O LD SERVICE Tü Oü« FELLOW MENÜ1 THE J. C. PENNEY COMPANY OPERATING 197 Stores in 25 States UNDERSELL * ALL COMPETITION Buying in Quantities at a Ratio of 197 to 1 Think o f it. O ver 197 times the amount o f Merchandise used by the ordinary store. Buying direct from Factory, no traveling sales­ men commission, paying cash, taking our cash discounts, as well as Quantity discounts, w e save thousands o f dollars together with our modern w a y o f selling honest goods for cash is responsible for the very low prices you will alw ays And here. Y o u pay no one else’s bill, no dliveries, you get the difference in reduced prices. These methods and these alone, are responsible for poenominal growth, and have made us the greatest chain o f retail department stores in the worrd. W ? have a lw is given the best goods for the least money. A n y merchant can make the claim o f "G reater Values, ’ but can he deliver the goods?— The po,ver o f selling lies in the pow er o f buying— Take advantage of these prices, and save the difference. We ‘are well Stocked toSup- PLY YOUR WANTS IN Children’s Hats Of the very latest Fall styles, and neat ones they are, for either the Boys or the Girls W e have a big stock for you to select from, so you will find something to please you, and at the same time save yourself money Girls Hats, . . . . 89c, 98c $1.25, $1.46, $1.69, $1.98 and $2.98 Boys H a t s ...................................................................69c and 98c LADIES OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS Don’t Overlook us for Ladies Coats, Suits and Dresses 89c, 98c, $1,25 and $1,49 Children's Gowns 79c and 89c NOTIONS As we have the best of quality at the LOWEST PRICES giving the seasons latest styles. Coats Suits W e have just received another big shipment of select patterns of striped and plaid silks of the best quality. W e have just w h at you have been w an tin g, and w hen you see them you w ill appreciate the low prices. Messaline <33 inch, plain colors) 31,49 Messaline135 in- p|aids and str>pe >$1.79 W e will make your money go faather in this important l:ne. F o r example here is a few every day prices: $16.50 to $47.50 Colgates Talcum Powder Colgates Shaving Cream Colgates Bath Soap Palmolive Soap Long Round Shoe Laces $22.50 to $45.00 . S IL K S Taffeta * <35 in p'ain co’ jrs) $1.49 12 c 19c $1.79 and $1.98 5c Taffeta <35 in- plalds and stripes) 51,79 Dresses . $9.90 to $42.50 10 c Skirts $3.98 to $9.90 8 c Georgetta Crepe (?d) $1.49 and$1.79 Our low prices in shoes continue to Surprise, and the HIGH QUALITY of of them continue to please. W e have the goods in Every W ay for the Crepe de Chine (40 inc*1>in r*in£e ENTIRE FAMILY. $1.25 and $1.49 BUYING FOR 197 STORES ENABLES US TO UNDERSELL BUGGY NOT SO BAD On* Man at L*aat Think* Automobile Is Not Such a Very Groat Im­ provement. Speaking of old-fashioned thing*, a newspaper writer want* to know what ha* become of the gallant youth who, when he hud «topped the horse, would let down the top of the buggy In order to permit hla sweetheart to alight without difficulty? Well, we do not know what ha* be­ come of him, but we remember him. Perhaps he la Hlumbering somewhere In oblivion, whatever that la, with the gaudy lap robe wound uboat him— that lap robe with the big red rone crudeiy worked In the center. It wa# a thing of art. even aa was the linen duster, and the gallant youth prob- ubly hangs on to it in hla obscurity. But speaking of buggy riding, the nutomolille Is no Improvement over It In th * natter of real enjoyment. Not until the automobile Is perfected so It can be driven with one hnnd. or un­ til It will wander along the road with­ out driving at all, will It come In the clas* of bliss which the buggy occu­ pied In the days gone by. .The girls are as sweet as they used to be— and the roads much better. The moonlight Is just as mellow. Love flows In the same uncharted channel. Youth Is as hopeful— and as boastful. Mothers are as anxious, fathers as Im­ patient, when daughter falls to return when she was expected. Gossip 1» aa busy. But the wise old horse that knew when there was a loving couple In the buggy, and the narrow buggy Itself, hnve all but taken their depart­ ure along with the gallant fellow who hopped from the rig and gracefully and graciously lowered the top of the vehicle so his companion could alight without so much as touching a wheel or the body.—Columbus (O.) Dispatch. France Welcome* Babies. Babies are welcome in certain apart­ ment houses In Paris. Reversing the policy prevalent In apartment houses, the owner of one of the newest houses In the French capital will not take In a family which has no children, and the size o f the suite obtainable de­ pends entirely on the number o f chil­ dren rather than the number of dol­ lars a family has. A list of quali­ fications has been prepared by the owners o f these houses and tenants must meet them. A family with one child will not be permitted to have the largest apartments In the house. It will have to take one of the small­ est suites. A family with two chil­ dren will be rented the next largest apartment, three children the next largest, and four children any of the larger suites In the house. A family must contain at least four children to lease the largest suite. There Is rea­ son to believe that the government is Interested or will be Interested In these houses, as France has encour­ aged In every possible manner a higher birth rate. Set Limit to Luxuries. “Don’t try to sell luxuries to New- Zealand.” This Is the advice United States Consul General Winslow gives American merchants In a commerce report. N o; New Zealand Is not pinched for money. Its wallet Is well filled. “There Is no particular necessity for retrench­ ment,” as the coqsul puts it. but the public Is opposed to the purchase o f luxuries, especially luxuries that have to be Imported, thereby using tonnage needed to head off the U-boats. Trinidad, too. and the whole of the British West Indies, Is abstaining from use of Imported goods. This has caused the population to change Its whole menu, for many foodatuffs were formerly Imported. Now the people eat home-grown plants that only the animals ate before. They like the new diet so well they say they will never again Import any staple food except cornmeal. Wln-the-War Wig. J. 0. PENNEY CO., Operating 197 Busy Stores in 25 States 160 North Liberty S t PHONE 814 IN C O R P O R A T E D OREGON SALEM BETTER ORDER YOUR Now. I have a number in stcck and more comiry. 17^ * * * ¿4 * • • . f * . . « e, r r c ç C * 4 ---------- -- u + 4 1 a *.«»» tell how long they will last as the f TÍTUS, Staytoo, Oregon A wig tp help to win the war has been “ Invented” by an American cot­ ton manufacturer. It la made o f a fibrous material In two colors— green and reddish brown. It fits down tight over the helmet and, while the soldiers are sneaking through the woodlands, blends into the forest so splendidly and naturally that 300 feet away nobody can tell that a company or a regiment of aol- dlers Is on the move. Then when out of the woods and hack In the trenches all the soldier must needs do Is to take off his wig and reverse It and he Is topped with a reddish-brown top piece, Invisible against the earthwork of the trenches. Must Take Time to Submerge. It requires at least five minutes for submarines of the latest type to sub­ merge. A submarine cannot dive quick­ ly under the sen. because the water which must be let Into her bn! last tanks to make her heavy enough to sink mast he let In comparatively slow­ ly. I f It were let In .with n rush the bont might not go down on an even keel, hut would ht*el over nnd be in great danger o f disaster. Th->n. too. If water were let In too quickly there would be danger of too much entering, nnd in that case the submarine would link like lend to the bottom of the sea. Wearied, as It Were. Stanley hud learned to dress him­ self nnd was quite proud of It. hut nfter several dnvs’ prMtliV h« seemed to bare Inst Ids p>-'de i>e • morning he nsked Ids mother to «!:•■-<-* him. “ 1 thought yon could dress yourself, !t‘».” ;ley—yon mu- be sett! or larr ” "No. I a in 't; but I's losed .uy ’ius- lasTU."