Don’ t forget fret1 show Satur­ day evening at SUar Theatre. Anton Schindler was up from What a strange thing is the Warrenton o\er Sunday. psychology o f war! We think Mrs. A. Hill was called to Mill in symbols, and the symbol of City Monday evening. war is the soldier. Because A. D. Gardner. Jr., was 'up from time immemorial he has from Willamette U for the week been the w ar-maker, and Uvause. end. even now when he has become Mr. and Mrs. Hen Schaefer are i nly one of tiie manv essentials attending I. O. 0. F. grand lodge . f victory, he still retains the ter­ rible privilege of dying for his at Astoria. country, the soldier is the figure Charley Lambert left Monday • o f romance. What an anomaly forPortland where he hrs em­ that in this war the soldiers, ployment in the ship yards. whom the towns turn out to cheer Mrs. Frank Caspell and chi’d- as they march off with the hand ren are visiting at t :e home of playing, must Uiy cooped up in her mother. Mrs. G. B. Trask. rump, thousands of miles from Mrs. G. F. Korinek left Satur­ their enemy, until the riveters, day for her new home in Port men in overalls, build ships to land. carry them! Perhaps we shall Miss Margaret Miller spent have to offer the riveters a uni­ Sunday with relatives in) Port­ form to give shipbuilding the land. quality o f romance. But I believe Mr. and Mrs. Stienbetger that a national sense of the need spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of ships, permeating e very com­ D. M. Doll. munity where lived shipyard ma- chanies, actual or v potential—a John Kintr of Sublimity was national will to build ships, a nat­ trading w as trading w ith Slayton ional change of attitude toward merchants Wednesday. the workers—will go far to give The manager of the Star thea­ them the moral equivalent of a tre announces a big free show uniform. It will give them the for Saturday night. sense that their families and W. A. Weddle. W. H. Hobson friends and fellow-countrymen and wife are attending Grand regard them as soldiers. Lodge in Seaside'lhis week. The building of this national A. Rieger, N. J. Kelley and sentiment is everybody's duty. Mr. Smuck left to-day by team To think and talk ships, to for South Beach, near New­ create the public understanding port, to work on a railroad for that this is a war of transporta­ the government. tion ; it seems perhaps a weak Our District Superintendant contribution to make. It is not Dr. Ford will give an address in much beside driving rivets. But the M. E. Church on Thurdsay if we make this contribution, we 23rd at 8 p. m. After which the, shall have the satisfaction of quarterly conference will beheld. knowing that we are joining in Ben Gehlen has been awarded the solution of the hardest prob­ the contract for carrying the lem that confronts the govern­ mail between Sublimity. Stayton ment this year; that we are help­ and West Stayton. to begin op­ ing to build the ships that will erations July 1. He will put an cut down our tonnage deficit, and auto stage on the route. provide the means of victory. My patch of strawberries will And we shall have the further be thrown open to the public satisfaction—if any were need­ Monday June 3d. Picking days! ed—o f knowing that when the Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri­ war is over, the industry that we days. Phone in your orders, T. have helped to build up and sus­ tain will not have to be scrapped: L. Sanders. it will go on carrying the comm­ A number of the members of erce of the earths from nation to the local company went to Salem nation, breaking down the barri­ Friday evening of last week and ers which divide peoples, and last Tuesday evening to get some serving the purpose of civilizat­ practice and information on the ion and peace. —Frederick Lewis finer points of being a soldier. Allen in the June Sunset. Services will be conducted in the M. E. Church at 11 a. m. as usual. The League will be held at 7 p. m. But there will be no evening service on account of the One of the most determined Baccalaureate Sermon in the opponents of the building up of High School. a merchant marine in this coun­ Mrs. Cooper, o f Portland, try. and a man who fought it con­ mother o f Mrs. B. F. Ford, vis­ stantly in congress was Gustave ited here the first of the week, Kusterman of Wisconsin, \yhen Mrs. Ford and children return­ it was hinted in congress some ing with her to the city for a that his German birth and affilia­ short stay. tions had something to do with The moving pictures exhibited his attitude he challenged his in the local playhouse Tuesday critics to prove it, which, of evening o f “ How Life Begins” course, they could not do. are among the best in the world j Bob LaFollette o f Wisconsin along that line and proved to be j was a close second to Kusterman both interesting and instructive. in his efforts, and during the first The Oregon Social Hygiene So­ administration of President Wil­ ciety is doing a splendid work in son he put thru a bill, supported their campaign of education by a the majority of the adminis. along this and other lines. tration leaders in congress, that Tuesday evening the Alexand­ resulted in driving all that re­ er home was a scene of festivity, mained of our merchant marine being the annual reception giv­ on the Pacific out of business, en by the Junior class of High the Japs even taking over the school, to members of the Senior job of carrying our mail to the class. There were twenty-eight Philippines and Hawaii and the present and all thoroughly en­ Rio Grande Republic. The LaFolletts seamans act joyed the occasion. Various was put under the guise of a un­ games were played, and ice ion labor bill. It was in reality cream and wafers served. The a bill to encourage foreign ship evening passed quickly, and at a owners and wipe the American late hour, after school songs anti a vote o f thanks to the Alexand­ flag off the sea and it was highly ers for the use of their home,the successful and left our country young folks departed, declaring helpless from a ship tonnage their annual party a decided suc­ standpoint at the beginning of this war. It should be repealed cess. as soon as possible to encourage American owned mercant marine after the war, thus assuring the future of our shipping and ship­ -IN - building industry. The Merchant Marine Dorothy Dalton THE PRICE M ARK Star Theatre SU N DAY Memorial Sunday Union Services Ships: Our First Duty Notice ,uT ■ $ V i Next Sunday, May 20, is Mem orial Sunday and l i ; former v.ork as a Everybody ii invited and a good time is assured. forest ranger soon. ‘ m (Ml) W hen these beautiful undermuslins were made prices as n ow quoted on the materials were not dreamed of, so we feci confident that this special offering com es at a time that will be of great interest to w om en in need of these items. • HELP WANTED Triumph Notes 150 acres in cultivation (good wheat land), balance in pasture and oak timber; 7 room house; 3 barns and other auxiliary buildings; woven wire fences; on rock road 3 4 mile from Jordan. This is the Ed Dougherty farm. Price $60 per acre for a short time. This is a very good buy and it will pay you to inquire further o f GEO. A. SMITH, Stayton, Ore. Salem Percheron Association ‘ Daple Gray Stallion FOR SALE---1 good driving or work borne wt about 1200, 5 years old. Apply Jas. Ripp, Sublimity. 31 MLJT0N » o o FOR SA L E Fine lot o f 7 pigs, # weeks old. Your choice $4.00. J. A. Lincoln, Sublimity. Phone Stayton H4. W ill be at H am m an ’s Barn Mondays and Tuesdays oi each week beginning Monday M a y 6 FOR S A L K — A gf>od w rk team one gelding one mare wt about 2S00. Ajv- nly Pearl Schnaekenberg, Lyons. I9t2 Insurance $ 2 0 FOR S A L E --M y Harry Humphreys. Ford automobile, > B. G. BOEDIGHEIMER, Manager