The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 25, 1918, Image 1

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    :\e* A*'*
Has the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley
st a y t o n
24th. Year, N o. 17.
Honor Guard Girls
Score Big Success
Friday night lust watt a gala
occasion for the girls of the Hon­
or Guard of Stayton. Elaborate
preparation» had been made for
a bite event, and the results more
than justified their expectation».
The hall wa» l>eautifully decorat­
ed and »peeial arrangements
made for the pleasure and com­
fort of the guests, who filled the
hall to capacity. Excellent re-
fresmenta were served, the mus-
ic was gens! and the dancing
much enjoyed even though the
floor wa» crowded.
The prize giving feature was
popular and numerous prize»
were disposed of. The turkey
was won by Ed Tate, the hen bv
Max Hill and many others se­
cured boxes of candy.
The receipts were nearly $100,
which will net the girls a nice
sum. They have secured the
Elder house, next to l)r. Pint-
ler’rt, which they will tit up and
use in their work of assisting to
win the war.
Farm for Sale
at a Bargain
Farm containing 2159 acres sit­
uated about two miles south of
Kingston in Linn county, over
100 acres in cultivation, balance
pasture and some timl>er. on good
county road, large house, fair
barn, orchard, water piped to
buildings. This farm was former­
ly owned by Mr. Thayer, price
$45 per acre on easy terms,
$2000 down, balance to suit pur­
chaser at <5 per cent interest. If
you want to make money look at
this farm and you will buy it.
Possession October 1st. 1918.
Riley Shelton, Scio. Oregon.
See Bill Hart Sunday at the
Star theatre.
Subscribe for the Mail.
. m a r i ó n c o u n t y , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , a p r i l 25 , m s .
Bond Buyers
Pelow will l>e found the names
of those in this community who
have purchased Ixtnds since our
last list was printed. If your
name does not appear in this list
and has not appeared in the prev­
ious one buy a bond before May 4.
Curtis C. Cole, Liston A. Dar­
by, W. H. Barber. Jos. Lulay,
Louis Gisler, P. H. Lambert,
David Aegerter, Lee Downing,
Charley E. Lambert, Anton Gis­
ler, O, M. Baker, L-ns Baker,
Elmer Arrhanilieuu, Chas. E.
Schafer, R. B. Clavton. Loyd E.
Harold, (’has. l#ffler, Paul Piet-
rok, Phillip Pietrok P. P. Crab­
tree, Mary L. Trask, G. A. Down­
ing A. A. McKenzie, Joseph B.
Pietrok, George F. Johnston,
Fred H. Vaughn, George W. Cro-
isant, Arthur Vaughn, Martin L.
Aplet, Oscar M. Aplet. James
Frame, Fred Holzfusa, Ray J.
Fox, Henry F. Bodiker, Clyde
T. Maybee, John S. Steinberger,
W. A. Riggs, Minnie A. Luthy,
Sylvia Seatak, Alois Lrper, J. B.
Grier, James W. Himns, Joseph
H. Quinn, Frank Rohwein, Ed
Daugherty, Peter Fiedler, J. L.
Lunbert, John Dozier, L. T.
Titus. J. H. Kloer, John Flick,
Joseph Fisher. M. M. Gassner,
Andrew Fisher, Catherine Hu­
ber. Matilda S. Junes. Martin
Kuiken, Laura Jane L rler. L.
S. laimbert, Otto Muel r, Wm.
Mams, H. E. Mania M ua Neit-
ling, Clarence Overh< Itz. V. J.
Philippi, Mrs. E. G. Si gmund,
J. O. Sandberg, Sohn Taylor,
Clyde Thomas, E. E. Thayer, J.
K. Toman, A. C. Veriion, L. D.
Waterman, J. E. Yoemaii, J. J.
Niebert, Rose Rock. Titus Archer,
Mary Braun, Brotherton, A. C.
Chrisman, Mrs. Ann Cornish,
Sarah E. Cox, J. T. Follis, Al-
vord Martin, C. P. Darst, T. E.
Flemming, Carl C. Follis, B. F.
Ford. H. W. Stevely, E. C.
Downing, Nettie M. Downing,
Dellb Kelly, Wincel Doerfler, Joe
Hamman, E. T. Mattheiu, F. X.
Hottinger, Wm, Van Handel, E.
G. Siegmund. Caroline Sicgmund,
M. S. Titus, Ira Texler, J. C.
Huber. Max Hill, John H. A .
Johnston, Ella J. Johnston,
Nicholas Kelley, Mrs. J. King, T.
W. I^u , Martin Martin. I). H.
Monroe, I). C. Able, Wm. R.
Brenner, S. I). Brown, W. E.
Brown, G. E. Chrisman, W. E.
Chrisman, Roy Crabtree, B. H.
Chamberlain. Euna A. Darby,
Ben F. Darby, C. P. Neibert, J.
B. Peterson, E. D. Philippi, Zeta
Prichard, S Prichard. M. F.
Ryan, John Sandner Jr., Senz
Bros., Geo. Sandner. Harry
Shank, Henry Senz, Ed Smith.
Roxie Shank. Merta Siegmund,
John Sandner Sr., Geo. Gassner,
J, It. Gardner. Richard Hensley.
Raleigh Harold, Joaiah Morley,
J. W. Hirons, Joseph Zimmer­
man, Bernard Gesher, Ada J.
Tate, J. B. Brietenstein. James
Ripp, G. H, Toelle. John A. Dit-
ter, A. Hendricks, A. W. King,
Jacob Smith.
The Jaguar's Claws
Hayakawa has been seen as a
Japanese, a Chinese. Hawaiian,
East Indian and American Indian
and now for the first time is to
be seen as a M exican-a cruel,
merciless bandit, who with his
band of followers, whom he
rules by fear, terrorizes a certain
portion of northern Mexico.
As the bandit he captures two
American girls and the young
American oil field manager who
is the bridegroom of one of the
girls and the brother of the other
one. Having the three in his
power, El Jaguar gives the man
the right to take one of the girls
into safety, but the other must
remain with him. The young
American is at a loss what to do;
w hether to leave his young sister
to the mercy of the bandit, or
his bride of a few days.
How the problem is solved is
brought about in a most sta rt­
ling and unusual manner and is
portrayed at the Star theatre
Saturday evening.
Serial N o. 1158
Prominent Speakers
At Sublimity
Be Patriotic by Buying Liberty Bonds
County Supt. W M. Smith and
Walter L. Tooze of Salem ad­
dressed a large crowd at the C.
F. Hall. Sublimity, last Monday
evening at the regular meeting
of the St. Boniface War-Savings
Supt. Smith dwelt upon the im­
portance of saving during these
strenuous times of war, illustrat­
ing many different ways that War-
Savings could be accomplished,
holding the interest of "the young
folks as well as old with his jolly
sayings and incidents of his life
as school superintendent.
Walter L T<«>ze was then call­
ed upon to deliver an address.
He fully impressed on the
minds of the listeners the reason
we are at war and showed in his
own emphatic way of speaking
the barbarous deeds that the Ger­
mans are inflicting on the allies.
His remarks were greatly ap­
plauded by all.
Rev. Father abbot of Mt. An­
gel was then called upon and de­
livered an excellent address re­
lating to the moral effect that is
created by these War-Savings
Societies and also the great duty
American citizens are obliged to
perform to aid their country.
The St. Boniface War-Savings
Society has been show ing a con-
tinous grow th since its i raranizat-
ion. It has upwards of ninety
members and about four hundred
dollars worth of War-Savings
Stamps are now in the possession
the members.
Help the Boys by Conserving
. Be Economical by Trading at the
TH fc » T O R E T H A T U N D E R S E L L S B E C A U S E IT S E L L S F O R C A S H
General Merchandise
W O O L — M O H A IR
Highest Market Prices paid for your
Wool and Mohair in any quantity
And Twine for either for sale.
Custom carding done.
Given by the
Patriotic Leaque
of Sublimity
Attention Farmers
FRIDAY APRIL 26th 1918
The Stayton Flouring Mills
have received word from the ad­
ministration to notify ali farm ­
ers tributary to this station who
may have small lots of wheat on
Parents of soldiers in camps are
Prof. Ford has received a call
hand urging them to bring it in warned by the War Department to report for duty May 1 at Camp
immediately, or take to their of a swind'e which has been sue- Lewis as Y. M. C. A. secretary,
nearest station.
cessfully operated in various
Mr and Mra. j p t f nbur
camps. A telegram is sent in­
in- accompanied by J. F. Mielke and
forming that the soldier has a
Caldwell motored to Port-
furlough and requesting funds jand Sunday,
The article appearing in last by wire to come home, waiving
The Worlds famous western
The rest is a
week’s Stayton Mail stating I identification!
play the Jaguars Claws next
had received a letter of thanks mere m atter of detail. Parents Saturday.
from Mr. Rieger for the knitted and friends should be warned of
The ladies of the V/ahi club,
suit sent him by the Patriotic this game, and also of the simi­ who served the lunch at the
League, was a mistake. The lar one where the telegraphic re­ Burns' sale Saturday wieh to
League has not given out any quest is to mail monev to the ! thank the public for their pa­
suits y e t It was however a let- soldier, care general delivery.
tronage. The proceeds amounted
ter of thanks for the knitted suit
The Rebekahs served an ele* to $53.00 and will be used for the
sent him by the ladies of Stay- gant supper in t heir hall Tues- j % oenefit of the boys at the fro n t
ton, of w’hich Miss Nora ( rab-*day evening followed by a busi-
Doerfler Bros: Duroc Jersey
tree. Mrs. Missler and myself ness session after which a short
Breeders of Silverton re­
were the packing committee.
program was rendered and games
receiving many orders
Mrs. Minnie A. Luthy.
was indulged in till a late hour.
from Oregon, Wash, and Cal.
Those present voted the evening
Never before have we seen such
a success.
a big demand for registered live-
Lonesonie Luke at the Star stock,
Leave your orders for castrat­ theatre next Wednes and T h u rs-: Don-t forget Bi„ Hart
ing your colts with W. F. Fol­ day.
lis. Dr. L. W. Horn Veterinary
Surgeon of Albany will be in
town about May first.
In C. F. Hall, Sublimity, Ore.
A Correction*
You will find here
a complete showing
Our e x p erien ce as m a n u fa ctu rers o f w oolen g o o d s en a b les us
to know sty le and q u a litv o f g o o d s. Our k n o w led g e o f th e
w oolen m ark ets and co n d itio n s m ade it p o ssib le fo r us to pre­
pare fo r th e fu tu re.
Ask to see the Bishop all wool
Suits and Overcoats
$20, $25, $30, $35
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
L ine o f Suits and O v e rco a ts
$25, $30, $35,
You w ill find h ere ev er y th in g fo r Men and B oys, reason ab ly
priced w ith ou t sacrificing: q u a lity .
Oregon Wool Swoater Yarn in Khaki and Oxford Grey, $3.50 per Pound
Russellites Visit Stayton
A large number of Stayton
people on arising found on their
porches or dour steps this morn­
ing literature of the Russeilite
sect, which had been placed dur­ ! )
ing the night. The stuff is in­
tended as a defense of a book by
Pastor Russell. "The Finished
Mystery,” which has been sup­
pressed by the government. In­
asmuch as two men in Portland
have paid $200 fine each and are
serving 15 days in jail for circu­
lating this literature, it would
seem that the local distributors
of this dope are taking some
Good Field Seed Corn
A limited supply on hand acclimated to Oregon.
interested call and w ill show you
Wool Dress Goods
At the old price and a lar e line to choose from
for eggs until Saturday
night. Ering all
you can.
Special Price
Only two more Episodes of war
pictures on Wed. & Thurs. nights.