REO CROSS GIFTS $ 400 , 000,000 W a r Council on Retirement nounce« ' An­ Cash and Supplies Contribuí edL WORKERS WILL “ CARRY OR/ ri«« ai« S kuhh in w*ria wie« man. H. V. Oavlaan HaaSa Intamatlanal A mar lean ft*a Cr*os Commi •*.*«. Or. Livingston FarranS Farmanant Laadar af Paaca OrQan.iatlon. Washington.— (S p a la i.)— Hrnry P. Davison aa chairman Issue* the follow ­ ing statement on behalf o f tha War Oounell o f the American Red Croas: “ T o the American People: •The W ar Council o f the American Red Croa* appointed by President Wlh won on May 10, i»iT , to cmrry on th* work o f the American Red Cross dur- In f the war, at their request and by eote o f the Central Committee, ceased at midnight, February 28 “ Immediately the armistice was signed the W ar Council Instituted studies to determine when the strict­ ly war work o f the organlxatlon would have been sufficiently matured to en­ able the direction o f affairs to be aumed by the permanent staff. Henry P. Davison, being In Paris when the armistice was signed, summoned a conference there o f the heads o f ail the Red Cross Commissions In Europe to canvass the situation. A fte r con­ sidering all the factors It was con­ cluded to make the transition on March 1. The very fortunate choice • f Dr. L iv iq ^ ro n Farrand as the new chairman o f the Central Committee, and thereby the permanent chief ex­ ecutive o f the Red Gross makes possi­ ble th econ sum [nation o f this plaD un­ der the most favorable conditions Accounts Audited by W ar Department. “ Detailed reports to Congress and a complete audit o f Its accounts by the W a r Department will constitute the final record o f Red tfross activity dur­ ing the war. Although It has been the rule to make-public all expendl- wh; n *u' horl~? •nd *• dt KITTEN THEM COMFORT KIT Kobe* to At h*Kc •man Commencing on April first, 1919, the blacksmith shops of Miasler A Taylor and Wm. A. Cladek. of Stayton. Oregon, will be run on a cash basis. This is deemed necessary on account of our having to pay cash and high prices for material and help. Oroetara MvM H m Mofdaraoa O v «H m M H um » BiwttfM Tm M A l B m v i M n , H i m » » C t e l N » Thierry i d W m e g I M about I n (echos o f gray kitlau that could tall ■uch If It could ipuah. Thle ktttau v u tbo “ Raima” bo> ta u t tbe'Oenaaoa wbe aa« tha American* who dlepoeeeeerd them It w m tha aoly creature tha America a* Measier A Taylor. raw alive wtwa they marched alngtag lato I ha tawa after the Uenuaaa pot- W. A. Cladek. aoaatf tha walla. Are« their amiuuatttoa damps. and auileety departed. Tha kitten, whan 1 Orat aaw I t waa playing about la tha eun al the three- bold of a ruined bat. The body of a dead German sprawled at iny feet, half burled In eplloteraof timber. Chloride of Urn# lay like drifted enow on Me The following information is cheat, and la tbe dotted wltllcneaa wanted: names, locations, capa­ waa hla briar-wood pipe, which I twice city, and superintendents or man­ picked up and twice put down ere ile riding not to take It. The bottom of • N» »»AS«'«« Whal Clemeneeau 8a!d. Thle la alveo me as tha truth af whal IL FlemencMu aald «b e o tha draft af l'realdent Wìlaou'a originai note alth thè M palata waa haaded la hla». He aald : “Quatorse patatai Mala cala c'eat uà paa fori—la bon DI su n'en avalt qua din.” ( Tourteso polatat But that la a Utile ina stroag— tbe ■and Uod had oaly tea.“ » ■*s* vVCO D F O R S A L E We Deliver any Place Apply to e. PETERSON Interested. “ DM you see hew that conjurer took the rabbit from tha hat V “ Hope. I triad hard la ra te « os, ■on it would help reduce the coat o f I r i n g :Leutsvllle OourieisJearuaL ST A Y T O N , OREGON INFORMATION WANTED. Extra Special agers o f all institutions, public or private; equipped fo r the care of the sick, in Marion or Polk Coun­ ties. Call 1500, or address Will- amette Chapter, A. R. C.. Salem, the door of the houee allow ed a Jagged rent, aa though a rifle-butt liinl itaahed It In. and It wns besmeared with hioed. Inside tbe door was a mass of tousled straw where Bochea had sta­ bled. Tbe houae waa dlstnantti-d Tin Q regon . clothing o f women lay torn and scat­ tered. The kitten crawled between tbe top o f my gus tuask (hung In tbe “a I rete" position beneath my chin), and the EXECUTOR'S NOTICE brim o f my "steel Stetson" and purred like a watchman's rattle. Its eyaa Notice is hereby given thstthe grew bland ami yel)pw as Istnuo ram dy bahlnd a simp window. undersigned hss been duly ap- While I made small talk to the kit­ pointed by the County Court of ten. our artillery planted to right and the State of Oregon for the left was roaring skyward at an angle o f 80 degrees. T h e concussion of the County of Marion as Executor of battery threatened la lift the miser­ the Last Will and Testament o f ( able house from Its underpinnings James Walker, deceased, and Tbe window fram e* Jumped half an Inch at every detonation. The glaaa that he has duly qualified as such: had long ago given way to burtnp or Executor. All persons having to nothing claims against the estate o f said i And aUli tbe kitten purred and pah tad a bit o f paper dangling from a decedent are hereby notified to string, careless aa a bobolink. “ Every present the same, duly verified, time I took at tbe little creature.“ con­ to me at my home 24 miles south fessed a stretcher bearer from tbe of Aumsville. in Marion County, ■ teeming dressing »tattoo round the earner, “ it makes a lamp coma In my Oregon, within six months from th ro a t“ “ Don't you want to taka It boms the date sf this notice. Dated in Aumsville in Marion with you V suggested a lieutenant. But I hadn't the heart to deprive County, Oregon, this 25th day of those m e« o f tha solace o f Its p re * February. 1919, James T. Walker. , , Executor of the Last 111 8nd Testament of tailed Information relative to all work undertaken, the W ar Council In turn- Ing over its responsibilities to Dr. Far- fand and his associates desire to give James Walker, deceased. a brief resume o f Red Cross war time activities to the American people, to First publication, 3-6-1919. whom the Red Cross^telong, and whose Last publication, 4-3-1919. generous contributions have made poa- I Sible all that has been accomplished. “ During the past nearly twenty-one months the American people have given in cash and supplies to the American Red Cross more than S400,- 000,000. No value can be placed upon the contributions o f service which * hare been given without stint and o f­ For Sale 10 six weeks old pigs. tentimes at great sacrifice by million« Ed Tate, phone 1728, Sublimity, o f our people. “ The effort o f the American Red Oregon. Cross in this war has constituted by fa r the largest voluntary gifts o f LOST:—one heifer, no marks money, o f hand and heart, ever con­ but is red colored with wnitc tributed purely for the relief o f hu­ man suffering. Through the Red Cross I spots, weights 500 lbs. Pleasi the heart ami spirit o f the whole notify S. P. Matheny, Sublimi­ American people have been mobilised ty, Ore., Route 1, Box 58. to take care o f our own, to relieve the misery incident to the war, and also to revenl to the world the supreme FOR TR AD E -1150 lbs., sound Ideals o f our national life, “ Everyone who has had any part In and gentle mare. Will trade for this war effort o f the Red Cross Is rn good milk cow. B. F. Fresh titled to congratulate himself. No Stayton Phone Stayton thanks from anyone could be equal in value to the self satisfaction every­ one should feel for tlie part taken. Fully 8,000.000 American women have FOR S A L E —No. 1 milk cow. exerted themselves In Red Cross serv­ Apply to John Mielke, Stayton, ice. T 1 E L B E R Fitall Bags and J 3 Suit Cases urc made of the finest materials throughout. In addition to all the usual pacldnj space of cn ordinary bug or suit case they have the added feature of a patented ad­ justable strap thut holds your own toiiet accessories ecurely and conveniently. We carry them in n. v/ide variety of styles at reason­ able prices. Come in und let us demonstrate their super- iority. II GENUINE LEATHER HANDBAG IN 16 AND 18 INCH. MADE IN BLACK. WITH GENUINE LEATHER LINING. 1 7.85 Special $18.00 Hag n o w .... $17.00 trunk now . . 13.80 $14.00 trunk now • $ 9.00 trunk now... 11.85 $ 8.00 Suit Case .... 5.90 $ 5.00 Suit Case 3.80 $26.00 Bag now .. . 19.80 $ 3.00 Suit Case.... 1.95 Crude In 6.75 Oregon Salon Oregon It waa their comfort ktt.- Stara and Strlpea. Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry ' CLASSIFIED ADS. Y Has Over 17,000,000 Adult Members. "When we entered the war the American Red Cross had about 500 000 fnemt>ers. Today, as the result o f the recent Christmas membership Roll Call, there are upwards o f 17.000,000 full paid members outside o f the mem l>ers o f the Junior Red Cross, number­ ing perhaps 9,000,000 school children additional. ‘T h e chief effort o f the Red Cross during the war has been to care for our men In service and fo aid our army and navy wherever the Red Cross may be called on to assist. As to this phase o f the work Surgeon Gen­ eral Ireland o f the U. S. Army recent­ ly said: T h e Red Cross has been an enterprise as vast as the war Itself From the beginning It has done those things which the Army Medical Corps wanted done, but could not do Itself.' “ The Red Cross endeavor In France lias naturally been upon an exception­ ally large scale where service has been rendered to the American Army and to the. French Army and the French people as well, the latter par­ ticularly during the trying period when the Allied World was waiting fo r the American Army to arise In force and power. Hospital emergency service for our army In France has greatly diminished, hut the Red Cross I* still being called upon for service upon a large scale in {he gnat! ba«e hospitals where thousands o f A rue r I can sick nnd wounded are still recelv Ing attention Al these hospitals the Red Cross supplies huts and facilities fo r the amusement and recrea ion o f the tnen as they become convalescent Our Army o f Occupation In Germany was followed with Medical units pre­ pared to render the same emergency aid and supply service which wns the prim ary business o f the Red Cross during hostilities. The Army Canteen gervtce along the lines o f travel has --------- Oregon. tf OU will find in our large stock of Jewelry many com­ binations o f beautiful gems in gold and gold filled mountings. We carry all the different makes o f reliable Watches in men’s pocket and ladies wrist watches. We specialize in Diamonds —if you are going to buy a Diamond do not fail to see our large display of these beauti­ ful gems. Everything we sell is guaranteed exactly as represented. B£ JI/-RE A A ® FOR S A L E —One four year old horse, well broke. One double disc drill. C. J. Ruettgera, Route 2, Scio. Phone 1015. March 20 JEW ELERS A N D O P T IC IA N S N. W . Corner State and Liberty Sts. Wanted Old incubator. Hot water heated preferred. 150-egg or larger. Phone 10242 H, R. Shank, Route 1 Scio, Oregon For Sale White Pekin duck eggs. $1 a setting of ten eggs. 2t Mrs. J. E. Yeoman, Phore 287 Stayton, Oregon. FARM WANTED ' I have a client with a modern California residence to trade on Oregon farm, and will assume mortgage or pay cash difference. Geo. A. Smith, Stayton, Oyegon, Mch. 13 I Salem, Oregon GEM C O N F E C T IO N E R Y High Grade Pure Candies Fine Cigars and Tobacco Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks A ll Prices and Style Box Candy J. A. H E N D E R S H O T T , Proprietor Stayton, For Sale—White Leghorn baby chicks for March, April and May at 124c each and eggs for hatch­ ing at $6.00 a hundred after Feb­ ruary * 20th. C. Boone, Aums- j ville, Oregon. * 4—9 STOKE, H A R T Ai AN BROS. CO. First Class Confections. FOR S A L E —Oak posts. Three and a half miles south of Stayton. Sam Bass. Stayton. 2t V/J/r O l/ 'R Ü ou’re old Oregon XT' enough to know\ better.’saysHc ‘ ‘ F ig u re the real dinary plug backed tobacco satisfaction oft’ the m ap.” you get out o f a Good Usts, emaller chew, longer life Is whst mskevGen­ small chew o f genu­ uine Grsvaly cost less to chew ine tobacco and the then ordinary pluf. Writt to:— w ay it lasts—and G e n u in e G r av e ly good old G r a v e ly DANVILLE. VA. for hovhlrt OH ch tw in i pint has got yo u r o r ­ Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLU G Plug packed in pouch. { 9.80 Your Old Goods E. L. STIFF & SON Salem 14.80 $12.00 Bag now On cross country work, on short hauls in traffic-crowded cities, under all kind« of conditions in all kinds of industries, Bethlehem “ on time de­ pendable delivery’* has proved itself to thousands of owners. The reasons for the nation-wide Bethlehem reputation are built in every Bethlehem Truck. The power­ ful, husky, enduring motor, the su ­ per-strong frame construction, the internal gear drive, the electric start­ ing and lighting, the drive shaft steady bearing all of these combine to make Bethlehem Service a year- in —year-out, rain-or-shine surety. Examine a Bethlehem from every viewpoint — design, construction, economy or reputation. Try out a Bethlehem on any kind of a comparative teet. Analyze a Bethlehem from radiator cap to tail lamp. Then you will understand Bethlehem Dominance. Get together with the man who sella the •Bethlehem. You have a problem and he has the answer. Lower in price than the other trucks inlhc* same class SALEM VELIE COMPANY . * J. W. JONES, Mgr. Itf2 N. Commercial Salem, Ore.