• « MMrftpl News From All Over The 20 Bars of Good Laun­ dry Soap for $ 1 , JA R S - -------- City-------- Possibly About You or Your Friends C. E. Taylor was a Portland visitor last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Urban and children were Portland visitors the first of the week. Mrs. W. E. Thomas, of Salem, visited friends and relatives in Stayton Sunday. Miss Marie Sheoman left Mon­ day for Seattle, where she will visit friends for some time. E. G. Siegmund and family, of Fern Ridge, spent Sunday it the C. A. Luthy home. Bill English has just complet­ ed a new cement walk in fn nt of his place o f residence. Con­ tractor Lau did tne work. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Pintler and Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. Hobson mo­ tored to Salem last Saturday evening. Mrs, Hattie Bradshaw return­ ed to Portland Monday, after visiting her father for a few days here. Clarence Monroe and wife, of Gooch, were in town for an over Sunday visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tate, of near Sublimity, were in town Monday, trading with our mer­ chants and visiting friends. Glenn Munk«rs was home from American Lake for an over Sunday visit. He returned Monday. Master Harry Jones returned from a visit to his grandmother, Mrs. Holt, at Thomas, the first of the week. Manager Parks, of the Salem Water Works, came up Tuesday and together with Tom Smith went on a fishing trip. Miss Ellen Willing, profession­ al nurse, of Salem, was here for an over Suncay visit with the home folks. When in Salem, buy your fall clothing at O. J. Schei’s 344 State Street. He carries all the latest styles in Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc. J. Brooks, postmaster at Sil- verton. and his family visited here with the C. A. Luthy fami­ ly Sunday. Mr. Brooks is a brother-in-law of Mr. Luthy. While attending the fair at Salem make it a point to visit 0- J. Schei's clothing store at 344 State Street, and see the latest in clothing, etc. Lee Eckerson, wife and child- r*n, of Canby, Oregon, were Stayton visitors last Friday. The Mail office acknowledges a pleasant call from the party. Dr. Brewer reports the fol­ lowing births this week: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alois Beitel. of Sublimity, on the fith; a son to Mr. and Mrs Chris Buettgers, of Kingston, on Mon­ day the 9th. I will prosecute the first per­ son caught hunting on my prem­ ises without permission to the full extent of the law. A. Smith. J. P. Mertz. o f Linn county, was quite seriously injured Sat­ urday o f last week while at work on the rock crusher of that district. Dr. Brewer is taking care o f the injured man. E. C. Titus reports the sale of a Chevrolet to W. A. Riggs. Wes was over to Salem Tuesday and can handle the new car as g >od as he can the big team of horses. 30 gal., 25 gal.. 20 gal. and down the line to 1 gal. jars or crocks, prices right, just the thing you want for put- ting up meat, sauerkraut or pickles. Call and get our prices. fj I NOBODY UNDERSELLS US ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS 3 W. F. Klecker, Stayton, Ore. n = # 1 m gri in m in*! d cn O f m d HI SALEM’S TIRE MAN Q uack T I R E S RETREADING AND REPAIR WORK 219 N. COM'L. ST. THE HOM E SEE US AT THE STATE FAIR Silverton, Oregon A. N. DOERFLER Fred A. McIntyre, son of Mrs. M. K. Forrest had an accident McIntyre of Stayton, died in the Monday evening that cost him Good Samaritan hospital in the price o f a new front wheel Port'and, Monday afternoon. . Fred was employed in the ship on his Chevrolet. While driving yards and some time ago he get at a good rate of speed in loose a sliver in his hand and b’oTd gravel the car turned over and poisoning set in resulting in his tried to jufnp the ditch. Mr. For­ death. The funeral was held rest is fortunate in having a Wednesday at Salem. He leaves Chevrolet, for any other make a wife and two children to would have been in the scrap heap after such a shake up. mourn his loss. School opened Monday with an enrollment of 53 in the high school and 109 in the grades. The young folks seem to be glad to get back in to the school room after the long vaca­ «rout THAT U N D I M I L L I IT a C L L a F O R C A f c M GEM C O N F E C T IO N E R Y F ir s t C la s s C o n fe c tio n s . H ig h G rad e P u r e C a n d ie s F in e C i g a r s a n d T o b a c c o Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks All Prices and Style Box Candy J. A. HENDERSHOTT, Proprietor O re con S ta y to n , V E T E R IN A R IA N Calls promptly attended to day or night O ffic e in R e .id e n c e Phone 1 5 2 2 Oregon __5 Trade in your o!d furniture SALEM ORE. CHIPPEWA, Work and Logging Shoes A. A. Cutters, Loggers and Pacs L ANCEFIELD SHOE STORE or to such »late. E. B. Goodman, well known here, was hurt while at work in the Go»»ch mill, last Thursday. The accident hapi>ened when a belt flew off. letting a large lev­ er loose. Doc was struck in the face an»! his cheek bor.e was crushed in ami he received other minor bruises. He is under the care of Dr. Beauchamp. And say that if you need clothes they're the ones you ought to buy. is bacause the long wear and satisfaction you get makes them the least expensive clothes we know of. Sept. 23-29 404-448 Com’ !. St. LADIES SHOES—Tans, Grays, Blacks “ The best is the cheapest” ~an ancient wisdom; the deep truth of it is now being made clearer. Clothes made of right materials in the right way last longer and look better; you pay more for Jhem, but they cost less than poor stuff. The reason we talk about Bishop All-Wool Clothes $20 to $40 Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes $25 to $50 Dr. L. W. Horn Stayton N E W A R R IV A LS t Oregon State Fair MEN’S HATS $3 to $6 s j 5 * SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE ¿TI t MEN’S SHOES | 5 t o .$8 OREGON SALEM o u r N IC A U U for true economy-- all next week at E. L. STIFF & SON 1H I Buy good clothes UNIVERSAL RANGES V MARKETERS GROCERY COMPANY General Merchandise The compulsory educational ’ law requires that all children tx - tion and are working harder tween the ages of nine and fif­ than ever. teen attend school during the Notice to Parents -A s we can time school is in session, and upon the not accept children for entry in malh-s obligatory school authorities to report all to the first grade after Monday, delinquencies to the truant offi­ Sept. 30th, all parents are re­ ces. The law allows the school quested to start such pupils pri­ , no discretion in the mutter. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF _r ^ Cash or Trade OF “Golden Rod” During the week Dr. Brewer performed operations for the re­ moval of tonsils and adenoids on Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Richardson, also on Da­ vie and Marie, children o f Mr. and Mrs. Bud Calavan. k* '(i % SALEM. ORE | loka Farm Ourocs W. F. Klecker and children, Dr. Beauchamp reports the Pat Lambert and family and the Dozier and Brennpf families mo­ following births since our last tored to the Geo. H. Lewis hup issue: girl, to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam, of Aumsville, on the yard at East Salem Sunday. 8th; girl, to Mr and Mrs. L. 1L The five year old son of Mrs. Davis, of North Santiam. on the Pearl Humphreys, of Shaw, was quite badly bitten by a dog last 10th; to Mr. and Mrs. John Zu- week. Dr. Brewer is attending ber, o f Sublimity, on the 13th, a