H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgeon S T h YTO N . If you are paying a high rata of ln t«re*(, why not refund your loan at a lower rate and more liberal lerma. It ia not good buslm aa to pay a higher rate of Interoat than the market de­ mand*, nor la It good bualnnse to keep your aurplua fund* on time depoelta at 3 and 4 per rent per annum when 4 per cant ran readi­ ly be Been red on flrat Farm Mort­ gage*. If you have money to loan or wlah to refund or aeeure a new on«, call or write H. H. H K LTZK L, Stayton, Oregon. OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. P H Y S IC IA N AND Additional L o a d . FAUM AND C IT Y LOANS. SUKCHON S t a y t o n , O regon W . N. Pintler, D. M. D* Mrs. R. L. Thomas o f Row- burg is spending the week here i S wiln old friends. Mrs. W. A. Cladek and daunt- er were Salem visiters Wednes­ day. Office Opp. Lanccfleld Shoo Store Stuvton. O r« V. A. GOODE LA W Y E R «nd N O TAR Y PUBUC , Office Room No. 6. Koy Bldg. Si. H . H E L T Z E L Attorney ut Law Irons, well known here, at one time a resident o f Stayton, which occured on the 22nd o f August, in Seattle, reached here the first of the week. No pareiculars as to the cause o f his deatn is at hand. Notary Public FUNERAL DIRECTOR ( j 'p T 'E R Db N T IST - J . M. RING Q — STAYTON OREGON “Asbestos Protected T ires” . PERFECTION 78.000 mil«* for Ford Car* No charge for examination, and estimates willingly given. Notice ia hereby given that the ma­ de rug ned Administrator o f the Estate of Avery Winslow, deceased, haa A M hia finrl account in aaid Estate, and that the honorable County Court o f Marion Countv, Oregon, has fixed and appointed Monday, September 9th, 1918 at the hour o f 10:00 o’clock A. M. on aeid day at the Court room in nié County and State as the time *nd place for the hearing o f any objections to such final account and for the fettle- ment thereof. Dated this 8th day o f August, 1918. W. K. Winslow, Adminintrator S. H. Hetzel, Attorney for Estate, Fir*t Pub. Aug. 8 1918 last pub Sep. 5 1918 0,000 mil«* for other mako* COS/ A T R IF L E MORE T H A N C H EAP TIRES 1; 2 . Six plie* of the the strongest cotton fabric manufactured. Protected with a complete outer ply o f finely woven long fibre A*be*toa Fabne. Open weave Aabento* Breaker Strip forming a perfect union net ween tread and carcaos. Tread Rubber, thoroughly cured by high degree heat proeeaa A*he*to* fabric !app:ng bead, preventing rim cerroaion The Stayton High School will 3. open September 16th. All High School pupils both old and young 4. are requested to report for reg- 5. isteration prior to that time. SESTAK A THOMAS Signed C. F. Grover, principal C. A. Beauchamp and wife and A. C. Thomas and w ife will Wm Downing and sons at­ leave Friday morning for Camp Lewis where they will visit the tended the sale in Stayton last soldier L io v b and other friends Saturday. A number o f people in the va­ there. They expect to return on lley are picking evergreen black­ Monday. Sad news o f the death o f Ben berries. DENTIST I'honw 2162 Notte» of FHiai Aceotmt STAYTON, OREGON CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR S A L E - To clone an estate the 1 Notice of Final Account Riester farm in Sublimity, containing i 70 acres, must be sold at once. For further particulars irquire, Bernaid Geaher, Administrator. Stayton, Ore. Notice i* hereby given that the un demigned executors o f the last W ill Mrs. John Quinn and son Jack For Sale Team, wagon, plow and Te*tament)of C. W. Geer, deceased, were Stayton visitors the first of and cultivator, 1 cow 3 years have filed their their final account in the week. old. Apply to Mis- M. S. Bur- said estate, and that the honorable County Court of Marion County, Ore­ J. H. Johnson and family, Miss son. 31tf gon, has fixed and appointed Monday, Ella Johnson and Isabella Surry, September 9th. 1918, at the hour o ften were business callers in Stayton I will buy evergreen blackber- o ’co lock A. M. o f «aid day, at the one day last week, ¡ries again this year, delivered at Court room in said County and State as R. M. Gatke returned to Lyons my place. Will pay top price. the time and place for the hearing o f any objections to such final account and after a short visit with home Pickers wanted. for the settlement thereof. folks. 30-2t A. Smith Dated this 8th day o f August, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. Surry Ira W. Geer, FOR SA LE -Crawford can­ were business callers in Salem Guv M. Geer. ning peaches ready next week, Executors. this week. quality fancy, order immediately S. H. Hetzel, attorney for Estate* Wm. Bodiker, Hazel Phillips, crop very light. Address Louis first pub. Aug. 8, 1918 Alice Bodiker, Alta Hiat and E v­ Lachmund, Salem, or phone H. last pub. Sept. 6 1918. Owing to the main driving, gear breaking and having to One o f the best equipped offices send same to Portland for re­ pairs, the woolen mills are idle in the valley for about a week, this is unfor­ 414 Rank of Commerce Bldg. V E T E R IN A R Y SURGEON tunate at this time as the mills D ENTAL EXPERT Phone Main 606 Salem. Oregon were very busy on Government rush orders for Camp Lewis and Calls Answered Day or Nijfht other boints but tne manage­ erett Bodiker were visitors in Phone-Rea. 3X24 W. Bod wen. Farmers 29, F 3 ment expects to have the plant Stayton last week. Ranch 5 miles north of Salem. OREGON First-Dont Delay. Second-Don’t in operation a;/ain in a short: ST A Y T O N F IN A L NOTICE O F E X E C U T R IX . Bring boxes. time, Experiment Dr. Paul Fehlen A BIT OF ADVICE STAYTON MEAT MARKET C A LIC O I f you suffer from backache; head­ ache* or dizzy *pelln; if you rest poorly arm ure languid in the morning; i f the kidney accretion* are irregular and un­ natural in appearance, do not delay, tn auch caaea the kidney* often need help. Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially prepared for kidney trouble—they are recommended by thousands. Can resi­ dent* dewire more convincing proof than the statement o f a citizen o f this Hifbesi Market Price Paid Far Fat Slack locality? H. C. Mangas, retired druggist, 412 S. Fifteenth St., Corvallis, Ore., says; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE JUNE 2. 1918 " I have taken Doan’s Kidney Pills at different times when 1 have felt in need Mill City-Salem Round Trip $3.00 o f a kidney medicine and have found them to be all that is claimed of them. In recommending Doan’ s Kidney Pills, I am only speaking from personal ex­ AUTO STAGE Will make regular trip* every day. perience. but from what I know c f Sunday* included it* follow*: other* who have received great results H A l.K M f l t O S K 1*06 P. M. from them.” A. M.l 6:35 Lv . Mill C ity___ Ar 7:00 Mr. H. C. Mangas had. Foater-Milburn 7:05 . . . . . I.vnna............. 6:30 Price 60r, at all dealers. Don’ t sim­ Mchuma ........ 6:20 7:16 . ply aak for a kidney remedy—get 8:00 ___ ..Stayton........... 5:30 Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that 8:10 ....... .Sublimity........ 6:20 *8:25 ...... . Au m aville....... 6:05 Co., Mfgra., Buffalo. N. Y. 4:50 8:46 . . . . 9:16 ¡Ar. . ..Salem ........Lv 4:20 SESTAK & THOM AS, Proprietors. The last big calico hall, before the fair, will be held at Doerf- ler’s farm on September 7th. Here is where we have the big­ gest and best dances in the state, managed by the McAlpine K nit­ ting Club. Dance tickets for the men are 75c, ladies 10c. Music will be furnished by John I S« Loading Pastors* o f tbo I W - Small Orchestra. Come an d! T I*« XacU oM all hsrrnonloualfc com­ bi nod in on* bandsom.- N *w T .oublo- have a good time. Fro* W n u n * Machine of too First FreshvSalt&Cured Meats Lard* Creamery Butter in O n e R o c k P o in t Mill City-Stayton-Salem brovd-SapBfcd-lltdenBad Two sisters o f John Young, who have been visiting him the I bin— Soft T* oeh—L igh t Action. In t h e W o o d s to c k past month, returned to their Y o u W U1 F in d ttnw-tartfd warth-whilo »«s ta rs home in Madison, Wisconsin, Jtymrf nucfc r w b*n '■ tbn mnebinn too « r « OMd t>. and yon will a Wo find tha Sunday. fa ,a rt«« faaturaa o f tha other atamiard Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hunt and child­ ren spent the week end in Sa­ lem. E. C. Downing and family spent Sunday at the T. B. Pat­ ton home. Messrs. H. C. and Roy Porter, o f Aumsville, bought two fine sheep o f J. T. Hunt Monday. Stayton-West Stayton SERVICE STATION î!w£m.|Lv st*yu,n ArS ; : I Copyright rtfiite r rd , 1918 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Downing spent Sunday on the river north o f Salem l ^ p : m : A rW S ta yton Lvî ; i « t m . W hat’s a Battery Expert? W . A. CLADEK ¡ BLACKSMITH, WAGON WORK HORSESHOEING 'Expert: “ One who hat apo­ dal (kill, experience or knowl­ edge.” Every Willard expert must have all three when it comet to handling batteriea. Our experience immediately tell* us where your battery trou­ ble* lie; our knowledge tell* you what need* to be done; and our •kill injures a workmanlike job. We’re at your aervice. All Work Guaranteed “BRICK FRONT SHOP” iv < v d V d ’ , y . y , y tk ’ .k % y , y J Church Notices We want to tell you about Threaded Rubber, too, and give ou a copy of the booklet, ” A (ark with a Meaning for You." S 418 Court S t, Salem, Oregon Quality — la which you will find your own fw o r iu f*oi u. a o f yoar own favorite typewriter, and tha S im p le— A r t is t ic D u r a b l« —E ffic i­ e n t S ta n d a rd — 4 2 K « r - S in a ia Shift—Boll B . n . 1 Q u iet Vi*. 'M eet* Train 62 northbound at Auma- ville. Stag«- leaves op|