° r,‘K I» Mi. tor ir THE STAYTON Has the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley STA Y T O N , MARION COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPT 26, 1918 ' 24th. Year, No. HOLLANDER IIIHTOKK ’A L 4 II I I'M. W. H. Hliaff. WOULD BECOME "M n n 'i Inhumanity to man nitk«’ counties* thousands mourn."- Hup« I t u « «liiiR the tale» of German fright fulness one hear» comments. it» thcNe, "In ered lln b le!" »Urh "W ithou t p a ra llel!" and »o on. Uuul patriotism I» u» oiuiuary m itti The proof that tlxme atorle« are u real American aa the uli he breutha. It la au 01 (Unary that the true, or that n n »t of them are, lie» muli y demonntrutlon» ot gcnulu;' pa- In the fact that historical precedent» 1 11 o 11 mu tli.it tuke pince lu our initial are a* common aa blackberries. uauully go unnoticed. This I» an ex- ; Hpnce permit» the telling of only Head the thlrty-flr»t chapter latliiK tact which Khould alway» be; few. Note verse» 17-18. fo r true patriotism doe» not demand o f Number». or deserve he aided pi nine uny more Here you find the Morale fo rm -o f Pick up Josephus and 1 hun it man or u womun who luburs "K u ltu r.” you will find In the Jewi»h war* a to heat atarvatlon. However, there are occa»»lon« of museum of horrible deed». P o llin '» newborn loyalty to thl» noble country ancient hlatory I* another catalog of that deserve mention. For Instauce, terror», (llbbon tell* you of Puga t a young Ifollaitdor named (MVIlllaui itonte un«l the reading 1» not plcas- DeLangh, twenty year» ot age and a ' an, <« q u0 vadia" present* a picture resident of Went Stayton called u t; l){ o hr|t ttana persecuted; o f thous- the Office of a local member of the pu, fo }>y (.rU(.)fix|„n im- Advlaory Board for assistance In pitlcd on B(8ktl, Mv|ng torche» answering hla Questionnaire J nf. |(l f||r| #ny form o f ,iI 1 g..r|11K In » «» w e , In« Series V II relatin g, u lg aald tlla, 8 l. to citizenship It developed that Mr. crucified head downward. DeLangh was a subject of neutral So much for ancient history. A Holland amt that he had taken the little further down the luue of his­ Initial steps toward derlarlng bis In­ tory the scene Is much the same. tention to become a citizen iff the Prisoners mutilated In every way— t'nltod State». It was carefully explained to Mr. thrown Into vats o f boiling oil, burled DeLangh that Congress has enacted “ > ,he •>"<* •« aBd dl'* a law providing tbul a citizen or f*,u wars of Middle Europe furn- subject of u country neutrul In the !»h one continuous record. Note the present war, who has declared hi» Jewish masnacre of 1340. Head of Intention to become a citizen of the the Netherlands during the reign of United States, shall be relieved from ('harlea the Fifth and Phillip of llubtlfty to military service upon hla Spuin and where Alba executes 18. making a declaration. In accordance *¡00. Kvery school boy has read of with such regulations as the Prest- the massacre on the night of St. Bar- denl inuy pres« rihe. withdrawing hts tholun; w. The story o f the Span- Intention to become a citizen of the i*), inquisition with Its rack and tor- Unlted Stales, which shall operat«« tur,. chamber Ik too well known for and he held to cancel his declaration | comment The times of the Reform- of Intention to become an American! att),n the Thirty Years Wnr show citizen snd zhall forever debar him bllirk M nny tht annals from becoming a citizen of the Uuit-|o f pr|me. U. S. UÍÍ2EN 8AN ON CAUCUS PRIMARY ELECTIONS HELD IN FUTURE Special Primary Election October 1 7 th , 1918 The City Council met In special uession last Thursday evening. Sev­ eral matters ot importance were act­ ed upon. A general primary election ord.nunce was unanimously passed. This course was necessary on account o f the recent charter amendment adopted by the town. In the future candidates w ill be required to file with the recorder petitions for nomi­ nation as In* larger towns. Petition* must be filed at least ten days before tlie primary election. Partisan poli­ tics have been entirely eliminated. Candidates in the future must stand on their own personal merits for the office sought. The primary law pro­ vides among other things that canJ'- dates receiving a majority of all the votes cast at the primary election shall be declared elected and no fu r­ ther election will be required. This feature has been adopted In many of the most progressive cities o f# the State, and has proved very satisfac­ tory. It also eliminates the extra ex­ pense of two elections In many cases Petitions for nomination sre required to be signed by at least ten per cent, o f thel egal voters of the town to be determined by the total vote cast at the last proceeding gene-al election held within the town. The council also passed an ordin­ ance calling fo? a special primary election for the nomination of town ''d •s ° f { ' arlyl* ,n the rifle rat^ge. Up to date it is re­ visor was: "No. I want to become "French Revolution" paints an- ported it hus the highest average of a real citizen of this country and I <>'h<,r picture of cruelty. The rellgl- any regiment which has gone to the atu willing to fight In the United «us persecution In Scotland blots an- range from Camp Meade. States army If necessary to become a other page of history, while Belgian O f course there is a reason for this citizen." i rule on tb* Congo and Germany's proud success. The regiment is com­ This young man, though Interested treatment of her African colonies posed o f strong, husky braves of the In agriculture In a way and having darken» another. To sum up. the west; men who have been accustomed hts saved earnings Invested In a student of history. Judging from the to handling a rifle or shotgun since leased tract of land and not strictly past, will conclude that the reports they were boys in knee pants. amenable to the army draft, asks no of teutonic cruelty ate, In the main The rivalry existing between the exemptions. True, and that the German idea of different companies for marksman- As evidenced by his conversation, war Is this- a destroying agency In ship u interesting to both officers and Mr. DeLangh bellevea this country of wb¡<-h civilization. Christianity or men alike. In the midst of this Ills adoption to bo the best in th«- mercy does not enter. In fact, a elaborate tented city, no small pup would, and his belief is amply sub- means wherein every attribute of tents ultowed, is an inconspicuous stanttated by his willingness to help; „avnKety ,* justified to attain the ond blown-roofed canvas structure with fight America's battles to earn him nought tor. * a triangle in front, known as the his full citizenship. | - , " Y ” tent. This young man Is a subject of a first prize, which will be a gold neutral country respected by tlx« modal. But each of the ten young E. Roy is wearing his left world and worthy of that respect Ho people tn each county whose essays came to the United States, acquslnt - 1 wore doomed of enough excellence by hand in a sling, the result of ed himself with our government and i their county superintendent to be severing the middle finger with all it means to him and the result Is sent to state headquarters will re- an axe while chopping wood. ceive a special pin in reoognttloh of as before related. i)r. Brewer dressed the injured Any naturalborn citizen of this thetr efforts. member and reports that Mr. All papers should be in the hands great country who Is not willing to fight for the country of his birth of the county superintendent not Roy will not do the family wood should go elsewhere for a timely so­ later than September 27. chopping for some time. 63d Boys Make Hits at Ranjce journ. When he comes home be will Ten million posters and display realize that hts homeland has untold cards designed in th# spirit of "no Ideals worthy of hl*“ be*t protection. _________ __________ compromise with the Hun" have Tlie state-wide essay contest In the been prepared by the Bureau of Pub- Interest of the Fourth Liberty Loan llclty o f the Treasury Department drive Is nttrartlng considerable a t-; for the Fourth Liberty Loan cam- tentlnn among the school children of palgn. which begins September 28. the state. The subject chosen for The designs are 11 in number, 10 of the youthful writers Is "M y Liberty them being pictorial In their appeals. Bond and I," and It Is hoped that a and the eleventh, a c-rd. carrying a large proportion of the 2^0,000 grade representation of the Fourth Liberty and high school pupils In the state Loan button and exhorting every loy- who are eligible will take part In al American to wear the button as this Interesting competition. a badge of honor. Pupils of the third and fourth The new posters "h it,th e Hun be- grades will write not more than 2(>0 tween the eyes" figuratively speak- words; rifth and sixth grades, not ing. reveallrig the menace of Teu- more than 40,i words; seventh and tonic ‘ kultur” In all Us hideous sig- elghth grades and high schools, not nlficance. more than 1000 words. Each teacher A strong appeal to the nobler in- wlll select the best assay In her room, stlnrt* of humanity Is contained in Each principal will select the best W alter H. Everett's design, the orlg- esHR.vs In her building, one from each Inal of which Is a fine oil painting compel lug grade. These will be sent of a mother clutching a child to her to the county superintendent, who breast while another clings to her will choose the best essay tn each skirt, the mother’s left arm stretch- grade, ten In all and forward them ed forth In an ngonv or appeal. This 1 «, Fr«' I 1 Bca’.t. chairman or th " pouter lettered “ Must ehlldren die E«ra f o r t e • S itlo r . Room 203 N. and rr.ixheis plead In vein ?” Is Hth- W V.'.pl hol’d.I’ p. poit'o,:«’ ()r*«.;uh. orvaolipd 'n in Printing». The celebrated lithographer. Jo­ where the 370 essays stibm tied will It ■ - • > r ■ ? ’ 'n 1 one from «-nefi seph Pennell, hn4 dB'.Inbatrl the ■ will l *1 as worthy of a Striae of Liberty crumbling u n V J. B. Jeter and family attend­ ed the fair at Salem Tuesday. German shell fire, and silhouetted agaiifst a lurid sky and the blazing ruin» of the city of New York. This poster Is captioned “ That Liberty Shall Not Perish From the Earth.” Five hundred thousand are being Is­ sued in four printings, and a smaller size in retrogravure. f The menace of Hundom is exem­ plified In a poster by F. Strothman. which shows a green-eyed Hun with a bloody bayonet peering over the edge of Europe, his predatory gaze fixed upou the United States. The picture is captioned “ Beat Buck the Hun with Liberty Bonds.” One of the most powerful posters of the series is a bloody hand print captioned “ The Hun— His Mark: Blot it Out With Liberty Bonds." typifying the murder Inst of the Hun. The artist Is J. Allen St. John. A pair of bloody hoots, ornament­ ed with the Imperial Oernixn epi.le nnr rrintlonfd "K eep These O f the I . S V " constitutes n inther posiev und cwoveys a mersage which mar be re td and understood at a s ’ a;.cc. 7 he avtid 8 John Norte.;. officers, to be held on Thprsday, October 17th. At this election there will be nominated a Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer and at least four Council- men. The four councilmen w ill*b e necessary for the reason that fou.' must be elected at the next genera! election to be held in November, two of whom will serve for four years auj iwu for two years. The council- men elected w ill determine by lot which shall serve for four years aad which for two years. Thereafter two coqncilraen will be elected every two years. This arrangement was made nec­ essary on account of recent changes in the State constitution and amend­ ments to the town charter. A petition was also presented to the council, through the public ser­ vice commission for an Increase In electric lighting rates. This Includes all lighting rates within the town. The petition sets forth that the pres­ ent rates are inadtquae for service rendered and that an increase Is nec­ essary on account o f necessary ex­ penses involved In furnishing ade­ quate service. The council took the position that the service rendered did not Justify an inrease in rates and that until better lighting service was assured they would oppose any at­ tempt to Increase the rates. The Loggers’ Lament. PKItHHIXG. Serial No. 120 WANTS TO IN­ CREASE ELEC­ TRIC RATES It Is not entirely our own fault I that we get false, estimates of the | merits of public men. What they do; ; most conspicuously Is generally what : matters least. ; How many public men have you seen In the flesh? Tw o? 8 !x? A do*- _____ .en? What was each of them doing! at the time? Riding In a parade. or| Th„ 3fayton Electric Light Co. has laying a cornerstone? And when f * , made application to the Pab ic Service a man more useless than when Pa- Commission to increase its Electric tailing or cornerstonlng? rates in Stayton and has submitted the As a rule we In —tayton don't see, following application; our public men at all. but we hear i In the Matter of thy Application o f them aplasb. W e read about their the Slayton Electric Light Company ' noteworthy activities. A statesman for Authority to Increase Rates, clim b» into the spotlight when h« The application o f the above named put» through a piece of legislation. Stay ton Electric Light Company and a general when he wing a battle shows; At the moment o f »uccess we notice I. That Stayton Electric Light Co. them, but the real spade-work es- j is the firm name and style under capes us. It has already been done. ; which C. E. Taylor, a person, is en- VVhen the W right brothers became gaged as a public utility in the owner- famous their Importance ended ship, management, control And opera- They were unnecessary. They were tion o f a system for the production and Important when no one had heard o f edlivery o f electric energy, them except their fellow townsmen H. That its principal piace o f busi- who laughed at them for trying to n*** '■ at Stayton, Oregon, make a bird out of a gas engine H I. That a» a public u tilty it is Struggling obscurely against preju- subject to the provisions o f Chapter dice was their important work. A fter 278 o{ ,be General Laws o f Oregon for recognition came any one could carry 19M* and law* supplementary thereto it on and amendatory thereof. A picture of an insignificant book- IV J_hat under G » provisions of keeper at his desk would not be very ^ect,on 77 ° t 8a”1 Chapter 279 o f the different from a picture of General General L » w» o f Oregon for the year Pershing toiling through reams of 191;* 11 “ unlawful » « > public utili- typewritten records concerning trans- ty wUhln ° re* >n to demand* « * " « * , or porution and commissariat. A fter receive * * r,;ater c°n>P*™*tion tor any subtracting everything than can pos- 8* rv,ce than **• char* * fixed in ,he lowest schedule o f rates in effect for sibly be entrusted to subordinates, ( the same service on the first day o f try to estimate how much he has to January, 1911. do. V. That on and since the first day A bronze statue o f him accomplish­ o f August, 1913, it has had in effect ing the prosaic routine work that and on file with tlve Public Service culminated in his tremendous vie- ,, _ . . - n .. f. . Commission o f Oregon, the rates and tones would be a faithful likeness. . „ _ . . . . „ „ ,. . , , charges specified in the Schedule here- but it wouldn t be worth looking at ,, „ after attache« and designated as O. R. as a work of art. q ^Q ^ W e have grown so fam iliar with yj ' ^ of) j . ^ 1#n it his name that we take him for grant- had jn effect the rBU;s #nd chargM „ ed, and fail to appreciate the mag- gpecifigd ,n the Schedule hereafter at- nitude of our debt to him. On the tached Bnd de(,ignateed. V III. That it applies for these .con- (Gone but not forgotten) says the pla­ --------- sidération for the reason that the oper- card on the shack In the first week o f September a »»>«!? revenues under present rates are We are eagerly waiting for we want working man entered the bond depart- n°t sufficient to meet reasonable and him to come back. ment o f one o f Chicago’s largest banks, necessary operating expenses includiug Our old Co., it was easy, our uew Co., He asked for the last list published, proper allowance for depreciation, and ’ it is wise. and picked out a six per cent issue, that certain of the rate schedules in- With the aid of our new foreman He then asked ong of the salesmen for volved in the application, especially Opened wide their sleepy eyes. a quotation, and received a sad, sweet the flat rates, are inadequate and are We were easy pensions from the Hook­ smile in reply. .The bonds had all been unfairly discriminatory to both cus- er to the punk. 1 sold. tomtrs and company. And our new Co. wouldn.t stand for His lamentations melted the sales- W HEREFORE, said Stayton Elec- that kind o f costly bunk. _man’s heart. “ I ’ ll try and get some , tri*: Light Company prajs that after Wc stood with sinking heart and low for you on the market,” he promised, due hearing and investigation the Com- bowed head. and adroitly extricated himself from mission make an order granting the While talking to the company, this is the customer’ s embrace. ! application herein and establishing the what our foremen said; The issue had been for $60.000,000.- said proposed rates, or su-rh rates as it 'T am going to have, 1 will not In- 00 , and the impoverished dwellers in may find to be just and reasonable in canned ; this war-wasted land had gobbled it the premises. “ I will resign in favor of an old and , like ice cream. Since those of us who Dated st Stayton, Oregon this 13th better man. ¡don’ t fight must work—whether v e day o f September, 1918. “ The camp is vours, everything Is up j like it or not—we naturally have mon- | Stayton Electric Light Co. to you, * By C. E. Taylor, Gen. Mgr. I ey-w h eth er we like it or no», and “ Take your men and welcome, and tell sound concerns that want $60,000.000.-i them what to do.” 00 at 6 per cent can Soon get it. Don’t know as he knows anything We slowly raised our heads with a tear “ Those o f us who don’ t fight.” ! about it. They are taking about 40 in our eye. What is our answer to the fourth loan And with a trembling hand bid our appeal on behalf o f those who do? ; men out o f each company and are . starting a new regiment, and hear foreman good-bye. What will the munition shop hand at that , hey wU] make another regl. Now that, the truth is out we have all ten dollars a day do for his khaki clad ment of this soon, and then fill up lost our nerve. brother at thirty dollars a month? We We are going to work and pay for the are not all high priced workmen, but with new men; that sounds like we will stay some time. Both of the money we didn’t deserve. • there are few o f us who can not buy a Forette boys were transferred; they Our new foreman is honest in every bond by installments. are about two blocks from here. kind of way. We boast that American soldiers are We have to do the work, and then we the best fed and the best treated in the Some time ago the 63d had a parade In Washington and made a big hit. get our pay. world. We shall be eternally dis­ And now out to the woods where we graced if we fall below that standard; Wilson said we have the second best band that ever played in Washington used to have our fun. we are the richest nation. For those We send the butt hooks flying and who daily risk mutilation, torturing — there are several bands here but they are not In It. Guess we w ill catch the chockers on the run. wounds and death no sacrifice that we We are loggers now, and I can tell you mhke can discharge the full measure go on another range next week about twelve miles from here, that will be why. o f our obligation. long range shooting. I will send We don't even walk, we just right up some clippings ! cut out of a paper. and fly, From Csinp Mead, Baltimore. But when the work is over and we are Nearly every day there is somothlng Camp Mead, Md., Sejt. ready for the bed. Dear Marie and Frank: W ill drop |n the paper’ about us. Frank ought With tired feet, and aching throbbing you a few lines to let you know that to he here and get some target prac­ 1 am fine and dandy, hoping you all tice; don’t cost anything for ammuni­ head, 'Tis then we wish for our old foreman are tl\e same. W e came back from tion. W e do lots of It— we have ten with his rummy grin, the target range yesterday and was rounds In our belt at all times. W ell, Then we would start to work with our glad to get back to camp so we could must close for t^ls time. Answer pensions again. clean up. W e had a shower yester- soon. Hello to all. With 1 ot -\ I day but it Is all over again;; but had — Charles A. F. A Stayton Logger. a real thunder storm the first o f the Co. F. 63rd Inf., Camp Mend. Md. i week, but don’t sound like they do --------- - — ------- J In Oregon, you know. That was tho M iss C ora Cooper, th e e ffic ie n t Sloper & Murphy have moved flr,t rain I seen since we left home. k j A G arH n e r’o p to re their pav.- mill from the Ferry ’ The weather Is getting none cooler . . . . . . place to West Stayton. They now; guess it gets pretty coid in the n ere. w taking; her yearly 7 I C I - One o 'f c r »nid that 'w e tion . S ««» w ill ho a w a y fo r a- cor’ plot"d the work the first of „ !- c; ! would cat Christmas dinner here, b o llt t h ir t y days. the week. THE LIBERTY LOAN