The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, June 20, 1918, Image 3

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thereof in t hr» « publie plane* within »»»I the rauncil. lie haa authority to pre- cxreed fifty tlaya:
j hibit buwdyhouaea, ass gnation houses,
¡town. Said notice# shall designate th* aerve order, enforre the rule», ami L i
12. To detine what ahall constitute und gambling houses, »nd to declare by
time ani< pla n where aurli election ia |>erform aurh other duties as may lie vagrancy, and to provide for the re- ordonner what »nail constitute tha
If V"U are paying » hiur*. r ite of in*
l’ iti j i c L n and S u r g e n
to beheld, the hour when the poll» will required of him by this'charter or or «traint, pi, .-riment, workinf, and em »»me.
turret, why not rrfiinil your loan at
I mi opened Li roceive vote», and also dlnances of the town.
If the mayor ploy nient o f v (grants; to prevent the
26. To prevent, reatraln. and punish
a l’i # r rain nml more librral term*.
OREGON It ia not puwl huairieaa Li pay a Ihe hour when the poll» will be closed, shall be absent from any meeting of ».«le, circulation, or disposing of obscene by fine or imprisonment or both, drunk-
Soetlon 12. No [«-rson shall be quai- the council, the recorder shall art as literature, including books, papers, pic - 1 in ness, drunken or disorderly conduct,
higher rate of interi-at than the
ifled Li vote at any election held under mayor pro tempore and shall have the turcs, prmta, and Ihe like, and to punish ! fighting, quarreling, as»ault, assault
market demand», nor la it goisl husi-
the provisions of this charter whom not same power as the mayor has by I hi« any person who sells, offers for sale, or and battery, assault on officers, résist­
none to keep your aurplua fund» on
ai the time of holding such election en- art,
who circulates ordmposcs of,or has in hi» I ing an officer, threatening an officer,
time depoalta at It to 4 per ct per an-
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON olmi when 6 per cent ran reaiiily be titled to the privileges of sn elector ac-
Section 6. On the first Tuesday af- poasession and exhibits in any place to threatening to injure or do bodily harm
cording to the lawa of this stale gov- 1er the first Mon.fay in January after any person, any obscene literature, in- I to any other person or to property;
■ecured on first Farm Mortage». If
S tayton , O regon
any general election there • tall be a eluding books, papers, prints, pictures, , noises and disturbances, street brawl
you have money to loan or wiah to erning state elections. '
Section J3. The council shall provide regular meeting of the council, at which and to declare what books, papers, 1 or disorderly noise, and assemblages in
refund or aerure a new one, rail or
wrlh- S. II. IIFI.T/.FL, Stayton, ! by ordinance the form of poli books and the officers elect shall assume the du- prints, pictures, are obscene within the any street, house, or place within the
olflcia! ballots to be used at elections ties o ' their office respectively,
meaning o f this provision:
! corporate limits of said town, and any
held within said town and the time and 1 Section 6. A majority of the whole
13. To establish fire limits, mnd t o , and all unlawful and indecent practice,
manner of placing the names o f car.dl- number constituting the council is a prohibit the erection of wooden build- vulgar, indecent, abusive, insulting or
Office Opp, I .»iicefield Shoe Store
| dotes upon such official ballots.
majority of the council, or the rnem- ing» within the fire limits; and to re- profane language, anil define what shall
Phone iilU
Stuvtnn. Or*>
Hection 14. On or before the second bers thereof, within the meaning of strict and limit the height o f buildings constitute the same:
day after the election, the returns j this act, and not otherwise, unless it is within such limits, and to provide for ¡ 26. To regulate the storage o f blast-
thereof m,ust be tile*I with the Kecor- expressly so provided. The concurrence and determine the number and size of ing and gunpowder, giant powder and
dor and on or before the fourth day of a majority of a quorum is a sufficient i the place of entrance and exit from all caps, dynamite, nitroglycerine, eoal oil,
thereafter th. Recorder shall call to hn majority to determine any question or public halls, churches und other build- tar, pitch, turpentine, gasoline oil, and
Notice is hereby given that a Special assistance the Mayor and one freehold- piatler other than the final pasaage of tngs used for public gatherings, ami the 1 all other explosive and combustible mt-
terial, and the use o f canfflea, coal oil,
Olttce Room No. It, Hoy Hldg.
Flection will lie held within the town of er o f said town who ahall con-titut«- a an ordinance or th*- appointment or re- mode of hanging the doors thereat:
14. • To provide for the prevention gas, electric, and other lamps, in the
Stayton, Oregon, on Monday the 21th canvaasmtf board, who ahall canvas the moval of an officer,
Section 7. The Mayor arid Council- and removal of obstructions from over streets, stores, shops, barns, and other
îS. H . II K L 'I 'Z K l,
day of June, It# 1H, for the purpose of returns of the «-lection and make a
I submitting to the legal voters of said written statement of such canvass and men shall comprise the common council across, extending into and upon any places; to suppress and secure and re­
A lto rn e y -a t-L a w -fÿ.tary Public
town, tor their adoption or rejec- file the same with the Recorder immed- of »aid town and at any meeting there- street, alley, croes or sidewalk, and for move any stove, fireplace, chimney,
the cleaning and repairing thereof, and furnace, boiler, or other apparatus,
( lion, the following proposed amend­ istely upon Ihe completion thereof, of shall have exclusive power:
1. To assens, levy, and collect taxes to regulate the uses of aidewalka; to which may be dangerous in causing
ments to the charter of said town of Such canvas must contain a statement
of the whole number of votes cast at for town purmMes on all pioperty, both regulate, restrain, and prevent the ex- fires, and to prevent, oy all possible
Stayton, to-wit:
siyh election, the nurnlwr cast for each real and personal, within the town lim- tension of buildings, fences, house j and proper means, danger or risk o f in-
ThHt Chapter It. of the CharL.r of
person for any office, the name o f each its, and all notes, accounts, and other fronts, awning», awning posts, porches, jury or dhmage by fire arising from
i the Town of Stayton. Oregon, be ami
person elected and to what office.
evidencu o f indebtedness, and shares of signs, hanging signs, and displays, and carelessness, neglect, or otherwise:
jis hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 16. lmmediah-ly after the stock in an incorporated company, held other obstructions extending into, ' 27. To tax and regulate horses and
completion of the canvass the Recorder or owned bv persons residing within across, or upon any street, alley, aide j other domestic animala kept for breed-
Section 1. A general election shall must execute and sign a certificate of the limits of «aid
town, shall, for the or crosswalks in the town, and provide j mg purposes; regulate and prohibit an-
tie held in the town o f Stayton, on the eleetion of every |>er»on derlared there- pur|>o«e of taxation, be deemed person^ a penalty therefor, and provide for the imals from running at large within town
¡first Tuesday after the first Monday in by Li lie elected and deliver the same al property within the town limits;
j removal thereof at the cost o f the limits; to regulate and prohibit the use
Novettiber, »918, and biennially there­ to him on d.-mand. Such certificate of
2. To establish hospitals, ana make owner or claimant thereof:
! of row bells on domestic animals; to
election shall be primary evidence of regulations to prevent the introduction
16. To iugulate the use of atreet». S regulate and prohibit the driving of
Section 2. The elective officers of the fai-U therein stated.
Provided of contagious diseases into the town alleys, roads, highways, and other pub- stock through the streets; to provide
the town o f Stayton shall be a Mayor, however, that the Council shall be the 1 and to remove persons afflicted with , lie j. la -es within the town of Stayton, for the taking up and selling o f any
Rath Tubs, Lavatories and
a Recorder, a Treasurer, and four Anal judge of the (qualification and the such diseases to suitable hospitals pro- i and to regulate the rate of speed of domestic animal found running at large
all Sanitary tilting*— Farm­
Cnunrilmen. The Mayor, Recorder, and election of ita own members and shall vided by tne town for such purposes;
hoi se nen, wagons, carriages, cars, ,o- within the town limita; to regulate and
ers—We carry a line of
Treasurer shall hokl their respective o f­ decide contest cases between persona
3. To prevent and remove nuisances, «•motives, automobiles, street railway i prohibit the keeping o f swine within
pumps, leader water sys­
fices for the teim of two years, or un­ claiming to be elected to the name of- and to declare, by ordinance, whatwhall cars, bicycles, ar,d other vehicles within the town limits, and domestic fowls
til their successors are elected and flee, subject however, to review by any constitute the same; to punish persons the limits ot said town:
tems, etc. Gasoline engines.
j from running at large, and define what
qualified. The Councilmen shall hold court of competent jurisdiction.
guilty of creating them, ahd to make
16. To condemn and appropriate shall constitute the same, and to puniah
their respective offices for the term of
Section 16. The.term of office o f anv the expense o f abating a nuisance a land and property for the extension, by fine, any person who permits such
four year*, or until their successors person elected to any office under this lien upon the property where such nuis- widening, straightening, and laying out domestic fowls running at large, and
are elected and qualified.
charter shall commence on the first ance exists:
streets, alleys, and lanes, and estab- to provide for the time and manner of
Section 3. A primary election shall Tuesday after the first Monday in Jan­
4- The council shall have the power lishing public squares, and to provide selling the same, and the dispostion of
' be held in the town o f Stayton bien­ uary after the election and shall termi­ to contract for water and lights for for the manner and means of said con- the proceeds of such sale:
nially for nominating candidates to be nate when his successor is elected and town purposes, or to lease, purchase.or demnation, and the manner and means
28. To regulate and prohibit the car­
voted on at such town election. I'Hid qualified. The Recorder. Marshal, and contract a plant or plants for water or o f determining the value thereof, and rying of deadly or dangerous weapons
primary election shall oe held at the Treasurer shall each execute and file lights, or both, for town purposes in or fixing the compensation to the owners in a concealed manner, and to provide a
same time the general primary election with their oath o f office such undertak­ outside the town limits: Provided, that thereof;
penalty therefor, and to define, by or­
is held throughout the state.
ing as the Council by ordinance may re­ the council may grant the use of
17. To provide for the surveying, dinance. what shall constitute a danger­
Section 4 Nomination of candidates quire. All officers elected or appointed streets and alleys of the town to any straightening, and establishing, of ous weapon, and the carrying of the
to be voted on at such primary election uod*-r this charter before entering up- person, company, or corporation who blocks and streets, and alleys, and for same in a concealed manner:
Hhkll l,c on |<etitinn and ahall not have on the tlutieH of their office must take n»ay desire to establish works for sup- marking the boundary lines o f such
29. To regulate and prohibit the use
) any partisan designation. The Council arid file with the recorder anoath of of- plying the town and. inhabitants there-, streets and alleys and blocks, and es- and firing of guns, pistols, canons, or
shall provide by ordinance e definite ♦ice to the following effect.
of with light and water, upon such tabiishing permanent monuments tbere- any species of firearms, firecrackers,
j plan for the execution and filing of such STATE OF OREGON
^erms and conditions a» the council may on, and the making, filing, and record- bombs, and detonating works of all de­
petitions, provided however, that not COUNTY OF MARION » '
prescribe: Provided, that no such priv- ing of ma;>s or plots thereof, and to es- scription, and to provide a penalty
Highrst Markel Price Paid For Fal Slock mor». than fifteen per cent o f the qual­
1,-----------------------------, do solemnly ileges shall be granted to any such per- j laldish grades of the sidewalks, streets, therefor:
ified electors o f said town as shown bv swear that I will support the Constitu­ son, company, or corporation to cor : and crosswalks:
30. To regulate, restrain, or permit
the vote cast at the last general elec­ tion of the United States of America tinue for a longer period than ten ; 18. To regulate and prevent public the opening of street surfaces, the lay­
tion held therein, shall be required on ami the State of Oregon and that I will years:
criers and advertising noises, steam ing down of water, gas, or other mains,
to ttie best of my ability faithfully per-;
any such petition.
5. To license, tax, and regulate sue- whistles, and ringing of bells, the play- the building and repairing of sewers, the
------ t i o n e e r s,
Section 6. A candidate for nomina­ form the dutiescf the office o f
peddlers, ing of bands in the streets, and to con- laying down of tracks for street cars
tion for any office who receives a ma­ o f the town o f StayLm, during my con­ sample peddlers, and all such callings. 1 trol and limit traffic on the streets, and railroads apon such street or streets
jority of all the votes cast for such o f­ tinuance the rein. So help me God.
i trades, occupations, and business not I avenues, and piaces; to regulate the as the council may permit or designate:
fice at the primary election ahall be de­
31. To employ an attorney and sur-
prohibited by the laws of this state, as ¡ u»e of the str _ts and sidewalks for the
Section 17. All laws o f this state in the judgment o f the council the pub­ use of signs, signposts, telegraph, tele- veyor when deemed necessary, and to
Phone or Call on
'»hall I k * held to fill thatorfioe. If there regulating and governing primary and lic good may require to be licensed or phone, ar 1 electric light posts, and PaV the same for their services:
be three or more candidates for nomi­ general elections and matters incident regulated:
other pur ■* >ses; to regulate and prohibit
32- To lay out and establish cistern
nation for any office, and no candidate thereto including the registration of
6 To license, tax. and regulate liv the hanu ng o f banners, placards, and districts, and to provide water for «*•*
Kingston. Ore.
.receive* a majority of all votes cast for voters shall apply to and govern all ery arKj boarding stables, hacks, cabs, flags in the streets lrom houses or terns in the districts laid out and estab-
such office, the two candidate* receiv- elections held under the provisions of waK(»ns, carts, trucks, drays, omnibus- other buildings to regulate the num lished:
__________ _
„ ing the largest number of votes cast for this charter.
e», or other vehicles used for the trans- bering of houses and lots in the streets ; 33. To provide by ordinance for the
CHANGE OF SCHEDULE JUNE 2, 1918 »uch office shall be certified by the can-
That Section 8, of Chapter VI. of portation of persons or property; to li and avenues, and the naming and num- punishment of any person or persons
asm s u ..
» .„ .j
**»n n vassing board as nominees for such of- the Charter of the Town of Stayton, cense, tax. and regulate ferries across bering of streets, alleys, and avenues, i WH° »hall sell or offer for sale any un-
Mtll City-Salem Round T rg $3.00 flce al ^ re(fular eUfCti0P
be and the same is hereby repealed.
' the Santiam river, landing within the and changing the same; to provide fori wholesome or adultersted provisions or
Also that Chapter IV of the Charter town limith, and to fix the maximum the cleaning o f the streets and alleys, unwholesome or diseased meats, and to
nation at the primary election who re­ of the Town o f Stayton, Oregon, be rate for carrying persons or property in at the cost o f the owners of adjacent define what shall constitute the same:
That said election will be held in the
property; to prohibit persons from
Will make regular trips every day. ceives a majority of all votes cast for and is hereby amend«! to read as fol- such vehicles or ferries:
such office shall receive the same cer­ lows:,
Sunday* included as follows:
| 7. To license, tax, and regulate bil roaming on the streets, alleys, and town hall on Third atreet. The polls
tificate of election as though he had
hard, pool, or pigeonhole tables, or other public places at unreasonable will be open a t9 a. m. and will close at
P. M.
A. M !
elected at the regular general "O f the Organization and Powers of other tables where balls and cues are hours o f the night; to prohibit idle per­ 6 p. m.
Mill City.. .. Ar 7:00
6:36 l.v
•. « • 6:30
7:05 |.... .Lyons
the Council."
used, shooting galleries, bowling alleys, sons, or persons o f unknown occupation,
By order o f the Council.
Section 7. At the general election
T ill Í....... ..Mehsma
J. B. GRIER, Recorder.
83W ....... ..Stayton...
j held in said town on the first Tuesday
for the time and place of lU regular •ho* 8 *nd Publ,c amusement», »wings time after 9 o ’clock in the evening;
8:10 . . ..Sublimity
! after the first Monday in November.
and merrv-go-rounds, hall lectures or
19. To prevent the erection o f build­
•h:25 ... ..Aumsvilie
I 1918. four Councilmen shall be elected, meetings, at any o f which it may ad­ other entertainments where an admis­ ings within the town limits which shall
8:45 ....... ..T urner....
I two o f whom shall be elected for the
. Salem....... .. I V 4:20
9:15 Ar
to some specified time prior thereto; sion fee is charged; telephones, tele­ be dangerous to passers-by or to adja­
•Meet* Train 62nnrthlmund at Aums- term of twoyeur* and two for the term
graph offices, produce p«!dlers, market cent property; to condemn and cause to
ville. Stage leaves op|iosite O. F. de­ of four years, who shall at the first and it may be convened at any time by stalls, retailers of gunpowder:
be removed or made safe any old or un­ ' One very cold morning in No­
pot in Salem.
meeting of said Council sfter said elec­ the Mayor, upon giving notice to each
8. To license, tax, and regulate for occupied building liable to fire by acci- vember when the Atlantic ocean
Morning stage will connect with the tion, dec ile bv lot who shall serve for
the purpose of the town revenue, all dent, carelessness, or incendiarism, or was showing a great deal of its
Kingston stage at Stayton.
the tetin of two years, and who shall present in the town; provided, that the such business, callings, professions, , any building which shall become dan-
, serve for the term o f tour years, and eoiincil shall meet at least once a month trades, and employments as the council gerous to passers-by or to adjacent pro- temper, Mary Pickford was tak­
S ta y to n -W est Stayton
ing »11 sorts of chaces by being
thereafter one half o f the number <ff in regular ression.
Section 2. A majority of the mem­ mav require L> be licensed, and as are perty, at the expense o f the property
7:00 a. m. |,v Stayton Ar 8:46 a.m. ) Councilmen ahall be elected biennially
left alone on a half sinking
6:00 p.rn.
bers of the council shall constitute a
4:10 p.m.
for the full tc-in of four years,
off the coast of Marblehead
8:00 a;m ;A r w . Stayton Lv;— - ;
i Section 8. No person ahall be eligible quorum to do business, but a less num­ catalogue for future delivery of goods, property as other town liens:
where she whs rescued as a part
lo hold any office in the town of Slay­
20. To regulate, restrain, and pro- of the story in her new piettre,
to time, and compel the attendance of wares, merchandise, trinkets, notions,
t o n . who, at the time of his election or
shall bj: deemed peddlers under this act: hibit nr.nors from being on the streets,
I appointment, is not entitled to the priv­
9. T o’rcgulate the establishment of alleys, or public of the town af- “ The Pride o f the Clan” at the
ileges of an elector according to the member for disorderly conduct at any market houses and places, and regulate ter certain hours of the night, and to Star theatre next Sunday, June
1 general.lawa o f this state, and in addi­ meeting, or for refusing or neglecting the location and management thereof; punish such minors therefor:
tion to the ubi.ive qualifications the to attend a regular meeting without to control and regulate slaugnter huus-
Miss Pickford has been run-
Mayor and Councilman shall he owners sufficient excuse therefor, nnd may by cs, washhouses and laundries, and
to obscene, or insulting language on the ping up and down the sea-washed
a three-fourths vote expel a member
of real estate within the corporate lim
for cause; and may declare, by ordin­ provide for their exclusion from the Streets or in public places or »ssem- dpek getting real water over her
1 its of said town, and have resided there
binges, or in anv public or private ht-use
, »
, ,
ance, for what offenses town officers town or any part thereof:
In for six months immediately preced­
10. To establish and regulate a fire that is heard by such persons on such 1 and frantically crying (or help as
may he impeached, and shall be and
AUMSVILLE OREGON ing his election or appointment.
tb€ frail craft sinking
department; to provide for tho preven­ streeih or persons living in the vicinity
Section 9.
The appointed officers constitute a court to try all rases of
impearhipent, and may by said ordin­ tion and extinguishment of tire, and for thereof, to the annoyance of any per- ^ beneath her. As the water got
shall he a Marshal, Street Commission­
ance provide for the manner of con­ the protection of property endangered »<”«•
up to her knees and the camera
er. W.iter Commissioner, City Attorney
tnertl y; to npjx'int firewardens and
ducting trial« of the same.
22. i o prevent and pumsh trespass
on clicking she courageously
Surveyor, and suclt number o f deputy
prescribe their duties, and to compel on real or p-.-rsonal property or enuring
^marshals or policemen as the council
emulated the example of the $>oy
rule* for the government of its mem- any person or |*er*ons present to aid in any house or building or grouttti when
may deem necessary, and shall be up
who stood on the burning dfcck
b. rs and its proceedings! it must keep
pointed by the council.
a journal of its proceedings, and. upon protection of property expose-1 thereto, of not to do so. or to leave any building, uofil Maurace Tourneur, the ' di­
Section 10.
The Marshal, Street
house, or ground, when ordered to leave rector. arrived in a motor boat
and the election of officers thereof:
Commission^*, Water Commissioner, tlu* sail of any two members, must cause
11. To establish ar d regulate -i po- by the owner or occupant, proprietor, ari(J lifte d her to s a fe ty ,
the ayes and nays to be .taken and en­
W ith
: City Attorney and Surveyor, shall be
! ‘ .hereof:
L —
tered on its journal upon any question lice foree, and to impose fines, forfeit- or person ,n possession
chattering from the
hosen bv the Council at the first teg­
23. To cuinix-l all persons erecting
hcforc it, except on the question of nd- ures, and penalties, and to make by-laws
ular meeting (hereof in January in each
journment. when the ayes and nay« and ordinances, not inconsistent with or maintaii iogs privies or cesspools to morning hath and stnl feeling
fA lIA T C A A i
P « r tr s >L>Hr* Hl,d
ho,d t,,oir re,,i,ct'tive oi shall not be taken unless uiain the call the law svf the United States ot this keep ihe same in such place and man- a little creepy after the sensat on
♦ W » l U t i l w U r U I rup# fi,.,.* for the term of one year, unless
state, to carry into effect the provisions ner as to not !>e a nuisance, and to con- 9he took her director to a corner
r _ cause. t I i he
. . council I i of three member»;
__ _
_____ —---------- ------
sooner removed for
.. all ot its deliti
erations and proceedings must be pub­ of this act, and to provide for the pun nect the same with Sc-wers which may o f th e c a b jn anfj w h isp ered :
shall also prescribe their duties and
„ If wg ^
to h ave any
ishment of pen*»0» violating town or­ be hereafter constructed, and make the
' compensation,
" ,
Section 4. The Mayor is ex officio dinances. by fine or imprisonment, or cost of abating Mkh nui#anc€ or con-
| Section 11. The recorder shall under
this, I m g o in g
president of the council, and presides both, and the working of «uch persons neetmg said pnties with the sewera a fnnre
. p ictu
.. re s like
! the direction of the council give at least
Services 2nd 4th and 5th ^ u n " ten days notice of all primary and gen- over its deliberations when in session, on the streets of the town, or at any | lien upon the property, under «uch regu- to learn how to SWim.
!!*• ;c not entitled to vo'e. except m *,th--r work; but c<> fi w she i I exceed the i lions
u-a.- b* provided by oidl -ance:
--------- “ **"
I erst elcct.ona hell within the town of
day- at 8;30 a. m. ’
« a-e . f -. tie vote of the members of sum ol *100. nor shall any imprisonment j 24. To suppress, restrain, and pro - 1
| Stuv’ on. by posting three printed notices
Rev. I’Y. Lairck. Porter
W . N. Pintler. D. M. D.
Fresh,Salt&Cured Meats
Lard* Creamery Butter
If in the Market
Chevrolet or Buick
Four or Six
0 . M. Baker, Agent
Mill City- Stayton - Salem Se<,ti,,n 6- A candidate for the nomt-
The Pride of the Clan
Hamman Auto Stage
Ice Cream and
^ o d a Water
School Books,
Flash Lights, Drugs
and Prescriptions;
St. Marys Church