****** \c »V o" W' i f " \1 A«* THE STAYTON MAIL Has the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley S T A Y T O N . M A R I O N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . ~l H U R S D A Y , JULY ¿4th. Year, No. 27 . 4, 1918. Mrs. Katherine Brown Soldier and Sailor One Thousand Strong Food Ration in Passes Away Insurance Now in Canning Work Gas-Proof Container Serial N o . 1168 ? ? Its first class dependable merchandise you want Its staple or fancy grocer­ ies, or fruits and berries in season go to the The Quartermaster’s Depart­ This community lost » highly j So far more than 3,000,00 ),000 Boys and Girls in Oreyon are ment is now supplying gas-proof esteemed and well loved pioneer government checks have been sent Helping Uncle Sam by Preserviag containers to the soldiers in the and neighliour in in the death of jout by the Bureau o f War-Kink Po0(jB> zone of operations in France. ! q A, C.. Corvallis. July t.~ Mrs. A. H. Brown who passed Insurance, most of which were These containers prevent seep­ into the great beyond last Wed­ for allotments and allowances to Vlore than j qoq Oregon boys and age of gas into the containers the families and dependents of Kjr|B from njne to jg years old nesday June 20. at 2:30 p.m. and guard against contamination Death came peacefully, merely the enlisted men in the Army and have a|rea(jy enrolled in canning of the food, The men carry as sleep after a long and painful Navy, I lie total disbursements wor|< under the direction of the their emergency rations in the of the bureau up to June 10 were Extension Service of the Oregon illness since last March. containers and all food brought Teams of It can truly be said of her* that more than $98,000,000, of which Agricultural College. T M I » T O » l T H A T U N D E R S E L L S B E C A U S E IT S I L L S F O R C A S H up to the trenches is carried in she was a patient sufferer and $97.000,000 was for allotments three which will spread the gos­ the new tins. pel of the slogan. “ Let nothing go bore her afflictions bravely. Al. and allowances. After the food is packed in the More than 860,000 checks a to waste,” are being formed ra­ though she was desirous of get­ containers they are heremetical- ting well she wus ready to go, month aresentout, approximately pidly and are getting into action- ly sealed. It is planning to use and died as she had lived, a true 35,000 being mailed out everv day- In fact considerable produce has parafine for sealing as it settles The first checks for the June all­ already been preserved for future Christian. in the crevices in such a way Mrs. Brown, whose maiden otments will de sent out yn July use. that it must be cut before the I>ast year 40 teams of three name was Mary Katherine De- 1. just as the first May payments lids can be taken off. It can be Atley, was born in Westmorland, l>egan on June 1. Relatives and were organized. This season the applied by running the contain- _ . There are now 42 theatres, Virginia, Jnn.l, 1837, and was at dependents o f the insured men figure is expected to reach 100 ‘ The Gho3t House” used in the- should remember that the pay­ The team» are trained by college « » . t h r o » » « ■ » " ■ « ? » *«•>, which cost over$500,000, in oper­ Paramount production of Beulah the time of her death 79 years f> Because' the supply of tin is ments for any month can not be representatives. Each team is ation in camps and cantonments Mane Dix’s story of the same months and 25 days of age. limited and there may not be throughout the country. Nearly name, in which Jack Pickford and She leaves a husband, six chil­ mailed out sooner than the first required to a public demonstration enough to supply the needs of before it is eiigibles for competi­ 100 vaudeville acts have been Louise Huff will be seen at the dren fifteen grand children and day of the suceeding month. the Army the Quartermaster’s tion in county and state contests. brought from the large circuits Star theatre on Sat., is a real a host o f friends to mourn her Department i s experimenting This gives those who attend in­ to play in these theatres only; “ haunted” house. If you don’t loss; the names of the chilren are with the wax paper box,. Tests spiration to go home and do like- 50 acts have been secured from believe it ask anv of the children Mrs. W. D. Smith of Portland, made show that these boxes meet Chautauqua and Lyceum bureaus at Hollywood, California, where Alliert King of Lyons. Mrs. J. A. iT ia n crf»« OwnPt*^ "'¡¡W*- One member o f the team all conditions satisfactorily. The U U U IgCd VJW11CO js expecte(J to thoroughly post­ 35 comedy companies are plaving the picture was filmed. Me Kao, Kox Valley, Silas I)., tins and boxes both are vermin ed in the work and to lecture in in these theatres exclusively. Kiehard A. Brown und Mrs. Cad­ The edifice, weather-beaten and and water proof. Last Monday E. D. Alexander the demonstration periods Thus Some of these are original New with a mass of long and tangled die Martin of Lyons. All were ------------- ------------ ----- ------ and C. E. Daugherty who have a small army of junior home de­ present at the funeral. York companies, playing the sum- shrubbery around it, stands all by owned and published the Mail for monstration agents The funeral was held Friday mer season only, with expenses itself in the foothills away from is being The lecture work is afternoon from the home follow-¡the past seventeen months sold trained. reduced about two thirds. the rest o f the town. No one re- cd by services at the grave, and the paper to Chas. S. Clark of something new this year. The camps have been divided members when the house was Next Saturday evening there into two circuits. In one the ever occupied and the children Both boys and girls are admit­ the remains were laid to rest in Canhy, Oregon, who will take will be an open air concert and Liberty theatres seat 3,000, in tell weird stories as to the fate our cemetery. Rev Robert Gatke charge of the business August 1. ted to membership in teams. entertainment in Stayton. A the others the houses are smaller o f those who once lived there. officiated and preach«*d a very Mr. Clark needs no introduction Last year the cAptain of the win­ impressive sermon. | to the Mail readers as he former- ning three was a boy. Boys who number of talented entertainers having a capacity of about 1,000 Strange lights and moans are said The floral offerings were many ly worked on the paper about a join the club enter into the work from Talem will be here and en-. each. It takes from 14 to 25 to be seen and heard, yet no ofte and beautiful. ¡year and has a wide circle of with fully as much enthusiasm as tertain the crowds but the an- weeks for a production to be ' has ventured around there to in- Althougb she has gone from us I friends and acquaintances who the girls. nouncement does not give the staged in each house of either vestigate. Director William will be glad to welcome him Due to the imperative demands exact nature of the entertain- circuit. for ever, De Mille, who was making the “ Smilage” books sold through ­ production, used the fronr step* And we miss her more and more, back to Stayton. He has. been j of the government in respect to ment. The celebration is in hon- We know she is surely resting publishing the Clackamas Coun-, food conservation and the import- or o f the opening of the Marion- out the country under the direc­ and doorway for several “ shots’ On that beautiful heavenly shore. ! ty news for the past eight or ance of the work, the date limit Polk County bridge across the tion of the Commission on Train- in the picture, but all o f the in­ ! nine months. for enrollment in cannjng work Willamette river at Salem. iug Camp activities, contains terior Scenes were prudently film­ has extended to July 15 and it is coupons good for admission to ed in a well-lighted studio. all attractions in camp theatres. 1 expected that several hundred Monthly magazines to be sen t1 boys and girls will add their A t Public Auction at the Henry to soldiers and sailors should n ot1 names to the list between now Smith place In Stayton, Saturday, be more than two-months old, ac­ ! and that time. July 13, Household goods, consist­ cording to the Post Office Depart­ Few persons realize to what C. A. Beauchamp the druggist ing of dining room set, bed room ment, and weekly publications John Mack who resides at o f Stayton,-has been appointed The Stayton Water Power Co. extent the beet sugar industry of should not be more than three set, lounge, library table, rocker, weeks old. was dissolved as a corporation the west has saved our country North Santiam, lost his home an enrolling agent for the U. S. rugs and other articles. Miss Ruth Roy is visiting in last Monday, going back to pri­ from a sugar famine. It was the Tuesday night by fire, and Claude j Shipping Board, to enroll young unselfish patriotism of the one his 14 year old son was badly Americans, from 21 to 30, fo r Mrs. Lester Smith vate ownership. Portland this week. hundred beet sugar factories o f burned about the head, shoulders service in the Merchant Marine. the west that enabled the gov- and arms. Dr. Brewer was call- He received notice o f his appoint- ernment to fix the price at $7.30 ed to dress the wounds. i ment a few days ago. per hundred wholesale. The fire was discovered about The range o f prices in Euro- midnight Tuesday night but the H. E. Bennett received word pean countries is all the way origin of the fire is not known. this week of the death o f his from $12.28 to $26 30 per hundred theory, however, is that a curtain cousin Sergeant Wm. J. McColm THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BUYING W HAT YOU W ANT. AND W HAT in Italy, while by international was blown bv the breeze into the Marine Corps, of Portland wher agreement the price was fixed flame o f a lighted lamp and then was killed in action in France YOU NEED for the United States and En­ the paper on the wall caught June 6. From the date given it from that thus setting fire to the is presumed he fell in the fight­ gland at $7.30. The stand of the sugar beet building which was burned to i n g around Chateau Thierry in refiners not only safeguarded us the ground. which the Marines gave such on price but if it were not for If you merely want clothes and don’t need them, you owe it to your coun­ good account of themselves in the production of one billion, sev­ try not to buy them. Rev. W. J. Warren left Tues- stopping the late German thrust en hundred and fifty million day for North Howell and he and toward Paris. Sergeant McColm pounds of beet sugar annually, Rev. Nichols went on to Sa- enlisted in the Marines shortly we would not have had 84 pounds lem Wednesday to take final after war was declared and was per capita to consume last year. citizenship examinations. thirty-four years o f age. The American people owe it to this domestic industry that is the child of American labor and A- merican capital that we are thus favored in price and quantity of That’s only another way of saying be sure they’re good clothes; the kind one of the most necessary and that wear so well you get more value for your money. useful food products. The west particularly should advocate WE HAVE LARGE STOCKS OF THESE CLOTHES AND OTHER MER­ Is once more called to the fact that measures tending to encourage CHANDISE; W E BOUGHT THEM AT PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN THEY and develop this industry. we have N O T advanced the price of MARKETERS \ GROCERY COMPANY General Merchandise % Many Attractions Real “ Ghost House” In Camp Theatres Used For Picture Stayton Mail j 0 Celebrate in Stayton • c. F0R SALE , ... . The Beet Sugar* Industry Needed Home Destroyed by Fire Notice of Appointment W hat You Need Is One Form of Economy If You Need Clothes be Sure That They’re Good Ones BISHOP ALL WOOL SUITS $20 TO $35 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX $25 TO $40 WOULD COST NOW. IF YOU NEED CLOTHES, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THEM; YOU’LL SAVE SOME MONEY FOR YOURSELF. Your Attention Notice of Appreciation our wool dress goods. W e are sell­ ing them at the same old price. • MEN’S HATS $3 to $5 SALEM W OOLEN MILLS STORE SALEM - OREGON We heartily appreciate the kindness shown and the able help lent us by the kind peo­ ple of West Stayton and North Santiam during our sickness while we were at the home of our parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Van Nuys. § Signed; Mr. and E. E. Van Nuy« U9 MEN’S SHOES $5 to $9 Subscribe for the Mail valu­ A word to the wise is sufficient W . F. KLECKER. NOBODY U N D ER S ELLS US ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS