ff 9 T he STAYTON MAIL A t- ov 1‘ixiiU .iiti | ia xvm :. rom creek. The curds h e’d >ie:il would make) Chus. S. Clark, Editor and Proprietor you feel his playing was ol»-1 _________________________ __ ________________ _________________ i----------- - lu|ue. rv . - , _ _ rx xt • * i They talk about King Arthur’« Km ghu. «ud round u n « farmer. A. C. Giles. Salem No. 1, ear penter. F. M. Fresh, Sublimity, farmer. John O. Gritton, Croiaan, far­ mer. Thomas J. Hall, West Gervais, merchant. W. T. Gromm, East Hubbard, farmer. Henry Zorn, t'hampocg, farmer. F. S. Gilbart, Salem No. f>. clerk. R C. Halley, Salem No. 5. re­ tired. J. M. Kromling. E. Hubbard, farmer. (îeo. (\ W ill, Salem No. 15, mer­ chant. J. J. llall, East Woodburn, re tired. Henry Saalfeld, W . Mt. Angel, farmer. Eugene Titus, Stayton, capital ist. Arthur A Schwab, East Ger­ vais, farmer. L. W. p otter. Pringle, farmer. E. Allen Proctor. Scollard, far­ mer. • Chas. G. Ransom, Aumsville, banker. F. A. Legg, Salem No. 17, archi­ tect. Leonard Barnick, Brooks, far­ mer. M. M. Magee. East Salem, far­ mer. H. S. Gile, Salem No. 10. mer­ chant*. M. W. Maynard. Salem No. 4. carpenter. E. E. McKinney, West Stayton. farmer. W. T. Ramsden, Salem No. 15, farmer. T. O. Kester, Jefferson, carpen­ ter. ( ’. V. Clodfetler, Jefferson, far- mer. Fred Eder, East Gervais, fur- mer. -J. P. Felder, Donald, farmer. m i EVERY SATURDAY _________ AND SUNDAY A NEW YEAR. SERMON Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail , Carter Glass, the new Secretary o f the Treasury, in a telegram to Governor -James K Lynch of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District announces that expenditures ot the government during the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1918. and including December 16, 1918, ex­ ceeded nine billion six hundred million dollars and that the ex­ penditures in the month of No vember were nearly $2.000.000. In the current month of December up to and including December 16 expenditures exceeded $1,000.000. 000. It is estimated that the to­ tal expenditures o f the fiscal year will be $18,000,000.000. Secretary («lass favors short ma­ turities for the Fifth Liberty Loan and announces that the Treasury Department will continue the sale o f W ar Savings Stamps and Cer­ tificates in a most energetic man­ ner. The complete telegram to Gov­ ernor Lynch follow s: “ In assuming the office of See retary o f the Treasury, I desire to say a few words to the American people, and particularly to the splendid organization of men and women whose unselfish labors, un­ der the leadership o f r.iv great predecessor, have made the story o f our war finance one of the most glorious chapters in the his­ tory of America's part in the war. “ Millions o f Americans have contributed in the most vital, tan­ gible and necessary way to the winniifg o f the war. They have loaned their dollars to their coun­ try with no small sacrifice of per­ sonal comfort and enjoyment and have given largely o f personal ef­ fort and service. For all time we have disproved the slander that Americans are a money-loving people, incapable o f rising above materialistic things. In the eigh­ teen short months ot' the war American people subscribed for eighteen billion dollars o f Liberty Bonds and W ar Savings C ertifi­ cates. “ The banking institutions and the people o f the country financed the requirements of the war in anticipation of the Liberty Loans and o f the taxes for the fiscal year ended Tune ‘10. 1918. by the purchase of a total of $12,500.000.- 000 of treasury certificates o f in­ debtedness. all o f which has 1 cn retired or provided for cut of taxes or bond issues at the time the armistice was signed. “ The expenditures of the gov­ ernment. excluding transactions in the principal o f the public debt, during the current fiscal year be­ ginning July 1, 1918. to and in­ cluding December 16, 1918, ex­ ceeded $9.600,000,000. Expendi­ tures in the month of November nearly equalled $2.000,000,000 and in the current month o f December to and including December 16, exceeded one billion dollars. “ The proceeds o f the Fourth Liberty Loan so far received have all been spent, and the remaining installments payabh cn subscrip­ tions to that loan will be needed to meet maturing treasury certifi­ cates o f indebtedness issued in an­ ticipation o f that loan, and as yet unpaid. Since the armistice was signed, Secretary McAdoo has es­ timated that the cadi outgo from the treasury during the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1919. w ill amount to $18,000,000,000, and much more than half ot that amount has already been expend­ ed in the five and one-half months which have elapsed. The treaty of peace has not yet been signed, nor any part o f our army demobilized. Production o f war materials and supplies bad reached tlm peak at the time the armistice was signed and the bills incurred during that period o f maximum production must be paid.” m —VAUDEVILLE --- _________________ - ________ -___ _________ ,------------------------------------- 1 But uow I'll swear they don’t) compare w ours o f \uba Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application Dam. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Stayton. Marion County. Oregon, under the Act o f Congress o f March 3. 1879. m a r Subscription Price $ 1.50 Per Year in Advance Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association • By REV. JAMES M ORAY. D D. ! new, Lord, ivhnt wnlt fo r t " — Psalm !B> :7. A not tier twelvemonth lias almost gone, and we are yet In the land o f the living. I f we 1 give this serious consideration, w e must regard it as remarkable. Some think dentil the strangest wonder o f human history, hut Is not life stran­ ger? When >ve reflect upon our frame, und the shocks o f life It must endure, must we not exclaim with Young, Bligh Theatre NO “ i A" V ... Salem - - Oregon "Strange that n harp of thousand strings Should keep tn tune so lon g!" Is It to be wondered at If, like eeivetl n letter from their son, Pnvld. we too should put the question. | Alex, who is stationed at Cump "W h at wnlt 1 fo r? " The mystery o f Lewis, saying that lie will nut I«' lieing here la not profounder than the home for some time, hut is feel­ mystery o f staying here. Let us ask ing fine after a siege o f the flu. God the question. The psalmist felt Mr. (V W. lliee, who is employed he could not trust his own conclusions, at (looeli, spent tin- week «-ml with und so he said, "Lord, what w ait I fo r i” . home folks. It may be you are wnlting to be School closed Friilay for a M^yed. G<«l is not w illing that any )ve«*k’s vacation. The teacher, should i>erish, but that all should Miss llrudshavv, is spending her come to repentance and live. vacation wtili home folks at "O Ephraim, how ern I give lliee up. Gooch. how shall 1 leave thi*e, Judah?” Be­ T ’.ie K in d Y o u H ave A lw a y s B ou gh t, nn.l n h h li h 1 1 Leon Henry froisqnt spent Sunday hold him weeping over the llo lv City, lu n so fo r o v e r SO jo u rs , has bornn t!i«i » l j . n a f r e o f •*0 Jerusalem, b >w oftuti would I have ev ening at the Kniken home. ami has been made under Ids |*er- gathered thy children together,' as a — C - so j u l suiter vision :-ln«-o its li.ianey. hen guthereth her brood under her A llo w no one to deceive » <• 11. i this. wings, and ye would n ot!” He Is so All Counterfeits, Imitations ami “ .In- t-us-go-.il ” are hot pleading with some o f you today. T o Experiments that tri.lt» with ami <*u«l:inger t ,o health of go hack no farther than the past year, Infants and Children— Experience a^uinst experim ent. has there l>cen no sermon, no Invitation A lb ert Arthur visited at the or warning, no supplication or exhortn Byrd Branch home Saturday. tion. that has appealed to your Inlelli • a • a gence. or ^toved your emotions, plead Castor! n is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, P a r e - ing with you to accept Christ? Havi Jas Henri rich a and w ife ip e it porl«*, Drops ai.d soothing Syrup*. It is pleasant. It you lost no friend or neighbor by death Sunday at A lfred Foxes. contains neither opium . Morphine nor other Nureotio during that period? H ave yon had no • a a a substance, .ts a go is its guarantee. It destroys W o r m s escape from hotllly peril or So Illness ami allays Feverishness. I'or more than thirty years it Kdith Hurt and Alphona Ruef to remind you o f the uncertainty of tins been in c o n s t a n t use for the relief of » onstlpatlon. called at lligh h ergers Sunray. life? Cur?you conscientiously say that l'hitwh-ncy, W ind Colle, all Teething Troubles ami In all these respects G« h 1 has left you Dlarrhira. It re;'’Hutes tlie Stomach r.ml Bowels, atone? B. H, Geaher and Uay Orren assimilates the Food, giv in g healthy amt natural sleep. It may he you ere waiting to hear Tlio Children’ s Panacea— Tho Mother’ s Friend. called at the Henry Benson fruit. You are, by the grace o f God. home Monday. already saved, let us suppose. Put for • • a • wh..' purpose w ere you saved? Sine# Byrd Branch and w ife st»eut God loves you with a “ love that pa.stt- ) Bears the Signature of eth knowledge,” and since “ to depart Sunday at the Arthur Branch anti he with Christ were fa r better” home. than to remain In re— why did he not a a a * call you to him self at your conversion? THE H A L L OF FAME. Mrs. Ben Gesher recently Why are you here Instead o f enjoying solicited for the Red Cross with your Redeemer's presence? 'I here must he some reason. “ Y e have not Bv W ill G. Oat good sucess. chosen ine,” said Christ, “ but I have a a a a chosen you. anti ordained you, that ye William Vaniiandle just finish­ At Yuba Dam, near Santiam.i should go and bring forth fruit, und there wafi a hall of fame. e d harvesting his potatocrop o f that your fruit should remain.” May There players great would emigre -1 it be to give you another opportunity T h e Kind You H ave A lw a ys Bought which he had nearly four hundred gate ; a pool hall was its name. to glorify his father by bearing fruit, T M t C r N T # " « « ( T O M •• A N V , N C Of V O / t K C I T Y , ______________ sacks. This hall alone was run by Stone ! that you are still here? a a a a It nmv be you are waiting to be a Buxon lerger he, Jacob Staiger who hud an Ami like a king upon a throne lie perfected. I ought to explain this, i>e- attack o ' Reumatism is slowly cause there Is a sense In which every reigneth royally. improving. He was not choice with his voice— 1 * true Christian Is perfected the moment he accepts Christ us Ins Savior. H e a a a a loud talking was his rule. 1» perfected In that he Is both justified Agnes Bock, Lucy Staiger, And passershy were heard to cry. :m j sanctified ; his sin is put away. and F ull v cqiiipped liberili rullar«- and Mt-ie iitifir depuri menta. Special Jennie, Francis, and I«eo Iligh - Now say, was that a mule? by the* Holy Spirit lie himself is set training in ( Ioni «nere«-. .Imiranlisni. A reliileetarr. I.uvv, M ed icin e apart fur God forever. The New Tes­ berger spent Sunday evening at l<* t ir Iti iiù . ì . i ì t r n r y o r l i , Z i n n i e . I l « m i »«* In «Iti « \ r U . l ’ H y » i t i l i I m i n i m i * « m i I* II»«* A r i » . ^ M ilila r y S r le n r r in rltn r| e o| \ineri< .m o ik I l l r i l i « l i « » I li* « « . U r lìi. I r t liir e e mid lir lil > ««rk A table green within was seen at) tament Is very d e a r on this; notice the Gesher home. a ll H p*ln sl.ile. I u ir p ì I nn r \ p r r i r n « c in y r r * r » l wur. f « m p lr lp a y a lr m « I I r m r h f a , It r ld ir a , Paul's words In his epistle to the Co- which till late at night a a a a r ie . Stu denti» r *«-»m in e m ir«l (o r (m attinila*tona. (M it r i.il— Rux r r n a i m l I I . O . T. These crafty lieeks would pla.v for lossians, fo r example. Tu ition I'IIK F ;. L ib r a r y « I IN MMMI vo lu m e». I W mi tori* a tur m *n and WMRM. Ben Gesher and son Henrv I ‘ h « | i c n « e I n w e a l , b u m li < » | i p o r i u n i l y I o r w o r k i i t i «*«•**• w n f . checks. Ye gods they were a \ What, then, do we mean by saying were in Salem on business one ■ tV rii* H r fU lr n r . ICugeue. O rrfion. fo r lllualrutr«! booti Ir t. w e may be waiting to he perfected? (tgfct. Do we menu the attainment o f a state day last week. There’s Geyser Bill from Pigtail o f sinlessness this side o f heaven? N o ; hill, a Cornish man you see. | for If a Christian lived to be ¡is old ns Though somewhat stout, inclined Methuselah, would he not still require Mt. Pleasant Items. to spout; a foxy player he. to pray, “ Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass ligtdrist Now Roarin' George from up the The Misses Gladys Downing and gorge was always cool and us?" W e only mean that perfectness. Dorothy Smith arrived home Sal- In the sense o f s ripeness fo r the calm— urday from Oregon City to spend W hatever Is n«*cew«arjr Ani«*rl«n will t<) th«* fact that while working in And none could beat or e*°r de­ sickle, which comes In thp lives o f some ns If a crown o f glory had been th«- lumber mill at Gooch a large Christmas with home folks. feat this Christian gentleman. vouchsafe«! to them even before they •end. That wna Aim-rloo'» pledge to Charley Lambert came home the Interallied foo«l counrtl. And b«*- four hy twelve timber fell on his i passed Into the unseen. rause the American f«>od army had leg, breaking a .small bone in his Friday from Seattle with his hon­ Say', don't forget Oom Paul, the hitherto made good th e; took heart ankle. He was immediately taken orable discharge from the navy. And so may It he with some o f you. Vet, for— now the truth I'll Though now your pruning, your dig­ and went forwariL William Ryan has nls«> arrived to the hospital at Mill City where ■* ging, and perhaps your growing days tell, home from Corvallis with his hon­ Dr. Allen dressed his limb. He Farm enterprise and much soft corn H e ’d doctor shoats, and cows, and are over, yet the quiet but potent rays remained there four days. Sunday orable discharge. goats, and doctor cards as o f divine grace ure aceomplishihg a Increaseil pork supplies, food eon ser­ Mrs. Daisy McIntyre and he was taken to his home and is ration lncr«-a»e<1 export»— total ship­ maturity In your experience, s«j that well. •laughter. Miss Anna, o f Salem, getting along quite nicely. ments doubled. your Christian life never w ill have Our marshal brave who looked as la-en so attractive as In the hour that Miss Sarah Bradshaw and Han­ nro visiting at the M. F. Ryan grave as a Merino sheep, you depart hence. “ W e all do fade as nah Holzfuss spent Saturday in home. But say, when he was in the g line a leaf, but the fa ll o f you, ye glory- Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Shank and Albany. ’twas better not to sleep. F A IT H J U S T IF IE D «•rowned ones, Is to he illumined by son and Miss Veins Shank were The Ghristmas services were BY EVENTS. And W alt the crook who used to the grandeur o f an autumnal sunset. held in the s«-liool house. The entertained at the Ed Smith home God bless you, aged brethren! God look so innocent and bland Sunday. 1 do not believe that draatlc morning sorvi«;c was conducted hy Sometimes would c h e e p when not bl«?s* you, young and old, rich and Miss Selma Seliuff of Stkyton ia force need be applied to main­ 0. F. Schulcnhurg, o f Lebanon, p«s>r, saint and sinner! May you have asleep. Please may I take a visiting at M. F. Ryan’s. tain economic distribution and a “ Happy New Year” In the highest and the afternoon services were hand. aane use o f «upplla* by Ibe The Misses Roxana ami Crystal and truest sense, “ llnpp.v Is the peo­ comlncted by William J. Large, great m ajority o f American peo­ ple whose God Is the Lord.” Accept Shank called » t the Lee Downing o f Eugene. TIics«; both being Says Smith in dispair, “ This hard- him, serve him. wait for him. It Is ple, and I have learned • deep splendid services, were appreciat­ home Sunday. and abiding faith la the Intelli­ bottomed clmir is all by itself «inly as we stnnd in such relationship Ernest nnd John Aegerter call­ ed and well attended. There was gence o f the average Ainerirao in a class to him that, sifter employing the psalm- ed at the J. H. Kloer home F ri­ business man, whose aid we an a basket dinner served at noon And sure as your horn I know ist’s question. “ And now. Lord, what tldpate and depend on ro reme­ day evening. which was enjoyed hy all, “ as wait I fo r? " we can confidently apply I have corns on— What's dy the ev il* developed by the usual.” Wayne nnd Willis Huber were trumps? Clubs? Well I pass.” the consolation In his words that foi war.— Herbert Hooter, August Aloysius Bejitz, who has been Sunday visitors at tin* Mrs. R«ixie When Joe would play Ip* oft would low, “ My h««i»c Is in thee." 10. 1017. Follow ing is the list of citizens o f our county who have been say, “ If I were late for tea drawn to serve as jurymen for th^ I'd he a grouse for at my house January term o f court for Marion their'd he a kickoree.” county, which will meet on Mon­ At real estate oh Thurst was great day, January 6th : and you should hear him W . H. Steusloff, Salem No. 2, spread merchant. It all around and on the ground, A. M. Drorbaugh, East Salem, and sometimes overhead. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Triumph Notes What is CASTORIA • • • + GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years ■ mi » un i 111 nmrTfuiriMWnrn -i~¥ n .UNIVERSITY of OREGON v JÌ2T-TS Our food Gospel eat le s s se rv e le s s w&ate nothing working in a garage at Milverton, is spending a week’s vacation with his brother, John. The Misses Anna nnd Sarah McCully Mountain Mites. Kniken are spending a w«‘«*k’s va­ cation with home folks. Walter Nyriegger is seen in th<- Mr. and Mrs. M. Kniken re neighborhood on crutches, owing Shank home. The Red Cross worker in this vicinity hail very good success tin* past wck. It is reported that ev­ ery family in the neighborhood did their hit. The names o f one or two families ha«l to he omitted.