age.
■ SAVE ■
Thia one word tella the
atory. J «at a little regu­
larly depoaited in our Having»
department makes a pleaaently sur-
priairiK showing in the yea* a to come
Capital $50,000.00
Farmers & Merchants
g* Bank of Stay ton, Oregon
Nobody at Home in the Nation’s Capital City CATHOLIC AGENTS JOIN
OW la tfea Unit«] Mtatas government run tbeoe days! It looka aa If Uncle
H Ham ar Columbia tnuai be running thing«.
Anyway, there waa • rnblnet
meeting the ether day at which but two regulars, ene sadsrstady and a
recaaa appointee not yet confirmed by
the aenate were present. Mr. Wilson
and Secretary of Htate Lansing were In
Paris. Secretary of the Navy DaaM s
waa ea rente for Europe Secretary of
War Baker waa on the Part he coast.
Secretary of Commerce Red Held waa
touring the country. Secretary of the
Interior Lane was taking a two-day va­
cation In Virginia. Vice President
Marshall waa n«t In Washington. Con­
gress was not In session.
The cabinet meetings held during
the president's drat absence were first-quality functions. Thera waa a goodly
attendance. Each member took along with him the customary outfit of papers
and documents relating to matters In hla department. There were exchanges
of opinion on all aorta of topics, from religion to politics.
With the president's second departure for Franca the cabinet meetings
began to dwindle. Daniels started to follow his chief. Baker began a nation­
wide tour of Inspection. Kedfleld went out to preach the league of nations
doctrine In the byways and hedges.
At this particular cabinet meeting Postmaster General Burleson arrived at
2:20, len minutes ahead of lime, driving up the front roadway In the brougham
which he steadfastly refuses to trade for an automobile. He waa followed by
Secretary of the Treasury Glass, also In a brougham. Ha was on time.
Palmrr, the new attorney general. Just got In under the wire by speeding hla
automobile. Polk, acting secretary of state, walked.
In the absence of Vice President Marshall. Secretary Glass was due to
preside. He did nothing of the kind. The four men simply sat around and
let presiding go hang.
Following the cabinet meeting Secretary Glass went out of town, thus
leaving but two members of the administration's official family In Washing­
ton— Burleson and Palmer.
» • ♦ »♦ «» ♦ « a a s M s a a eas s s s s a a t aa aaa a aaa a aa h M M t M «» » » »
Gardening Time
At this season of the year the minds of
practically all of our citizens turn to
making a garden and the need for gar­
den tools is felt. W e carry a complete
line of
High Grade Garden Tools
of all descriptions, consisting of hoes,
rakes, weeders. shovels, hand cultiva­
tors, all made of the best material and
sold at the most reasonable prices.
All Kinds of Repairing done at
Reasonable Rates
Battery Charging. All kinds of assessories.
Gas and Oils for sale
All my work is Guaranteed First Class
Seek to Secure Employment tor
Mon Who Woro Khaki
and Blue.
Eluding dOO Jobs for soldiers and
sailors sacb day, 10,000 active work­
ers ara now enlisted In Ibe re-emplo.v-
menf force« of the National Catholic
War eouncll. It waa reported today at
the headquarters of this organization
In tbla city. From ihe great city cen­
ters to the rural cross-roads communi­
ties tbla work o f Boding the Job for
Ihe man and the ntan for the Job la
being rapidly extended through tbelr
diocesan and pariah organizations, ibe
heads of the (Catholic council declare.
Until It covera every county In the
whole country and has placed at good
work and wages the last lad to lay
off kbakl or blue. It la promlaed that
this big re-employment army will be
kept In full operation, geared op to
the pace o f Boding places for fully a
thousand men a day.
Through CO employment experts, who
are covering the United States as field
agents to organize every Catholic
force In every locality, the National
Catholic W'ar council la directing the
dally activities of the regiments of
n employment workers that are being
enlisted throughout dioceses and par­
ishes. From 10 offices, established lu
San Francisco. New York. 8t. Louis,
Boston, Chicago, Omaha. Philadelphia,
Butte, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Cleve­
land, Mlnneupolla, Detroit, Deuyer,
Seattle. Tacoma. Los Angeles and
other Industrial centers. In co-opera­
tion with the United States employ­
ment service, canvass of employers and
registration o f applicants are being
conducted as a basis for getting Jobs
for demobilized fighters.
Thousands of Knights of Columbus
are also co-operating throughout the
country In this campaign, which begins
at overseas and debarkation camps
and follows the men through to the
best positions obtainable at borne.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored
by local a p p lic a tio n «, a « they cannot roach
tho dlooaned portion o f tbo eat.
T h ere 1«
• n ly one wny to cure ca ta rrh a l d e a fn e««,
«n d th at In by a constitu tional rem edy.
C ata rrh a l D eafn ess le caused by an In ­
flam ed condition o f the m ucout lin in g o f
the Eustachian Tube
W hen tbi« tube 1«
inflam ed you have a rum Uiiug sound or im ­
p e rfec t hearing, and when It 1« en tirely
closed. D eafn ess is the result. U n i* «« the
Inflam m ation can be reduced and ’.h i« tub*-
restored to Its norm al condition, henrlng
w ill be destroyed fo re v e r
M any cases o f
deafness s r s caused by catarrh , w hich Is
an Inflam ed con dition o f the mucous sur­
fa c e *
H a ll's C ata rrh M edicine a cts thru
the blood on tho mucous aurfaces o f tho
W e w ill s lv a Ona H undred D olla rs fo r
any caaa o f C a ta rrh a l D eafness th at cannot
be cured by H a ll's C atarrh M edicine. C ir­
cu lars free. A ll D ru s d s ts . TSc.
Beautiful Mountain It a Lonf-
Extinct Volcano.
I t H as Bssn Seals«, and. C o n tra ry ta
T ra d itio n , Ns P ro o f T h a t N ash's
A rk I v o r Landod T h o r« Could
So B la covsrrd .
Tho lecent apposl made by tho
newly established republic of Ararat
for recognition by the U n it«! Huiea
will be better understood, at least geo­
graphically, when It la ev|«laln-*d that
the region In quesrion If a province
o f Armenia.
It tuken If* name from the moun­
tain on which the ark made a land­
ing after the flood—Ararat meaning
North's mountain.
The whole world, according to the
Bible story, waa submerged during the
period of the Deluge and Arum»’« top­
most peak was the first dry land te
appear above tlie waters, for the ein»-
ple reason that It was the loftiest—
In Armenia, at all events.
Aa viewed today It give* a notl«*
of the depth of the flood. Inasmuch
as the peqjc la more than three mites
above sen level. It Is dome-snaped,
find Its slopes for fl.000 feet from the
top are covered with everlasting snow
and great fields of glltt<Udng Ice.
The climb down must have been
rather difficult for Noah, his family
and all the animals disembarked from
the ark. As for an ascent to the top.
It was formerly believed to be Im­
possible. The Armenian monks de­
clared that remains of the Soar hla«
hark still existed on the summit, and
that by reason of their sanctity a su­
pernatural Influence forbade approach.
Nevertheless, in September. 1S29. a
bold climber. Dr. Johann Parrot, suc­
ceeded In reaching the top of Ararat,
and on coming down stated that ha
bad found not even the keel of the
ark up there. Since then the feat haa
been repeated hy several other ad­
venturous persons.
Ararat comes pretty near to being
the most beautiful mountain In 'he
world. It Is a long-extinct volcano,
standing almost isolated save for a
lesser peak, called Little Ararat, which
(really part o f It) Is a conp of exqui­
site symmetry—an Ideal volcano of a
type plainly recognizable as an ash-
pile formed about an eruptive chlq»-
Below. In the valley o f A raxes, waa
the Garden o f Kden. aci-ordiag to A r­
menian tradition. At Marsand. In that
neighborhood, was (so say the monks)
the burial place of Noah’s wife. At
Argtirl. a village near n great chasm
that runs Into the heart of the moun­
tain, Noah plant«] the first, vineyard.
T J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
B u y' a C a r that does not “eat up” all you r dollars.
' does not use gasoline wastefully~
B u y' a C a r that
Is just such a c a r and w e want the opportunity of
proving it to you. .
Sim ply' write and tell us that you would like to have us show you proof.
Quite likely' we shall be able to tell you of a friend who owns a Chevrolet.
W h at he thinks ol his c a r would surely be of interest and benefit to you.
The Scarcity of second-hand Chevrolet cars is the best proof that owners not only like their cars but KE E P THEM
Let us tell you more about the whole line, for we are sure that we have a model that
meets all your requirements. There are Chevrolet Sedans and Coupes, touring cars
and roadsters at prices which appeal to great classes of purchasers.
In Tires, Oil, Tubes and accessories you will find we carry the best of everything
and everything the best. A good stock of Diamond and Republic Tires in all sizes
on hand. Mobile A, Monogram or Zerolene Oil in quantity lots or by the quart.
E. C. T IT U S , rA g e n t,
Stayton, Ore.