2.80 January Shoe Sale f® UWES $4.50 SHOES AT..... $ Black Kid; lace or button. French heels, sizes 2 1-2 to 6. W o rth $5.50. O u r Price has been $4.50 in this sole they go at $ 2.80 S T O U T L A D IE S Remember, tlmt the Aunt Polly Outsize Line o f Shoes, the Comfortable Shoe« that fit the foot and lace or button at the top are »old during thi» sale at During the Fall and winter we were very busy and did not have any "Retr- ular S a les," but did intend to »tart one early in January to clear the shelves for the sprin«: lines which will Income to come in before very loriff. Then the ••flu’’ ban» were pot on so we had to »elect another date and it al»o made the later buying lijrnter, ko we have more shoe» on our hand» than we hove anticipated at this time. And a very large spring stock coming. Therefore we must uidoad regardless of profit. 4.45 MENS $6.00 SHOES AT.... $ Tney are Gun Metal. English last, Neolin sole, leatheJ heels. Most of the sizes. A r e ^ worth today $7.00. Our price was $6 ' O f A C They go in this sale at ...... .................... t B O Y S B A R G A IN S Lot 813. Boy Scouts in button or lace, leather or Neolin sole», sizes 1 to 6 $3.95 at ............................ $3.15 Ix»t 863, same in sizes, 9 to 13$, $3.65 at 2.85 Lot 816, boys G, M button and lace, job lot sizes 1 to 6 , $8.35, $4.00 at ............... 2.90 Lot 826, extra heavy grain blucher $4.50 at 3.70 Sale Will Be On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 30 and 31, and Feb. 1 16 2-3 Per Cent Off W e will Give 16 2-3 Per Cent, or O N E -S IX T H O F F On any goods in this store, Rubbers only Excepted. Just buy your Shoes at Regular Prices and take your check to the Cashier's Desk, where the 16 2-3 Per Cent will be deducted, unless some of the extra specials enumerated on this page are on it, which are reduced in some instances to 50 per cent of present value. rsV. > January Shoe Sale -— - ^ M ilitary and Low Heel - MENS EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES Lot 726, Stetson" Gun Metal, modified E n g ­ lish lace, an elegant shoe, regular $11.60 on sale a t ................................................. Lot 703, Excelsior Kid, lace, straight last, regular $7.50. on sale a t..................... Lot 751, Black and Tan service shoes, heavy Regular $4.50, on sale a t................. Lot 754, Brown Grain Blucher, heavy welt S P E C IA L S I/>t 242 Black Kid Vamp*, gray and white cloth t 6 p», regular $7 »hoes, at »ale at *..!«• D its 230 and 231 Brown Kid and Calf. lace, cloth tops to match, regular $7.50 an I $8.00, ori sale at ..................... ........... Lot 267, dull ca'f. E glish, l«ce, Mack cloth t<>) ». Our regular price $r».(H), sale prie.' Ladies Fine Dress Shoes, French Keels Cut 20 to 50 Vr of Their Present Worth 7(\ I/it 228. Mifiogariy C alf V am p *’ cloth tops t>« mau l), regu:. r o r '-C I i E n p LJ, / • J $ 4.90 $3.95 V ' Special Lots & 1/it 178, "Red Cross,” Dark Grey Kid Vamp, * cloth top to match. Very fine.Reg. $9. Sale... $7.85 Lot 181, Dark Gray Kid Vamp, cloth top to match. Regular $6.00. Sale ..................... $ 4.90 $7.25 O tC L«'t 126. "R ed Cross," Khaki Kid V’ amp with cloth top to match. Present worth $ 10 , regular $9 sale ...................... .................... !/>t 152, patent cloth top, button, 7 inch top French h > ! Today’s value $ 6 . our AC Lot 131, N igger Brown Kid V’amp, cloth top to match. Narrow widths. Sizes 5 to 8 only. Reguular $ 8.00 » a l e ..................................... I. at , *r ** ’ Ladies Bargains on the Tables ~*:*x $5.85 Lots 213 214. Black Kid. lace and button 7 n-h t«.p, Kreneli lu els. wn-th $ 6 , reg- )i / f .% ; Lot 179. Light Gray Kid. clcth top to match Regular $8,00, s a le ........................... ........... One lot. All leathers. S 3 t > 5 only Regular $ 1 to $6 grade» at ............... mm V. ■ : .& Cleaning. Knglnnd I* delighted, nnd Ju stly an. With ln-r surprising su rress ut wliriit riiliu ri' On* i-rcu-iii turnip-grown crop of which rrlpfiM-d ninny thou an nd Iona ’ of shipping for use r lw w h r r t, Incldeiifiilly, i i I ho , H ip homp proiluct saved K n glind ninny tullltoriM Unit tiiiriniilly would hnvp tippn apiit lipyoud t’ln- oppiin t-i Argentina mid the I'tilli-d Stnti-s for Ini mNtuTTH. It In now pre- dh ted that iipvi-r lignin will the "Island kingdom" allow lior niirtcnt agriculture to (nil Into evil wnya us during tin* Inst luilf century. Ilow well, Indeed, the world has learned during the trlnla unit restriction* o f w ar that Mother Knrtli Is 11 cherishing mother Indeed, tyid that In hours o f distress It I* to her ttuit limn must turn fo r com fort and succor. • « 3 .0 0 < 3 * ^ Q ~ Ng—'• s O $3.65 $195 $2.65 m m m m :m m ■ PATRONIZE Ä S $5.65 ^>-5 n n Little Gents Misses and Childrens Special Cuts m m Knur departm ents of the l- rendi (in\t minent have asked the American Y. W. A. to open social und recrea­ tion celili rs for girls employed by t h e m Finance, Commerce, W ar und I alitor. I.lelitennnt Ponret o f the M inistry of Lnhor recently requested that this Y. \\ . A. V o l k be begun for girls In Ills ofllccs a fte r seeing the social mid recreation editerà which had been opened at the requeat of the .Ministry o f War. Sixteen cen ters of tills kind are operated In six cities in France. Three of them are In Parts. The Inst o f these Foyers des Alllees is for girls who are working In the De­ partment of L ib o r. It Is fa r down the Seine, under the shadow of the Riffel Ton er, and overlooks the Qual d’O rsay. The rooms are bright and cheerful, with chintz hangings and cushions, QiOJQ com fortable elinlrs, reading and w rit­ R U S S IA N P R IN C E S S E S ing tablas and a I)replace. A kochen L E A R N T O T R IM H A T S lias equipment so Unit girls cun pre­ pare meals for them selves. They go Y. W. C. A. S av es W lfa of Gensral to the fojtf*r for their two hour lunch­ From Becoming Charwoman. eon time, for soclul evenings and for When the w ar work o f the Y W. C. classes In Ruglish. A. In Russia him all been told one of the moat Interesting stories will 11 « In Itlue broadcloth- skirts used for or- the establishm ent o f the Drat Women’s gaulzatldn Insignia and |»uld summer Co-operative Association ill Moscow. dresses reconstructed Into window cur. T h ere day a fte r day prUic.-saes work tains are a fter w a r economies of the ■ side by side with |>ensant glrla, wive« nine Y. W. C. A. secretaries In Arch­ of high Uitsslsn ofHclals m ake drees,;« or trim bats at long tables with simple, angel. R ussia. T hese secretaries have Just succeed­ unletlered women, and the money Is used for se lf support of these prin­ ed, In the fnce o f food and cloth short­ cesses and notable women ns well as ages, in opening n Y. W, C. A. Hostess House for American troops stationed fo r the peasant dnssea. T h e need and sulTertng throughout In Archangel, n lo«rn behind the silled nil Russia w as so great at the time lines. It w as necesaary to hunt up a the Association was established that voile summer dress which one o f the It w as 11 problem to And where the secretaries had discarded for heavy money would help the greatest num­ w inter clothes In order to have cur. ber of people. It was thought best to tains at the windows. They live on expend It to help cnpltullse o rgan isa­ regulation arm y rations. • tions for giving work and permanent Archangel Is the fourth city In Run- opportunities to fam ilies and Indlvldu- sla where Ib e ’ Y. \V. C. A. bus estab­ nla 10 curn their own living. lished work. Centers were opened The women tiring their handiwork first In Petregrnil and Moscow and to the Association for snle or take or­ then In Sam ara. POO miles eastw ard t o ders to do dressm aking, m illinery, etc., from Moscow. In the ro o m s o f the society iririit home. Miss Kllzaheth Holes, bend o f Rus­ Suitable work w as found JiW In time sian work nud one o f the few Am eri­ not long ago to.kecp lb *1 w ife o f one o f cans who remained In (lint country R u ssia's greatest generals from e d n g hroughoul the revolution, Is en route out ns n charwom an to earn b rc u iA o r o Amerlen by way o f Kngland to re- her husband, who w as Ilk i crult w orkers for Russia. $9.35 OUR : ADVERTISERS : a New Spring Goods Now Here At Lower Prices & Hope Bleached Muslin, Berkley No, 60 Blea Cambric Utility Dress Cinghams Red Seal Dress Ginghams A. F. C, Dress Ginghams Fancy Dress Ginghams Best Grade, 36 inch Percale Table Oil Cloth % & ‘3 :3 20c a 25c a 25c a 30c a 30c a 35c a 35c a 40c a yd yd yd yd yd yd yd yd 32 inch Frolic Cloth 35c a yd 32 inch School Day Cloth 35c a yd Heavy White Outing 30c a yd Heavy Colored Outing 35c a yd Mens Heavy Blue Bib Overalls $2,00 a pr Mens Gray Bib Overalls $2,25 a pr $1,25 a pr Boys Blue Bib Overalls Mens Heavy Work Shirts $1,25 each Compare These Prices W ith Catalog Prices A. P. Speer & Co. Aumsville, Ore. : • 3 1