r i h•'!»an, being a rectangle o f white bor­ dered with red and crossed by the four blue stripes, syinnolizinn the Fourth Liberty Lnan. Poster* and other advertising matter are arriving in gleat quantities and problem* ng .previous drives with re­ gard to slow deliveries o f supplies have been overcome with ei rlv moven ent from Washington in the way o f large posters and lithograph* and local pro­ duction of the atnaller matters. laical Committees will gel what they want when they need it so that they will he able to offer their Huhacribera every inducement to make his volunta lary declaration in plenty o f time to make good the plan of the atHte < om- mittetB. “ l «aid ehat when I received 1000 !• tier« urging me to he an independent e rdrdate for «tr.te treasurer against Mr. Hoff that 1 would announce my candidacy,” Raid Judge Thomas F. Ry­ an, a*«M»tant state treasurer, last week. ‘ •Well, the number o f letters nave pa**. < the (KiO mark arid it is a foregone <•. nclnaion that I will he a candidate. I expect to make my an­ nouncement and file next month.” ¿ ¡ i '* ■J? vi A tlf lU m M i/Uw. 7 m r © w ffff . JAI ,*p ’ [ 6 l t . a e *r' X Wua. •7 D raw n by Oaar WllUama. D ivw ion o f P icto ria l P ublicity. Food «avingi of million* of American« during our firat year of w ar enabled thi» govern­ ment to «end enormous food shipment« abroad for our fighting forces and the Allied nations. Our savings in cereals— out of a short crop— amounted to 154,900,000 bushels; all of which was shipped to Europe. W e increased our meat and fat shipments 844,600,000 pounds. Thi* was America’s “ box from home” to our army abroad and the civilians and military forces of the Allied nations. Day Of All Nations V* ill Open Slate Fair A "day o f all nation«” will be the U|>emiig day of the Oregon state fair this year, according to an announce meat made la»t week by Professor J. A Hall, who h>.* been lequealed by the stole fair management to direct the patriotic nrogiam for mat occasion. A larg Amerioun Hag will be' lai-eil, with the Hags o f other nations be­ neath. The Hag* of the otner nations will be raised by former citizens of those nation*. A patriotic celebration is to be helJ in the auditorium at the fair grounds. There will he music, singing short addresses and a patriotic pageant. livin g L Crook. Macie s y Fred (ierig, n in ' 6, Snlem K 1) Burton. 5-K N 17th St. Salem ” nul ( . Gilbert, Sh*w Flnm C. Jort. roc e I. Salem William A. Guerne, Turner Otto D. Bn rg -r, r.-ute 7. S*.lem Frank Etzel’ St* y ron Harney Leighton, Silverton Wm McKinley Forhis, 2330 North Commercial street, Salem H.irry L. Riche*. Silverton ( ’ hat. Schmitt, Show Fred A : Miller, Turner Owen H. Smith, Stay ton. Jos. 0. N u ien, route 9, Salem Louis F. Cornu, Macleay Vernon P. Mentzer, 1055 North 18th, Salem Carl W, Hangen, Silverton Roy W. Hammer.of the Oregon state hospital, Salem Albert Flnnell, Marion Frank E. Caspell, Shaw A veld Bserieh, Salem Fave Your Pit Seeds The nped o f eons-rving peach feids or pit», ¡.irk tv nuts, wslnuts and but­ ternut* for i *e in making carbon for gas mask* is urged in a statement is- , ‘ Ued today by the gas defence division o f the Lotted States Army. Some ides o f the magnitude o f these needs is afforded in the announcement that 300 tons a day o f this raw material is be­ ing used and that the demand is in­ creasing. Next to a Liberty Bond, the best investment you can make is a col­ lege education Angel College, for your son. St. Benedict, Mt. Ore. ' Address T. I. Mver. Food will win the war. coal. goods. Serial No. 1176 RYAN MAY STATE FAIR BE CANDIDATE BETTER THAN EVER THIS YEAR A BOX FROM HOME manufactuie. The army of labor must keep step with the world day by day to render civilized life possible. If these are the obligations of the nation to labor in times of peace, how much gt eater do lhe> become in times of war. The army of working men is lessened by the drafting of men for the non-productive Industry of war. New duties are Incumbent upon the men who are left. Ships tutiBt be built, equipment and ammu­ nition for the army made, there must he nn Increase in the coal mined and shipped, and additional supplies of all kinds must be transported. Without the army of labor at home there could not be the army of com­ batants In the field. The obligation of the United States to its body workers Is great. The workers have shown in the main loyal acceptance of the alms of the government and loyal endeavor to assist In carrying out these aims. Labor Day this year of all others should tiring different classes of Americans closer to each other In sympathy and understanding. Sol­ dier and civilian, capitalist and work­ er, we are a people inspired by one great purpose. Let us give honor to the force of working men who help It is well that the government has fo make the attainment o f that pur­ ael aside a day out of the year, dedi­ pose certain. cating It to the cause of labor u day when we are called upon_ to turn our thoughts to this great element of The local exemption board last Tues­ the world. At ordinary time* we are day made the first draft call for Sep­ likely to take the conveniences of life tember. There will be 28 men who for granted anil to overlook the fact will go from Marion county and they that from the beginning to the clone will entrain for Camp Lewi* about the of our day labor Is the bnslc element sixth of September. Following are the which provides these convenience*. It tiHme* of those who have lieen called to mines the coal which heats our go on the above date: houses. It Is essential to the light­ Daniel M. Doll. Portland ing of our streets and the running Roy B. Davenport, Si verton of our railway trains and street cars Andrew Brown, Peach, Wash. F.very article which we use. whether Herbert J„ B-a’ , St Louis. Me. It Is made of wood from the forest. Chss. E. Urum*ickle. Metslin halls, Iron ftom the mines, or snv other Wx-h’ngton. p.oiiuc' of :) nine, leqUiT’ * I 'r'" it v i.lin l: .If,. Rente **. S » l« m everv sten from the procuring of the • I- 'V M*'•>(''•***•., Ro.i>- 3. Salem ,.i iua . nl .o t'i f i r * - h -ch of . i t , A j ,'n. . . R. ., galt m ! MAIL So will So will' hardware— and And courage dry And loyalty. Mt. Angel College, St. Benedict. And, if we must admit It. so w ill that Ore., w ill begin its 32nd year of edu­ much vilified ingredient of our inter­ cational work Sept. 12, 1918. Ad­ course. the sordid commodity called dress T. 1. Myer. money. The national revenue is among the Make a real man of your son. Mt. superlatives. When we think of It Angel College. St. Benedict. Ore. . we think also of the Capitol dome at Address T. I. M>er. TO THE CITIZENS OF STATON AND THE COUNTRY PEOPLE It is the wish of Separate Co* “ A " Stayton Guards, that you lay aside your work, Monday night to attend a joint drill of the Stayton Co. A and the Silverton Guards. There will be a large delegation from our sister town and it s the intention of the Stayton boys to make this one of the biggest events of its kind ever held in the history of the town* Everybody is invited to come to the school grounds and watch the boys drill, and after the drill there w ill be some sort of entertainment and a lunch w ill be served. Turn out and show your appreciation of the boys' patriotism and help them entertain the Silverton bunch. It is the request of Capt. Lam bert that all members of Separate Co. A , Stayton Oregon Guards be at the hall by 7 :3 ) Man h r evening. TH0E. F. RYAN Judge Ryan was a candidate for the Republican nomination for state treas­ urer in the recent primary election and w as defeated by a narrow margin by O. P. Hoff, the present labor com- n issioner. Judge Ryan said that Da­ vid Mason of Albany, who .received the D.mooratie nomim tion for state tte-s- urer, had agreed not to accept rhe nomination hut instead throw ais sup­ port to him. In a letter to the editor from Secretary I*ee, of the State Fair Board, he says that the state fair this year will be bigger and better than ever before. The automobile race will be a feature of the first day and will be d if­ ferent from the usual auto races. All the machines, which will be stationed at certain distances apart, v ill start at the 3ame time at the crack of a gun and whenever a machine is passed by another it must drop out, the race to continue until all ma­ chines but one have been passed. Another feature of the open­ ing day, which has been previ­ ously announced, will be the flag raising, in which all the allied nations will be represented. Secretary Lea of the fair board says he is endeavoring to arrange for an Indian pony relay race. The board decided to purchase a good supply o f hay and other stock feed to have on hand for the convenience of the stock ex­ hibitors, as last year the exhibit­ ors had some difficulty in get­ ting feed. The feed will be sold to them at cost. Music for the fair will be fur­ nished by the Rosarians and Campbell’s bands and the Old Soldiers Fife and Drum Corps. Opening Gun For Salvation Army Drive Fired At Salem Sunday Great enthusiasm prevails at head­ Washington and Hre statue of Lib­ quarters in Portland over the coming erty, c f C ant’s tomb and other em­ drive for the National War Service blems of America's abiding sov­ Fund of the Salvation Arm y in Ore­ ereignty. gon, in the fact that already 27 enun- The National Treasury Is con­ ties, through County Councils of De­ cern. J in your shoes and my Pan­ fense and kindreu organizations, have ama. If all of us here in Stayton decided to put over this drive for the have paid cash for everything we Salvation Army, beginning September own, the store keepers we bought it 15th. The remaining counties in Ore­ from know exactly where they gon, just as soon as the Held repre­ stand. Multiply that by the number sentatives get to see the Chairmen o f of towns in the Republic. Every one the County Councils o f Defense, will will know exactly what he can af­ also, no doubt, decide to do this work ford to do and spend. The U. S. A. through their organizations. would have taken its own measure. It has been decided that Sunday, Ot course, a theory like this can September 15th. should be Salvation be pushed to an absurdity. In busi­ Army Sunday in the churches, and tl • ness operations involving the balanc­ request goes forth that the ministers ing of large credits the day would be throughout the state in their service« too short if we tried to do everything on this day say something about the nesses are on a modest scale, most wonderful work the Salvation Army is of us are not financiers, most busi­ doing and mention the drive to the peo- nesses are on a modests cale, most )1 , which really opons on this day. Last Sunday at Salem, by invitation transactions can be completed with of Governor Withy combe, the Marion the exchange of dollar bills for value. County Council o f Defense and the Why, then, allow this disturbing Commercial Club of Salem, “ B illy” element, credit, to butt in where it Sunday spoke at the Armory in behalf does not belong? Or, if we can't y f this fund, and the citizens of Salem, keep it out. why not prevent it from nearly four thousand strong, who had getting in too deep? tne brivilege of hearing and seeing Perhaps this proposition sounds “ B illy” in action, never before in like a sample from the top shelf of their lives heard such a speech, brim­ the Sunday School Library, or an ex­ ming with patriotism and urging folks tract from the First Reader. A lerge to give rhe Salvation Army a chance to part of our patriotic duty, when help the doughboys in the trenches o f formulated, is merely a paraphrase France. Mr. Sunday fired the opening of one of these moth-eaten author­ gun of the Oregon Salvation Army Waa Fund drive and its boom was ities. It sounds like sentiment, but it is heard around the state. really sense. Hardly any one in Stayton can make the excuse that he “ Uncle Sam” Cards Out is out of work The W ork or Fight Next Monday evening Stay- rule takes care of that. The d iffi­ ton’s patriotic merchants will culty is not to get work, but to dodge have displayed in their windows it. Wages are abnormally high. There Is no famine of monev, but a card, informing the purchasing there Is of men. We can work day public that their places of busi­ and night if we want to. ness are closed from 7:30 to 9:30 For the duration of the war let us Monday evenings through friend­ make it a principle here in Stayton to run as few credit accounts as pos­ liness toward Separate Company sible. and to pay them promptly. We A, Oregon Guard (Stayton Com­ could establish a rule to hold a gen­ pany) and courtesy to the busi­ eral "P a y Up W eek’ ’ here at inter­ ness men who are drilling with vals. and during that cheerful festi­ the company. Friends of the val wipe the slate absoluteU’ elenn. Guard will do the company a di­ Other towns might take a tip from us. and if Washington became a con­ rect service in making their pur­ vert io the idea and appointed ‘ ‘ Pay chases during other hours, and Up W eeks” throughout the country, by trading with the merchants we In Stayton would share with the who will in the future have inventor of the Thrift Stamp and these cards on display in their the Liberty Bond the distinction of windows. ‘ ‘Watch for the Un­ forg'ng a financial weapon that By order o f would stiike the Kaiser frem his cle Sam cards.” Committee. i o ic.