The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 09, 1919, Image 6

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Wear Proof Tread Tires
V 9
WEAR-PROOF TIRES arc of the famous ‘ Egypto” Rubber Construction-so tough and Wear Resisting as to
be almost impregnable— thus practically wear proof.
Heat— The Enemy of Tires
Don’t Be Misled
It has been conclusively proven that the heat in a tire
is not caused by the friction of the road, but is gener­
ated by the incessant compression and expansion of the
air within the tire as the car rolls over the road.
This heat is retained by the rubber, because rubber is
a non-radiating material. How different this is where
WEARPROOF TREADS are used. The steel studs are
constant heat radiating points, hardened steel being the
best heat radiator known. Thus the steel studs are
continually conducting the heat from within the tire.
Equip your car with Wearproof Treads and you are
virtually riding on air-cooled tires.
Don’t confuse Wearproof Treads with the many infer­
ior and so-called "tire protectors” on the market, made
of cheap chrome leather or some fibre substitute for
rubber, that merely fit the tires to which they are ap­
plied until they become wet and water-soaked, making
the "protector” loose and baggy, in which condition it
will slip and creep on the tire, generating excessive heat
and more often ruining your tires than protecting them.
If you have used them, you know, and if you have not,
just ask some one that has used some of those so-called
"tire protectors”
Tire can be seen at The Mail Office
W. L.
Beautiful Spot in Which Have Been
Laid American Soldiers Who
Died in Liberty's Cause.
On the wooded slope of a steep hill
•hit rises high over a great beud in
th River Seine lies a little plot of
earth that is as much America as is
the national cemetery at Arlington or
the hallowed ground of Gettysburg. It
Is a quiet and peaceful s|x>t. for al­
though Paris 1« near— the slender pin-
nncle o f the Eiffel tower is I” plain
slew over the trees— the city ft. «epn-
rated from the American cemetery at
Sumesries by the green expanse of
the Bols de Boulogne. The heart of
the city that Is the heart o f the world
Is not five miles aw ay; yon would
think it at least fifty. It Is a spot far
removed from war. and yet there are
enough o f the accoutrement« o f war
about it to remind the visitor that the
700 graves here are the graves of sol­
diers— mostly o f so'dlers who died of
their wounds on the journey In from
the front or at one o f the hospitals in
or ne; r the capital. Further up the
elope frown the ramparts o f the fort
o ' Mount Vnlerien. one in the chain
o f defenses that surround Paris. Dur­
ing hostilities planes flew from field to
field, the drone o f their motors never
eo clear as in this quiet countryside.
Aral more warlike still, an occasional
cannon shot echoed from a testing
ground in the neighborhood. The lit­
tle- cemetery Itself, with its well-
aligned rows o f white wooden crosses,
will some day he as green and fair a
Ood’a acre as hiij - In France. It Is
becoming so as fast as the loving
hands of the living can convert It Into
one. Even In these fresh fall days,
tiie graves are all nbleora, and hardy
slim ' s add a touch o f «Amber beatify
to the little com ers and round points.
— Star* and Stripes. Paris.
Is Essential in Production of Sulphuric
Ac d, Indispensable in Manufac­
ture of Explosives.
T w o universtilly known products—
• t «■ .i rare metal, the other n common
acid— have lately assumed lnn«ortnn«*e
that is mystifying to the Inity. Plati­
num has beeome virtually the king of
metals, mid sulphuric acid the king of
cl«« ini« ills. The reasons for thi* nre
most simple.
Platinum Is obtained
eh.el'.y from the l.'ral mountains. Ow ing
to 1 1,cutir conditions In lin n 'a little
o f It Is being mined. It Is absolutely
caw mini in the niiinufa« lure of sul­
phuric acid. Without a small amount
o f it being present, oxygen, water and
sulphur dioxide will not unite cliem-
Ict.TTy. -i'pTTuFic m hi. on life other
hand, was probably the most indis­
pensable product us« «1 in the prosecu­
tion o f the war. Its tremendous attln-
Ity tor water made it vitally important
In the manufacture of high explosives.
For Instance, one ohtuins a fuirl.v
harmless liquid by mixing glycerin anil
nitric acid. If sulf^iuric acid Is ad<led.
It combines the two chemically by
taking an atom o f hydrogen and one
o f oxygen from the nitric acid, an
atom o f hydrogen from the glycerin,
forming water, and taking It unto It­
self. One then has nitroglycerin. In a
similar manner sulphuric ad d Is need­
ed for the manufacture o f guncotton
and T XT. Thus we had the pecu­
liar cycle of drcumstances that made
It unpatriotic for an Amerh-an to have
In his possession more than an ounce
of platinum In the form o f jewelry.
Incidentally, however, there is said to
be good reason for the l»elief that a
very large proportion o f the so-called
platinum In modern Jewelry Is com­
posed wholly or at least In part of
cheaper metals.— Popular M«-fhr.nlcs
All He Had Left.
The conjuror w h s giving a sleight
o f hand performance. One o f his feat*
was to make a mnrked dollar hill dis­
appear In the «Ighf o f the crowd, which
he dill successfully.
“ That marked dollar bill will be
found In 'he vest pocket of that gen­
tleman.” -uid the conjuror, pointing
with bis magic wand at Sain Dowsing.
All eye« were rlveteil on Sam. who
advanced to the front, took some
money from his vest pocket and sold -.
“ Boss, here's your change.
hud two b«s-rs and a cigar out of that
dollar you told me to keep In ma
p*»-ket till you culled for It.”
Uncle Sam Doesn't Flatter.
The persons employed In Washing
out passport* for eager
1 • *i: m # 1 for R-«l Cross serv­
ice in I’.*; - *■ must have >-uir«sl «II«p«,-
sltions. That Is what n Kansas City
girl says, and «lie has proof of it.
“ Sh«- has n large mouth, a prominent
nose and sallow complexion,” runs the
official description on her passport, and
now the girl say* she doesn’t know
whether she wants to go to France or
A Serene Mind.
“ Did you forgive Willie Rllmrner for
throwing a stone at you?" asked the
solicitous mother.
“ Oh. vcs. mother.” replied the angel-
faced child. “ I threw a stone much
strnightcr than lie did and now Willie
has some forgiving to do his ownself.”
A Chlm'se g« ncral. with his seven
wives and u small bodyguunJ. walked
iato the station at Harbin as the
Vladivostok tratu was about to start
and demanded accommodation for
himself ami party.
The < 'hlneso-Eastern, although a
Joint Kussian-t’hlnese property. Is op­
erated by the Russians In conjunction
with the SiWerlan railway.
The Russian station master O H -
suited his watch. shrugge«l, and said
“ Nllza,” which Is the Russian equiva­
lent for “ It can't be done.” He ex­
plained that the train was full and It
was leaving time.
Without further parley the general
dispatched members o f his bodyguard
to hold the train. One man clambered
into the locom otive and covered the
englneman with a revolver. Others
mounted guard on the car platforms.
Then the general ordered the sta-
tionmaster to procure a car "qiil-qul."
which Is Chinese for “ instantly with­
out uny back talk,” on pain o f very
serious consequences to himself.
Twenty minutes later the train
pulled out with the Chinese general
and Ills seven wives aboard In a spa­
cious private car.
The city o f Saloniki had In normal
times a population o f about lflO.OOO
to 170.000. Thi* has been increased
to about 400.000 through the Influx of
refugees from Serbia. Ku »esin Tur­
key, Bulgaria and that purl o f Greek
Macedonia until recently In the hands
o f Bulgaria.
During the last few
yesrs the character of the population
has been steadily changing.
Greek element has more than doubled
Itielf and at this time stands first In
numbers. Turks, formerly the most
numerous class, nre nilw third In
rank nml are steadily deereasing. The
Jewish population stands In second
place and I* the most important com­
A mixture o f Rulgars,
S< rhs and Rotimaniuns and Russians
make up the remainder o f one o f the
most heterogeneous populations In the
world. Differences of race, religion
and customs tend to make the com­
mercial developments of Saloniki slow.
1 , 716 , 000,000
Pounds of Flour Saved
if each o f our 22,000,000 families use this recipe
instead o f white bread.
One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; three loaves a
week for a year means 1,716,000,OCX) pounds saved I
Enough to Feed the Entire Allied Army
Corn Bread with Rye Flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 c u p c o rn m ea l
1 cup rye flour
2 ta b le s p o o n s s u g a r
1 • »«
6 teaspoon* Royal Baking P ow der
2 tablespoons shortening
Barley flour or oat flour may be used Instead of rye flour with equally good
results. Sift dry ingredients into bowl; add milk, beaten egg and malted
ahortening. Stir well. Put into greased pan, allow to stand in warm place
20 to 25 minutes and hake in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes.
Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, “ Best War Time R e c ip e s c o n t a in in g many other
recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed free— address
ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, 135 William St, New York
Save Carden Surplus.
An example o f the success brought
about by CO-operation Is shown In a
report received by the United States
department o f agriculture from Gila
county, Arizona, wheie the local home-
démonstration agent and county agri­
cultural agents united their efforts In
developing methods for conserving
*H! ,200 worth o f surplus products
grown on more than Ita» acres o f Irri­
gated land divided Into one-eighth
acre garden.«. A eo-operntlve market­
ing store was established near the gar­
dens on the edge o f town on the main
traveled rond. A community canning
kitchen was also operated under the
supervision of the home demonstration
agent, no charge being made to the co­
operating gardener* who wished to
make use o f It. This plaa also prm
sented an opportunity for teaching the
most approved and economical meth­
ods o f canning and «trying.
Bring on the Hearae.
In claiming draft exemption from
the UUhopsgate (Eng.) medical hoar«I
a munition* worker gave tills remark-
uhle catalogue o f his Ills:
One lung chronic liver complaint,
no teeth, varicocele and chalky g«oif.
piles and chronic eczema, suffered
Watches Made of Cannon.
pleurisy and pneumonia twice, rheu­
Wnr souvenirs In the shape of
matic fever, inflammation of bowels
twice, malaria nml typhoid. Ulcerated wali'lie« made from the steel of |’,(.|
atomneh several time«, “ eolltla,'' etglp gian cannon which were In active s e r v ­
yenrs’ a«-nre neurasthenia, several ice on the Ri'lglan front slni-e the !>#-
heart attac' « un«l Influenza.
o f both
. Free
, use
" T while ■'-.e-.iof
the human body. If you sutf.-r with
phoning la made possible by a wire *ki Iney backache, urinary disorders, or
f device,
!»»V li*«»
t ll’O tlflifl
( that
h n f
l holds
i n /tu
« th.
K ..
• Ul
Intely Invented,
any form of kidney trouble, the advice
rci-elver In convenient opcrntlng posi
lion. The bracket Is so constructed contained in the following statement
that It normally depresses the receiver should mid a valuable asset to your
hook. To r«'lense the latter a ihiimh • tore of knowledge. What could he
piece Is presse«I. The hook I* drawn be more convincing proof of the efll
down nn«l the bracket member moved cicncy of Doan’s Kidney P i II h than the
In the opposite direction when one statement of a nearby resident who has
ceas«-* teli'i’ liiiiilng. The Jb-vlce Is con us«'d th«-m anil publicly tell* of the
ventent for both home and office use, benefit derived?
and specially In gaihlle telephone
W. W. Muntcr, retired farm«-r, S.
Thirteenth gi Jefferson fits,, Corvallis,
Ore., says; It him been a gtasi many
years since I have needed to take a
kiilney medicine.
From past exper­
ience 1 can recommend Doan’s Kidney
Pills as being a reliable medicine for
kidney trouble. ( found them to he all
claimed for them when I was
Information of Priceless Vklue to that’a
trouble 1 by my kidneys.'*
Every Stayton Citizen
I ric«* fio«-, at all dealers.
Don’t sim-
ply ssk for a kidney remedy—get
. . . .
Don n s Kidney I’illa—
-th** same th,*t
How to act in an emergency is know M
m TnH*
ledge o f in es tim a b le w o rth , and this ia ! f
, !!!*'
F n e te r-M ilb u rn
i i .
r .u i
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y.
particularly true o f the «liaejies anil 1 , 1 *
1 m