The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 30, 1919, Image 3

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    Y. W. C. A. WORKER
Industrial Woman’s Service Club
Brings Home to Girls in Me*
Factory Community.
Swift D ollar
for 1918
T h e above diagram shows the distribu­
tion o f the average Swift dollar received
from sales o f beef, pork and mutton,
by-products, during
IS 19 Y»a> Book of interesting and
initructlva lacia aanl on lequtsi.
Add'*»* Swill
Union Slock Yaida, Chicago, Illinois
S w ift & Company, U.S. A.
The Mail is $1.50 a Year
Children Cry lo r Fletcher’s
T>io K lnd Y o u llnvo AHrnys IFtnglit, miti x i-•** 1 • bern
tu use
u s o i for
or o
v e r « iM
h >
i ycurs, lias B orii« t Ito sl-naiitro of
■ — litui
and I mi
m s lu'en mado under bis j»cr-
Mi|H‘rvlsluii hìti oli* Itifnncy.
A U o w no one to d e e e lv e .vi i: i:» tòL-;.
A II ( 'min ter f e U n , I mitili loi in nini “ «Ì hn I- u . •• «1 " :■ i» bnt
Esperimenti* tlio t trillo w ltli inni riid u n gcr Ilio lu'.iltli of
lutanti nml Clillilrcu—Li|iurlciieo uguliiNi. i..\|n>.'uicaU
What is C A ST O R J A
Castorio I n a linrinle** stilisM iilo fo r Cast or O il, P a ro -
g o rlr, l»ro|»N unii Moolhing Byrtifi*.
l t l i pi*»o.*iit)t. 16
4'onlaliiN n eltlier O pinili, Mnrplnno n o r o tlier Morenti«
siiliNlnnee. « I n aire I n U n gnu rati tee. li doMlrois Worms
ami ni In v n Fi'vi'rlsIm ciK,
l'o r m ore tli:m thlrl.i venni it
IniN been In «-oiislunt uso for tlio ro lie i ut ('oustl|intion,
Fbitnleney» W i l d Colte» a ll T e e th ln g T ron b les ami
It rcgulate.H llie Stoiuneh nml H ow i 'I n ,
iiNNlmlbites tlio Food, gji% Iute henltby and nntiiral aluep.
T lio Cbilili’c ii’ N Fanuveu—T lio Jdotber’ s F rien d ,
iB e a r s thè S ig n a t u r e o f
In Use For Over 30 Years
T h e K in d You H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t
T M *
c m
W ▼ A • • •
V O M «• A N Y . M f W V ft*
Club Stand! for Hot Lunche*. Claan
Tewels, Comfortabla Cota, Partita,
Gamai and Recrestien to
Girl Workara.
Katharina Holland Brown.
« • » yTY naiua la May Isabel Carns-
ly I
1 am eighteen yrura
old, aniJ I work In a big r«c-
tory In Michigan.
Morn than four
hundred other glrla work there too.
I don't aim to (all you ahoot our Job*.
You can read about our work In tba
bibor department re|x>rt*
But I do
aim to tell you about our Hlg Slater
and o f the thing* aha haa don« for ua.
" T o begin with, our fuetory towu
lan't a town at all. It ’a a huge haru
o f building! acock down In tha country
nineteen mllea from no whom. There
la a rallrond aiding, a atatlon tha size
o f a dry gooda box. seven farmhouam
and on« general atnr« and poatufllc«
combined— It'a pretty near aa hlg ua a
hot tamale stand. And that'* all. No
Multi street, no hauka nor store*, do
Icecream parlors, not on# solitary
movie a how, In all th e »« olneteen
lt '0 fh * ragged
edge o f desolation, that'» what It I*.
" I waa one o f tba Brat carJmtd of
forty girl* that waa «flipped up from
Chicago. The factory waa swarming
with workmen potting In the meehln-
ery. and w « glrla couldn't begin wark
for a day or ao. eo » « begat, hunttng
placet to aot and eloep. Ttoti waa a
trifle that tha employment folk* hadn't
thought of. The workmen were sleep-
trig and eating In tha com that had
brought them there, hocked on the
aiding. Our only chance fo r bed* and
food waa with thoae »even fartnhouaea,
ao we marched atroight to the farmers'
wives and Baked for board and room,
Farm er«' W lvoo Hospltabls.
"1 w ill any that Uioaewotnon were kind
anti hospitable. Th ey fixed It up l>e-
tween them to feed ua forty glrla. mid
they gave ua good food too. But for
riMttna, that waa the (juration. They
could each "pare one room. Thut
meant Bleep live or alx In n room. Hut
right then along came the hoaa o f the
factory anil told ua the machinery waa
ready and he'd ex|iect ua glrla to work
double shifts, night and day.
’"H e wanted to make uae o f every
minute, you are. But that gave ua our
chance a* to aleeplng. We» fixed It up
with the farm folka that we'd work
double shifts and tdrep double shifts
"S o we jilanned It.
Three glrla
would us<‘ a mom from eight at night
till six the next morning. Then they’d
hustle over to the fuetory. and the
three girls ivho'd been working all
night would take the room nml sleep
till afternoon. It wasn't any luxuri­
ous slumber, believe me. The farm
women had no few ahePts and pillow
ruse* thut most o f us went without.
And towels werp senrre ns dinnmnds
on blackberry hushes. As to soap—
well, the general store kept yellow bar
soap, that kind that Is so full o f rosin
you rottld use It to calk n ship. But
w e made out till the next three car­
loads o f girls came rolling In. Then
w e went 'most distracted. Those |(oor
girls had to sleep In tents nnd In the
cars that the workmen had abandoned
by this time, and they were lucky If
they got n straw tick nnd n I I mket.
By this time It h-d ton e > raw cold,
nnd maybe you know wbn’ ’" te au­
tumn nlgli'n In M lc’i1. : •> feel like. T o
cap the elltmr. •’
farm folks cut
down on food, mid fo r n week It was
potutoeg nnd benn*- and mighty few
beans at that.
Along Came a Miracle.
“ Hut, right when w e were about
ready to quit our Jobs mid heat It for
borne, along m ine a miracle.
quiet, businesslike women climbed
down from the eitstbound train one
muffling. With them came , ¡„lit w ork­
men. ii cnrload o f scantling and tar
paper, another carload o f cots and
hhinkets mill pillows and sheets and
towels brand new hlflukels mid beds
— think o f the glory o f thut!-- ntnl
o f dishes and roll« ,»■ oilcloth
Fml enough burlap to rnrpet the coun­
try. You won't believe me w h.-n I tell
.you that In ten duvs their workmen
had ii scmitllng and-tar paper shack
put up and burlap tacked over the
wnlls. nnd the Y. W.
A. secretary
and her helper hnd set tip hoard tables
and coffee kettles nml were serving us
the grandest hot lunches every day.
And hark behind the burlap s e v e n s
wi le set those rows o f dean cots, with
enough cover to keep you w tirtn the
coldest night tlint over blew, ntnl ii
towel apiece for every «Ingle girl, l*o
jolt wonder that we all felt, ns one
girl put II. 'I ’ll wager the l- ritz-CTndo-
loti haa nothing oil th is!'
“ Who were tl -sc women?
Y W. t\ A. secretaries, o f «ours*». I'd
think you'd know that without being
told. All over the country wherever
we girls have pitched in to make aero­
plane olbth or overalls or munitions or
canned goods you'll find n Y. W. O. A.
necretnry working harder tl An any­
body else to make the girls com fort­
able and te keep them linppv and well.
Sometimes they haven't money enough
to get all Hint we really need. But nl-
wqvs they stretch every cent to make
It do Its level best for ns l>n you won­
der Mint we girl workers linve learned
tv, call the Y. W.
A. our Big Sister
— (lie very best Big Sister o f allT
LAMO Of- l
Abundant P i « » f That Africa Woo at
On« Tim « Peopled By Raeee of
High Intelligence.
Evldencea are multiplying that A f­
rica contain* the secret» o f a great
civilisation. At pretent It la partially
a savage land, given over to aavage
animals and equally aavage men. and
It 1» difficult to conceive that In the
mlat* o f antiquity this continent was
peopled by intelligent coininunltleo.
In the last rantury a grra| deal waa
learned about thla dark continent, nnd
the South African company did much
to add to our store o f knowledge.
The expedition o f (bin company Into
MashonalarrJ, In aearefe o f gold, patt­
ed the wonderful ruin« o f Zlmbuyo,
nearly 200 tulles due west of Bofala,
on the Indian ocean.
They have been attributed to tha
| Moors, the I’ hoonlrlana and tha Per­
sians. nnd It It told by the old chron­
I iclers that there were Inscription«,
which modern archeologists hava aet
out to decipher.
These structure« were reared o f
granite, hewn Into small blocks a lit­
tle larger thao a brick, and pnt to­
gether without mortar.
In all tho
j walla are seen two or three course«
of masonry, where the granite blocks
are Inserted In slgzag fashion.
There seems to be ao doobt that
they were erected as place» of de­
1 fense, and also for the smelting, stor­
ing snd protection o f gold, copper and
other metals.
On removing a quantity of tha sur­
face rubbish Inside, there waa found
what was evidently three large circu­
lar renstlng floors, formed o f burnt
Art* lay end slightly concave,
were also remains o f slag, and other
evidences that the place had heenjised
for smelting metals.
, It Is certain that the Iasi thing civ­
ilized men would expect tv Bud In this
region, where the native« belong to
the lower stages o f hrrmga develop­
ment, are these great rock structures
j betokening the existence o f a former
civilization amid (heae »wild*.
| The natives have not even any tra­
dition as to the origin o f the ruins. <
There are many facts proving their
j great antiquity, and among them tha
circumstances that at one o f the great
ruins at Zlmhaye an Ironwood tree,
which was undoubtedly hundred* o f
years old, had risen through the wall
and split It.
One day a woman reporter noticed.
In the front window of a quaint little
collage, a service (tug proudly hearing
four stars.
“ Ah." thought she. “ here's real sac­
rifice. I guess I'll s’ op In and get a
She could get no response from her
persistent knocking, nnd so she went
next door to see what Information she
could collect In regard to the cottage
of the four service stars. Upon ring­
ing the neighbor's bell she was con­
fronted by h rather stout, elderly wom­
an with a merry twinkle In her eye.
“ H ere," thought the young woman.
“ 1* where I get the right side o f the
story. Then aloud, she said:
" I nni n newspaper reporter. Can
you toll me something alxiut the peo­
ple next door. No one seems to be at
home, and I noticed there were four
stars In their service flag. I wonder
who lives there, nnd If nil the boys
In the fam ily have enlisted."
The woman smiled a hit nnd replied,
"T h e Indy's name Is Mis* Harlan.
Them stars Is not her son*, iltem's fo r
boarders."— I,os Angele* Times.
indigestion can be cured,
permanently cured, so that you can eat any
kind o f food that you crave? It has been done
not only once, but in almost every case when Cham ­
berlain's Tablets are used. A n instance: M r. J.
Pominville, Stillw ater, M inn., who had spent over
$ 2 , 000 . O C for medicine and treatment was perma­
nently cured by these tablets.
C h a m b e r la in ' s T a b le t s
Hardware and Furniture
Guns and Amunition
Everything In The Hardware Line
/ v y r w f v v y r v
■> v •>
•!• *.* <* i* v •> v *> ■!• o *:• :•
\* o *:•
*:• v
0-0-0000000000oooooooooooooooooooooooo o oooo
oooo oooooooootoe oooo ■ oooooooo
o oooooooo ooooooooooooo
• *
Removes Carbon.
•> Saves Gasoline.
Keeps Your Engine Clean.
Saves You Worry, Trouble, Profanity.
[ Try it and be convinced as others have dore.
, H. L. C LAR K , Distributor
Marion and Polk Counties
■ 319 N . Commercial St.
•> •> v ❖
•> •> •> ❖ •> <• •> «> ❖
<♦ 4* •> 4* 4* «5» 4* 4‘ 4» 4» •> •> 4* 4* *> •> *5* 4* 4* 4* ❖
4» •>
How European City Utilizes W ater
Power Which Otherwise Would Be
of No Value.
An eloctrlc-hentlng system which
utilize* power that would otherwise go
to waste has been (nstnlled In a school
In a southern European city. The ex­
isting hot-water pipe* and radiators
are connected with n well-insulated
water tank o f l.ltOO-gallons’ capacity.
In this reservoir electric resistances
arc built, and at night are supplied
with current which raises the w ater
to well above tile boiling point. Tho
cost i.i the curYiiit Is low because the
water power used to produce it nor»
mallj would go to waste. During the
day tli»» hot water i* allowed to circu­
late through the radiators, its vol­
ume being sullle nt to warm
rooms without u- ng more current.
The desired tempi rntnre I* maintained
by a thermostat.— Popular Meehnulca
Prussians Really Huns.
T h e appellation o f linns, which W il­
liam II coveted for and himself ap­
plied to Prussian*, even to the extent
of miming one o f his sons for the in-
failings Attlla, the lliuinish “ Scourge
o f God,” seems really to belong t" that
people In an etlmologienl sense. Mr.
Devisee, in III* "¡Studies in Prussian
History,” tells us that the Prussians
are “ a people belonging to the Lithu­
anian race mixed with I 'inni,*h ele­
ments; which would make then kln-
Orvd with the Huns, Turks nnd Bul­
They w ere o f old colonised,
f ’hrlstlrnlzed and ousted from their old
(lomnln by the famous Knights o f the
Teutonic Order. The last grumj mas­
ter o f that order, Albert o f Branden­
burg, espoused the reformation, secu­
larized the domains o f the order, and
made hliuself hereditary duke o f Prus­
sia— (lint Is, Po-Kussln, or "Nuur Itus-
It Is interesting to recall that
tho first Hobensollern duke o f Prus­
sia began his historical career ns a
renegade, a perjurer and a traitor.
Truly the Hnlienxollern line has been
what cattle breeders call “ coustuut to
the ty p e !”
C E. KRAM ER, Proprietor
All Kinds of Repairing done at
Reasonable Rates
Battery Charging. All kinds of assessories.
Gas and Oils for sale
All my work is Guaranteed First Class