<* \ '. THAT ISI AMERICA! t - f r » » * * » , » * * * - Splendid Work in Fr^'oe Typical of Country. & ;m R eturn ed Soldier T elle O 'm rth 'n ij <*l W onderful Doing« In W li.oh E v e ry C ltlre n of O ur Q reat R- public M ey H ave P ride. A anlrlh-r o f tin* r x p i iiltfonnry fur''** onfivermid with u* ih r uth er night. I l* I hml b^cn «hot h i l f In piare*. M cvrr Niellili evi II hi> lif> Ih r mu fin* Imi uf *M Itili Ina unit mul vlhrm tl .if«* who « i ni mit fu r iw IV I ih r hi Irli o f him « u * un tou i'h n l. A * h r talked ln> Ninlih nly lifte d ih»* veil betw een II* nini fur-ulT con«!«— w e miw F ra nee, I roni n (Hirt Hint hml no dnek* uf liiipurtuiici* b efore i h r n r mi * e i » extend tin- new A m erican hull! u liiii'v r a ; u illr un ml Ir*. I lr m l «hip* w er« *w ln «ln g In un h u rryin g thh*«. T h o u san d * u f turn, ninny u f Ihrm hlurk «Inni» from Ih r South, Ih r phyn* leal <*i| ii it I n o f an y Ihnl e v e r hm vn l to Inhnr, »w arm ed nruiiml them . M ountain* o f au p p llr* tow ered on e v e ry *lde. ► ’ nun thu*e a r m i dock* rnn n fo u r track rnllruNd; heiivy , a ta ri , Pull*, heu vy t I inhered rntidhrd, rock Imi- ln*l, «Ieri clam ped, graded p e rfe ctly . 4 curnntlve. fe ll I lit* snlPVtv nf io«-l un­ d er hta tortu red I m - i I v . the »month ru tilila « f w heel* nut to he m is ta k e n : the |uenl!/ei| In eam n ted *niil n f Amar- Ira in imhetuMn* n ill* henrnth the m ig h ty enaln e » ad Hie a w lftly n in n in e car*. T h e h'nd«er»>r heaan to tin-ti t«y a * hy m a rie . 'T h e n ." he *nld, "T kn ew I w a* all rlah t. K om ethlna had jfn I lin'd o f m e." T h at I« A m erica. T h e ««Idler that pn w ound* could d is m a y ; the aid'd rneii. Hie wonder'fill creatio n that iniide not only ihn h ig h w ay fo r mir pow er hut the foundation o f ou r fre e repu blic A« thl« «h aftered hut *frone-«plrlted hid told o f the tra n q u illity »hai crime w ith Hie hiim o und pull o f an A m eri­ can locom otive, our h e a rt* w ere »H ired. W ho o f u* ha« noi w aited w ith hnl pol«ed, the p itch er fu m bling the hall m ean w h ile to «re one o f our m igh ty locom otive* so th u n d erin g nn»t our Im prnvlaed diam ond? Il w aa m ure than n locom otive— It w a * n sym- h oi. l'e r ti* p* w e did not fattam i t h e aymhnl|«tn o f It. htjf w e felt It Ih re „ I le«» I» the Inh* rn refn tlon , hrowaht hom e hy n «oPIler o f Hie t'n lo n (hat In n»» «m all part h«« heen m ade cren» h y the v p Ion. the d a rin *, and Hie d o w n w rlth t w ork Ihnl ennqjtcred the w llderne«*. cm «»ed the en»lern nw iyi talna. »wept o v e r the p rairie *, mas- tered oth er and m igh tier m om ,Inin«, linked the su n rise count to Ihnt o f the *un«et o f «teel. and con verted a continent Into a nelahborhnod hy the A m erican locom otive, b ro th e r o f the one that picked up ou r w oflnded «oh d le r and m ade him feel that “ some- th ln a hud *ot hold o f him " , T h at “ aom ettilng" had r« t hold o f the world. — M aneheater C olon . Future Air Traval. It la predicted that In ten— maybe Are—yrar* from now. the aky will he marked out In regular lln*a of air travel, aa tha earth now 1» handed with ■teal ralla. Station* and enllog hotiaea probably will ha **tahll*hed high In th# air. whera th# big II ml fad» will draw ap aloognlda captlv# dln'ng bnl- loona for the noaal M minute* fo r din nar. Aerated water w ill h# served, Mid aaen tha prloaa will ha Infl-ted la thla vtalon la aaea but on# feature ■which hark# hack to 1918: The din- tag-room girl« will »till ha w e arin g thoae solemn, ugly black dresses. rad l ■Hag the name old gloom even to the laat table fnrthaat back In the fnrtheat comer. I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder at the farm known as the JESSE T A F T PLACE Five miles northeast of Sublimity, Seven miles east of Shaw and one quarter mile west of Union Hill school house, on silver creek road. * i w fiSSSM m PT? r. : ' I, V* ' ^ V ■ « .' a » j taut T [ I + ** i I ! té 0 commencing at 10 a. m, the following described property Horses, Cattle, Etc. One bay horse* 11# years# weight 1400 One bay mare# 4 years# weight 1000 One gray h;:se# 14 years# weight 1000 Three cows Three heifers One sow with five pigs Nine two months old pigs Two shoais Fifty-five Leghorn Pullets Seven shoals# averaging 125 pounds Five hogs# averaging 175 pounds Fourteen head of sheep Fifteen head of goats Miscellaneous One 2-section harrow (Tne spring tooth harrow Oliver plow# No. 222 One merry-go-round One Deering mower One 2-horse cultivator Two 1-horse cultivators Potato planter# new Winona 3in wagon nearly new One Monitor drill# 12 disc One hack One single buggy One road cart# 2 l-2ho International gas engine One feed chopper One scalding vat One spray pump One footpower grindstone One Planet Jr. garden cultivator and seeder com­ bined# almost new One set double harness One set single harness Household goods 800 bushels gray oats 75 bushels winter wheat FREE LUNCH ON GROUNDS HT NOON GOOD ROCK ROAD TO PLACE , TERMS: i ; All sums of $20 and under cash. Over that amount credit of 6 months with interest at 8 per cent, with bankable notes. ' 1 | . ---- 4------- J. A. LINCOLN, Owner W hy D idn 't T h a y T h in k # f T h a t? O fficer — T h e ground w a* «Imply «hocking a fte r the r a i n ; w e thought the buttle w ould Uiiv* to be pout- ( poned. I.a d y — W ell, do you know , we w ere In the *am e predicam ent »he dny o f ou r Hed P ro*« fe s tiv a l, hut w e had the fo re sig h t to ro v e r the ground with at raw .— London Opinion. Two Way». "W n sn ’ l she opposed wb«*i «he «tari- cd out a * a p ro fe ssio n al w h P d le r?" " Y e s , hut now alle can crow ove: 1C" ( Farmers and Merchants Bank, Clerk < | f_ George Keech, Auctioneer \