H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. KAHM A M » C IT Y LOANM. Physician and Surgion STAYTO N. OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. P H Y S IC IA N AND SUKGEON S t a y t o n . O rboon W . N . Pintler. D. M. D. If you are paying a blab rata of Intel tut, why not refund your I I ohii lit a lower rate ami more ! liberal terms. It la not good business to pay a higher rate of Interest than the market de­ mands, nor la It Kood business to keep your aurplus funds on time deposits at 3 and 4 pur rent per annum when 6 per cent can readi­ ly be aeeured on first Farm Mort- KUKea. If you huve money to loan or wish to refund or secure a new one, cull or write 8. II IIK LT ZK L, Slayton, Oregon. DENTIST Olliru 0|i|i. I .ancelleld Shot" Store Phone 2162 Stavton. Ore N O T H 1C O f M A K A H A L 'S H A L IL Additional Locals E. C. Titus has sold th** follow­ ing cars this week: Chevrolet run-about to Mr. Silkwirth. o f i the Brown-Petzel Lumber Co., ; and a used Ford to Mr. Ervin. Mr. Kramer, of the Stayton j Bakery, will soon haev some ad­ vertising bread wrappers out. The Mail office is doing the work. Mr. Kramer says that he be­ lieves in patronizing home indus­ try and consequently has his printing done at home. “ A s b e s t o s Protected Tires” PERFECTION 73.000 miles for Ford Cera 6,000 mile« for other make« COSi A T R IF L E MORE T H A N C H EAP TIKES 1; 2. 3. 4. 6. Six plies of the the strongest cotton fabric manufactured. Protected with a complete outer ply of flnely woven long fibre Asbestos Fabric. Open weave Aabeato* Hreake- Strip forming a perfect union between tread and care as«. Tread Rubber, thoroughly cured by h.gh degree heat proceas Ax heat os fabric lapping bead, preventing rim cerrosion SESTAK & THOMAS STAYTON, OREGON Public Notice U hereby given that, by virtue of a W rit of Execution dated August 22nd. 1918, A. D., Is­ sued out of the District Court of the Doited States for the District of Ore­ gon, on a judgment rendered in said Court, on the 24th day of January, 1918, A. t>, In favor of Edd Young, and against G D. Trotter. I did, on the 29tb day of August. 1918, A. D., levy upon the following described real estate situated in the town of Stayton, County of Marlon and State of Oregon, to-wit: The North half of Lots No. 5 and 6 In Block S, In the town of Stayton, Marion County, Oregon. And that I will, accordingly, offer and sell all the right, title and inter­ est of said G. D. Trotter In and to raid described real estate for sale at public auction to the highest and bent bidder for cash on Friday the 11th day of October. 1918. at 10 o’clock A. M. at the front door of the County Court House of Marlon County, at Salem, Oregon. — Geo. F. Alexander, United States Marshal. District of Oregon. By John D. Mann, Chief Deputy. First publication: Sept. 12th. 1918. Last publication: Oct. 10th. 1918. - Smith St Shields. j Aliya for Edd Young. Cnmpany A Stayton Oregon E. Trask and family and Albert Guards have received their new Ring motoredto Jefforson Sun­ flag and a bugle. The flag was j day. L A W Y E R and N O T A R Y PUBLIC usey for the first time on Mon­ FOR S A L E To close an estate the W. R. Surry and family, J, H. Uiester farm in Sublimity, containing Office Room No. 6, Itoy Bldg. day evening, September, 2nd. Johnston, wife and son, Hugh, 70 acres, must be sold at once. For _____________________________ _ Rev. W. J. Warren presented particulars inciuire, Bernatd Mrs. Ed Trask and G. F. j o h n « . i 8 S r r , Administrator. Stayton, Ore. the flag to the company in a IS. H . H K L T Z E L ■ ton motored to Salem Friday. short patriotic speech before For Sale -Team, wagon, plow G. I). Colby has started haul­ drill. Attornev-at-I.aw -N otary Public and cultivator, 1 cow 3 years ing piling this week. Dick Richardson returned Mr. J. L. Quinn is now work­ old. Apply to Mis. M. S. Bur- F IN A L NO TICE O F E X E C U T R IX . S ltf from a six weeks’ trip in Wash­ ing with the railroad section son. _ _ To whom It may concern: Notice ington Wednesday. Dick says crew. I PAD o A I m c. C l ig hereby given that the undersigned, rOK SALE Crawford can- executrix of the last W ill and Testa- - J . M. R I N G O - j DtNTilST that he worked in the harvest Mrs. Hardison and daughter ning peaches ready next week. ment and Estate p» ul f . Minzen- . . . . , ,. . . raeier, deceased, has this day filed STAYTDN ORIGON N ° charge for examination, and fields and did some hard work. left for their new home in Port­ quality fancy, order immediately her final account in said estate apd He says the crops are short this land the first of the week. ____________________________ I estimates willingly given. ' crop very light. Address Louis lhat the Honorable County Court of year in the sister state. Jack Quinn visited jit The F. r u -_____ i c>„ 1 ___ rt Marion County, Oregon, has fixed Lachmund, Salem, or phone H . anRU»L Phone—Res. 3X24 ness, set single harness, carriage — Marguerite Minzenmeier, NOTICE Executrix ot the Estate of Paul hack, express wagon, single bug­ OREGON STAYTON The Sublimity Prune Dryer is E. Minzenmeier. deceased. H. R. Shank, Ed Smith and — Carey F- Martin, Stayton Residents Must Learn now taking in prunes and will son, Fred, were Salem visitors gy. Apply Hammans Barn. Attorney for plaintiff. buy and dry ripe prunes the The Importance of Keeping Sunday Chas. Gehlen is buying ever same as other years. Them Well Mr. ahd Mrs. Linn Lambert green blackberries. F IN A L NO TIC E O F E X E C U T R IX . CLASSIFIED ADS. V. A. GOODE FUNERAL DIRECTOR UTTER Dr. Paul Fehlen Ht. Pleasant YOUR KIDNEYS STAYTON MEAT MARKET SESTAK & THOMAS, Proprietors. FreshwSalt&Cured Meals Lard« Creamery Butter Highest Market Price Paid For Fal Slock CHANGE OF SCHEDULE JUNE 2, 1918 . Mill City-Salem Round Trip $3.00 Perfect heiilth mean« that every or­ gan of the body la pergortning ita func- | tiona properly. Perfect health can not be enjoyed if ( the kidney* are weak and iliaorderen. Thousand« testify that Doan’s Kid­ ney I'dla have arnviving action on : weak kidneya. What this remecy has done in so nu. ny cases of this kind in the b e s t proof i of its merit. Head the following. It’s testimony gratefully given by a rcHi.ie.it of this locality: Mr«. John Bray, 728 E. Fourth St., Albany, Ore., says: “ 1 have never that gives such good Kidney Pills when I have need of a kidney medicine. I have been subject to kidney trouble for years. At times mv back has ach­ ed pretty hacly and during those at­ tacks mv kidneys have acted irregular­ ly. A D ay’s use of Dnan's Kidney Pills has never failed to relieve the trouble and they have always made me feel fine. ” Mrs. Bray had. Foster-Milburn IVice 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim­ ply a«k for a kidney remedy —get Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that Co., M fgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. Mill City-Stayton-Salem '“ "i AUTO STACK Will muke regular trips every day. Sundays Included an follows: A . M. 7:OS 7 :1 » 8:00 8:10 •H:2G 9:15 L v . . M ill C it y — A r ....... I.v o n s ............... . M edianía .......... ........... S t a y t o n ............... .. . . S u b l i m i t y .......... . A u m s v i l f e ........ ........... T u r n e r ................ A r . . Salem . L v P. M . 7:00 6:80 ti:20 5:30 5:20 6:05 4:50 4 :20 •Meets Train t>2 northbound at Aums- ville. Stage leaves opposite O. E. de­ pot in Salem. Morning stage will connect with the .* K in g s t o n «t a g e at S tin to ti. Stayton-W est Stayton 7:00 aim . . M 4:10 p.m. i SUyton A 8:46 a.m. A r f.:00p.m. 8:00 a.m. . _ w o , t v 8:12 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Ar W - ' ta>U,n L ' 5:1« p.m. Hamman Auto Stage f.a'.aVa’ .a'.a’.u'.a'.a’.a’.a’.a’ .a’ .a I ! W - A , CLADEK BLACKSMITH, WAGON WORK i \ * HORSESHOEING i f i- CARD OF THANKS i i i i Ï0LM “BRICK FRONT SHOP" Church Notices Pastor W. J. Warren Services at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. j Epworth League 7;00 p. m., | Prayer meeting every Wednes­ day evening at 8:00. Meeting o f the Sunday school board second Monday o f every j month at 7:30, followed by the ' Official hoard meeting. St. Marys Church Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun- days at. 8:30 a. m. Rev. Fr. Lainck. Pastor The Mail is in receipt of a let­ ter from G. W. DeJardin, who formerly worked here in the State Bank, and who is now with the 6th Casual Co., 2nd Reg. 0. C. T. at Hancock, Geor­ gia, in which he says, rhat the weather is unbearably hot down there, and he wishes that he could get a breath o f good old Stayton air. He wished to be remembered to his old friends here and says that he is in the best o f health. His letter also contained the sad news that his younger broth­ er was wounded in France on June 25 by shrapnel. - All Work Guaranteed Methodist Church Benj. Franklin Wiliams, for­ merly o f Stayton, but who has sjient the past ten years in Cali­ fornia, died very suddenly at Oakland, on the 5th o f the month He has been following the carpenter trade. No partic­ ulars as to the cause o f death is atjhand at this writing. He was the oldest son of John Williams. W. H. Downing was in town Wednesday and made the Mail office a pleasant call. Mr. Downing has just purchased 29 ewes from J. B. Stump, of Mon­ mouth. They are of the Lincoln breed. The price paid for the bunch was $1000.00 Some price to pay for ewes, hut Mr. Down­ ing says he wants the best no matter what they cost. Copyright registered. 1918 What’s a Battery Expert? Expert: “ One who has spe­ cial skill, experience or knowl­ edge.” Every Willard expert must have all three when it comes to handling batteries. Our experience immediately tells us where your battery trou­ bles lie: our knowledge tells you what needs to be done; and our skill insures a workmanlike job. W e’re at your service. W e wont to tell you about Threaded Rubber, too, and give you a copy of the booklet, “A Murk with a Meaning for You.” 418 Court St., Salem, Oregon 4 Our sincere thanks are extend­ ed to the many friends and neighbors who assisted us dur­ ing the short illness and death o f our beloved mother, and as­ sure you the kindness will never be forgotten. We also wish to thank all who brougnt or sent flowers, and the singers for the music at the funeral. Eva Smith Addie Davie and family Edith l^ k e and Family Owen Smith ealled at the P. H home Sunday evening. U m b erti W A N T E D - A few good »took . , i T , , ewes: also a few goats. Inquire Arnold Senx spent the w eekjo f E R Philippi. Stayton. Ore- end at Albany. g0n. Sept. 22 Dave, Ernest an Johnnie Aeg- _____ erter and Lewis Ray spent Sun- F 0 R T R A D E -G o o d standard day with their lady friends at hred mare to trade for goats. the Lewis Ranch hop yard near Inquire at the Mail Office. tf. Independence. Rev. McGee was entertained FOR S A L E —Heavy team, wt. at the M. F. Ryan home over 3200, 6 and 8 years old. Matt Sunday. Mueller, Stayton, R2. 34tf. Mrs. H. R. Ssank and son, S A L E —Five registered Raymond, and Melvin Shank FOR Shropshire Lambs, yearlings. were guests at the J. C. Huber Phone 2105, Stayton. J. L. home Sunday. P. H. Lambert and Lyle Lutz Siegmund. 34tf. — spent Sunday at the Lewis — FOR S A L E —One black horse, Ranch hop yard. 11 years old, wt. 1400. Price Miss Frances Kloer entertain­ $30. Joe Schulte, Phone 177. 35tf ed Henry Croisant. o f the Mc- Cully Mts., Sunday evening. FOR S A L E —6 weeks old pigs. Mrs. Roxie Shank and family P. J. Etzel. Phone 1783. tf and Hal Shelton motored to Sa­ lem Thursday to see the boys FOR S A L E —À couple of cars. leave for Camp Lewis. Stayton Vulcanizing Works. 36tf Mr. and Mrs. H. Senz and son Stayton. Nick were visitors at Felix Van- 22 siepi FOR S A L E - Two Ehrman, of Stayton. For rette, C. N. Misses Bessie and Crystal beam plows. 2t. Shank, Frank Caspell and Hal West Stayton. Shelton ca'led on the hop pick­ For Sale— 2-ton baled hay and ers at the Lswis Ranch of Inde­ 2-ton o f baled straw. pendence. Brewer’s Dairy ^ ^ 1 , t G. H. Ray called at the W. R. Ranch Sundav. Frank Irvine and wife. Will All persons that are through Howard, w ife and children, of-Picking Evergreen Blackberries Echo, and Mrs. Don McKnight, an(i ha - e empty crates, are re- o f Scio. spent Tuesday at the W. quested to return them to A. 1 Smith. It. R. Ray home. Rock Point Mr. and Mrs. John Boedighei- FOR S A LE — Studebaker 1912 mer, Mr. and Mrs. P- J. Darby Model car for sale cheap. V. R. and children motored to Salem Darby, Kingston, Oregon. 34-41 Friday afternoon. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Joe H e n d rick s --------- — ■ — callers and children were Salem — F 0 R R E N T —A modern house, one day thi3 week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shepard w e r e trading in Salem Saturday. T. J. Hill, of Salem was out to the tarm Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuber were Salem callers Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J, O. Sandberg Road Patrolman E. C. Down- and Miss Emma motored to Port­ ing has a crew of men working land Thursday, returning the on the road this week. first of the week. School started in Lyons with a good turn out for this year. Melvin Schnackenhorg accom­ For Infants and Children panied by hjs sisters. Misses 1st Use For Over 3 0 Years Ethel and Frances, motored to Always bears the Eastern Oregon last week. East End Notes C A S T O RIA J. II. Johnston and family, E. FOR S A L E —11 six weeks old pigs. C. C- Carter, Phone 67, Sublimity, Ore. 37tf. Signature 7 partly furnished. Some stove woe Thursday, October 3. 1918. and veu shell answer (is or he’ore Friday. October 4. ''n18. all acen-dlng to the of the Honorable W m . M. Bushev. County Judge of Marlon County. Oregon, entered and dated August 13. 191« in the absence of the Judge of the above entitled court. — Ivan G. Martin. — Carey F. Martin. Attorneys for Plaintiff. pn«*offiee rddre«s: 41? Masonic Temnle Building. Salem Oregon. First nnhlfepfioti Aug. 22. 1918. t,n< publication Sept 26. 1918. How’s This? W e offer One Hundred Dollars Rew ard fo r any case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by H all's Catarrh Medicine. H all's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers f">r the past thirty- five yearn, and has become k n o w « as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. H a ll’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Flood on the Mucous rurfacea. expelling the P oi­ son from the Blood and healing the dis­ eased portion*. A fter you have t r ’;»n H all's Catarrh Medicine for a s h o e time you will see a greet Improvement In your gerertil health. Start taMr : H all's Catarrh J' -dl- clne at once and r -t rid o f catarrh. Send for testimonial» free. F J C H K N K V it CO.. Toledo, ClAOe Bold by all Druggists. 71c.