I WÊBBXK*JKX. FARM COP, CROPS AND FiuiiTiNGSQNS 3 m mm r !g I IÌF S Shiploads of Bacon a Mere Item in Procession of Food to Fighters, Civilians FO R FARMS and ORCHARDS What is a Branch House? Vick Brothers are receiving FORDSON TRAC­ TORS in Regular Shipments. Demonstra- tions every Saturday. Come and see the Tractor Work. Orders taken in Rotation T h e B ranch H ouse is the place in the packing organization w here w h at the packing plant does for you is put w h ere you can use it Both are the natural result of grow th and development in the living thing they belong to. Swift & C om pany B ran ch H ouses are located in distributing centers all over the country. T h ey are fitted out w ith refrigerating equipm ent to keep meat cool, sw eet and fresh. We have “Disk Harrows” For the Fordson Tractors E ach one is in personal charge of a m an w h o believes in w h at Swift & Com pany is doing for people and w ants to help do it Valley Motor T h ey are directed by men w h o have spent years learning h ow to get meat to the places w here it is needed. better Agents for Polk and Marion Counties Your •’I« ^ — "P yo u So you need the branch house in order to live well; and the branch house and the packing plant need each other,in order to be useful to you. THE The Sublimity Cider Works is now open for business. Bring your apples and kegs. I will put your cider in kegs for 2c a gallon. Sweet cider for sale at 25c a gallon if you bring your own kegs or jugs. Open Sept. 7th and 8th and tint Sat. and Son. o f each month SUBLIMITY. ORE. Come in before the price raise. See our Fine Soldier C u m PETER WELTER here m eat dealer com es to buy your meat for — unless some­ one else can treat him better then w e can. Elbert Thompson Manager « chcapet M eat is shipped to the branch houses direct from the packing plants in Swift & C om pany’s refrigerator cars, in such quantities that it can be disposed of w hile fresh and s w e e t State and Front Streets, Salem, Oregon 1CrZ war TR0VER-WE1GEL Swift & Company, U . S. A . STUDIO IN S T A Y T O N CJm Nowhere ha» appeared a more »uo- cla d reminder of the enonnoua re­ sources of the American faim and thn farmers instant readiness to mjpt any war demands than a brief dte- patch from London recently annouue- Ing the suspension of the ration HuH on bacon. Owtne to the accumulation of stocks of 97,000,000 pounds of bacon front America, the dispatch aaid. the ration­ ing of bacon would be abandoned for the time. Since thin enonnoua stock waa for civilian requirements and probably • much greater quantity had been safe­ ly landed for allied army needs it does not require extreme imagination to visualize the long procession of cargo ships which has steamed across with this one item of the food sup­ ply- All the cargp space of from eight to twelve freighters of average also would be required to transport 97,- 000,000 pounds. WHEAT GROWN DESPITE SABOTAGE Desnite the burning of grain ele­ vators, the torpedoing of wheat ships, and sabotage and arson in the grain fields of the country, the American fanner has gloriously played his war part by producing sufficiently big crops to feed the allied world, as his sons have biou&ht fear in to the hearts of the enemy at Cantigny and Chateau Thierry and in the Rbeims- SoissoiiH battle. Now we read that others besides von Kuehlmann believe that Germany cannot win by force of arms, as uio&e Germans not dupes of the prop­ aganda-fed German press already knew that Kngland could not be starved by von Tirpitz' ruthless sub­ marines. lint (ar from being satisfied with this major part in winning the war, the farmer has played a liberal part in financing the struggle, I-a t spring, with seed and implements to buy, and all the pre-harvest expense pf wages and maintenance, not an agri­ cult *ral district in the west failed to meet or oversubscribe its quota of the -Third Liberty Loan. FARMERS FIRST LN UBERTY LOAN Oregon, almost purely an agricul­ tural and stock-raising state, was the first in the district to announce lta quota exceeded. The farming districts were uni­ formly more prompt in meeting their assigned obligation than were the metropolitan districts where banks and factories were concerned. With the coming of the Fourth Liberty Loan, which will overshadow any previous financial triumph o f the United States by two to one, the farmers part should be relatively easier since he now has turned Ms matured crops into cash. The Fourth Liberty Loan, calling for twice as much as any of the previous war funds, all of which were epochs in the country’s history, will show the United States really buck­ ling down to business. 4TH LOAN CALLS FOR FULL EFFORT'- 9$ SALEM CITY CLEANING WORKS 12fil STATK STREET, NEAR 12TH Ladies’ and Men’s Hats Renovated Clothes Cleaned and Pressed WOMEN’S FALL AND WINTER COATS AND SUITS Out of town work attended to promptly Geo. Davie, Stayton Representative Salem’s Finest Showing, including every Worthy Design from the Leading Coat and Suit Makers at prices that will LEAVE YOUR REPAIRING AT THE BARBER SHOP * My Competitors Say their Soeds are Just as Good as * W A T K I N S Save You Money * That’s a Compliment. Why not buy the Standard of Qual- X !ty? There will always be a Watkins man call on you * three or four times a year. My business is not for sale, * traded or given away. *4* Will be in Stayton and surrounding country soon. Wait for 2 * me for Watkins Remedies, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Articles J W. N. ROWLEY /Ts SV\ /V\ /T\ 7W\ / T v 331 N. Liberty tT T T \ SALEM ^ 7w\ 7V\ / IS S f\ /W\ 7w\ UNIVERSITY of OREGON Ttt^rYST F u lly r<|irippooan is undersubscribed? And their corresponding elation M a smashing oversubscription? By the way, can’t you. stretch that Fourth Liberty l-oan subscription to • , little larger size. Every dollar makes them heller— Buy Liberty Bonds. Bring “ Fourth" your eavlngo — Buy Liberty Bonds. Billions for Defense or Billions for I Indemnities. Knock the Helm out o f Wilhelm— Liberty Bond«. A littie for bonds dr all for the Kaiser. t