The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 17, 1919, Image 5

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American Delegate* in Pari*
Sent Victory Metaage
to Nation
Four members of the American peace
mission In France. Secretary of State
Robert Lansing. Col. E. M House.
Ueneral Tasker N. llllss and Henry
White, have sent this message to the
American people urging support of the
Victory Loan:
"We have had the opportunity hers
in France to see and realise the mag­
nitude of the accomplishment of our
country in this war and the macnlflcent
spirit with which this great task has
been carried through to a triumphant
“What has been done and what re­
mains to be done before normal con­
ditions are restored demand your con­
tinued and united support with the
same spirit of self sacrifice and of de­
termination as that which was mani­
fested by the nation while the Herman
armies faced our men at the Jiarne.
and In the Champagne, at it. Mlhlel
and In the Argonne. We must not re­
lax our efforts until every soldier of
the republic Is landed oil the soil of
“To finish this mighty task imposes
upon the government of the United
States a great financial burden. The
Victory Liberty Loan must thrive.' If
It ihould fail it would indicate that the
Nation is willing to leave its task un­
“To secure the ideals for which
Americans fought and died this great
demand on national patriotism and
united etTort should meet a generous
and universal response. Let us do our
duty to the end.
“T. N. BLISS."
Camant li duatry (If.
Y par its, Naw Faison O n .
Tw# War Harwaa.
I Statistics
and J. da PellattotT
The two cnlored soldiers of ths the Untied Stutea In J9IT. prepared by (Ttulletln de I'Aeademla
Ainerteaa army In fran cs who he- the United States geological survey, li>- rail tha reader's attention da tu Medicine)
the elfi
cams famous for their bravery and dlcntea
tbs total shipment» of Honey of hot air In the treatment of
courags In preventing more than twen­ 1‘urtlnnd that cement
from the ml I is huras caused by ritrita , a gas usad
ty Teutons wsst of Vsrdua from exe­ amounted to DO.703,474
valued hy the Germana lu their offensive of
cuting a «ell developed plau to ssaall in bulk at the mills at barrels
March. 1013. These burns, even when
one of the most Important points of Tills repreaeuta a decrees# fl22.74fi.avt.
very strali, cause extremely sharp pain
real xt a nee on the American front, of 4.1 per cent nud an Increase lu „ml
A number of rases
have been decorated by the French. value of 17.3 per cent compared with were sleeplessness.
healed hy hot air after
Their uauiex are Henry Johnson and I PI 8. The production of 1‘ortlaud co-* , rapidly
treatments hail fallsJ..
Needham Roberta, ^ioth are privatee inent Ic IfilT was 02.814,202 barrels,
ami members of the old New York Na­ compared with PI.fi21.lP8 barrala la
tional Guard. It Is said these men IP Id. an Incrvas# of 1.4 per ceut. This
have been awarded the war croiw by production
holds the record, the next
the French general of the division un­ highest output,
der whom the unit la serving, and thal ing been lu 1013. 02,007,131 barrels, h ar­
Johnson is scheduled to receive the
Cinnamon Oil fur Influenza.
much-coveted gold palm of the French Oil of cinnamon has a very favor
army commander as well.—Southern able effect on the tem perature and
WoiuiMi s M agaslne.
shortens thb convalescence period.
1‘attcnla'who usually suffer from tnnrl#
ed weakness for several days after
attack of Inrtuenxa regain their
Made at Home Labor-Saving Devices. an
very rapidly when treated
In 11 communities of our country in strength
with cinnamon oil. and are able to
Oregon the women are making home­ take
up their occupations on the sec­
made driers, home-made tireless cook­
e r« , and homo-made leeles* refrigera­ ond or third day. Twelve drops of
given In half a tuinherful of
tors under the direction of the home oil aro and
the dose Is repented In one
demonstration agent. In connection water,
then ten drops are given regu­
with this project one woman found hour,
larly every two hours until the tem­
that an Investment of fit) cents In n perature
to normal. When
dish drainer and a wire dishcloth for the fever has has dropped
gone ten drops should
isits and pans saved her ten minutes
of the time tswjulred to do the dishes be given three times a day during the
after each meal, or 30 minutes a day. following 24 or 48 hours. When hi-
In a year she figured this time, If ac­ fiucnra Is thua treated from the very
Is, within the first three
cumulated. would give two weeks, of outset—that
12 hours a day. leisure. Was the In­ or four hours—the tem perature be­
comes normal within 12 hours; If the
vestment worth wblle?
treatm ent Is begun Inte It may require
24 or SIS hours to obtain, this result.
At the bi&* opening* of the Economy Basement com­
bined with the big Easter sale irf all our depart­
ments in groceries, dry goods, hats and shoes, at
the People’s Cash Store, 186-194 North Commercial
street, Salem, Saturday and Monday,
S "
•til i-
After Mr. Temporary's Experience
With the Form.dable • System” He
Preferred to Pay for Anything
That He M.ght Require.
I wanted a wire pnjier clip. Miss
Smith, also new to the ministry, said
she would fetch some from the store­
keeper. That's what started the «Tat­
ter. I pinned the loose papers to­
gether and went on with my work.
The storekeeper had evidently re­
fused to part with any clips without
an order. Miss Smith brought me a
printed folder containing a request for
“paper clips, wire,” which she had
typed in tripllm te on paper headed
“Ministry of Economy. For depart­
mental use only." She said It was the
right thing to do and I was to sign it,
arid then Mr. Jones, downstairs, would
deal with it. It sounded quite Inno­
cent; I Initialed it without misgiving.
Later in the week the folder came
hack. It contained several extra
sheets of paper and had evidently
The first minute was from Mr.
Jones: "In reference to Mr. Tem-
p<miry's request for paper clips, wire,
for departmental use. I fall to see
what advantage these have ovet paper
dips, brass, which are in use in my
Mr. Robinson said that the question
opened a wide field, and he had re­
quested the storekeeper to let him
know how many paper clips, brass, he
had in stock. “See attached sheets A
and A3.” These were a formal request
to the storekeeper, and his reply, to
say he had 37 one-gross boxes on hand
and one box, partly opened, which he
estimated to contain 80. If the exact
number was required he would have
the clips counted.
Mr. Short pointsd out that his col­
leagues had not noticed that the mat­
ter was one which came within the
province of the ministry of wire draw­
ing. He had consequently put through
a request for a price at which paper
clips, wire, could be supplied. He at­
tached a carbon copy of his letter, and
a reply from the applied wire depart­
ment, ministry of wire drawing to
say the matter was receiving attention
and would be dealt with in due time.
The next minute was from a gentle­
man who had evidently set the vast
machinery of the directorate of office
supplies and sundries at work. At­
tached were papers from them to ssy
they had paper clips, wire, as well as
paper clips, brass, In stock. They
wished to be certain that no change
In design was necessary, and were
sending, by motor, samples of the pa­
per clips (wire) they had In stock, as
perhaps one or other might prove suit­
able. Appended were other papers of
which the first was from the chief of
the departmental garage to say he bad
a motor at Huntingdon awaiting a con­
signment of paper. He had Instructed
the driver to return at once. On his
arrival he would dispatch goods as
requested. . . .
At this point Miss Smith entered:
•'Will you make out an order for a
typewriter eraser?”
“No,” I answered firmly. “You will
please give this dime to one of the
messenger girls and ask her to go out
and buy on«!*’—S. P„ in London Mall
The Economy Basement
Is very well known to the public from far and near, since it was under thTmanagement
of the J. L. Stockton Company, but we can assure you under our management it will be
the magnetic point forSalem. It will not be the only one of its kind, but ulso in the
valley. Salem will become famous from our economy basement. We will supply you
with real bargains from every part of the east and middle western states-
Don’t Miss the Big Opportunity
to get the benefit of our opening and our Raster sale. We will give one metal towel
holder FUEF with the purchase of each dollar in the basement only. A few items are
as follows in our Economy Basement:
Men’s heavy socks......................... 15c
Ladies' big aprons, each................ 49c
Boy’s heavy stocking^...............* 25c
Men’s, women’s and children’s hats 25c
Half dozen white handkerchiefs... 25c
A big market basket................... 10c
Half dozen khaki handkerchiefs 29o
16 oz. bottle bluing ....................... 10c
Sandals for children, sizes 6 to 2 65c
Matches, big box.......................... 5fe
$1.35 brooms.....................
Crystal White soap........................ 5c
Large size toilet paper .............. . 8c
White Flyer, 6 fo r......................... 25c
Also hundreds of other bargains.
Mop sticks...................................... 15c
Innocent Reqjest the Prelude to
Much Trouble.
You muat clean the stomach cleanser purifier. 35c. Tea or
and bowela, purify the blood, Tablets. Slopera Drug Store.
each Spring, or you leave Win­
te r 's germs and impurities in
your blood and system. Drive
them away, clean out the atom- -phis ig the time of year for
ach and bowels, take Hollister’s colt castration. Call Dr. Horn,
Rocky Mountain Tea, • Spring j Phone 1522, Stayton,
Apr. 2
Ct jitßUY
We invite your inspection
Of our large stock of beautiful Jewelry, Watches.
Clocks and Silverwear. Come in and see, we believe
you will agree that we offer you as large a selection
to choose from as can be found, and that our prices
are very reasonable.
Your Broken Jewelry
can be quickly and neatly repaired, as we now have
a large shop devoted to this work only.
N. W . Corner State and Liberty Sts.
Salem, Oregon
It 's- up to you ^
says Sandy to
Jock MacPi b\'erson
“ If it’s thick, heavy
sweetening you want
stick to your ordin­
ary plug. But for
real tobacco satis­
faction, you’ve got
to come to good old
Good taste, smaller
chew,longer life is what
makes Genuine Grave­
ly cost less to chew than
ordinary plug.
Easter Sale
Crown flour ............................... $2 %
Olympic flour .................. ........ 2 90
Fishers Hard Wheat flour.......... 2 75
(with sifter to each customer)
Valley flour ................................ 2 55
9 lb. sack pancake flour .............. 65c
Corn meal, white and yellow
Oat meal, per sack ................... 65c
Rolled oats, per sack ................. 65c
Sugar, per sack ... .................... 9 65
11 lbs. f o r ................................. 1 00
Coffee, the very best in bulk
- 3 lbs, fo r................................... 80c
Armour’s Cornflakes ................. 12c
2 pkgs. Grape Nuts .................. 25c
Cream of Wheat ... .................... 24c
Cream of Barley ......................... 16c
2 puffed rice or wheat ............ 25c
4 Ibs.Aunt Jamima pancake flour 47c
White and red Mex. beans,per lb. 8c
Lima beans, 2 lbs for ................ 25c
Eggs—in trade, per doz............. 40c
Head rice, lb ................................ 9c
Broken rice, 4 lbs.
Soda and ovster crackers, lb
Graham crackers, lb.................... 18c
Carnation and Borden’s milk,can 15c
per doz.................................. 1 75
Libby’s and Armour’s Very Best
2 cans for ............................. 27c
1 case for ........................... 6 35
Sweet torn 15c; dozen ........... 1 75
Sugar peas, 15c: doz .......... ...... 1 75
Tomatoes, No. 2, 15c; doz....... 1 75
Solid pack tomatoes. 2 for ....... 35c
Pork and lieans, No. 2................. 15c
Pineapple, No. 2 ........................ 23c
Grated pineapple ....................... 15c
No. 10 apples..................
Mustard in pint jars .................. 25c
Armour’s best catsup, full pint 25c
Cooking oil of the best, gallon... 1 95
No. 5 shortening ......... .............. 1 19
Bacon 35c per pound
Also big reduction in lards, compounds and Crisco of all kinds.
Substitute butter, Umcco and Nueco, 34c per pound.
Selected onions, 3 cents lb.
Potatoes, 2 cents lb. per sack,
Big reduction in all kinds of syrup and molasses Peanut butter, lb ....................
Best white table syrup, $1.10 per gal.
Candy—all kinds, 25c lb.: National Corn Crackers, 3 pkgs for 25c.
Everything in our departments is reduced for our Easter sale.
$1 75
. 16c
In the meantime please visit our Premium Department which composes
glass and silver ware, fancy crockery and hundreds of other items
which we are giving free with the purchase of each dollar.
We w ill take Liberty Bonds in trade
W rite to : —
G en u in e G ravely
f» r booklet on cktm i»( plug.
P eyton B ran d
Plug packed in pouch.
186-194 Commercial Street
Phone 453
Salem, Oregon