The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 27, 1918, Image 2

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    AMM ■ N
The Two Hoyts
The rtwul vaudevil« show that
A L E X A X D E R i t DAUGHERTY, Owners and I ’ubiishcrs
now showing at the Star the. -
C. E. DAUGHERTY, Editor m uf M m linger
tro was greeted with a fair audi-
anee last night and the entertain­
ment was high class to a marked
degree. The l)r. can jump from
the sublime to the ridiculous in
one leap without half trying.
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
The shooting of Osegon Rose
was the best display of marks-
Foreign Advertising Represented by Tbe American Press Association
♦nanship ever seen hereabouts.
Entered as second class m atter at the postoffice at Stayton, Marion Manager Luthy was extremely
fortunate in securing these high
County. Oregon, under the Act,of Congress of March 3. 1879.
class entertainers for two per­
Entire change of
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
program tonight, both pictures
Every one is cordially invited and vaudeville.
i to the Lyons-Mehama Red ('mss
I at Mehama July 4. The Hi me
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Colby and Guards of Mill City will be there.
Emma Sandberg motored to Stay-
J. H. Johnston and family and
Portland, Ore., June 24 — A11
ton Monday in the latters car. ¡G. F. Johnston and sons visited
who can give information
Mr. John Quinn is visiting his H. S. Johnston of Scio Sundav.
to any d raft registrant
wife Mrs. Quinn this week.
A farewell dance was given at
is affected by the
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stone Mehama in honor of the Lyons- work or tight regulations, which
and Ethel Schnackenberg visited Mehama boys who are going to becomes effiective July 1. are par­
the formers parents Mr. and work for Uncle Sam.
ticularly requested by the War
Mrs. Stone of Mehama.
Department to do so.
brother Manley will leave Wed­
In fact, the regulations make it
nesday for Camp Lewis.
the duty or all citizens to report
A number of young folks from
We the undersigned wish to at once all facts which may come
here attended the farewell dance
to their knowledge concerning
at Jordan Friday and and report­ thank our friends and neighbors registrants who are idle, or who
for their sympathy and kindness
ed a fine time.
in our bereavement in the loss are engaged in a non-productive
Mrs. W. R. Surry and Isabella of our father, and also for the occupation or employment. This
Surry spent Friday at the W. F. beautiful floral offerings.
report should be made to the
Hardison home.
nearest local draft board.
Leo Weir
Persons writing or giving this
Ethel Schnackenberg spent
Gordon Weir
in person need have
week with Marshall Stone’s on
Milton Weir.
no fear their names will be re­
account of the illness of her sis­
vealed. for the information wil|
te r Mrs. Stone.
Norwood Eskew left Tuesday be regarded in this sense as strict,
Mrs. Quinn. Volnay Gates and for Salem, where he took the ex­
Jack Quinn motored to S tayton, amination for entrance in the ly confidential.
Under the head of “ idlers,”
navy. He was sent from there
George Downing and Melvin to Portland, and if h_* passes the who will receive sc*ant consider­
Schnackenberg made a business examination there, will be induct­ ation from the local boards in
their re-classification of such re­
trip to Salem Saturday.
ed into the service.
gistrants who decline to enter a
useful occupation of employment,
the Government lists such occu­
pations as "gamblers of all des­
criptions and employes of race
tracks and bucket shops, . . for­
tune tellers, clairvoyants, palm­
ists and the like."
And here are the regulation
defining non-productive occupa­
tions or employment:
"The employment or engage­
ment of any able-bodied regis­
trant of military age in any of the
following occupations or employ­
ments is not sufficiently effective
in the present emergency, to jus­
tify the postponement of his call
into military service, notwith­
standing he may have a late num­
ber and notwithstanding he may
have been placed in Class II, III
IV on the ground pf depen­
For the first six months of our operations
dency; and all registrants engaged
under the Food Administration, ending
as follows are to be considered by
April 30, 1918, Swift A Company ngid for
local boards and district b ards as
engaged in non-productive occu­
live stock - 1,558,60C.**:) $323,800,000
pations or enployments:
For the same
"Persons engaged in the serv­
period in 1917 1,338300,000 $210,400,000
ing of food and drink, or either,
in public places, including hotels
In c re a s e in
and social clubs;
W eight 16*4% 22030 0 ,0 0 0
"Passenger-elevator operators
attendance; and door men,
in cost 54%
. . .
footmen, carriage openers and
other attendants in clubs, hotels,
stores, apartm ent houses, office
buildings and bath houses;
"Persons, including ushers and
other attendants, engaged and
occupied in and in connection
with games, sports, and amuse­
ments, excepting actual perform­
must necessarily have increased
ers in legitimate concerts, operas
or theatrical performances;
correspondingly, as Live Stock
"Persons employed in domestic
prices and meat prices fluctuate
"Sales clerks and other clerks
employed in stores and other mer­
W hen the producer gets high
cantile establishments. ”
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year in Advance
East End Notes
The Packer's Bill
for Live Stock
The Consumer's
Bill.Jbr Meat
prices for his live stock, the con­
sumer’s meat bill must neces­
sarily be larger.
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards. Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
I.e<> Rook was in Salem Monday
where he took the examination
f >rthe U. S. Navy. He tailed to
pass the physical examination,
not being In avy enough for his
On account of the state meet­
ing at Turner commencing on the
tirst Sumiayjn July, there will be
prenchipg next Sunday at Kings­
ton instead of tbe first Sunday.
Please bear this in mind.
E. C. Titus reports the follow­
ing automobile sales; Ed Down­
ing. Andrew Kerry and Pete
Burkhardt. Chevrolet; Dr. Beau­
champ. Buick Runabout; A. D.
Gardner, 2nd hand Ford.
« «fi. n x r . x r -G "
)le:û Gravel7 Ciowâig K - ;
gives d paro, clean ic/Lacc.)
taste— a lasting tobacco cat -
isf action that the 'JL: vre / 2
ordinary tobacco c occ ¿ g-
Peyton Brand
Lleal Gravely
C h e w in g F la g
10c a pouch—and w o rt.iit
G r a v 'y ln tl j <anairVaa(«r it conia
no moro to ch a w lnaoorjim ary plug
M K S. E . M. G I L B E N T
A piinu leii'hfr ftvm S*-attl«\ V\u»h.
huí purchaa<-d a lióme ut W ist Stayton
and wdl take a limited number vf pa­
pila at suminor ratea.
P. B. Gravely Tobacco
D anvitU , V irginia
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oaegon for the County of Marion.
Department No. 2,
George N. Stoner amt Mary F. Ston­
er his wife. Plaintiff« va Sylveater
l*rirh«rd. ami Lydia Prichard, hia wife;
John Prichard, unmarried; Thomas Me-
Cubbina, widower; John McCubbiua,
unmarried; Charlea McCubbma, and
Suaan McCubbma, hia wife; Maud Mo-
Cubbina Aaher, and Charlea Aaher, her
huaband; Kthol McCubbina, a minor;
Klvin McCubbina, a minor; Myrtle
Kaach, and Fred Kaach, her huaband;
Hardy Kobberaon, widower; Klvie Rob-
beraon Shelley, and KdSheiloy, her hue-
hand; Vena Kobberaon, unmarried,
Ktha Kobberaon, unmarried; VV. N.
Kobberaon, and Minnie Robbereon, hia
wife; Preaton Ireland, and Adah Ire­
land, hia wife; Mamie Aaher, and Jeaae
Aaher. her husband; Berm la It-nta. a
minor; Roy Banta. widower, peraonally,
and a» the guardian of the person ami
estate of said Hernita Banta; the un­
known heira of John M. Prichard, and
Frances E. Prichard, his wife; both de
ceased; Laura E. Madden, ami John
Doe Madden, her husband; also all
other persons or |>artiea unknown
claiming any right, title, eatate, lien,
or interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, Defendants,
To John Prichard, Thomas McCub-
Dins, Mamie Asher, Jesse Asher. W N.
Roblierson, Minnie Kohherson, Charles
McCubbina, Suaan McCubbina, Laura
E. Madden, John Do* Madden, the un­
known heira of John M. Prichard, and
Frnncea E. Prichard, his wife, also alt
other persons or parties unknown claim-
any right, title, eatate, lien, or interest
in the real estate described in the com
plaint herein, defendants above named,
OREGON, you and each of you are
hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled Court and cause within
six weeks from the date of tbe first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
On or before the 20th day of June, 1918.
and if you fail so to answer', or want
thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint herein, vis.
(1) That you lie required to set forth
the nature and extent of your claim or
claims in, on, or to the following de­
scribed real proiierty, to-wit:
Beginning at the most southerly
southeast corner of the John M. Prich­
ard D. L. C. in Township 9 South,
Range 1 Went, of the Willamette Me
ridian; thence north 7 40 chains to the
re-entrant corner of the above claim;
thence west parallel with the south
boundary of asid claim 13.51 chains;
thence south 7.40 chains to the south
boundary of said claim; thence east
13.61 chains to of beginning,
and containing 10 acres more or loss.
(2) That all adverse claims which you
or either of you mav have be deter­
mined by a decree of said court and that
by said decree it be declared and ad­
judged thHt you have no right, title, es­
tate, lien, or interest whatsoever in law
or in equity, in, on, or to said real pro­
perty or any part thereof, and that the
title of plaintiffs to said premises is s
good and valid title in fee simple,
(3) That vou will be forever enjoined
and debarred from asserting any claim,
right, title, estate, lien, or interest
whatsoever in. on, or to said real pro­
perty or any part thereof adversely to
plaintiffs, and that plaintiffs may have
judgment against said defendants or
such of aaitl defendants as shaft appear
herein for their coats anti disbursements
incurred in this suit arid for su di other
further relief hh may seem just arid
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof in the Stayton Mail,
a newspaper published weekly in Mar­
ion County, Oregon, by order of Hon.
Geo, G. Bingham, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for the
Third Judicial District, Dated this 2nd
day of May, 1918. The first publica­
tion to be on the 9th day of May, 1918.
and you are required to appear and an­
swer said complaint on or before the
20th day of June, 1918.
Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Korinek
came up from Portland Saturday
evening, the doctor returning
Sunday afternoon with Grant
Murphy, who is serving on the
grand jury. Mrs. Korinek re­
mained for a visit of a week or
A le ter received from G. W.
DeJar in formerly with the
Stayton State Bank informed us
he would like to have his paper
sent to him at Camp IIp.nco;k,
Subscribe for the Mail.
Be Ready For
An Opportunity
O m often heart, " I f / only
h ad a little m oney I could m ake
a fortune.
W h y n ot he ready when op­
p o rtu n ity knocks a t you r door ?
Plan to p la ce in the bank a
certain percen tage o f your sa l­
a ry or business profits.
Then when th e m ain chance
com es along y o u ’ll be ready
for it.
B anking in every form .
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton, Oregon
Capital $25,000.00
W e carry a large line of
dry goods, shoes, notions,
gents’ furnishings, hats,
x caps and rubber goods, etc.
♦ •
has a large line of fancy and
staple groceries, canned goods,
dmoked meats. In fact ev­
erything you will find in a
Merchandise store
is to be found here at prices
that are right.
Stayton, Oregon,
Attorney for Plaintiff*.
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