The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 09, 1919, Image 8

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* ■
A C. Peterson made a business
liai -old Murphy spoilt Sunday
with friends in Salem.
trip to Portland this week and
purchased a l è ton Republic truck.
J!r. E. Hov has been on the sick
li t for the past week.
George War ford came up from
the first of the week for
Miss Eleanor Willing is nursing
visit with relatives.
at the home o f Nie’ '-ehlen.
The Joseph llamman family are!
The young people o f Sfavton
«•unfilled to their home with the j have been enjoying the good
| skating on the log pond the past
Mike laughed
at the Judge
Miss Mildred Williamson o f
Peter Diedrich has received a
rear Salem is visiting Mrs J. A. j
new 1919 model Ford car which
Hendershott. She expects to be
he has on display in his show
hereabout tw ow edcs.
room. The car is a neat looker
Air. an«| Mrs. George Falkner! and has some improvements over
hare returned to their home in j last year’s car. Drop in and
Pendleton after a brief visit with look it over.
friends and relatives here.
+__ ____
Jos. Sestak ma ii- a trip to Xnlem
Mr. J. W. Meyers o f Portland; the first of the week to take hi;
has moved into the Elder house «langhtc:* ami husband, Mr. and
near the Salem ditch. He will Mrs. Faulkner, to the train. They
were on their way to Pendleton,
remain here for some time.
after spending a tew days here at
the Sustak home.
Mrs. Dan Doll who has been j
Lawrence Seigmund is in the
employed at the Ray & Molin
jew elry store in Portland is here Salem hospital where he was op ­
spending several days with reia- erated on by Dr. Brewer for ab­
scess o f the right lung last Sat­
rives and friends.
urday, which was caused by com­
Miss Lila Ware, a University of plications following the influenza.
Oregon student, visited friends
* and relatives in Stayton recently.
Miss Ware attended the local
Miss Venia llamman, w'- ■ is a1-
schools during
grammar fer-*»g business college in Salem
arrived home for an ¡ml. finiti
school years.
stay, owing to the influenza out­
break there, which has ....... -sitat­
Dr. Watson has returned to Vic­ eli th“ »closing of all th° elio >ls.
toria. 1». ( ’., where he has secured churches and all public gather­
a fine position. Mr>. Watson will ings.
remain lu re with relatives for an
indefinite time before joining tlm
Di'otor in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill who
were making preparations for a
Taken up. 3 horses.
Bay trip to California to spend some
g e ’dings, two o f them pretty little time there for the benefit of
he vy. Owner can have same by Mrs. H ill’s health, received a mes­
pa) ing for this notice and for sage from Mill City Monday to the
effe«*t that Doll Hill was very sick
keeping o f horses. Owner please
and they immediately left for
call at the Mail nffee.
Much illness prevails through-
. . . .
lee skating seems to be a great
out the town as there are
,, * past .
' feature
in , town during
cases o f influenza, la-grippe and , fPw. ,]ayS \ large corner o f the
colds. This cold weather does log pond above town is frozen
not seem to agree with people over and has been the place o f at-
who are accustomed to the good traction 'o r both ole* and young,
old Oregon rains.
.Skating during the day does not
• seem to suffice, and parties with
lanterns may be seen all evenin"
Manager Luthy announces that; wending their way to and from
on account o f the epidemic in the j the ice.
surrounding country the Star
theatre will be closed Saturday
The Valley Motor C o o f Sal n
and Sunday o f this week. Due
¡reports that business is good w:th
notice will he given as to the f8*|theni despite tin* report that the
flu has playpd havo«- with business
in general. This week their man­
• The regular monthly meeting of ager reports the -ah- of a Hudson
the Stavton Grange No. 340 will Super Six arul n Country Club
be held in the 1. O. (>. K. Hall in Overland to flu-ir customers. In
Stayton, Jan. 18, 1919. for the in­ fact they say business has never
stallation ol’ officers for the ensu­ been better.
ing year.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Trask who
have been visiting here in flip
family of Mrs Trask’s motor for
a few days, left for Scio tin* first
o f the week where they will visit
friends for a short time before re-
tnring to W Jiiugton.
F{ pv . W. V. McGee o^ Albany
will preach at Jit. I’ leioant Sun­
day morning and evening, Jan.
12. Communion services at the
I close of (lie services and reception
•>f members before the coinmuu-
’ '••• ' •
i»t of prayer, a cov-
a «•> venant of
. '•••., c
•••reniant of Me wart-
Rev. MeCee. Pastor.
Annaal Meeting
The annual meeting o f the
Styyton Mutual Telephone Com-
Mi, U’laire Warner was the
jia n y will be held in the city hall
Wednesday evening, January 15, guest «if Miss Wanda Brown for
a few days last week. Miss War-
1919, for the purpose «if electing i net- is a student at the University
the following officers: President, of Oregon and stopped here on
vice-president, secretary-treasur­ her way to Eugene, after spend­
er, one director for three years, ing the holidays at her home in
and for the transaction of snch Portland. Mis» Wanda returneil
to college with her as she will
other business as may properly
again take up her studies there,
come before the meeting.
.« ter her In g vacation due to a
C. E. Taylor. President.
- rioux si g of the influenza.
Carries a Complete Line of
for chewing Gravely.
The Judge com e right
back at Mike with a friend­
ly chew—just a couple of
little squares off his plug of
Real Gravely.
Mike found that the chew
stayed with him for a long
while, and the more h<*
chewed the better it tasted.
‘There’s the real tobac­
co satisfaction,” says the
Judge: “ and it costs noth­
ing extra to chew this class
of plug.”
It to** fortk*r-t\ot‘t why r>»
ta» t 't ih* l»oJ tati* of tSh <l*u
of to Jut?«
Soot titra cool.
I International
Stock Food
Peal Gravely Chewing Plug
Q2ch piece pBcked in a pouch.
Mr. and Mrs. Gecrg* Koriney of ‘ 0A
Portland ha\. I en \ siting at tl *
John Thomas vent to Portland
K. I). Alexander home.
Wednesday to look after business
A. I>. tiiodenei-, dr., is t ;n*k to i for the Brown-Petzel lumber
. while
, the
, Willamette Utu-[ com pan v.
versitv is closed.
Owen L. Morris qjt Mehama.
Miss Vanda Sestak has returned
to tin' O. A. U. to again take up | was operated on at the Willam­
her studies after the holidays.
ette sanitarium on January 2nd
by Dr. Brewer for the removal
Miss Beatrice Lockhart o f Sa­
o f ail abscess on the left lung.
lem visited Miss Nora S^amp h ere1
He is getting along nicely aftei
this week.
the operation.
« !7 f w r r n
First Class Con feet it.
United States & Pennsylvania Vacium Cup
Fine C igars and Tobaccp
Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks
Ail Prices and Style Box Candy
J. A. H EN D ERSH O TT, Proprietor
219 N. COM’L. ST..
High Grade Pure* Cundies
J*any peopli ih this *••« «•, :m. j film find his country “ European-
tins roiiunuii.iy, wen- ."«i awar« ized” «ml “ paternalized1 Mo that
that doctors could not praerih« I the door is forever closed lo him
liquor in sickness till this epideni I as ;• private «ùti/en to enter the
«• broke out. They were dec« ive«l fielil of railroading, t'ie%e|eplioiie,
John R. Beedle. son o f Mr. and
hy the-falsehoods o f designing telegraph, «>;• eahle busmess, Ili«*
Mrs. George E. Beedle. o f Stsy-
orators, and now. since losing I itintiitini** 'inlrtatry as a private
ton. who has o^en over s< a» with would | ut them in pos.sessiqn of their relatives and friends by n- nwi u* of ship- kml numerous nth
tlu> n niv'tlv, ai d use it. To get it
Uncle Sam’ s army, retained i to a vicious law; to take flllinza, that miglit l ave been w*r I lie
man the name as thmisainla
home Tuesday. J >hn enlisted at i murderer’s weapon out o f his -ave,| in most insiain-es oidv fori Ti
Portland a year go and was with l and. Soiii'» of those applicants (lie menace of the bone dry law, ■ •, «.tiier Americans wonld never
satisfied to he a mere ej i-pher
the 834th Aero Squadron. He -live ■ • but. through what source they condemn the law in bitt>-r
tei ins, ami would vote for its re- all lii.s life and draw, pay as a
has been in England since the
•al if tin *t\ | ntunity was ■.»¡veil. e iveriiuient I. rl; with no «•haiiee
'•»ie«1. 1 to learn they had sue-
15th o f May last: H • cafhe back
world he us ennsistent to pre- of ailvaueement, nr lnil«l down a
e •eiied, and 1o know the result in
tin the Empress Britian.
the its taking sustained my fornu-r ex­ vent doctors from giving quinine soft berth oil a ship with a soft
second largest boat now used to perience. Other medu'incs were f ir fever, or from using ancatliet- l>««l and good meals as so alluring
transport our boys home on. ml nini-.tered as required, hut the ies m serious surgical operation.- pietut-ed by Mr. Hurley in hi* p o 1*
They were ten days making the • ir in icliai ce was placed on coil- ns it is to prohibit t In* use of alco- gram of «•omplvte government ope
holie stimulants in certain «i«-k- ration of the entire American mer-
trip and John says that the boy* liver iv 1 Mini whisky. I say whil­ ness. If this murderous elaua«* o f chant marine,
om fear of successful rontrndic
were certainly sea sick. They tion. if this infamouH hau was not ¡1 he prohibition law was submitted
This man doesn't want to be
encountered rough weather and plnevil on the doctors giving auch
vo,''rs *°day it would he re-j | ett •«! ami pampered and made a
the trip was an\thing but pleas- uie«tieine as the greatest inedieal j '•«>'•«I hy a larger majority than m ere ward o f the government
ant. The boat ianded in New writer., with centuries o f expert-j
was carried through misrepn - 1
He wants mi American’s chance
Vork on December 10.
enee iceommen.led. an«l all hos- ¡ -'-"tation before.
to buibl ami develop ahing lines
pitals could but use it as therr
There is one thing we may con- o f individual initiative under the
best judgment and experience dim gfstulnte ourselves oil. ami that is, I protection o f the American flag
This man little realizes that
tates, there would not he more ¡that there is one great, numerical-
ly strong religious organization | while In* has In u away from home
IS GOOD REMEDY FOR FLU ,ha" 0,,t in ) '‘n of the deaths that
occur in the present epi«leniicI**,al
*,a* never attempted to muz- fighting for democracy fn foreign
Savs He Has Been Through Many under this law.
jzle 'l"«’tors with insane laws, while lamls. an organized moveiu. nt has
im. a q v
hose who an forward in uphold- hern started in Ills own countr> to
i h ! ! m I I ¿ J
1. T,‘ er'' ar” Pro,,’st1
H f *•''!" ma"-v mg the ......... are now m ........... ntrol tl....... p(»ortimities which
___ "
uin*ctions against Niiafl.luig
j throvs of thrir st*lf-rr»T*tc<l initju lliavt* heretofore been tin* birth-
itous confusion that will cvmituate i right of every American.
Following is a letter from
¡|( fj.|«*gating their crecdisin to a| Men 1 i k »* this American an veil
J. L. Hill o f Aihany who has opin
ions on the treatment of influenza
* ?|,,! ’,nent °* *‘9 uor ‘ ¡lto j 5al1' menial position in the great fiel«! the world from German autocracy
M K*a^l‘ ’ lat *ia_M hc«*n o f eecleaiasticism, while the relig-|an«l he fought heeaiise he he!ieved
.vi*k ÌS the
*i!..T'"I,'¡¡^knowledge Pro,1*hition tur hi) y.uirs. tor the • ||H orfra„ izati„n that leaves the in thè freedtnn <’f thè individuai.
article with
aetiiig th e ..
Is he to come homi* to a country
that the article touches «n Old I S ; e^
‘ 0,Y h T » sherili
^ r i f ? « arieste«!
I (lIuj
,,,,,tlieinP o tü
,,m',0n‘ honeycomheil witli soeialisiu and
,||(. 0f
f churches
sore on
caused h^years of Vriet,iot.I.,,, TI.,,e 1 ^
I to ministers of the gospel, will ¡ready to «*slal»lish an officiai aris-
article is mot to be taken as the I *h‘‘ a' v’
’ h<> l,'|l
.T '',.'''. ,arr.v th,‘ Kromt triumphantly to I tueraey to control virtualIN- every
move of au American citiseli 1
„Pinion o f the Herald, hut the I ^ give;
¿T Ìl« the a Ff Ì«t eTl Th. * S i ! t ions.
° f n,*“ r
u li T '
Ile I uin seen tliis System in npe-
publisher o f the Herald is liberal cause was recently taken in Spo-
ration ili foreign lamls and In* is
Al ha li v Ih-rahl
enough to believe that the exprès- k
Washington, ami fke |i«p„„ |
longing l'or (he day wlieu I h - cali
get back to the gooil old U. S, A.
Tl,, 11-r.ld .lo.., nM : , „ r , t .
n t”r“
„ 7 ,,. ...k ii, Ch“ ‘ " " ' C° “ m'
this question lip to the public, but t|l„ Hh,,riff to forct.
t(, tai;(. , 1 *
I his country over here is a as he knew it hefore thè war.
i Whether yon he lahoring mali or
d there is a physician in the com-
|lor aWHV from t|„. hos|,ita, al,d , ["If. °.,,e l". v,h" l,ut “ “ SO f'"' eapitalist, tliis is yotir eountry and
Hit', who Wishes to take issue I . .1 ..........‘ | i: .
i .•
helllllil O l i r s III every other l'<
. let the sick die for need o f it. spi'ct that I am going to he always ** 's K"'ng *° he up to you to de-
•I \ -i
,h<; In ‘ rH i W pr,,,t Utah is a dry state, and Sail U k e ! -»’T 1,.'".1 with the United States chic, whether you stay with Am«*r-
,. . ' ' ¡1 r.
¡p,s ’ iiifluenza
• n
house .’ o .......‘
f i ufl
Is L" ,,
’ ’ *•’ is
“ “ a 7....
’ .................
V’ u-, hereafter.”
'••an traditions ami principles or
Editor Herald: The influenzal
't-nza. A demand was naile on the . hereafter.
. ,,
. •
. . .
. , i v
epidemic is tak in g a new start in ! .
' « ‘hi
T I h he
« above
" h ‘ *vc is the closing para > '< P backw ard one hundred years
to gi\.'
give whisky
h fpom „
„ „ IIian
ma> v places
im-lii.ling A lbany. shentt
n l and
«h isk y
,m«n '»n<l sWileli to a system which
w ar! brought almut a world war.
It is affgravatiriK in the extreme
lg't tin- people think.
tor one who has ha.l -years of ex-
, hÌH HtaU.f n(.8r startcl ami who has Ime., on tin
penence in the reatment of hu- the r a |if:M, lia hn tllw (,(ll.toril in other sule about « y e a r ,
man affiletions to stand hy and m. tow„
,,1|lv wl)t th m . a(lto.
Little do. s he know what a
see the deaths taking place when mobiles
lilM, all(, ........ strong effort is he ng ma.le h>
th«* reme« v is at ham , * it a aw ,.
, . , , the aociulist pnliticiana in this
Mr. A. Frank is on the sick list
mat i s « .rime against ('.
m’.ure } ^
!» ^
r T
^ ’ T .s
this week.
and humanity renises
P™ “ 1* j tells of a threat of some wh.»^ hav.
pH ‘
it to he used. I refer to the hone b,,(.rtme fr(.nzi( )J OVPr the ou„ ag,. • » * ? » « ’.
, .
Mrs. Elmer Downing visited at
.Irv law. a monument of .go, ance] .
permitting the use of liquor !.
»*“ " '« h se«*n the lack of the \V II. Downing home a few
and open
I for medicine, inti,natii, g
hat L,,,,t
“ t,.V* “ when* tM;V,,,,0n
' T l “« l l days this week.
; countries
the government
I have been practicing medicine
Miss Géorgie Hunt visited the
¡„r almost a half c e n t „ r y -t o be j thc stateH
the law ia 1Ilodi- controls the gVcat utilities such as
ae, urate for 48 yea rs-a n .l during ! fied H,„ .h „ tlir,.af ¡, U ii >U h ] k |,ut the transportation, telephone ami I (>ast week with her grand parents
that tune have passe,I through a ( (^ ine , hppe wi|,
vePy H,.rionH telegraph systems as well as many in Salem.
John llocdiglicirne^ ami K. <’.
number of epidemics ol intlueeza
(|Vn. ¡,
,loar future, other lines of industry'.
lit* lias I «■«•ti in a country where Downing were Stayton callers
with what success in its treatment ( .anadH in mally places has re-
th«- “ common
pc »pie”
never I Friday.
nave tor this coiiiiiiunity, when*:
, ..
" . .
I have lived and praetieed to ,|e-
heard of o-ch things ,n telephones I
Arthur Hanson, John Young,
eiib*. I am not fearing tin* venliet ■•h'ctors to use whatever t h u r , ^ ,
itI lhe’,r own
F. M. Fresh and son were Stayton
that they will give of my
mv suecesa
success 1 ^ ' k "" " 1 • 1 1
| homes. Tlies« cunveinciiees were
in the past. Since the present
The bone-dry law is a crime ¡for the rich and “ official Hass
epidemic has broken out so fierce- against God, tli<* Holy Bible, nn- only. The government controlh <!
Mr and Mr*. Norris Hunt and
ly I have been called upon by ' lure, common sense an«l humanity, I the supply aiul there was no com children spent New Years with
many to ascertain what I formerly and the l»raii*l of Cain is on those J |x*t it ion aitil so why furnish cheap .Mrs. Hunt’s parents near Salem:
fjd J acohs spent New Years at
gave'for severe cases of influenza who were leaders in its promotion, j phones and juie«* to the “ prop!«-.'
Tliis is simply hii illustration o> |||(. |,- ^ p*,.,^), |lom(.
with general HHecess. I inform and in <l<*«'*'iviiig the coinmon vot-
M,s. ( ’. J. Hunt and
them that my prescription was a or I,s to the extent they d e sig n e d ^ K »sU * in .
Inin man expects to come home
combination of cod-liver oil and ti) carry it. (o cl one sh I ooiih , hih I
children spent New Years at the
whisky— tnk<*n freely. I have also prohibit the sale o f liquor as a , tp a «•ountry such as lie Icjt where 1!. Miller home.
advised Jthose who have gr«’at«*r beverage, was right, as a moral the private indivuliial was at lib-
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Helitnhlt
love for thedife of themselves and i and sanitary measure, but to throt­ « rty t«i «Jevelop and grow and
ehihlreii who have been visit­
family than for tin* law o f a lot
of «-ranks who never studied mc«lj-1 iirc<jieal purposes is a eriiru* thaï tection of a constitution guaran­ ing at the Joe Heiulrieks Inum* the
pa.-t three weeks have r« itu:i«d to
cine a «Ihy in their lives- -and it | wii> iiavi* to he answer.of I’ »r !*** teeing him tlies«* rights.
doesn't exp«*«1* fo eruue home tli-ii horn« in Eastern Oregon.
they had. would have been too fore the bar of th» Grn* ' :•*. o