H. A. BEAUCHAM P, M .D . LOANS. OREGON C. H. BRLWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUItCKON S t a y t o n , O hkcîon W . N. Pintler, D. M. D. I If v o i r ■ !>■ ini a high rate ’ i f Is.I»r ■ > 'iv ii jfoor i hi p in. lumia on time deposit* »1 3 ami 4 per cent per annulli -vin ti (« pc* rent Van rwidl- ly b* a n u re'l ou find Farm Mort­ gages. if y< u have money to loan or wlrh to refund or recur# a n e w one, rail i r v - He H. II IIHLTZKL, Slayton, Ore -in. DENTIST Office ()|>p. I’huiic 21fi!i Shoe Htoro Stavton. Ore Bua. Phone 308 Bra. 1010 I calie Phone G59-J ARTHUR J. KOORK V. A. GOODE • DiCYCLE AND SPORTING COOLS LAWYER end NOTARY PUBUC Office Room No. 0, Roy Bldg. 44? Cc-.it SN.ct JS. I I . I I U L T / E L S T fM , 0RFG3N Atturnev-Ht-Law - Notary Public FUNERAL DIRECTOR - J . M. K IN C O - STAYTON OREGON Dr. Paul Fehlen VETERINARY SURGEON DENTAL EXPERT OREGON & Proprietors. Fresh,Salt&Cured Meats Lard, Creamery Butter Hilbtsl Market Price Paid For Fat Stock CHANGE OF SCHEDULE JUNE 2, 1918 Mill Clty-Salem Round Trip $3.00 Mill City-Stayton-Salem AUTO STAGE Will make rt*«'*ite O. E. de­ pot in Salem. Morning stage will connect with the Kingston stage ai Stayton. 3. 4. 6. Six plies o f the the strongest cotton fehne manufactured. Protected with a complete outer ply of finely woven long fibre A«be»toa Fabric. O p el weave A»hesto» Breaker Strip forming a perfect union between tread and carca»«. Tread Rubber, thoroughly cured by high degree heat proc#-»» Asbestos fabric lapping bead, preventing rim cerronion SESTAK V THOMAS 1 Hamman Auto Stage G reys and Brow ns COVCRMAE/rr RCGUL>mOAI> m | } Greys and Browns with Military Heels Dr. L. W. Horn Ca’L pr^s, ¡if zttcariei! lo day or i i*St Stayton 1522 Oregou ¡ III- I ir ................... n i s i II I W I — II— — M — FOR SALE—llïsix weeks old pigs. C. C. Carter, Phone 6TI, Sublimity, Ore. 37tf. w ® FOR SALE—Studebaker 19U Model car for sale cheap. V. B. Darby, Kingston, Oregon. 34-41 m _ _ _____________________________________ © ^ STUMP PULLER WANTED - g, Price must be right. No. 3 ¿j l Faultless preferred, with full e- ^ quipmen*. Address Scio, Ore-, (fg , Route 2. Box 52. 36-40 • ------------------------------------------------ FOR SALE 30 bushels o f ] Prohibition seed wheat. A. A. McKenzie. 40tf m\ (0 # È È i m FOR SALE-3000 2 ft. clap boards. Cali , Brown-Petzel Lumber Co. Stayton, Or. m FOR SALE—Mill buildings, cook house and bunk house lo­

>, In addition we can give you alt kinds of Black Shoes and the F . J. C H E N E Y A CO.. T o le d o , Ohio. extra fine Dr. Sommers Health Shoe, the Elk Bais, low heels ■ old b y a ll D ru g g ists. 75c. that has not missed a word in , written spelling since school i m all sizes and widths a t .......................................................................$6,00 m started. I ' I m THE PROPER COURSE m Harold Berg has left Mrs. # Humphrey’ s room and wiil at­ tend school at Seaside, Oregon. Mrs. Creech’ s pupils went into Mrs. Humphrey’s room Friday afternoon and recited the poem ml they have been learning. The first grade is making col­ * ored phonic books as they learn the new sounds. m m\ Oregon Salem — m 9 9 9 9 9 m m m\ m\ » • • • • # # • • • # « # k t -T t t S T - T lk __________________ Frs* W riting M u h in s o f » j * P in t Quality — In which you will And your own favorita fontu,o o f your own favorita ty p e w r it«. The second grade has begun Information cf ^ ’eshss VMue to the learning of the forty-five combinations of numbers. Every S U y to i Citwen Slmplv— Artivtie Durable - EfflH- ant—Standard - 42 Kay - Siauto Shift— Ball S>.arteg Qu,«t Vw- ibla— Soft T rach -L igh t Action. How to not m an oinrrkri iicy is know- N O TH IN G S H O R T I loilge o f in 8 'iinsMv wnr'h *ml this is i O F S A C R IL E G E partleulsrh true.nf lh«*i!u. »gr* end ills 1 j o f the human Itoilv. If you suffer with The Democratic candidate for Gov­ Church Notices ki iney ImckHchp, nrioH> v disorders, or | ernor of thla state has flaunted In the any form o f l>i«t lev fru ih tht advice face o f the public an advertisement contained in the followi 1 j statement and bid for votes that should and no should add a valual i *et to your ! doubt will be indignantly resented by store o f knowu-'re. \V tt could he patriotic cltlxena everywhere. It reads Pastor W. J. Warren thus: j be more oonvircioT (•rooi1 o f the effi “ Not till every grain of wheat had ciencv o f I»nan’ s K.ooe ! ’ ’U than the Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 statement o f a ne triiv ’-i i- lent who has been harvested for the soldiers did Walter M. Pierce atart to ask you for p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. used them sod pit did« tells o f the your votes as Democratic candidate Epworth League 7;00 p. m., i benefit derived? for Governor,” etc. W. W. Mnniev. re” i»d farmer, S. To anybody who knows the thrifty, Prayer meeting every Wednes­ 'Thirtevidh J> ffetMi* tlorvsllls. lucre-gathering Walter Pierce, the hol­ day evening at 8:00. Ore., s a y : * I ’ h ,s I , ,■ oral many low mockery o f that expression ap­ Meeting of the Sunday school years suiee 1 h a v e i)< * ded to take a peals with the most disgusting effect. They know that every grain of board second Monday of every kidney mtHiicire. I'r<>m past e\|a?r- wheat In Walter's broad acres was month at 7:30, followed by the ience I can recommend IVi oi'a Kidney harvested to bring that t2.20 a bushel Pills n-* h-'ieji a r«liti I.- m ’dicine for to Walter's bank account, and they Official board meeting. kidne> t r o u b le j f».* ■ , tin m fo be all rannot resist an angry feeling upon that** ci. i’ne f •- H im w hen 1 was seeing this attempt to use the name trouble I by m; hidrexs of the noble boys at the front for the Price 60' . a ’ c i1 •• tlo •- Dnn’J sim­ Ignoble purpose of securing himself ply asix for a ki ln x rem>*dy (fet some votes. Using their names In this way Is Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun­ Doan’ s ’ Kidney IMI, !>..■ same that nothing short of sacrilege.—Salem Mr. Mo ite h* I P aicr-Milburn days at 8:30 a. m. Statesman. N. Co., S'fKis., !’ . ' Rev. Fr. Lainèk. Pastor WITH CLOTH TOPS O ff ice in Rriidm-r« BLACKSMITH, WAGON WORK HORSESHOEING - h — FOR SALE— Heavy team, wt. 3200, 6 and 8 years old. Matt Mueller, Stayton, R2. 34t£. LADIES SHOES IN w i FOR SALE P’ive registered Shropshire Lambs, yearling». Phone 2105, Stayton. J. L. Siegmund. 34tf. H o w L o n g W i l l it L a st? 418 Court it., Ssicin, Oregon — S TAYTO N , OREGON s Read about the mark that Stands for Threaded Rubber, in the booklet “ A Mark with a Meaning for You.” FOR TRADE Good standard bred mare to trade for goats. :! Inquire at the Mail Office. t£L IrtCP.EYS WC IL4V C - - w VETE m HARIAN , v o . MVton Ar 8:46 ft.m. Ly SU yton A 11:00 p.m. . w . ., «:12 a.m. Ar W bUvton 5:16 p.m. W , A, CLADEK 1; 2. DV ¡j j T E R S ta y ton -W est Stayton a.m. p.m a.in p.m. COST A TRIFLE MORE THAN CHEAP TIRES Maryan Alexander has been ((&D •absent from the senior elass for i some time. She is in Portland Dark Grey all Kid 9 inch tops. Red Soles and French where her sister, Mrs. George D EN TISI I n Heels, an altogether elegant shoe, sell» for only.........$11 Korinek, is seriously ill with No cjiarif.- fm* t-x.i.i.iiiiilion, and pneumonia. Dark Gray all Kid 9 inch tops, Red Cross Shoe with black to tun.;' - vs ¡Hi' „ |j ¡¡¡ven. soles and French Heels. A Very Beautiful Shoe and sells The high school chorus has al­ f o r ’...........................................................................................$11 O n e o f tlie h* *t < j tip p e d o ffic e s so organized as a class and has Dark Grey Kid with doth tops to match in black soles and in tu«* valley had two meetings since school French heels a t .................................................... $9.50 4 1 4 !’ ni* < f .i:nni.*re- Bldjr. i ix-tfan. with Mrs. Lau as direct­ Light Grey Kid, Cloth tops to match in black soles French M „ , -, or. The number in this class heels a t ............................................................ $7 P h o n e M ain « 0 6 S n 'i-in , O re ffo n has also be4n decreased but the Dark Grey Kid cloth top to match, black soles and French members as well as Mrs. Lau. heels. A very dressy shoe at a very low price of only $5.95 are trying to get everybody in­ ■VO o terested they hope to have a require that “ No shoes be made after October 1, 1918, ex­ much larger class before many cept in Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown and White.” i ore m ef’ ngs. lafi So this will be the last i f those beautiful Greys so much • 11« Much illness still prevails. ^ desired. Better buy before they are all gone. SERVICE STATION Mrs. Pearcy was not able to be Copvt1»h* rrtfatvrcil. U>ll in school Thursday a fte r n o o n '^ and all day Friday. Hugh Ros- 0 j There are Dark Brown Genuine Calf, all leather 9 inch ■ell has been on the sick list for j top white welt, French heels, strictly high grade at $11 some time and at the present '■ % Dark Brown all Kid Red Cross, newest last, French heels. writing he is still absent from :iM a splendid and Very rich shoe at ..................................... $11 That'* just another way o f school. i '¡M Dark Brown, all kid, with French heels and aluminum B ik in g “ H o w g o c x f it your bat- plates. Very fine and dressy at............ ....................$10 Very insula! lonr*” Cerald Finley and Arthur Kel­ Dark Brown all kid with French htels a t ................ $8.50 For no battery it better than ly were not in school part of last it» insulation. week on account o f “ hard Threaded Rubber Insulation it one o f the things that make» w> r!\” Fieldmouse Brown. French heels. Red Cross............ $9.50 the Still Better Willard a mu c h Dark Brown, French heels, very stylish ....................... $8.00 ¿»offer battery. Mrs. Lau is justly proud of m Dark Brown, French heels, splendid values at . ... $6.50 Threaded Rubber Insulation; ♦ he work the 5th and Gth grades m which postpones indeftnitely the need o f re-insulation, is the hive been doing in water colors. $ most important battery im­ provement that has been made in years. FOR SALK To ci-'»e mi estate (he Rif>»t**r farm in Sublimity, containing 70 ncres, must be sold at once. Pur 1 further particular* inquire, Bernard Geaher, Adminiatrutor, Stayton, Ore. 6,000 « I I m for other n u k ti !rt BR0V A S • TH OM AS, 7:00 4:10 8:00 6:00 PERFECTION 75.000 mil«» for Ford Car, i STAYTON MEAT MARKET S F -S T A K Sarah ami Anna Kuken and Albert Lulay registered in high school Monday morning ami have betcun work again. Miss Margaret Miller spent the week end with home folks in , Portland. Verna Shank and Myrtle Brown have moved into ihe “ Bachelor Girls” quarters. 'They ex|*ect to keep house there for the coming school year. The members of the hiprh school orche8trtf had their first meeting Monday night. They are organized under the leader­ ship of Mrs. Lau. Owing to the fact that so many of the old members are not back this year. | the number has been somewhat ; depleted, but a good orchestra is promised by the enthusiastic • workers that are left. CLASSIFIED AD& “ Asbestos Protected Tires” &§ % Calls Answered Day orNitfht Phone-Res. 3X24 STAYTON School Notes > Physician and Surgeon STAYTON. FAIIM A M » r m In th * W ood stock Y o u WIU Find WAR EMERGENCY COURSE AND CERTIFICATE E t * 7 time-UiUd worth while feature which r r j like in th« mnehia« you nr« omm I tr, and j m wilt m h o And th« fawrihf features of U m other «Undsnl ■ ili* which yoawtah year machine had. Yet'atbeWeaelntaafcyoawiUflndthie j adfregeueo of high point feature« much | a-----------------A - - - » ~ a —— » | n S i t k , sw g rw w g OEEGON NORM AL SCHOOL Ow ing to the scarcity of Teachers the Oregon N or­ mal School will offer a W a r Emergency Course of twen­ ty weeks outlined by the Supesintendent of Public In­ struction. T h e course will begin with each of the terms commencing N ov. 16, 1918; Feb. 8, 1919; and April 12, 1919. T h e Superintendent cf Public Instruction will consider it equivalent to the Teachers’ Training Course and issue a certificate upon its completion valid to teach in the elementary grades for one year. T h is Course will be open to those w ho have had tw o years or more of high school work or its equivalent and w ho are at least eighteen veare of age. For detailed information address R E G IS T R A R O R E G O N N O R M A L S C H O O L wnw « .w ip w iv ^ w y vts is* vatw t wh, th« Pi r— . the itf»ki, in a wey •hat no other typewriter doe*—(The •eet operators eaj thi»'. Only a close-op view, «a actual tow and trial of thi« excellent typewrit can aoarinea. laeaattpare l y ■> a>aaaa-We are at roar service. Let oa show you Imw easy it fa to try ewe; to own one. Phone Central 6M3; call up—call in—’ JOIN t m e rf.. HID (RÇSS NOW