tmm :^ I Ä w #4* * »\m Q ^ Ä D rfJ « Fm the fellow you said you’d ‘get’ with your sub­ marine. I’m the fellow you said couldn’t fight. u But the men who wear THIS uniform have whipped your crack division - they have helped a lot to crush your drive on Paris-and they’re going to be present in large numbers at your finish. w The folks back home are backin’ us, too, Bill, - - they’d back us to the limit. Right now they’re raisin’ six billions more to keep us in ammunition, guns, clothes and ‘chow’. You’re in for it, Hun 1 U A M E R I C A N E V E R Q U I T S . *» ARE YOU BACK OF THE DOUGH BOYS? \ Buy Tbtttih Liberty Bonds Any Bank Will Help You c o m n m o t is o u q s rAi-mxoTzc co o n u i n o i o r tim u -im n n Sloper's Drug Store Dr* H* A* Beauchamp ' Dr* C H. Brewer Hotel Lesley Prof* C. F* Grover S* H* Heltzel Lilly Hardware Company Geo. Keech Farmers & Merchants Bank Brown-Petzel Lumber Co*