\ Subscription Price $1*00 Per Year in Advance Advertising Kates Made Known Upon Applicator! Foreign Advertising Represented by Tie American Press Association Filtered as second class matter at the postofflee at Stayton. Marion County. Ore iron, under the Act o f Congress o f March 3, 1879. Address all Communications to The Stavton Mail Mehama auxiliaries of Fox Valley G em s ; the donation o f an all receiving silk quilt I which brought $'20 and which was won by Mrs. W. M. Malone, after whichthis lady ordered it to gii on to Mehama to be sold again July 4th. The quilt is a beauty, worth seeing and having Fast End Notes so now is a chance for some ore. Mrs. John Quinn. Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lau motor­ Johnston and Miss L.eota Allen ed to Stayton one day last wrok. attended Junior Red Cross at W. A birthday party was given in R. Surry’s Wednesday. honor o f Miss Alice Judsoti last week. T riu m p h N otes Mrs. Hobson visited at Fred Meriels the first of the week. George and Orville Downing, John Benson arrived from Ida­ ho and is visiting with his broth­ Clair SeiUinge*. Leot Allen and Ethel Schnackenberg motored to er Henry and other friends. Lyons Friday. Wm. VanHandel and w ife ac­ Volney Gates called at theCol- companied by Frank Spenner bv borne Wednesday. and better half, are back from a Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bierly and children left Friday morning for their home at Gardener. Ote.. after spending a month with home folks here. Claude Surry spent the week end with his parents, returning to Portland Sunday eve., where he expects to be stationed for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Canning, accom­ panied by Mrs John Trask and Mrs. Ralph Trask, spent Friday evening and Saturday with rela­ tives in Salem. Grandma Brown has been quite ill. but is some better at this writing. Mrs. W. F. Hardison and M •s. J. H. Johnston attended the Red Emma Sandberg and Mr.Sand­ CrosV picnic at the Howell school trip up the highway, where they berg motored to Stayton Friday. spent a week taking in the Co­ house last Friday, reporting a lumbia river sights. Claude Surry spent Saturday splendid time: also the "good Ralph Kelly, of Linn county.« and Sunday with home folks, re­ luck” having befell the Lyons- turning Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chfts. Barrett called on Mr. Bressler and Mrs. Allen Wednesday. The Red Cross met Tuesday at the Lyons church to finish a quilt Clyde McRite has been work­ ing for Mr. Colby the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Surry. Mrs. H. F. Bodeker and Miss Ella Johnston motored to Albany Tuesday to attend the Linn Co. Red Cross Institute. They re­ port a good program. f it. P le a s a n t •U s co ' Tread Elmer Ray and w ife and Mrs. Don Ray and children arrived at the W. R. Ray home Thursday eve. from Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kay were greeted by a bunch of charivariers. Standards W h y is it that United States T ire * are setting new records for m ileage and serviceability ? The Misses Bessie and Crystal Shank and Mrs. Frank Caspell and Hal Shelton motored to Port­ land Sunday. Miss Elsie Petus called on Miss Elsie Downing Saturday. Miss Grace Shank and Frank Lambert motored to Marion Sun­ day. Miss Hazel Lambert and Chaa. Lambert and Linn Lambert and w ife motored toSilverton Sunday. W h y is it that the sales o f these tires are constantly m ounting b y leaps and bounds ? T h e answer is found in the fac­ tories where United States T ires are made. Standards o f c o n s tru c tio n for these tires are higher than e v e r be­ fore know n in the tire industry. Makers o f tire fabrics tell us that the standards w e have g iven them for United States T ir e fabrics are higher than anry previously known. Likew ise through e v e r y process o f construction from crude rubber to finished tires— w e have set new and higher standards every w h ere. These standards w ork out on you r car in the practical econ o m y de­ manded by war-times. . United States I ires w ill raise any car to higher efficien cy. There is a typ e to suit e v e r y c o n ­ dition of service. T h e nearest United States Sales and Service Depot dealer w ill cheer­ fully aid in selecting right tires for your requirements. U nited States Tires arc Good Tires Slayton Vulc. Shop Ham m ond Lum ber Co., Stayton, Oregon f iM Ci'y, Or gen Mr. and Mrs. John Huber and family and Mrs. Jake Hu!>erspent Sunday in the Wm. Croisant home of Lyons. Do not forget the date June 28, L!)18, at8 p. m. for the furpose of meeting a National War Measure in the form o f a War Savings movement. This meeting will be held at the Mt. Pleasant school house. Everyone is urged to at­ tend and meet the allotment which is $2000. Miss Crystal Shank, chairman of District No. 2. Come and he classed with the most patriotic district. Charley Lambert returned from Portland Friday. He has t listed in the navy and expects to be home for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Shank and son. Mrs. Roxie Shank and daughter, Miss and Roxanna mo­ t e . d to the Claud M'Cully home of Aumsville Sunday. Miss Marguerite Ryan and brother. Will, motored to Stayton Sunday eve. SUMMONS In the t'irruil Court o f the State o f Oaegon for the County o? Marion. Department No. 2, (¡•urge N. Stoner and M^ry F. Ston­ er his wife, Plaintiff« v* Sylvester Prichard, and Lydia Pro-hard, his wile; John Priehard, unmarried; Thomas Me- i Cubbina, widower; John MrCubbias. , unmarried; Charles Mi-Cubbies, ami Susan McCubtiina, his wife; Maud Me- I Cubbina Asher, and Chari,-« Asher, her I husband; Kthel MrCubbins, a minor; Elvin MeCubbina, a minor; Myrtle Kasch, and Fred Kusrh, her husband; j Hardy Robberson, widower; El vie Rob- beraon Shelley, and Ed Shelley, her hua- band; Vena Robberson, unmarried.' Etha Robberson, unmarried; W. N. j Robberson, and Minnie Robberson, his wife; Preston Ireland, and Adah Ir e ­ land, his w ife; Mamie Asher, and Jesse \»her, her husband; Hnrnita l!..nta, u minor; Roy Kanta, widower, personally, and as the guardian of the person and estate of said Hernita Kantn; the un­ known heirs o f John M. Priehard. anil Frances E. Prichard, his wife; both de­ ceased, Laura kl. Madden, and John Dio* Madden, her husband; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants, To John Prichard, Thomas McCub- ins,Mamie Asher, Jesse Asher. V\ N. Robberson, Minnie Robberson, Charles McCubbins, Susan McCubbms, Laura i. Madden, Jolffi Doo Madden, the un- snown heirs of J, hn M. Prichard, and Frances E. Prichard, his wife, also all other persons or parties unknown claim any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, defendants above named. IN THE NAMEOF rHE STATE OF I - t'r t> ilfff II I * r ■ . •4. fa * f 0 ‘ *. * * * are ÎW*' J W ♦ if / f ’JV . •). . : - M Yii Z ’g M V ■ r V ( IP *• n V 1 J • »f ' ■*crV- / - x y v/ > It only T & k s a M2iau£c to fttAi a pooch oJ Real GRAVELY Chcwii.fi F & j Just drop into any wide awckn dealer around hero, give him 10 cunts for the pouch of R e .I Gravely, complete in the special envelope ready for m a i li n g . Address it according to the official directions he will give you. Put on a 3 cent s ln ir p - iu d Uncle Nam’s tvlaiis will see that he gets it. U h I urav sly is lira tobacco lo »end. Not ordinary plug loadad up with swvaloning. but condansod quality. It's worth sanding • lung way, and whan he raeaivas it ha's got •«•»•thing. G ive rny man a chew of Real Gravely I'lug,and he will tell yo-J tfiul « the hind to send. Hand the bestT Ordinary plug is false economy. It coals la»< per waek to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew uf it lasts a long while. SEND YOUR HIIFND IN TRE V. S. SFRVKE \ POW'R Of bRAYtlY Even "over there'' a 3c. stamp will put il into his hands. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO COMPANY. Danville. Va. Ttr fou n t Poach I t *ps il Fresh sad (iro n mod Cnod — It is mot ¡tool b'rswfji mttkoml this PtoUtUon Soul t a sbilshed 1831 m F a rm e rs & M e rc h a n ts B a n k o f S ta y to n , O regon Capital $25,000.00 OREGON, you and each o f you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date o f the first publication o f this summons, to-wit; ♦ ♦ On or before theUdth day o f June. 1218. ♦ ♦ and if you fail ao to answer, or want ♦ ♦ ♦ thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the ♦ ♦ ♦ court for the relief prayed for in the ♦ « complaint herein, viz. * (1) That you be required to set forth | ■» « the nature and extent o f your claim fir 1 ♦ « claims in, on, or to the following ❖ 4 scribed real property, to-wit: 4 Beginning at the most southerly » ♦ southeast coiner of the John M. Prich­ * ♦ ard D. L. C. in Township 9 South, ♦ ♦ Range 1 West, o f the W illsmette Me * I *» ridian; thence north 7.40 chains to the ♦ ♦ re-entrant corner o f the above claim; ? « thence west parallel with the south o ♦ boundary of said claim 13.r>) chains; 4* <• * thence south 7.40 chains to the south 1 o •> boundary o f said claim; thence east > * 13.51 chains to the place o f beginning, and containing 10 acres more or loss. (2) That all adverse claims which yoc or either o f you may have be deter­ mined bv a decree of-aid i ourt and that by said decro< if. lie declared and ad judged that you have no r;ght, title, es late, lien, or inU r<• t wh*»H<-ever in law or in equity, in, on, or to said real pro­ perty or any part then of, and that the title i.f plan.(ill's to said premises is a good and valid title in fee simple, (3) I hat you will fie forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim, right, title, estate, lien, or interest whatsoever in. on, or to said real pro­ /. ,*. .. .*. «*» /. .?» r. •?..-. **• .*• c« .*• .*• .*■ perty or any part thereof adversely to plaintiffs, and that plaintiffs may have them are well known here as they judgment ng.nnst said defendants or made their home for several years such o ( said defcri' anf mm shall appear herein for th-ircosts an ! disbursement» with their aunt, Mrs. Geo. Gass- Word was received Monday ner_ incurred in this sojt nm for sueh other further relief as may s« <-m just ami morriir T hy !/n WV’ r o f the death equitable. of his fr * f*r, Joh.i Weir, rtf Port- • This summons is served upon yon by Mrs. A. G. Thome ■ entertained pubP -alion thereof in the .-lavton Mail, land, Sunday ninht, arid he im a newspaper publish«"I weekly in Mar­ mediately went to Portland.'the Birthday clul* Tuesday after- ion County, Oregon, bv older o f Hon. The remains were brought, to noon, an enjoyable time was had A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE W e carry a large line of dry goods, shoes, notions, gents’ furnishings, hats, caps and rubber goods, etc. OUR GROCERY DEPARTM ENT has a large line of fancy and staple groceries, canned goods, smoked meats. In fact e v ­ erything you w ill find in a first-class Merchandise store is to be found here at prices that are right. EHLEN’S STORE * C. E. DA I 'dH E P TY , Editor and Manager (>flt Chits. Beard and w ife and Frank Mosier, Misses Cora Ray I and Ester McK night o f Scio. M iss Zona Ray, Mrs Thorth and Mr. i Compton of McMinnville, Elm er1 Ray and wife and Mrs. 1). C. Ray and children of Echo w ere Sun­ Albert Arthur, assisted by day viators at the W. W. Ray Carl Downey, in putting up clo­ home. Tne Missis Marguerite Ryan, ver hay on his place. Verna. Roxunna, Crystal Shank Ray Orren has been busy clip Motored to Albany Tuesday to j ping sheep'the past month. attend the War Savings conven­ B. H. Horton, of Salem, was a tion. business visitor through this sec­ tion last week. Attend the hig celebration at At the annual school meeting Lebanon. July 4. the former officers were re-elect­ ed. The board consists o f Van- M IIS . E . M . G I L B E R T Handel. Gescher. Staiger and A piano teacher from Scuttle, \N «th. Highberger. hH< purchased « home it W ist Stay-ton Edith Highberger is helping tml will tuki> m limited number o f pu­ pil*- at »uni ner rates. References Mrs.» Ed Highberger. who in on furnished. the sick list. ❖ •> \ I <• A LEX A X D Ek A DAUGHBKTV, Owner* am i Publishers H. Lambert borne. * •> •> STHYT 0 N MAIL jh e sjMMit Sunday at tlx* Jacob Slui ger home. Herman Soppe and wife, also Anton Rahman, visited Sunday .it N. Highberger’s. Alfred Fox and family motored to Wilhoit Sunday with their new six. . Eies Suddenly <;.*o, G. Bingham, .linito- of th<- Girruit j ^ „ mavj||e Wednesday afternoon, and a dainty luncheon was served Cosrt of the Slate . f Oregon for the ^ ^ funeral wnH hel(] frnm to the delight and satisfaction of day Of May, lfilH. Tho first pul,lie a-1 that place at 5 o clock, conducted tion to b** on the »th day of May, 1918. by * Catholic priest from Salem, Messrs Wayne and Willis Hu­ ami you are required to appear and an- interment in Butler cemetery. ¡yfr Weir leaves three sons to ber and Earnest Knapp Spent »wer said complaint on or before the 20 th d»y of June. Sunday with Melvin Shank. Slayton, (beg n. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brenner and A i tornev for Plain tiff*. daughter spent Sunday at the P. T.U7 the guests: those present were Mesdames A. C. Smith, £. T. Matthieu, E. I). Alexander, Alva Smith. W. W. Elder, C. E . mourn his loss, they are; Leo, Daugherty. G. L. Brown, and of Stayton; Gordon, of Portland Misses Marian Alexander and and Milton, of Monmouth, all of Wanda Brown. 1 I