4 KJSE P O T A T O ES IN S T EA D O F B R EA D Bread M M Be Saved— P otatoes Con­ tain the S em e Nutrim ent. How m any potatoes are you eatin g? Th.a is a question the Food .IdntiUls- u n tio u w ants every loyal American to u k h im self or h erself. Strange as it -nay aeeui the eatin g of potatoes at thin lim e is a practical war service, » c o r d in g to a recent Food A dm inis­ tration bulletin, w h'ch points out that this nation now has a large potato surplus on hand and that this valuable food, e a iv ss eaten wtthtn the next tw o months, w ill be lost through sprouting slid rutting. By eating of potatoes (liberally, every fam ily can sa v e a sub­ sta n tia l am ount of other food, particu­ larly of wheat. By eating up the sur­ plus of potatoes th e uatlon will also prevent serious loss to the potato w oduaer. who needs to be encourag 'd o grow maximum crops during the rontiug year. "D om estic scien ce experts have flv- red that: One ord vary baked polatv isjuals in nourishm ent one thick s!ic> :>f w heat bread. •P otatoes at one and one-half to I w j ■ en ts a pound have more food valu s than bread at ten cen ts a loaf. " P otatoes are healthful. T hey im­ prove the general lone of the system by their w holesom e action on the di­ gestiv e organs. T hey are e a sie st on he stom ach of all vegetab le food3. They are easy on the kidneys because *>f the minimum of nitrogen they con- Lain. They are ea sy on the in testin es «because of the ten d ern ess and sm all (proportion of th eir cellu lose sa d the jttne d ivision of starch. ; “P o ta to es are valuable In the d iet of Lhe sick . They can be eaten with ¡I'enefit by people suffering from dys- jpepsia. anem ia, diab etes. Bright's dis- e. cardiac affection s, in testin a l ubles, constipation, hyperacidity. W tlr itis. gout, liver com plaints, etc. | "A lw ays serve p u atoes with meat," ¡concludes the Food A dm inistration bull- tin. "Never serv e bread and po­ ta t o e s . ” - * t - k * * * * * * * * PUBLIC M K M W M V M M M M K M bM M SM SM N OP ’.« ’.a'.a'.M’.o'.rt’.sr.*'- a *♦ «Mr.**.« I CATTLE AND SHROPSHIRE SHEEP Having rented my farm I will sell at Public Auction on my farm known as BEAVER GLEN STOCK FARM 3 miles north east of Sublimity and 5 miles east of Shaw Station on C EXT COHN SAVE Sale Commencing at 10, a. m. ’WHEAT By Mrs. Rob-. J. Burdette. T h e firing line Is now in your kit­ chen. Knock out the breadline at your .table. It has been said that the Revolu- ¡1 .binary War w as won by men fed on m aety pudding, in other words, corn ¡m eal m ush. Let it be w ritten in his­ tory that the w inning of the present v »r w as made possible by the United 'S tates eating po;a*oes. T h e m anner of eating, the tim e of ^eating and even the kind of foodstuffs ea ten are largely a m atter of habit. ;We do not desire to break ou rselves •ja tirely of the b sb it of eating or life w ould not prove worth living, but it i-an be m ade to prove better worth liv in g if we change som a of the habits. -Suppose w e cure o u r s e lv e s , of the liand-eatlnp h a b it'a n d se e if w e do not consum e less bread. If you were ,in put your bread and butter on your dilate and eat It w ith a knife and fork a t would reduce the am ount of bread ;«Btan at once. In som e of the Oriental c ountries men carry strings o f bright Im g wooden beads that are known as {“C onversation beads." and they seem (unable to talk unless thsy have them their hands to play with snd pass from one hsDd to the other. W e seem to need eom ethlng in our hands at table or we feel t i e meal la Incom plete and that som ething Is usually bread rget this habit and save w heat. If you must continue the band-eating habit, hold a hot potato. 1 bay m are 6 yrs. old w eig h t 1600 1 sorrel horse 3 yrs. old w t. 1450 1 ladies d riving m a r e 9 yrs. old, 1050 1 light driving horse w e ig h t 1000 4 Reg. D u rh a m B u lls M y herd bull “Goods C h a rm ’’ 3 yrs. old Bread and Raised by Gibson Estate, of Calif. “G ibson’’ 16 m o n th s old Good Enough to Head any Herd Woodrow 11 mo. old, color red Roosvelt 10 mo. old, color roan Seven Reg. cows from 3 to 10 yrs. old All due to calf from “Gibson Charm" 5 head of common dairy cows 10 head reg. yearling shorpshire lambs “ “ ram lambs 25 “ Shropshire Ewes 14 “ tt lambs 10 head of goats, wethers 1 Reg. Billy Goat Some young shoats full blood Berkshire Several Dozen Chickens Hew to Incroaee Wertd’o Bread Ration W ith fam ine creeping through Ku and every nation struggling to produce enough food to sustain Ufa, tho Amortoas farm er ban a duty that i ko can not shirk. America m ust ship rood to Buropo for our soldiers. America moot supply bread to «»trv- tag peoples S o m atter w hat other j trope are raised, more acres should b e devoted to bread grains. “ Do your ^ it, Mr. Farmer.’’ sa y s a Food Ad ■Sinistra tloD bulletin. " S u ccess de­ pen d s upon you in thie world war." The Waldo Hills Wahl Club will serve lunch, the proceeds will be for the boys at the front % Taking It From Babies. Kvory ounce o f wheat products In of six pounds per month that you eat, Mr American Citlxen, is that much literally taken from the m ouths o f the starving women and children «»f France," says a Food A dm inistra­ tio n bulletin. "The armed a llie s #nay sto w ithout wheat, but th ese innocents w ill actually die u n less w e g iv e them o f ours in generous proportion.” V’ctory bread Is received with brnr- t y approval. But don't be s a t'e tie l t o u se it on h w h e a lln ss d ay or at a •w hcatleas m ia i, b e c a u se it isn l wheal- ( Jess. All sums of $10 and under, Cash. Over $10, one year’ s time with bankable notes at 8 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for. TERMS: W est Point is on a food-conservation basis, and tbe health of the cadet •corps is better thae ever. All bread luoed Is composed of 41 per o ea t w heat flour, 45 rye, snd 10 per ce n t w hite b o lte d ' grain flour, and many ca d ets ronalder it superior to tbe form er jwhlte bread Sugar consum ption has b een cu t down, m eatless days and m eals are rigidly observed, and tbe reduced amount of m eat has been beneficial to health. A lesso n from a reliable source. 2 Deering Binders in good shape 1 3 1-4 Mardt wagon rack bed 1 “ Rushford wagon 1 farm truck, 1 hay rack 9 foot spring tooth harrow, 3 drag har­ rows, 1 Acme harrow, Garden cultiva­ tors, 2 No. 50 plows, 1 Deering Mower 1 Deering Rake 1 double disk Van Brunt drill almost new 1 Buggy, 1 Hack Iron Kettle 1 Cider mill 1 Fanning Mill, Platform slales Sharpless Cream Separator No. 4 8 foot M erry go Round Gasoline Tank, 55 gallon 2 set heavy harness Some Plow harness Double Driving harness Phonograph with 80 Records Farmers & Merchants Bank, Clerk ' A. L. Stevenson, Auctioneer J. T. HUNT, Proprietor * * * * *' k * • » .:’* 1 4 T I 4 . * * » -k » -k