The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 19, 1918, Image 1

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    viagoii Historical Botiti?
Has the Largest Qrculation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley
24th. Year, No. 38.
Two Oregon Mounted Police Slide into
Town Tuesday and Proceed to search
the Business Houses and Residences
of Some of Our Most Influential
Well, W.ll, Well. WhoM u thought
It? Right here to Sthylon where they
■ re ftUt>|M>Ri.<l to be patriotic «ml one
hundred jiereeut American- nnd the
mounted poliee epnieM In «nil And* 25
aacka of Hour, III eight home« 111000 «
our most re«|KM led ciliken«. Hoardin«
Hour keeping it »way from our hoy«
in the trenches «mi then calling
them«e|veH one hundred percent A m er­
ican. We are «lad the dra« n et ha«
been applied and we undemtand that
the «ood work will tie continued for
aoine time. It ia time th a t the ma«k
i« removed.
The officer», Ser«ta. W right
Stublio« wiio made the find, are from
the O. M. 1'. under Maj. Richard
Ueich, and are sent out by the U. 8.
Grand J u r y and lion. li. E. Haney, U.
An exchange »ays: A h an Indica­
tion of the com ing political ca m ­
paigns Ibis full and In 1920 between
th e d em o crats and republicans, in
which contests of g rea t proportions
a re expected, especially In 1920, one
of the p relim inary cla»he» Jook place
on W ednesday, Sept. 11th, when
Joseph T u m u lty , secretary to Preai-
d en t Wllaon. w rote Republican N a­
tional C h a irm a n Will Hayes to learn
If Hayes waa correctly quoted as h av ­
ing ch a rg ed th a t Democratic leaders
would end the war with a com pro­
mise to Insure ib e lr re-elections.
It is understood th a t th e le tte r was
w ritte n by T u m u lty a t th e suggestion
of th e P resident. If co rrec t the
c h a rg e by the republican le ade r su g ­
gests th a t th e dem ocratic party
which Is now in th e sad d le in the
national a d m in istra tio n ,would a t ­
tem pt to end th e w ar before th e 1920
election even by com prom ise In o rd er
to aid th e chances of the dem ocratic
party re-election.
According to London cables A m eri­
can la b o r will refuse to p articipate
In a conference with enemy labor o r ­
ganizations, which is sta te d by S am ­
uel O om pers to new spaper men In
London today. “ I do not w ant to
a p p e ar dogm atic, but of this fact
you may rest assured, th e re will be
no recession from the position the
American F ed era tio n has ta k e n .”
D epartm ent of Ju stic e officers and
police officials of New York were in ­
s tru cted to search for th e a u t h o rs of
placards In New York u rging men of
d r a f t age not to reg ister T hursday.
T he placards were found In windows,
on bill b oards and in the s tre e ts on
My k u l t u r asalstant and co-w orker which was prin te d : "D efend y our­
In general. Deacrlptlon— Resem bles self, do not reg ister."
o u rse lf as much a» possible. Answers
to th e n am e of O ott or God. Any j HTOCT LADIES, T A K E NOTICE-
party giving Inform ation as ¿o hi» j
T he G erm an arm y is using my
w herea b o u ts may go to the Iron
Vanishing Cream.
Buy before the
Cross factory an d help themselves.
supply 1» exhausted.
P. D. Q.
Wilhelm Rex.
mi r ma L
Q. where shall I buy my Lib­
K 3 2 erty Bonds?
A. Buy them thru the Bank
you do business with or see
r r m iXi ■ ■ t *iat they get credit for what
" H 'i a B r *3 you buy.
The manager of the State Liberty Loan Campaign
has addressed a letter to the County Chairman stating
that where a person lives in one County and Hanks in the
adjoining County he should buy his Bonds at the bank
where he does his banking business.
Remember that the quota is given to each district ac-
cording to the bank deposits of that district. Your de-
IKisits in the hank are taken into consideration when they
tell your hank how many bonds it has to sell,
J. W. Mayo
• * Chairman Local Liberty Loan Hoard.
* oc
Blame« Itself for Hoff'« N omination
an d R y a n ’s Defeat In th e P rim a r ie s
— In Advising th e Voters to t o t s
for Cusick Instead of Ryan.
aO A Y «C P T
k Æm%X'£
í\ ■
f c B J i % s o r i
'v M
,, . m f j t - X
One of the biggest aurpriae» ever
sp ru n g on th e people of Hluyton waa
th e newa th a t G eorge Tute, " O u r
G eo rg e" had done gone and got m a r ­
T he happy event oecured at Halem
on S atu rd ay , Septem ber 14th. at the
hom e of the brld«'« parent*. Mr. and
Mr*. R upert.
Only th e Im m ediate friend» of the
c o n tra c tin g partie» wltne*i»lng th e
cerem ony, which w i t perform ed at 9
o’clock In th e m orning, Rev. P o rte r,
of th e F i r s t C hristian church of
Salem, »peaking the word« th a t made
George T ate, of Slayton, and Mlaa
Mable R u p e rt, of Salem, man and
Im m ediately a f te r th e ceremony
Mr. and Mr». T a te and the Invited
Kueil» »at down to an elaborately
prepared w'eddlng breakfast.
Mr. and Mr». T a te left the same
day for O ra te r h a k e and California
points w here they will spend th e ir
honeym oon. They expect to r e tu r n
th e la t t e r part of this work.
T he bride 1» well known In S lay ­
ton. having ta u g h t In o u r public
school», and has a large circle of
friends here.
T he groom Is the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. hee T ate, of Sta.vton,
Is u g r a d u a te of Stayton High School
and Is a leader am ong the younger
set of th e city.
The Mall Joins with the large cir­
cle of friends of both the young
couple In wishing them smooth sa il­
ing o ’e r life’s m a trim o n ia l sea.
8. Dietritt Attorney, for Oie«on, to
inveati«ate the hourdin« of food »tuff»,
and take care of pro-Germana. They
have a lot of work in thia neighbor­
hood ami will tic here fur a few day»
yet. They will make their report to
the grand jury in regard to finding the
Hour and it ia expected th a t aomebody
will g e t about all th a t 11 coming to
The O. M. P. have been on duty
aincc April flr»t guarding »hip yard»,
and all places where the government
ha« contracts, fighting forest fire» and
cleaning up the local conditiona in com
muiiitie« throughout the »tate. The
O. M. P. are doing good work th ro u g h ­
out the atate and Maj. Deich ha» made
a very efficient organisation out of the
Serial No. I
j í f i r 'í t !
S ^ A K IIN G UP i L K T l U r
Uncle Sam: “Gosh that Patriotic Spirit grows faster than you can plant the Seed!”
kHL( .O.VS .r e s p o n s e to Duly Has set the puce f ,r
tip w hole N ation. In (France the fume of <)re-
g n n \ "DO OR D IE " s p i r i t - w h e th e r ON the
Rutti, line "o v e r t h e r e ” or BEHIND the Batlleline
“ over h e r e " is h o n oie il above all things.
L et’s m ake the 4th L iberty Loan d riv e o u r su-
Friday September 20th
Is Bundle Day
p n m e O ffensive ag a in st the e n c u j v T o aga in go
ov er th e top F IR S T w ill c o n v in c e the C e ntral P o w ­
ers that w e ’re AGAINST H u m 1.» the ta il m a n — a n d
p ro v e y . o u r Bovs th a t we re W ITH them to the
last dollar.
T he W atch on the R h in e reports
t h a t a n u m b e r of u n ta m e d Yanks
broken th r o u g h th e H in d e n b u r g
Stayton Aux. A. R. C. has received
the second call for Belgian relief. fence and a re w andering to w ard s
Those having cTothlng, n>en’~s wo­ Berlin. Any one who will drive them
m en’s children’s and baby clothing to back and fix up th e fence may have
donate, should have them ready Friday two h airs from th e k a i s e r ’s mus-
morning. P ut them on your porch as tache.
T he H ohenzoilern Co. Ltd.
the collectors will not take time t o ,
stop and ask for bundles.
Auto will
call Friday morning.
If anyone is
Stayton Fire Boys
missed or doesn’t have a char.ce to get
Help Ambulance Fund
their clothing gathered up, they may
leave them a t Lesley’s hotel sample
room. No clothing received afte r Sep­
tember 25th.
Some time ago the Stayton Fire De­
partm ent subscribed $20.00 to the Red
G overnor W’ithycom be says th e Cross with which to help to purchase
sta te f a ir th is year promises to be an ambulance for the ooys in France.
th e best in its history, and S ecretary V. Dare Sloper, Chief Engineer of the
A. H. Lea, co m m enting on the live- Stayton Fire D epartment, received the
stock fe a tu re , r e p e a ts t h a t the ex­ following letter from San Francisco on
hibit will be th e biggest and best Monday :
San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 13, 1918.
Lea an n o u n c es t h a t th e C urtis Mar-
ever held in the W est.
Secretary Mr. V. Dare Sloper,
tin Livestock C om pany’s fam ous Chief Engineer, Fire Department,
H ereford herd, declared the equal of •v' t ®yt°n, Oregon,
any In th e world, will be shown for Dear Chief:—
This is to acknowledge receipt of the
th e f irs t tim e in the United States.
"T h e s ta te fair th is y ea r promises sum of $20.00, through Chief B. F.
to be th e best in its history, and this Dowell of Portland, Ore., the same be-
ls as It should be. for of all tim es >"K » donation from the officers and
members of the btayton r ire D epart-
this is the tim e we should stim u la te
ment toward the pnrehase of am bu­
a g r ic u ltu r a l pro d u ctio n ," said Gov­
lances to be turned over to the Red
e r n o r W lthycom be in com m enting on
Cross for service in France, and to be
the 57th a n n u a l Oregon sta te fair known as the F irem en’s U nit of the
which opens in Salem September 23 Pacific Coast.
for a week, and he u rged the people
* Allow me to thank you, and through
to attend.
" P P r re
e s sid
id e n t Wilson has you the officer9 and a m b e r s of your
wisely advocated th e continuance of dhpilrtm ent foi the assigUnce rendered
fairs this year, despite the te rrib le ¡n ^ ¡ s mos^ worthy cause,
crisis co n fro n tin g th e country, so let
Sincerely yours,
Oregonians be patriotic and loyal to
Thos. R. Murphy
th e ir s ta te fair and m a k e it the b a n ­
Chief E ngineer S. F. F. D.
ner fair in the history of Oregon.
"T h e Oregon sta te fair Is the most
T he rig h t place for yo u r son, Mt.
im p o rta n t fair of Its class on th e
College, St. Benedict, Ore.
Pacific coast. It is becoming n real
school of practical education. Thei* Adress T. 1. My er.
a r e many com m endable features a d ­
ded this year, particu la rly the one In up-to-date and com m odious coliseum
food conservation and production. in which the livestock can be dis­
The Boys’ and G ir ls " club work Is played to the best ad v a n ta g e to spec­
also becoming a stro n g fea tu re of th e ta to rs as well as for Judging. T his
sta te fair. This Is exceedingly co m -j will be a valuable acquisition to the
mendable, because th e fu tu re of fair, especially in case of inclem ent
m odern a g r ic u ltu r e in o u r slate de- j weather, which frequently prevails
pends upon the e n th u sia sm and in- d u rin g fair week. With th is build-
spiratlon acquired by o u r younger ing, rain or shine, we can have a good
population. P a re n ts should do th e ir fair. Oregon has been noted foi Its
utmost in getting th e ir boys and girls s tre n g th in livestock for a n u m b e r
on the farm s interested In a g r l c u l - , of years.
In fact, o u r llocks and
tu re , because this is o u r .ireat perm a- h e rd s com pare in quality with those
nent basic Industry. T he f u tu re of any atate In the Union, and with
f a rm e r of the sta te should receive his the effort m ade by th e board w*y
Inspiration early In life, and th e re is should have a splendid exhibit of
no b e tte r place to acquire tills than livestock this y ea r.”
Predictions are m ade by A. It. Lea.
at the s ta te fair.
"T h e «*nte fair board «hould be secretary of th e fair board, t h a - the
com m ended for th e splendid enter- j livestock show will be easily the hig-
ivise * bn« shown in providln: on y
b ■: t ever held in t ’t » West.
l-iaeam 1.0*1, U s a r r m
F ro m a P e ndle ton paper we note
t h a t Oliver Lesley, son of Mr. an d
Mrs. F ra n k Lesley, of Stayton, who
is a m em ber of th e fira d e p a r tm e n t
of P endleton, was Injured w hile on
duty, on the 11th of this m onth. It
says: “ Lesley was in jure d when a
hose he was h a n d lin g on a side hill
got beyond control and he was
thro w n on th e gro u n d m ade slippery
by the escaping water. Several ribs
w ere inju re d , b u t none b ro k e n .”
Catholic Foresters
Elect New Officers
A t a reg u lar m eeting of the Catholic
O rder O f F o resters of S tay to n . held in
th e I. O. O. F. Hall la st T hursday eve­
ning, the following officers w ere elect­
ed fo r th e ensuing year:
W. F. K lecker, Chief R anger: H. J .
M arking, Vice Chief R anger; Chas.
Gehlen, Recording S ecretary ; Ed. K er-
ber, Financial S ecretary : John Van-
H an d d , T re asu re r; Andrew F erry ,
S peaker; Wm. K erber, Sr. Couductor;
Geo. G assner, T ru stee: Frank K erber,
Inside Sentinel; Joe Van Handel, O ut­
side Sentinel.
S everal sta rs w ere added to th e se r­
vice flag and a f te r th e lodge work re ­
fresh m en ts w ere served.
T h e r e would seem to be no room
for hesitation abo u t choice for sta te
t r e a s u r e r of Oregon.
O. P. Hoff,
re tirin g labor commissioner, la th e
republican nominee.
D. P. Mason
of Albany, practically an unknow n,
happened to get som e thing like a
couple of h u n d red votes from all
over the sta te a t the dem ocratic
prim aries, a n d by this accident won
the dem ocratic nom ination T h o m a s
F. Ryan, prese nt as sista n t s ta te
tr e a s u r e r , was defeated for th e r e ­
publican nom ination by Hoff, by a
very sm all plurality.
Ryan Is ex­
pected to ru n as an independent.
T he Voter blam es itself for H off’s
nom ination and R y a n ’s defeat a t th e
prim aries, in th a t it erred in Its fore­
cast, and advised Voter subscribers
to vote for E. D. Cusick of A lbany
as th e c a n d id a te moat likely to de­
feat Hoff. It tu r n e d out th a t R yan
instead of Cusick was the best vote-
g etter, and if The Voter had fore­
seen th e situ atio n it would have a d ­
vised support of Ryan an d u n q u e s­
tionably he would have been nom i­
It is ju st as im p o rta n t now as it
was la3t sp ring to defeat Hoff, whose
affiliations with the radical ele m e n t
in o u r s ta te a r e well-known. H off
is en tire ly honest, but be aligns h im ­
self w ith th e discontented an d th e
ag itato rs, and would be a d a n g e r o u s
m an to elect to an office which c a r ­
ries w ith it m em bership on all th e
principal m an ag in g boards of t h e
state. Mason c a n n o t defeat Hoff, for
th e reason t h a t so many d em o crats
will vote o r Hoff because of his r a d ­
T he only chance to b ea t
H off is to vote for Ryan.
Ryan has served tw o te rm s a s a s ­
s is ta n t sta te t r e a s u r e r u n d er T hom as
B. Kay, an d has proven to be an ex­
ceedingly co m pete nt and efficient of­
ficer. He is p reside nt of a bank in
Oregon City, is also a fa r m e r an d
considerable taxpayer, an d is q u a li­
fied exceptionally by priv ate an d
public experience to fill th is im p o r t­
a n t office.
W hile we have every confidence
t h a t G overnor W lthycom be will be
re-elected by a handsom e m a jority,
th e r e is always th e possibility of tho
election of any dem ocratic o p p onent
in Oregon.
Thia possibility is a
m enace when it is rem e m bere d t h a t
th e dem ocratic gu b ern a to rial nom i­
nee is W a lte r M. Pierce, one of th e
original sponsors^for th e N o n -P a rti­
san L eague In Oregon and a s ta te
s e n a to r whose r e p u ta tio n for rad ic al­
ism is well established. T he possi­
bility of P ierce being elected gover­
n o r and Hoff being elected tr e a s u r e r ,
th u s th r o w in g control of all th e p r in ­
cipal s ta te b oards into th e ir hands, is
one to m a k e the th o u g h tfu l cttlxen
shudder. It la imperative, th e re fo re,
to vote for W lthycom be and R yan
next N ovember as th e su re m eans of
saving the s ta te govern m e n t front
N on-P artisan L eL ague control.— Or­
egon Voter.
No d o ubt th e re a r e several of us
in Stayton who do not depend for a
living on raising wheat. Yet, if we
Every Business House in
a r e fair-m inded, we will not w ith ­
Stayton is closed fiom 7:30 to
hold o u r o. k. from the deelaration
9:30, every Monday evening.
by H ow ard Ja c k so n of th e G rain
This patriotic move is done to
C orporation t h a t $2.05 as a price for
shoiv the appreciation tow­
w heat is u n j u s t to th e farm er.
ards those who belong to the
It does not allay his grief when
Guards. Remember this and
he is blandly told th a t if he does not
do your shopping during oth­
w ant I v d'-al with local elev a to rs he
er hours.
can ship th e grain himself. As far
a s o u r observation goes, f a r m e r s dc
not as a rule own railroads, and they
According to G eneral March, Chief
ca n n o t o r d e r th e assig n m e n t of I of Staff, th e beginning of Septem ber
A m ericans
freight cars on a given d ate to m eet I found
F ra n ce , with m ore th a n 1,350,000
t h e i r respective em ergencies.
on the b a ttle front. T he tim e is past
r a ilro a d s do th e talking, and they when o u r forces held only a small
have a r a t h e r a r b it r a r y custom fraction of the line and were brig ad ­
though a n a t u r a l one, of assigning ed with the F re n c h and British.
Our freight cars have little room
c a r s on the basis of last y e a r 's busi­
today for talcum powder, cigar»,
neckties and confectionery. At all
Com passionate voices have been events, one wholesale consignm ent
raised in com m iseration for th e p er­ bought by a Stayton store kee; er Is
secuted e le v a to r com panies.
The h andled forty tim es a« fast as forty
voices a r e those of the unttiindfu' parcel» purchased retail from :i malt
ones who forget th a t e lev a to rs r e ­ o r d e r house.
Support local stores. T h is Is no
mained full of wheat d u rin g the car
sh o rta g e last year, while th e w heat tim e for forty railroa d em ployes to
bo doing the work of one.
doub'e.l in price.