News From All Over The — 'City--------- Possibly About You or Your Friends Sapolio doing its work. Scouring forU.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! APPLY AT A N Y POST OFFICE1 Miss Emma Ristow. of Salem, A Starr and ife, B. A. Schaefer •O N * « • ia a guest of Miss Cacelia Mielke. ai d wife and Archie Caspell and SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM W. F. Klecker left Monday or wife went b'nckherrfing Sunday, *>y report ! •- o f berries and a a business trip t>> Portland. » lemiid tim • except some of Alois Keber of Mt. Angel is them were nursing sunburned the French inn with wine and assisting in the Stavton State • > ick and sh ulders Monday. worse things and the Red Trian- Bank for a few days. Mrs. Jennie Kicklin and sou ki Mary Pickford in “ Poor Little In which place would you pre­ Lyle, who have been sojourning Rich Girl’ ’ at Star Theatre next fer to find your boy? in Long Beach Cal., for several Try the following experiment Sunday. The Red Triangle o f the Y. M. months «ere guests o f Mrs. Pick out a rainy district and a The Red Cross knitters sent 55 Fred Ficklin a few days last barn with a leaky roof and gap­ C. A. has the same meaning for pair of socks to Salem last Mon­ week. Lyle leaves for training ping walls. Move into that barn the unwounded boy? that tne day. camp today. with a blanket, a toothbrush and Red Cross has for those who have Chas. S. Clark and family came Miss Kdn: Buckner o f Jeffer­ sixty pounds of bricks. Carry suffered bodily injury. As the Tuesday and are now located in son visited at the home o f T J. those bricks around in rain and war go-s on, the work o f the the Shreve house. Ware, Friday. Miss Buckner heat twelve or fourtetgi miles a Red Triangle becomes of daily Read the Mail for local news. increasing importance. Remem­ was teacher of the Howell scrtool day. When you are through Frank Grierson has gone to last year and she has been em­ promenading with the bricks or ber that the boys in France are work in the Wigrich hop yard ployed to teach the Kingston digging, eat your beans out of a digging trenches—and graves — near independence. school this year. wafh basin, light your pipe, pick for you. Dig into your pocket for them —From the August Sun­ The World’ s Sweetheart Marv The uniforms for the local Co., out the least wet and drat'ty spot set. Pickford Sunday in “ Poor Little of the Oregon Guard arrived in the barn and contemplate the, Rich Girl” Star Theatre. Monday evening but they were beauties of the manure pile on G. R. Munkers leaves today so off color and such misfits that the other side of the yard, vary­ for Camp Lewis where he will the Colonel and the Captain de­ ing this occupation now and then prepare for the life of a soldier. cided not to accept them and the by shifting to a softer location in Several from here attended the whole company are asked to meet the damp hay. Continue this ex­ barn dance at Doerfler’ s, in the Friday evening and be measured periment for at least six weeks. sprinkling your person plentiful- Do not waste ice. pavs tlie again. Hills, Saturday night. Herbert Staab rode his motor­ l.v but usefully with insect pow- LTnited States Food Adminiatra- Albert Roy and family, o f Port­ land. visited at the E. Roy home cycle to Salem Sunday, while der and taking a weekly hath out tion. Its use asa luxury to serve there, as the machine was not of a tin cup. At the end of six with salads, fruit, and sea foods Sunday. weeks watch some one put up a and to put more than is necessary Mrs. J. T. Kearns and son working well, he took it to oe temporary wooden structure a in glasses of water, tea ami oth- After fixing it, the Ivan returned Monday from a repaired. hundred yards from the l>arn. er drinks should be discouraged. few days visit with friends at man who did the repairing. Dar­ Watch him put up a stove, tables. | There is to be no curtailment ius Bright, employed by Scott & Gates. chairs, a phonograph, a shel/ on the use of ice as a necessity, Mrs. Elsie Potter, of Warren- Piper, took it out to try it. with tobacco, candy and similar but it should be used carefully in ton, is visiting at A. Hill’s and While riding up and down, a articles, a counter with hot cof­ localities wh**re any shortage is with the D. B. Hill family at street car crossed the street and fee and doughnuts. When that indicated. It is considered a ne­ in trying to turn out o f its wav j Mill Citv. fellow is done and waves* at you cessity when used to preserve j the motorcycle fell and the man G. F. Mack and wife left Sun­ to come over, woulr’ t you make food and in administering com­ and the machine were both1 day morning for Vancouver Bar­ the hundred yards in nothing fort, and every reasonable effort thrown under the car. The car racks, Wash., to see their son ! fiat? will be made to see that families did not pass over Bright, but he N?lo, who was suffering from an Multiply this experiment by a are supplied witn their legiti­ was dragged some distance be­ attack of appendicitis. fore the car stopped, and when million, add night raids, daylight mate needs. Mrs. W. C. Paray and little picked up it was found that his bombardments, a foreign langu­ son Dixon ¡eft Sunday morning Bku„ had fractured and he age and homesickness, and you Catarrh Cannot Be Cured for Portland, where they will re­ had received otherinjuries which hove a picture of what the boys WUti nO C A I. A P P L IC A T IO N S . a « I hey i anriot th e » c a t o f the disease. side. Mr. Parry is now employ­ resulted in his death. The mot- ' n l 'rance are up against. Ail , C a ta rrh r e la a ch a lo ca l d isease. ar*atljr In­ ed on the Telegram. due rued by con tln n a l con d ition *, an d orcycle was badly wrecked honor to them for it! After all, In ord er to c u atltu re It y ou tnuat lak e an Internal rem ed y H a ll'« C a ta rrh M edl- ________________ the Hun isn’ t their greatest foe. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Crabtree cln e la taken Internally and a cte thru The worst menace to them is the the b lood on the m ucoua aurfa< ea o f the and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daugh­ aynem . H a ifa C atarrh M edicin e w as drab monotony o f life in the field pr*»« rlbed by o n e o f the beat phyalctana erty were entertained at dinner In thla c o u n tr y fo r year* It la c o m - the total lack of the small con­ poa.'d o f eom e o f the beet ton lca kn ow n , Sunday at the home o f Mr. and rom h ln ed w ith aom e o f th e heal b lood veniences we never notice until p urifiers. T h e perfect co m b in a tio n of Mrs. J. H. Quinn of Linn county. ♦ L ~ 1 th « ingref1l»nta In H a ll's C a ta rrh M edi- th6y S F 6 gOFlG, th6 6 n d l 6 S S sue- | cine is w hat produrr** su ch w on d erfu l Fred Ficklin visited his wife here Friday and Saturday. He Much of the realest kind of cession of discomforts, dirt and JSSSAto'‘fS Ì“ CODAiUoaa- 8,nd for J C H E N E Y A CO.. Propa . Toledo, O. was on his way from Marshfield c °medy appears in water scenes mean miseries from which there r All Druggists. 76c. H a ifa Family Pilla for conatlpatlon. Ore., to Olympia, Wash., where o f the latest Ann Pennington are only two avenues of escape: he is employed. I picture. ‘The Antics of Ann,” Among those from Stavton who. which . , _ is to , be „ shown on Saturday G E M C O N F E C T IO N E R Y First Class Confections. Fine Cigars and Tobacco Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks All Prices and Style Box Candy J. A. H E N D E R S H O T T , Proprietor Stayton, Our Boys and The Red Triangle « hut. made the trip over the Columbia! ^ % at theStar theatrue’ wLhen highway Sunday were W F. I Miss Pennington as a rather har- Follis and wife, W. A. Riggs and j um scar|un bonding school girl, wife, F. F, Foster and wife, E . ; amazes her friends and relatives by appearing in a daring if some­ C. Titus and Miss Cooper. what risque bathing suit. The Jim Mielke, who has been interested spectators who flocked working in a ship yard in Port­ after her at the hotel where the land for a short time, was last scenes were taken nearly upset week placed in charge of the the bathing raft and it was ne­ company store. He is receiving1 cessary to send for the life good pay and has several lady i guards to rescue the small star, clerks ander his supervision. J. M. Ringo and wife, Stanley Subscribe for the Mail, — The Star Theatre is Showing Stars o f magnitude this week I Ann Pennington Saturdays Program will portray -IN - “The Antics o f A nn” Mary Pickford Stayton, Oregon, July 24, 1918. Mr. Titus received the following telegram from the Chevrolet factory this morning and is self explanatory. “ Retail prices of CHEVROLET "Four Ninety” will advance $50.00 on August first. You are at liberty to announce this. There will be no change in model.” Signed: Chevrolet Motor Co, by R. C. Durant, Sales Manager. With the cars I have in stock and the ones I will receive bet­ ween this date and August 1st wifi not total over one car load and this number will be all the Chevrolet cars available for the Stavton territory at the present prices $795.00. After August 1st the price will be approximately $845.00, Even at the advanced price after August 1st the Chevrolet “ Four Ninety” still remains the lowest priced electrically equip­ ped automobile in the world. — IN — POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL Automobile Dealer of Stayton. It is not necessary for us to state this is your last opportunity to buy one of these famous cars at the low price of $795.00. Sunday’s Program will present u E C. TITU S tf A Paramount Picture STAR THEATRE Remember only six days remain for you to save $50.00 and a short letter with a check for $50.00 as a deposit will hold one of these cars for you, as it will be impossible for me to see all my numerous prospects in person. Please keep the date of the $60.00 raise in mind, August 1st, and if you put off the placing of your order until the last o f the month you will be disappointed. Yours very truly, E. C. TITUS. Oregon Currin Spring H eel Loggers Stand the work in the river and the woods All Kinds of Harvest Shoes for men and wo­ men. A straw hat free with each pair ; a s k f o r it Lancefield Shoe Store Cook in Cool Comfort Use Ice as Necessity Not as Luxury Ann Pennington's Narrow Escape High Grade Pure Candies W e have a large line of the best oil cook stoves on the market in all sizes such as I Perfection and Blue Flame Stoves % These makes are too well known to need description, with one of these stoves you will be able to do your cook- ing in a cool kitchen | L I L L Y H A R D W A R E CO . ELECTRICITY:—EWrtrlH an* « m i n i w ry. where liti pay. Quick arivamrtnrnt Ibarra e W lrir wiring, lighting. t«-lrph«*ny. eie., A T H oM K in SI’ AKK TIME Itvlurssd by I J iaon. S ifin n a tr Erre twokI« t. International Corre- •pond*new .Schuula, lina 0ll«, It«.* HUD, Ht-ranUm, Pa. SALESMANSHIP BIS opportuni tie« in South America for «aleamrn en. office men. m in lns m« n. met-barricai, electrical engineer* (iouri pay r«pxl advancement. N am AT HOME in SEA ......................I K I E TIME. Woman (III place« of mm gone Ui fnmt. Ere* booklet. International (Uirraapondmt «• School«. Bo* 918D, Scranton. Pa. STENOGRAPHY: Stenographer* wanted, Men and women Expert* earn Id) ids money. Congen­ ial work-rapid advancement Many opportuni tie« in Government «ervice. Prepare AT HOME In SPAKE I IME Free honk let Internationa C-orr*apondene* School«. Bos 918b. Scranton, I’a CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR HALF Rubber tired buggy. Double set driving harness $56.00. Registered Jersey Mull calf 11 months old. John Sandner, Jr. LOST— Crank for Buick aix car, finder pleaae return to Mail office and 1 receive reward. j j FOR SALE—Six head thoroughbred Shropshire» ewes, and amall work horae- Apply Joe Sen*, Phone 106, Stayton. FOR SALE — Duroc Jersey hoga. Doerfler Bros. Silverton, Oregon. A. N. Doerfler, Manager. 17tf SUNSET CAMP TRIP FOR SALE To close an ASSOCIATION Riester farm in Sublimity, 46$ Fovtfc Si., San Fnscbc«, Catfcnia estate the containing 70 acres, muat be sold at once. For further particulars inquire, Bernard Geaher, Adminiatrator, Stayton, Ore. FOR SALE—Driving team, wt FOR SALE—flood heavy set work about 1100, set double hack har­ harness, also 8 pigs 6 weeka old. Ra- 30t2x ness. set single harness, carriage liegh Harold. hack, express wagon, single bug­ FOR SALE -Hercules Grubbing ma­ gy. Apply Hammans Barn. chine, root hook and 250 ft. 1 inch ateel HELP WANTED ADVERTISING: Ad Writers and M a n o r»» wan tad-profitable, dignified work. P re oar« AT HOME in SPARE TIME. Indoraed and recommended by hundred« of «urceaaaul student*. War-time demand for WOMEN Ad writer*. Free booklet International Correspondence School«, Bo* 913b, Scranton. Pa. AUTOMOBILE. -Many openins* for garage men or chauffeur«. Big pay; travel; advance­ ment. Expert training necessary. Qualify AT HOME in SPAKE TIME War-time opportuni­ ties for WOMEN. Send for booklet. Interna­ tional Correspondence School*. Box 918b Scran­ ton, Pa. CIVIL S E R V IC E :-U . S. Government want* am­ bitious. intelligent MEN and WOMEN for Civil Service Refined, congenial work. Paid vaca­ tion*. War create* 18,000 new position* in Wash­ ington alone. Write for booklet- International Correspondence Schools, Box 918b, Scranton, Pa. CONTRACTING:- Carpenter*, bricklayer* ee- w an ted to learn contracting, build- ment ing. «tra et oral work, architecture. War time* demand expert*. Good pay. Qa«Ufy AT HOME in SPAKE TIME Free booklet. Intera*tion*I Correspondence School*, Box 918b Scranton, Pa cables. 1 thorough bred Poland China boar, alao driving team, rubber tired buggy and hsrnesa. Apply Clarence Forrette, West Stayton. FOR SALE—Five head milk cows. Apply Nick Welter, Sublimity. 26t6 FOR SALK- On account o f moving will sell part of house­ hold goods consisting o f Dining chairs, book case, bed springs, window shades, 2 electric chan­ deliers, a few garden tools. Apply C. E. Daugherty home. For Sale— A Fresh Cow and calf. Apply J. G. Gassner, Kingston. Mary Pickford at Star Theatre Sunday.