+ HAS U K TITLE TOTHOSE WHO DIED HE CUT BEP TAPE Sinrok Mary Reindeer Queen of Connecticut Town Hat Memorial innocent Request the Prelude to tor All T im i Much Trouble. • Alaska. Appellation Aocordod Her Through Ownorahlp of Hard* of Valuable Animate — Loved Throughout Territory for Oeneroelty. Plot of Greund, Wall Called "T ra ct of Glory,” W ilt • • Hancaforth tha Meat Charlahad Spat In Norfolk. A ftar Mr. Tamp«rary*a gaperlane# With tha Formidable "•ya tem " Ha Frafarrad ta Fay far Anythin* That Ha M.ght Require. Coal barona, merchant prince«, ra t­ tle k in «»— we are all fanilllnr will) the figurative arietocracy o f w ealth; hut more plrture«i|ue and unusual 1« the title popularly accorded to Hlnrok Mary, the reindeer queen o f Alaska. M ary'« career, aa It la related In the ftuuaet Magazine. la one unique In the world o f bualneHa and phlluulhropy. In IH»t:t Mnr.v Antlanrlok, half Hu« alan. half Kaklmo, « a a a round fnced, bright eyed. al .-k haired young wmniin. pretty— we have her own Innocently frank word for It and n bride. The government had ju«t decided to I in jairt reindeer from Siberia to A!a«ku and had aent l.leuteiinnl Ilerthelf. In the revenue culler Ik-nr, to negotiate the purehaae. Me needed an Inter­ preter, «peaking both ltu«»lao nnd Kaklmo, and Mary wna engaged, She wit a glad o f the opfiortnnlfy. hut no willing to leave her hm-hand; ao he was engngetl, too. ti* n tort o f tahl Jolt tmin ahoiird ; lint Mnry wna the recug ulzed lieatl of the Antlanrlok firm. Hhe made lo-raelf Intelligent|y ami auercaa- fully useful among the nntlvea with whom ft wna neee«anry to deal, and on relnralng to Alaska «he wna well paid with a goodly mimher o f rain dear. These It it I in n I w were the origin o f a herd that flourished and Increased amazingly, and lieeama, Inileed. sev­ eral herd«. Mnrv Is m>w rnlalhg deer enough to supfilv th'aiaamls o f eon- aumera; anil reindeer meal la teniler. pnlnlahle apd .lellcloua, so murh ao that, hut for the dlflleultlea o f traits- portntlon. It would i roltahly hecotne a atapli- food throughout the rountry. Mary la a rleh woman, hut «he live« «Imply In a ehiater o f cahlna. perched upon a rorlur promontory fhrtiatlug aetwnrd. fringed with ever heating aurf. It la common knowledge throughout Alaakn that no one waa ever refused food nml lodging at Mnry’« ruhln ; It la nl«o known that, although open-handed and free, «he Is a shrewd bargainer and possesses remarkable commercial sagacity. Few trader«. If any. have been aide to get the advnn'age of her In a hiialneaa deal. There are those In her employ who at times complain o f her aa a harsh mlatreaa, for In busl- ness «he expect« everyone to live up to otillgnflona nml 1« ao strict In that re­ gard that It la hard at times to recon­ cile Ihla severity w lltvh er natural atti­ tude of eaay generosity. Rut with Mary business Is htuMneaa. and philan­ thropy Is quite another matter. Toward the hungry, the helpleaa and little children her tenderness la un­ failing and her honnty lavlah. She has no children o f hgr own. hut she tins adopted a numerous fam ily— not a pretty baby or two, carefully aelect- cd for health and charm and promise, but such forlorn, abandoned and neg- hs-ted waifs and atraya aa came un­ der her notice In a remote and law ­ less zone. There are all race« and colors, declares her biographer. Nona Marquis Snyder, but Mary la merci­ fully color-blind! She gives them all a mother's rare In ao far aa «he la capable, educate« them after a fashion and. when they drift out o f the home eddy Into the greater life current, ehe see* the boat well provisioned. One deed o f generosity will nev%r be forgotten In Alaska. In 1H9A. only five years after the founding o f her herd o f reindeer, word cams that more than fotir hundred whalers bad been caught la the Ice parka o f Point Harrow nnd were slowly freezing and starving. They were five hundred miles away from Mnry Antlanrlok'a anow- coverad cabin : they were many more miles distant— and miles o f the north­ ern wilderness. Icy. rocky, «form -«wept nnd terrible— from sources o f civilized supply. Quite simply and a« n matter o f course. Mnry, reserving only a few head for domestic necessity, started her whole herd o f reindeer northward to the rescue. She received no per­ sonal nppenl, asked no advice, awaited no Instruction«, made neither bargain nor effort to protect her Interests. She saw- her chance fo r Aral aid. anil gave It. Instantly ami whole heartedly. I.nter, the government replnced the sacrificed deer with Interest nnd gnve her the thunks she deserved. Rut since thnt dny It Is fo r more thnn her busi­ ness nblllty thnt the reindeer queen Is respected throughout Alaska.— youth’s Companion. In the little Connecticut town o f Norfolk la • triangular piece o f ground belonging to the people. For year« It atood uaelesa, almost abandoned, and to a certain extent unnoticed. Nor­ folk aent to Franc* early In 10IS ■ «core and a half o f her boy« to tight In the American arudea. Other boya followed. A few months after the first coo- tlilgeut inurched away Norfolk began to receive Its share o f tidings from the front. Nam e« o f boys known to every one In the town were found In the Data o f those "killed In artlon.” Roys whose f a n V were bright and shining and whose voices were strong nnd cheery were never to return. They were lying In the fields of France. The .return o f these names to Nor­ folk Instead o f flesh nnd blood thnt went away gnve Norfolk Its Inspira­ tion. The little green triangle became a tract o f glory. No more will It I)» looked upon aa n waste, no more will the people o f Norfolk call It worth­ less. For some one thought o f a way to make It rich, the moat cherished spot In Norfolk. On Flag day In (he year that the war made heroes of these lads from Norfolk the people o f thnt place dedl- ented the point o f this triangle to the memory o f those who w ere not to come hack from France. At thnt time four o f Norfolk'«, boys were lying In Ffniice under little crosses o f wood, and on Ibis day four little crosses o f wood similar to those In Franre, with a name and a date on each, were driven Into the ground al the point o f the triangle. There they will stay until they are perhaps replnced by more en­ during nnd Impresalve marks o f trib­ ute. Rut the little crosses o f wood nre nor nil that the ponpfo o f Norfolk placed In the village triangle In mem­ ory o f (he hoys who will not come hnelf. Something that will live und thrive nod beautify the barren triangle was plnred there for each hoy. nml It Is r»nmcd fo r him. For each hero n free was planted, and It will always he known as Ms tree, by his name: nnd long after the great-grandchildren o f those who now live In Norfolk are dead nnd gone these trees will still stnud nnd will he known through all the sunshine and storm o f the ages by the names they received at the chris­ tening. They will grow to be (all and mighty nnd spread their branches over the cross that whk won on the battle folds o f France the simple cross of honor that every man wins when he give« tip his life for his country. The though! Is beautiful. That lit­ tle triangle In Norfolk will have more frees nnd crosses; the hoys who died In Franco will live nnd grow to an age fa r beyond the years o f the oldest o f men. llo w simple this way o f com­ memorating th«* deeds and the spirit of the boys who go forth to the war never to tom e home again! A little cross o f wood for the present, n tow er­ ing tree fo r the future, and the name o f n hero preserved for an age to come. Oeorge Rnrr McCufrheon. I wanted a wlra paper dip . Mlaa Mnilfh, also new to the ministry, said she would fetch some from the atore- krep«». Th at’s what started the (flat­ ter. I pinned the loose papers to­ gether and went on wUh ray work. Tha storeksapsr had evidently re­ fused to part with any d ip s without an order. Mias Kinljb brought me a printed folder containing a request for “ paper clip«, w ire," which she had typed In triplicate on paper headed "M inistry of Economy. For depart­ mental uae only.” She said It waa the right thing to do and I waa to algn It. and then Mr. Jonen, downstairs, would deal with It. It sounded quite inno­ cent; I Initialed It without mlagtvlng. Later In the week the folder came hack. It contained several exlra sheets o f paper and had evidently traveled. The first minute waa from Mr. Jones: “ In reference to Mr. Tem ­ porary’« request for paper clips, wire, for dejiartineutnl use. I fall to see what advantage these have over paper clips, braaa. u § i l i are In uae In my departn-ert.” Mr. Kobtnson said that the question opened a wide field, and he had re­ quested the storekeeper to let him know how many puper clip«, brass, he had In stock. “ See attached sheets A and A l." These were a formal request to tlie ator*ke»|>er, and hla reply, to say he had 87 one gross boxes on hand and one box, partly opened, which he estimated to contain fl<>. I f the exnct number waa ri-qulred he would have the d ip s counted. Mr. Short pointed out that hla rol- lengm a had not noticed that the mat­ ter waa one which came within the province o f the ministry o f wire draw­ ing. He had consequently put through a request fo r a price at which paper clips, wire, could he supplied He at­ tached a carbon copy o f hla letter, ami a reply from the applied wire depart­ ment. ministry o f wire drawing, to nay the matter was r«-celvlng attention und would be dealt with lu due time. The next minute wus from a gentle­ man who ha<{ evidently set the vnat mnchlnt ry o f (he directorate o f office supplies and sundries at Work. A t­ tached wore pui>ers from them to say they hnd paper clips, wire, ns well as paper clips, brass. In stock. Ttiey wished to he certain that no change In design was necessary, and were sending, by motor, samples o f the pa­ per d ips (w ire ) they had in stock, as perhaps one or other might prove suit­ able. Appended were other papers of which the flrst waa from the chief of the departmental garage to say he had a motor at Huntingdon awaiting a con­ signment o f paper. He had Instructed the driver to return at once. On hla urrfvul he would dispulch goods as requested. . . . At this point Mias Smith entered: “ W ill you make out an order fo r a typewriter eraser?" "N o ," I answered firmly. “ You will please give’ thta dime to one o f the messenger girls and ask her to go out and buy one !*'— 8. P „ lu London MalL Railroad Supersedes Camel. T ile modern Kthloplan travels from Jerusalem to flnza on the wav to his home country, fa r up the Nile, by rail­ road train. Reports from Palestine Indicate that since the R-ltlsh occu­ pation o f the country Onzii, the chief city of the Philistines In Old Testa­ ment dnys, and the scene o f Samson's exploits, has heroine an Important rail road center, the broad-gauge railway having been extended from Muza to n point SO miles to the northward, and the old Turkish line from l.udd to Je­ rusalem. as well as the recently con­ structed branch line from (Inzn fo Sur- nr Junction, having been restored am* put In operation. Tha W ay of It. “1 w a s held up by a w om an once w ho was too w ell so pp lied w ith arms for m e to re sist her." i " W h s she n p ro fe ssio n a l fo o tp a d ?” "V o -hi- was io; Ultra« w Ion I y.a* • k id ." I Watch fo r Tacka In Pie. The question « « to whether a per­ son who And« a black tack In a piece o f blueberry pie la entitled to recover damage« from u restaurant company for gross negligence In not detecting the presence o f the tack In the pie, hus been passed on by the supreme court o f Massachusetts In Ask vs. Childs Pining Hall company. In which the court rultwl for the defendant and held that the plaintiff hnd failed to sustain the burden o f proof In estate llshlng either dires t or Inferential evi­ dence o f ns-gllgenre. In (Milntlng out the difficulties confronting the defend­ ant In k*i-plng small black tacks out o f Its blueberry plea, the court snld: “ Ths- tack was very small. It was so tiny thnt It readily might have become Imbedded In a blueberry. If so. Its color nnd shape were such that It would naturally eacape the most care­ ful scrutiny. It might as rendlljr have stuck Into a blueberry before It came to the possession o f Ihc defendant as afterward. The carelessness o f some person for whom the defendant lu no way was responsible might have caused II" presence In the pie. The maker oT the basket, some previous owner of the berry, /»r some other third per^pn. Is ns likely to have been the direct cause o f the tack being In the pic as the defendant or those for whose conduct It Is liable." Tw o W ar Heroes. The two colored soldiers o f the Amerlcnu urmy lu France who be­ come fnmaus for their bravery and courage in preventing more than twen­ ty Teutons west o f Verdun from exe­ cuting a well-developed plan to asaall one o f the moat Important points of resistance on the American front, have been decorated by the French. Their names are Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts. Itoth are privates and members o f the old New York Na­ tional Quanl. It la suld these men have been awarded the war cross by the French general o f the division un­ der whom the unit Is serving, and that Johnson Is scheduled to receive the much-coveted gold palm o f the French armT commander ns well.— Southern Woman’s Magazine. "I Like Gravy.” At a recent dinner party thnt Includ­ ed the little folk in their high chairs, llie guests fell to talking o f thnt cus­ tom o f the dark ages- making chil­ dren wait until the second table. "W hen I wus a little shaver." snld a prominent attorney, “ my brother and I were holding forth in the kitchen. T w ice the gravy bowl had been re- lllled. The third time It was returned to the (lining room my brother stuck tils head through the door nnd yelled: “ Don't eat up all the gravy. I like gravy." Beam* Made of Redwood. “ Fish M eal" for Cattle. Wood Is now m pldl) supplanting On the shores of the North sen there steel beams In Industrial plant con­ has recently been sturted u factory struction. ns may he seen In a largo for the manufacture 'o f what has paper pulp mill which Is now being proven to lie a very satisfactory food erected. What arc known ns laminat­ for live stock from the refuse o f a ed wooden trusses nre being put In by tlsh-pucking plant. A “ flsli mcnl" is h t ’hlcngo construction company hnv- f turned out which contains 53 per cent lug the contract for the. mill. The o f albumen and 12 per cent o f fat. I! largest trusses used arc !XI feet long, is eaten by swine and some cattle ac­ there being six o f those, ami the ma­ cept It readily. Besides making use terial Is a redwood. There arc 21 SO- of a refuse. It releases much grain foot trusses and seven 04-foot trusses. otherwise demanded for food by these Twenty thousand feet o f the tnnterinl ntilinula. Is red" oi«l nnd the remainder south­ ern pine. The redwood Is used In the Ten Veara a Long Time. p-irt o ' the cut work thnt Is directly "W hy Is Wombat hustling so strenu­ nlmxV the big vats in the mill, this ously? I thought he retired with w<«od being considered more ndnptn- enough to live on.” M-< to stand the action of tin- steam "It looked Ilk" enough t » live o*»— f- x*’ *h'i vnfu teu years ago."— Judge. 4 REACH LIM IT IN ABSORPTION • , - « hi The Man in the Tobacco Store Says •mall Thing* Like the Turmoil e f l Great W ar Cannot Disturb Che«« Davetsst. T o It« devotees chess la the moat absorbing of all mental activities, the game that sbovo all others bring« complete forgetfulness o f (he world to those who play and those who wutch the moves, observes a writer In the New York Hernhl. A striking exumple o f this self ab­ sorption has been shown receutly In the rooma o f a local cheas club when distinguished experts struggled for su­ premacy fn the mimic field heedless of the atu|iendoiis four-year struggle that was fa «’ drawing to a close on Eu­ rope's shell-torn, hinod-aoaked board. What waa the reckless slaughter of thousands o f Herman soldiers In cone pH risen with the sacrifice o f a single Ivory pawn standing guard before Its queen? Which one o f those who moved the piece« or o f the greater number who watched them with fur­ rowed brows and fast-heating hearts thought o f the kaiser’s peace offer while the queen’s gambit was passing before their eyes? The pope may lift his voice In words o f solemn counsel, hut Ahey heed him not. The only ec­ clesiastical power that they recognise Is that o f the inltnsl bishop sweeping Into the heart o f the enemy’s rountry und smiting the rock as It stands. T o rend the printed account« o f thta tournament Is to recall the old Ruck picture o f two chess players carried lu their ehulra from a burning build­ ing with the hourd between them. Nor do we wonder at the fact that It was only while absorbed In his dally game that the exiled Napoleon could forget Sir Hudson Lowe. — it does beat «D how men are taking to R eal G rave­ ly. now that they know it coats nothing extra to chew this class of tobacco. A ll you have to do is to get a man to take his first plug of Gravely. Let him get tha pure, satisfying G rave­ P a ■ — TOi>A C C Ö CO DANVILLE VA There is a system of living whereby Tcclay may be’ made to provide for Tomorrow--this year for next year--the prime of manhood for old age. This one worc| tells the story. Just a little regu­ larly deposited in our savings department makes a pleasently sur­ prising showing in the yeais to corne | Capital $50,000.00 Farmers & Merchants [Bank of Stay ton, Oregon || : A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE We carry a large line of dry goods, shoes, notions, gents’ furnishings, hats, caps and rubber goods, etc. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT has a large line of fancy and staple groceries, canned goods, smoked meats. In fact ev- erything you will find in a first-class Merchandise store is to be found here at prices that are right. ; ---------- » * ► Good American Family. Thirty years ngo a girl came to thja country from Russia to marry Louis Fleshner, an Immigrant from the same country. They settled In Springfield, Mass., and when the United States en­ tered the war they had four sons, the oldest 23. All o f them entere«! the army nnd the eldest has distinguished himself In battle. H e Is the young man who. having lost an arm and nn eye while carrying ammunition through shell fire, optunlatk-ally exclaim ed: T m the luckiest Jew In the army. Any oth-r man In my place would have been killed."— American Israelite. T ry a Tricorn. Stop to ttvuk how often a crrta’w c!ork Ir the bakery department o f a certain downtown store helps you to decide on a round marshmallow cHke or n square chocolate In preference to .1 three-cornered devil’s final. • "Look at the tricorn« left again." snickered the white-aproned diplomat. "N ever catch me rootin’ for trl’s ; to«- hard to wrap."— Indianapolis News. GRAVELY ■ SAVE ■ French Live Stock on th* Deeiin*. The United States food administra­ tion has called attention to the large decrease in live stock In France since the beginning o f the war. In rdttle this decrease amounted to 2,,199.000 up to December, 1917; In sheep the de­ crease amounted to 6.238.000 head : In hogs to 2.86SI.000 head. In the period since owing to the food shortage there has been a still further shrinkage. Fig­ ures like these Indicate that there will be a large and Insistent demand for live stock from this country for the foreign trade for many years after peace Is Anally estnblslhed. “ Olive” Oil. Over 300 different types o f husked vice or paddy were tinder examination last year at one of the government agricultural farms In Burma, nnd over 200 types o f snssminini were grown at another. Hitherto much o f the sns.sa- niuin grown In Burma ha« been ex­ ported to Europe, where It 1« used for the production o f ’ he so-called “ olive o il" for which France nnd Italy have long been famed. J S in */ S ii Do you live “ from hand to mouth?” ri Amateur archeologist« o f California are endeavoring to Interest profes­ sional scientists o f the Hast In the epigraphs which abound on the rocks o f Round Yglley. not far from the city o f Rlshop. 'nn ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ « A A « » « * The Mail is $1.50 a Year , [ ! j L e s l e y Hotel p oooooo vooooooooooooooooo6600-0000000000oooooooo ^ MRS. F R A N K LESLEY, PROP. m ooooooOOOOOO We cater to the traveling public CLEAN ROOMS GOOD BEDS ooo o o o O O O O O O Make this your home when in Stayton STAYTON OREGON ^(vsnoeAOOOOOe'VO-OOOOdOOOOOOOO dOOCWXVOOOOOOO'OOOOO È