BAKER COUNTY ORGANIZES EARLY T. G Montgomery la phalrraan of tha «seciitiv« commlttao of Bakar Count), and to the ree*nt m e«tln( at tha Com- Biarrtat Club tha County's organisation a n apaadlly placed on Ita feet •Klamath Vaicaa Santlmant In Na Un­ certain Terma." Strong feeling exists in ona of the districts of Klamath regarding a ranch operator, reported to ba one of tha 'wealthiest of the community. He has • o far failed to participate In any of the Liberty Loans. The committee Which has been discussing the matter promises some Interesting history tn «he event that thta rich slacker doea wot subscribe. •Deschutes County Confidant." The Committee looks for a real Kralkaw ay." C. 8. Hudson reports aplendtd success throughout tha Coun ty, with extremely heavy co-operation from women a organisations which are active, not only in tha city of Bend but throughout Deschutes County. •‘Wallowa to Ba All Volunteers." A The committee of Wallowa Coonty has asked that every one make their aurchasee without kollcltatlon. Voluu ((sera have been asked to subscribe a weak in advance of the beglnniug of the drive. It has also particularly re quested that residents of the different (•ommunlties be careful to assign their «subscription to their own district. •Washington County Depsndt on Pa triotfc League." At the recent conferstace of ths Washington County Board, the Loan committee decided to use the machin wry of its well organized Patriotic >League. A canvass will be conducted with the school district as a unit, aud w ill handle their bonds through their Ibanks. crediting them to the bank lo cated in the district. “ Yamhill County Women Active." Women are taking an unusual inter est in the campaign in Yamhill County. They are relieving the men from many « f the duties of the drives as they are needed to harvest the fruit crop and other products. •Polk County Enthusiastic." Polk County, according to report, has plans under way of which it is saying very little. It is very certain, however, that the quota will bs promptly subscribed. •Lincoln County to Use Soldiers." With 3000 soldiers in Newport and •urrounding territory, the Liberty Loan Committee of Lincoln County expects substantial assistance from the men and officers situated there Lincoln anticipates no trouble in speedily raising its full quota. “ Jefferson Depends on Organization.” Under the leadership of Howard W. Turner, whose record of efficiency is recommendation enough for any plans that may be under way. the organiza tion of Jefferson County is complete, with another patriotic record as a goa' Madras is to have Us big "Mothers' ■Parade" on September 21st. Rating cards and subscription applications w ill go out September 17th. Madras plans to use slacker lists if necessary. •Linn County Depends on Quotas.” Linn County has its campaign of es­ tablishing quotas almost finished. It Is planned to make every subscription • volunteer. •Marion County Ready for Hard Work” Owing to the shortage of crops and loss of laboring population in the cities Marion County feels that its task wMl not be small amf has accordingly made Its organization and plans proportion­ ately larger. The campaign will be a ■far-reaching one. •Tillamook at 12:01." Tillamook has promised to be “ Over the Top" at 12:01 on the morning of September 28th. Strong organisation has been the key-note of its previous campaigns. •Umatilla Links Campaign With ths I Roundup." With such features as the Camp Lew is Military Band and the Round-up Umatilla County is going to boost the Fourth Liberty Loan. The women of YJmatilla County are playing a very Important part in the work of securing subscriptions. •Harney Patriotic." The fact that many of the cattlemen o f Harney County are selling part of their herds to avoid the expense of feeding them through the shortage of crops and otherwise suffering because • f the extremely dry summer, this section will, nevertheless, do its part In the Fourth Liberty Loan, according to Chairman Donnegan. Harney -will Just make that muck stronger a cam­ paign. •Hood River Holds Meeting.” Community meetings, at which the objects of the loan and the necessity o f doing their level best is brought out, are being made a feature of the Liberty Campaign in Hoed River County. The importance of women taking a real active part is demon­ strated in the many applications which sire already coming in. •Douglas County Awaits Quota.” Douglas County has adopted the •Z ero Hour" as the watchword of their campaign. It has also made military organization a part of its campaign smd will carry on this work through mpatgns and sub-delegations so that elr district will be combed and not sn individual escape. •Aatoria Builds Liberty Temple.” ' Clatsop County war activities will in Btae future be directed from a temple fcf ing erected by patriotic workers of Jkstoria. Astoria will publish the names t subscribers beginning September 6th; it will signalize real patriots in that fashion. The financial condition Of every prospect is being gone into Very thoroughly. Grant Wants No Help.” A message from Grant County reads, e need no speakers, boosters nor Advertising. All we want is to know iw much you want us to get. Leave e rest to us.” Grant's previous rec- i indicate reason for its confidence. nton to Persuade Objectors." L "Plans for persuading conscientious •bjectors to subscribe to the Fourth Liberty Loan" made up the subject of A recent meeting at Corvallis After All arguments fail their names will N- Anbllshed In newspapers as slackers, pride use of the questionnaire will be Made in Denton County. H.ane” Depends on Publicity." ' Lane County will depend, to a great •■tent, on publicity and advertising for «he success of Its drive The commit­ tee feels that It Is no longer necessary t e sell the war to Its people, but that everyone will Bo Ma level best when e f K K whet le iQ sstsB ef U sl .vn w vj\nnnnnr\nnn anni i nnnnrtrvn/x ¿•uu EI '• FU I K' \ 1‘iUAL “THE CLAOEK GARRAGE” N \ AND MACHINE SHOP ACETYLENE WELDING AND BRAZING A OVERHALL CARS FIX FORDS I All Kinds of Repairing done at Reasonable Rates R Battery Charging. All kind« of aHHetworieH. Gas and Oil« for Hale S A L E M , S E P T . 2H-20 All my work is Guaranteed First Class CHAS. CLAOEK, STAYTON, ORE. Splendid Exhibits, Daily Lectures and Demonstrations on Food Productions and Con­ servations. High Class Amusements, Attractions and Entertainments A N E X C E L L E N T R A C IN G C A R D IJe tl Camping Grounds, the best of accommodations for both exhibitors and visitors Salem, Oregon A. H. Lea, Secretary, C A S T O R IA C A S T O R IA ijuvruvrLnAruvruTj L IB E R TY BOND OR— By Helen M Cummings. -" ( m Some day la your boy cuing to ask you why When need was \irgen». stress was great, Your help was not forthcom ing' When, in H ells fray, he stubbornly fought to hold the Hun. Wounded. suffering almost spent, breathing a prayer— “ God give me stiength to keep this dread beast from Home. From all I love, from my fslr land, Am erlra.” In olden days, a battle raged, and so the story goes. That just as long as were upheld the Leader's hands. So surged the tide of victory. Are you (hen going to help those boys of ours— Your boy and mine— Uphold their hands and help them save the free man s Right? Or—tail them and for evermore, ba slaves to Murderous Might? e Q (X u g l e l l - For Infants and Children For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years In Uss For Over 30 Years A l w a y s bears A l w a y s b e a rs ths Signature o f the Signature at Summons all the forces and resources of the Repablic to the defense of Freedom T H E O R E G O N A G R IC U L T U R A L C O L L E G E which the United States authorities have ranked as one o f the fifteen distinguished institution» of the country for ezcellence in military training, has responded to the call. I V College is distinguished not only for its military instructioo, bat DimMCUttHKO ALSO »O k — A Sharp Advance Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: la Asrkwlturs. Commit«. Knsiassnss. Fafaslty Hons Kooootaks. Nhauis. Phaiuatr, sad VocAtioa*! Educatioa. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, 1158, over forty percent representing officers. u The More Bonds the Fewer Casual­ ties. College opens September 23, 1918 F orests!««, sew Illustrat'd Booklet. anJ other informs twa writs tothe K«e>«>»>. CotvsUu. Oiegoe Buy Bond* Now or Pay “ Bill" Later. RETREATING KÜLÏÜR LEAVES ITS MARK BUY A FOURTH L IB E R T Y BONO By H. V. NeaL Herk. h voice to you appealing. Mnn of Freedom, Thoughi and Feeling, Innocent.« implore you kneeling, “ Buy a Bond.” Host« of Hell are Right defying, Spai:* not the sick or dying; Brok« W Mea*-ts tn you «ire crying. “ Buy a Bond.” For our boys who. in the fight. Stand for F.S., for God and Right, Keep their Lome fires burning bright. Buy u Bond. in the price of the “C H E V R O L E r ‘ is Expected soon I have a few cars on hand « f c a j e 00 at the present price of — In the name of Liberty. Strike the blow to make men Free, Help to win the V’ i‘'tory, Buy a Bond! Leave your order for one today Before the Raise Comes E. C. Titus, Dealer TO RECLAIM DISABLED MEN W ar Is Teaching a Great Lesson as to Pocsibilities in This Impor­ tant Field. The reclamation of the energies ftf all the disabled o f the nation may be taught by the exigencies of war, a c -. cording to MaJ. Harry E. Mock, M. R. C„ who In addressing the National , League o f American Pen Women, said: “There are in the United States 600,000 persons who have been dis­ abled in industries— probably more than the total number of soldiers who will be disabled through this war— yet neither government nor Industry ba* hitherto made thorough effort to reclaim their energy. That is a grent lesson this war has taught us, arid Ill when we hnve won It we shall find that, through deaths, a cessation of Immigration, and other causes, we shall face a great shortage In the la­ bor market. We shall then turn our attention to the reclamation of ull the disabled and thus our country will profit by the labor of all her »ons and daughters.” Pigeons Broke Up a Monopoly. One of the queer things aliout the j nutmeg is the romantic way in which nuture thwarted the Dutch attempt to establish a complete monopoly o f the spice. They own the Randa Islands, where most o f the nutmeg trees grow, and at one time they wanted to pre- ! vent everyone else from raising the spice. So to keep up prices and to 1 Induce other planters on other islands ! to cut down their plantations the j Dutch nt one time burned three plies 1 o f nutmegs, each o f them said to have been as big as an average church. They Induced other planters to Join ( with them und It soon seemed a? | though they were killing all cotnpetl- tion. Then nature took a hand in the game. A large pigeon o f the Island*, which was extremely fond o f mare, ! carried the seed* to all the surround­ ing lands, even to the mainland of Asia. Nutmeg tree* began to grow wild In numerous place* and nil danger i of ■ monopoly wns removed.— Boston , * Tost, j This shows one of the thousands of French villages which have been smashed to dusty brick heaps by opposing artillery during German rapture and occupation Too often French gunners are under the necessity of sending shells into the homes where they have spent happy years with their wives and babies. Your subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan will help move the ruin back into Germany. Stayton - Oregon Children Cry for Fletcher's We have an exceptional stock of Extra Good, Nice PETTICOATS From which you can select just what you want. You will find plain sateen, heatherbloom, or fancy silk petticoats. T h ey are at prices you cannot dup­ $1.49 $1.79 licate Sateen and Hitherbloom Petti- a « coats and $1.98 Fancy sateen and hetherbloom petticoats To $2.98 # 1 *7« $1.49 $2.49 to «{>4.98 Our Quality high—Our price low Silk P e ttic o a ts .,......................... J. C P enney C ompany IN C O R P O R A T E D 197 BUSY STORES Salem Oregon T h o K in d Y o u H ave A lw a y s B o n g lit, and tvhlch lm* !»«•«• n iu u*e fo r over 3 0 years, lum borne tho Mgnaturo o f and linn been »undo u n d er 1 1 1 * p er« Honul siiporvlMon «since it « Infancy. A llo w no ono to deceive you In thin. A ll Counterfeit*, Im itations and “ «Tunt-iSM-good ” arc but Kxps-rlinciit* that trifle w ith and en d an ger the health o f lufuutu und Children—Experience again*«, LxpcviiucuU What is CASTORIA Cn*tortn I* a hnrinl«** *nb*tltuto fo r Cantor O il, P a r e ­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup*. I t 1* pleasant. I t contain* neither Opium, M orphine n or oth er Narootto MihNtnnco. It* ago I* It* guarantee. It destroy* W orm s am i allay* F everl*h n e**. F o r m oro than thirty year* it lm* been tn coiiNtant use fo r tlio re lie f o f Cuiintlpntlon. Flatulency, W in d C olic, all T eeth in g T rou b le* and Dinrrhiea. It regu late* the Htomaeh and Itow eU , a**lm llate* the Food, g iv in g healthy and natural sleep. T h e Children’ s Panacea— T h e m o th er’ s Frien d. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years Th o Kind You Have Alw ays Bought T H f C f N T A H « CO M Q ANM . M W VONW CITY.