Hi' 9 ' » ■ ■ w * **«.> >1*1' . *$«P*J* »t« FIRST 2 FOR m ^ L - y n 'SO r*&-L -M r . Forward! ■ With no thought of bursting shrap­ nel and poisonous gases into which they plunge—with every muscle tense, with every faculty of mind alert, with one thought only—TO FIGHT' AND WIN. That is the way our men are going into battle. When the shrill whistle sounds the advance, out they go—their whole heart in the task before them. 9 W e have “Disk Harrows” StfALL SUM FOR “C A M ILLE" Alexandre Dumas Fila Received Only $S0 for Manurcnpt of Great Story. N o pow er on earth can hold them back. For the Fordson Tractors Forward! i The same sharp challenge to battle is sounding for us. We must answer in the same proud way—the way of our fighting men—the American way. W e must lend the way they fight. We must show the war-maddened Hun a united American people mov­ ing forward shoulder to shoulder, irresistibly, to Victory. Our task is to supply the money, the ships, the guns, the shells that we must have to win. It is a tremendous task. We must do it as our fighting men do theirs—with the indomitable spirit of Victory. We must work, and save, and lend with one thought only—TO FIGHT AND WIN. Valley Motor Agents for Polk and Marion Counties State and Front Streets, Salem, Oregon Elbert Thompson Manager Race of Ciants Who Saw Important* to Them of the Food Producers. T h u Space Contributed by Swift & C om pany saves eggs in baking flour as urged by the gevernment. C orn M eal G ridd le Cakes !<• cap* rorn m.al 1V. rupi bolline wat.r ) oui> milk blsupoon ahortentng labil 1 txbl.apoon m ol*».., • cup Hour 1 touipoon unit 4 t . 4 » poor,. Royal Baking Powd.r NO EGGS Bcald com meal In bowl wltli boiling watar: add milk, r-ialtod chortontng and mulaar.oa; add flour, aalt and taking roardar which hav. boon alftod togathar; mix Will. Bake on hot groaaed griddle until brown. (Tha Old M ethod called for 2 egga) Eggless, M ilkless, B utterless Cake 1 cup brown turar % teaspoon aalt 1'^ cup« water 1 teaapoon nutrrr- tup aeedod raíalo, 1 teaapoon cinnamon 1 enp flour t ouncea citron, cut fine ! i cup abortanlng 1 cup rye ton.' b taaipoona Royal Baking Powder Boll an gar, water, fruit, abortanlng, aalt and aplcoa tc Tether In aaucepan 3 minutea. 'When cool, add flour and baking powder which hare been alfted to­ gether. Mix well; bake In loaf pan In moderate oven about 43 minutes. (T h e Old M ethod [Fruit Cake! called fo r 2 egga) *$• ££++& * 4* 4? 4*4*4* Trover=W eigel Studio ; ^ In Stayton, will be open S 4* a . THE FIRST SATURDAY AND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH ^ Next visit to Stayton * * J •F Saturday and Sunday October 5th and 6th 4* 4* 4* 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4* 4*4* 4? t Xtt 4* 4? 4* 4?i4r4? 4* 4*' 4* 4* Send tor our new booklet “ 55 Waya to Save Eggs.” Mailed free on requeat. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., Dept. H ., 135 William Street, New York DEMOCRACY VS. FINE WRITING The Latter la, Beyond All Qtieation, Dependent Upon the Respect of the Former. I do not agree with tlie pessimist* who think thnt ii democratic civilisa­ tion la n«‘cessnrily an enemy to linn writing for the public, Henry Seidel wrltea In the Century. Such crlllea underrate the challenge wliloh these rallllona of mlnilx to he reached and non I* to he touched must poaaena that writers, like nctors, are Inspired by a crowded house. But the thought and the labor nnd the pnln thnt lie behind go<>d writing are doubly difficult In an atmosphere o f easy tolerance nnd Rood nntured condescension on the part of the renders o f the completed work. The novel Is the lest case for demo­ cratic literature. We cannot nfTonl to pay Its practitioner« with c»sh merely, for cash discriminate« In quantity nnd little more. Saul nnd David were Judged hv the numbers o f their thou­ sands slain ; hut the test was a crude one for them and cruder still In Action. We cannot afford to patronize these novelist* ns onr ancestors did before TO RESTORE PERSIA 'S STATUS Russian Bolshevik Authorltleg An­ nounce Intention of Giving It It* Former Indepenflenco. A little more than ten years ago. In 1007. Persia censed to be n sovereign nation In anything but name nnd was resolved Into twin “ spheres o f Influ­ ence." The northern half wns a Uus- slnn sphere, the southern half British. The pressure from north and south grew until It forced out the American, Morgan Shuster, who had come to put Perslu on Its financial feet. That wns an Incident o f Imperialism. It wns a Hrltlsh-Russlan alliance to block off Germany from getting Into Persia from the west by way of Turkey nnd the Berltn-Bagdad line. Under the Queensherry rules o f Imperialism It was a fnlr stroke, with plenty of historical precedent, say* the Boston Globe. Now the foreign minister o f n Hus­ sion government thnt has no regnrd for Imperialism nnd Its rules has sent word to Persia that the 1007 agree­ ment Is all off, null and void, nnd that Husain will now try to relieve her of WORTHY TO RANK AS It*. ION Finland Has Right to Be Welcomed Among the W orld’s Republics— Its Great National Epic. The Sublimity Cider Works is now open for business« Bring your apples and kegs* I will put your cider in kegs for 2c a gallon« Sweet cider for sale at 25c a gallon if you bring your own kegs or jugs« Finland o f to-dny Is a prosperous nnd rapidly developing country. Inhab­ ited by an enterprising, progressiva and hospitable people. The population PETER W E LTE R SU BLIM ITY, ORE. Is. roughly speaking. 3,000,000. Dairy farming hna become one o f the most Important Industries. It la more profit­ able than the raising o f grains be­ en use o f the uncertainty o f the sea­ sons. There is absolutely no reason why the republic o f Finland should not he a success. If left undisturbed la Placa «r ia War by more powerful anil ambitious neigh­ bors. The people are Intelligent, demo­ K F u lly e q u ip p ed lilternl cu ltu re nnd n cie n tlfic d ep a rtm en t*. S p e cia l cratic nnd frugal, and have had enough H train in g in <«>uiinerce, .lo u rn iilis in , A rt'liite clu re , I. jiw , M e d icin e experience In self-government to be of ■ T eac h in g . Librar y W o r k , M u s ic , llotiMchold A ria, P h y s ic a l T r a in in g nnd F in e A rts. j 4 M ilitary S c ir n r c in r h a rg r o f A m erica n nnd llritin h o t lic c r » . D rill. Irrlw re« nnd firld w nrk great help In solving the various per­ H B P * all up>to««lnlr. Imitcd o n v x p e r ir n r r in preaettl «ear. C'-ompIrtr «yw lrni » ( trvnrkrw, bridge*. plexing problems that are sure to arise. P Ctr. Slndrnlw rt*rom nirndrd for L om nu H iion m O tfk ial—«govern m en t It. O . T . C. T n ilio n F R E K . I.iltrnrv o f Nll.lHK) v olu m e*. D orm itoriea f4»e m en and w om en . There Is no logical reason why they Fxpenwe lo«v r«l. m uch «»|>pa»rfunify fo r w ork in i} one** w a y. should he subjects o f Slavic Russia. W rite Itegiw lrar. Lug u r, Oreg«»n. I«»r illuelYated b ook let. • Hence the republic o f Finland should he welcomed among nations of the I j u A -' world. ■ - V iiM lT f a n IP ’ \Vc arc Indebted to Finnish litera­ IÎF*. ture for the Inspiration of one of our great poems hy one o f our sweetest n w n s í cETsesn UNIVERSITY of OREGON flJN 4 3 DBSS-W T'— 1 - In the Hotel Drouot recently, the library of Jules Claretie, the eminent French Journalist, novelist, dramatic author and former director o f the Corned le Française, who died In 1816, wns sold. Among other gems, his col­ lection o f books Included the manu­ script o f Alexandre Dumas Fils’ “Tale o f a Lottery.” sixteen pages in all, pub­ lish« d In 1311. The manuscript con­ tained a letter frem Dumas to Jules Claretie, Informing the latter that for these sixteen pages be was paid tha sum o f ?1’40. “ I was almost as much ashamed as 1 wns pleased.” writes Dumas, “ to re­ ceive this amount. It was far mor« than I was paid for iny entire manu­ script o f T-a Dame aux ComelUas,* which I sold to Michel Levy for the sum o f $S0. Tlds novel, which Michel Levy pu»- cTin-wd for <80. yielded the latter $10ÍS In many recipes only half as many eggs are required, in some none at all, if an additional quantity o f Royal Baking Pow der is used, about c teaspoon, in place o f each egg omitted. TO Miazlenarico Followed tha Close of tha V/ar VAth Croat Britain in 1645. Il F’ ordson TI âctors Vick Brothers are receiving FO R D S O N T R A C TO R S in Regular Shipments. Demonstra­ tions every Saturday. Come ¿ind see the Tractor W ork. Orders taken in Rotation TEACHERS ’ There is a quaint old legend o f Al «ace, recalls the Christian Selene« Moult or, c «corn in g a family o f giants who. once um>n a time, lived >n a cer­ tain castle in the o!d country, flie moral o f the story seems u p ,„op r;a t; at n time when the French minister of a-.grfmlture Is making s;vecial effort to • ac.urage the cultivation o f land. The giants lived, says the leger. 1 fa< from the peasants o f the plain, uod one dny the daughter o f the rmuse who, th. ugh quite a chilli, was u,ready 30 feet high, strolled townnl tne plain and saw a laborer peacefully Plowing his field. She p ick «! up the peasant, the horse and the plow, and put them In her pinafore nnd returned to the cosile t«i show what she had found to her father. “ What you think is but a toy,” said the giant, “ is what produces the food v filch enables its to live. Put bach the laborer nnd his horse where you f.mnd them.” From that time on- f nrd, adds the tale, the peasants wert never molested hy the giants. Bugs in France. In the reign o f Louis-rhilippe, a Monsieur Tt rrat had been charged wLh the duty o f fighting hugs In the oa -racks o f Paris. It must be believed thi.t the result was satisfactory, since by virtue o f an order o f the general insoector contracts were made In 1840 with Monsieur Terrat for the destruc­ tion o f these frightful insects. Mon­ sieur Terrat demanded 80 centimes foi each sleeping room. In case the first flglt with the bags was not decisive and If he should have to begin again after some years, the second operation shothl cost only 50 centimes n room. Moreover, In these operations he de­ stroyed the Insects In the arms-rack, guard house, police quarters and prisons. When he became old Mon­ sieur Terrat offer«! to comraunUcatu the secret to the stnte for nn Indem­ nity. But this offer was not accepted. The secret dl«>d with the proprietor. And that Is why the soldiers o f today are yet struggling against the bug.— Lc Crl de Taris. A Real Compliment. B’Uy .Sunday has had many com pll ! «neats, but the one he prizes most deatly came to him. oddly enough, fraia a criminal’s lips. It was In Philadelphia. Sunday had v lslt«l Moynmenslnog prison. Tber^‘ he hail talked with a hous«‘hr.-aker se convincingly that the man had prom tsed to lead, on hia discharge, a (’’hrin tlun life. This housebreaker, discussing Sum dny with a guardian afterward, said! <“ IIe come in hpre, Sunday