The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 18, 1918, Image 2

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    TüÊ STAYTON MAIL Ben. F. Wist
ALEXANDER i t DAl’OHEKTY. Owner» and Publishers
C\ E. D.M'OHERTV, E ditor and Manager
S o m e o n e S c r.f Him
a pouch of
A/f#- *»
fig h t, a «moti
ri*li of
Real GRAVELY C hew ing Plug
Gramgi kiM M
Aim up fo r
am*Aor trip
State Treasurer
Entered as second class m atter at the postoffice at Stay ton. Marion
County. Oregon. under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879.
I To the voters of Marion County
I am a candidate for the office
Tobacco is about the onlv comfort tha soldier
has—and no chance to imolce on duty! But a
satisfying chew of Real Gravclv P lu g-h a can
ei\joy that even in a shell hole hi No Man’s Land.
d iv a any
an* man a chaw of Real
Kaal tiravaly
Cravatv f Pin*,
l « l , •**• ha w ill
toll you lA a i'i tha hind lo •»ml. Sand ilia bat
Ordinary plug la falsa aen n oay. It c o lli la** par «
la chaw Kaal G raraly, bacauta a «mall chaw of il I m i
ftoOM while.
If you *a*oha a pip«. *ll«a Graraly with your huifa t s a
add a liltla la your Mnuhiag tobacco. It will glaa flavor—
improra your ta o h r .
Doalara all around hara e a r n It In 10a. pouch a*. A 3a.
•tam p will put it into hi* hand* la any Traiaia* Camp av
Seaport of tha U. S. A . E raa “over thara” a 3c. ttamp
wiU taha it to him. Your daolor w ill *upply anvalopo and
give you official direction* how lo addra** it.
Price $1-00 Per Year in Advance of I State
have lived among you for over
* ............................
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
for a minute does it
J. Sfceard Injured
In renewing his suhseri» tion
to the Mail, J. Sheard states that
about six weeks ago as he w
walking to the mill, an auto try­
ing to pass another one
to the side of the road on which
he was walking. It knocked him
down and stopped with the front
axle resting across his shoulders
at the back. He was resting in a
bed of deep, soft mud, which no
doubt saved him from death. He
says: “ On being pulied from un-
der. 1 walked to the mill and
cleaned up not feeling much
the worse, but in a few hours
I realized that 1 was more dam­
aged than I thought. On seeing
the doctor, I found I had cracked
one of my ribs and strained my
left foot and shoulder and back,
besides several minor bruises. I
am nov. attending to my work
all right and think tiVtU I got oif
very luekv. We are having beau­
tiful weather here now but dur­
ing the n~ »,th of March we had’
some heavy rains and all around
the mill the fiat country was
badly flooded. I would not like
to miss a single number of the
Mail. On Monday evenings when
it gets here 1 feel happy to hear
from Stayton, where I have so
many f od friends that it makes
it seem iirie home to m e .”
^ „7.
Be sure and see this picture
at the Star theatre Friday and
a s ----------------------
“kidded To the Boys En Route
They’re off to the land of “ Some
Perhaps to those fields of France
Where heroes hold in days of old
p ofje forth with sword and lance,
Their lives for others they offer
And greater love hath none
Than they who sacrifice it
sayeth cur Christ the Son.
There on ^ troop ship E n d in g
Faces turned to the west.
Bidding farewell to the horn* land
Thinking of o;.es loved b st.
Knowing perhaps th at the uior-
(So held on the knres of G<xl)
May bring a loved one sorrow
F >r a oul that has gone to it
o er the billows brigh
F rr.e o’er
While with the moons silvery
Life for them has but one mean-
And “ Honor” their only dream,
The honor of fighting under
Old Glory until free.
And burs ted far a»und r
Are the bonds to Lib ty.
Forth from the .field v- - rious.
TOT a-.. r . , , s
Eise or. your shields uj orne,
S t a y t o n S c ; .1 L X . 1 iw
Life has naught tr.or.* glorious.
Than death foro'ner.: orne.
Monna/ April 8 Nello Mack of Over the fields of mem >rv.
S ttyto’ i d .Tosle Vitale of P< t
Our teari fail like th - dew,
Angelo* >.vevc* united in ma ¡-late May God in his keeping shield
by to.? K. v. C. F. Fulmer ■>{ ibat
* Our prayers are a!1 for you,
The groom is the youngest son
* - \ \ . a Shalf.
o£\Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Mack of
Sfcàyton, and is well ar.d ft./or-
ably known be e as he has grown
to man’n jo : in tlvs community.
Louise Huff and Jack Pickford
He is now a Corporal in *he U.
S. ’Army. Me was called t C mp W|io have already won tremen-
Lewis with the first cui 1 for tious popularity a? a co ¡ tarring
trorips for the National Army, duo by their wonderful worn ;n
having registered in eastern Ore­ “ Seventeen” and “ Great Expec-
gon he was called with that con­ tatibns,” are now presented ii.
tingent. A fter several months their newest Lasky'-Paramount
active training he with his c< m- Picture, ” Frockles' an ad.apta-
panv w er-transf -rredto V ir.cou- tion of the storv by Gene Strat­
ver from which point they were ton' Porter, which has proven to
sert: to one of the Spruce camps lie one of the biggesr fiction suc­
near !*< rr A, go*ting out cesses of the generation. T>-
Sprue.- for air., at which opportunities offer-.1 the mot.n.i
picture producer for picturesque
place re is now stationed.
settings and for speedy
iney y.i.. make tneir
ne for
action make its screen
the present m Port Angeles.
inevitable. The scenes
The M il joins the many friends
were staged in
of N dioin wi-hing him ami hi-
wife a mg, happy and prosper­
the ad­
ous journey tnrough life.
ventures of an 'orpnan with a
withered arm, who runs away
from the orphanage and finally
secures a position as watchman
“ In A rain— Out Again” is tbe in the Limberiost. a valuable tini-
first 1) iglas Fairbanks offering ber swamp. How he meets the
following his offlliatio-. with Alt- “ Angel,” Save1! his employers
craft Pictures. It presorts a sat­ life at the risk of .his own, and
ire on New York and peaceful later nt .rly loses hi own life to
New Jersey and discloses inci­ save th at of the “ Angel,” is
dents that are of tl e typical present' d in a most graphic and
Fairbanks va; ietv, offering on the beautiful maimer at the Star
whole a rapid-fire picture of red theatre Sunday.
blooded Am ricun theme and un­
Lu ite •it Wed.icX-
usual surprise . Written by lit­ Lonec
tle . Ar ita Loos, auth >fcss of r^av p
many Fairbanks hits, and staged
A rtnc * was uv n a t Subiim-
by John Emerson, “ D ug's” ity Tn *o;t. night ;•» their many
weir known director. “ I- Again friomi y Mr. ami Mrs. Wayne
Out Again” -carries further Ashby, recently wedded. Quite
than vi.-r before the wonderfully a number at md • I from Stavton
success- j 1 Fairbanks m-ssage of and report a very pleasant time.
..mile and be happy. It is a
Wednesday and Thi rsday is
y ko.y pray that tioeo not play to when tne real Ii- hting m the
¿.ighlcs but to 1 warty laughs, Battle of Arras '..ill be shown.
In A gah-O ut Again
n * P at r u t P u h A A **pa it F ir th a n d Cluan a n d Good
—if it n o t R e a l Craooly w ith o u t th tt protection S eal
■ntoUliaaed IU 1
Formaldehyde and
Blue Stone
School Books,
Be Ready
On s ofi n hears, " i f / onfv
had a little money l c or,ld m .t’ e
a faritfsc. ”
Flash Lights, Drugs
and Prescriptions
W ry r e t ba ready when r o -
pevtunity hnochj a t your J tor ?
T* W* fOHKSONv Prop*
th<- E m m e nf S. H. H u r io n <• i t m u i I.
pl.'iintitT ve. O. I.. I ar*on h .U t a n n i c
Hur*on, hi* w ife, D cfcm lan G .
I'n Fannie Ifuraon, or v r.f the I 'r f o ’ .1
hi (a nl uve nimn-ii.
In tlic iih m* of Ihc F t a t e o f (¡rt-rnn,
Y ou art- herelty ri-<{uircti to api* nr nn>i
an ■>.v-r tIt*.* com plaint file*1 ngainat t u
in t ’o' iiLov«- colitlcfl C i u r t nr.d *.iit
w :thin *ix w eeks in ,in :h<- ilam o f lh>-
first l ublicntion of thi* Sumiiin i, l o r
P a re n t T eacher
w it; On or b e fo re the i 't n l day of May,
li» 1 -t. » id if you fii'l i-o to amo.ver. for
tv .nt t h r n ' o f , t h e |nn tiff will u|>|,|> to
t.'i» C .rf fo r t h e relief p ra y e d fo r i:
A me ting of the Parent- th e com idain t, viz.
Teachers Association was held i:i F or a foreclosure U' un t h e»;
pr-m iso*, to-w it;
the High School Auditorium lat i!e*.cr;btd
b e g in n i n g .it th e q u a r t e r Section cor-
Monday evening, the purpose r.el b e tw e e n S ections 4 nmi ,n i own-
being, to hi an of «the work of sh ip 9 S outh. L a n g e 1 W r i t i f th e W: -
the county Home Workers’ I / a ette M eridian, Marion C o u n t . , O r e ­
gue from the association’s countv gon; th e n c e W e s t 8 c h a i r s ; t h ' t i n
N o rth 2n 30' W "S t 1J '.>'3 chains; thet.. e
feprect n th e Mrs. T. W. Crt
we*t S .yi chili
lo th. niH. ile o f th-.-
Previous to the talk the Junior Snlc-ni I i>.qi g Mills w a t e r iht. 'i;
Orchestra un ¿or the direction of th en ce dowi ,»td ditch to a |».int w here
Mr. P. C. Davis gave several l ‘it- middle r.f th e name is in te rs e c te d
selection.s, and the pupils of the l th e K t line o f i 30 n cre t r a c t of
ov i<?d by E . < H.iker: then e
third and fourth grades sang. n land
o r t h J. fJ chains to the Northens» cor-
In her discussion of the work i r « * said 80 a c re t r a c t ; th-’ii e N' rt h
and purpose of the Home Work­ a j 30' E ast 8.14 c h a in s to th e N o rth ­
e r’s League, Mrs. Creech em- e a s t c o r n e r o f K C. B a k e r ’« hind;
p h a /z s l 'he very urg en t reed th e n c e S outh 25 30' t l s o 87.22 -hrins
th e place >f begitmii g un i ro o ts.n -
of ;
r co.a'.ervnt'.on of food to
m u re or le.-.,, s itu ated
and particularly the ir in k M arion acres,
C ounty ar d S l a t e of Oregon.
necessity of using more substiutes
Also fill- n u ' - n a r i n;-*|t ’ 11 “ dt
for certain articles.
Through i> ndanli, O. I. Ilurson s o l F an n ie llor-
greatei cooj eration of the house­ nn for the sun» i f (235.90 to g e t h e r
wives, and through local or, ani- v.ilh i n t e r e s t tr .e rto n a t th e r a t e of
t p e r ce n t p e r n .iium, from .the
zatior) this is expected to he e t h ig e h 17fi
d y " f S e p t'- m b a r 101*1 until
brought al ut.
hollowing this paid an d fot In;- f o r th ' i m : - i r f JWl.tK), ,
discussion Mr. Ford spoke br,efly
•i . ..
. h' ro
upon the g rden ciub work, and .a b u rs tn , -nt« of thi« a r t ; hut th e us-
on what we should plant in oui u a ld t r r r - i ' he « t a d c for t!.<- -alt o f aid
v th e s h e r d 1 o ’
. .V. inn
- •■! i.s. Mrs. P ,att. chairman t ,rcrr
ou.ity, t t n g o n nc-ntiinm to la'.» and
O ld .
il.c Publicity Committee to the practiou of th is c o u rt; t h a t th e p ro ­
Home Worker’s Le guc-announc- c eed s o f ain « I lie s p , ld ; ; vard the-
c.1 a meeting of the ladies of j m e e t .1 ¡he sn.ou; idito th.; pUifit.lf, <• •> •? <• <* •> ♦
Stayton and vicinity for Satur­ j ot. luding i-M rto t'u fees stai '.he r *ts <•
f th is t o i l ; n- -I tl,»' di i. d o t , (). | , p
day a 1!, moon, April 2*>, for the j o hipo.d
and . . .ni> H ur-o' a o It ]„
put; i-M- of local o'-gioiization. oiufY-laiming u n der or th r o u g n them,
This meeting at two uciock a; •r e it h e r o f than» Ml' . nit. u* *•• he ex-
the high school building. The ciition of toe m o t t g a f e s e t fo rth in
final numh'C on the- program n-.i c o m p lain t, w hethr r a-, pu rch s aers,
t•1.'ti!■.b rar d l l , or ntherv.’is. , may tie
Association K z z i
Pl'.n to place in the her.h a
certain pereeniags or your sal­
ary or b u sin en profits.
Then a,hen th r m ain chance
conta* a.ot » you'll be ready
for it.
Banking in every form.
fa rm e rs £: M erchants
B ank of hic;yion. Oregon
c k a p ita l $ 25 , 000.00
CnUnfial Pcafr. ;:« C tuioì Bt ^ured
th* die a.v <! p o r t l o n o f th «
onl> ori* w;t; to cu-
-r ■ ?
i f r«i,
il t / i a t is 1 / a co»
:*!onal r »i . y
C atftr r h it l L" 'ifTuem
aus* 1 by ar. lt -
fl i r - ! c o n d l t l o n
f th
» ,n ILn!ni; «;f
th- K i it ; c h ! a n T u b e
Wl.en tbf«i t .*• lq
Infiar.i 1 yeti h a v e *. run.biiiAg > ;»d >: rei-
p r f « c t hi a r l n g , .t-.
•. ,* n I; , i e n tlr e ly
Ciom-'l. Ve n i np»* 1« th'- re» u t .
U r ’ hi tu
in lL ir nm a tl on c a n b« r n'\- r» J a n d th i« t <■
r • »toreri to Ita n o r m d condir», r»' hranr.s?
c o n ^ f t l ^ n o ' *h•- -v.ieoua
1 nr,‘*
HalT'-v r a t n r r h :* <d lrin ac?a t b n i
th*- blo a d ot» th o m a c o u a a u r f a e e a of ih e
•yat *r»
We will
On« HnndrM Dollars let
* r r / cap * o f C * r« u rh » l T u a 1 t \'P* i ',%\ e n n r o t
b** ru ro 'î by H a ’.I’* <?«Urrh
cular« tr*e All Driir^lit«, 76'.-
ÏÏ. J CHKNF.i A CO.. Toledo, a
<• v
was a^ vocal solo by Airs. Eari
Beatrice Fairfax at the ,.t'ar
theatre next Wednesday and
T. c.riclny.
:• « ’ •' <* •> <»• *
^ < * •> •> •> •> V C* V <• v *0* •> •> <* V *> V V V V V V ••• V V V V *> V V V V V V V V V <•
Forein Advertising Represented by Tbe Aaericaa Press Assodatioa
twenty-seven years. I have been
one of your county officers for
nearly six years. You know me
in office and out of office. When
you re-elected me two years ago
by a five to one majority over mv
, competitor you told me I had
made good as your countv asses-
*°r: that -vou were “ tisrted with
my principles in conducting the
hardest office to fill in the county.
If 1 have made good as your as­
sessor 1 can and will make good
as your state treasurer. I have
been in close touch with all class­
es of people for many years And
1 know their needs, and since
attaining the office as your asses­
sor. I have made a study of the
duties a public official owes to the
people he serves and you will
have to agree with me that I
f have at all times ready and will­
ing to render my services touny-
one who came within my office.
1 am now ¡isking you to give me
your support f"r state treasurer
the san e ns you did fer county
assessor. You know we all like
to advance in life when opportu­
nity offers. In asking this 1 will
assure you that you will have n«<
cause to regret, and I feel 1 can
lie of greater service to the peo­
ple of this county and the state
than to serve you loev.ll/, and
you will find me at all tini ‘3 on
the job doing my duty for the
bo ft interests of ti.e state.
'.,,rc.d i»i d foreclo-« d of ail their right,
ri..iins, liens, e s t a t e s , title , i . t e r e s t
so d eq u ity o f re d e m p tio n , i, , . ., or
to *atd» and e v e ry (»art th e r e o f,
h a t t h - plaif tilf n,ay tejc .me a p u r ­
c h a s e r n_' xni 1 sale am* t h a t the sheriff
e , i nt< i d i e d
th -
u re a ;er; th..t
said bdrchnfl r i e let ini th e pos. • ««ion
j o f said premia, - nn-i ton whole th e r e o f
a,.on tb e 'j:ch;.H" n f th • h .me arid t h a t
plai itifT sia-h o t h e r m l l u r t h e r
, re ly f in to e prernis* < i a to th ■ eourt
< qir table.
T his Hun in ns is
r ••1 upon you by
p’lbli-atiou t o e re o f in II
ta y to n Mail,
a new*p»|)er public* ,, w ■ ' ly in S tay-
ton Mari oi t. ,u n ty ,O reg o n , by o rd e r o f
Ii n. G o. c,. Ih n,
m, J u d g e of the
l< I f r U l l C o i i r i
« » f
O regon,
for th e Third Ju d icial D istrict.
D ated < mi tin 10th da;, of April, 1918.
The first puhllcistion t o l a
n flip 11th
d a y o f April, 1 ‘* 1S, amt you a r e required
to a |je »r su d aimw* r on o r befo re the
In th e C irc u it C o u rt i f th e S t a t e of 23rd day ( f May. IV1H.
? H. H E ' . T . ’E L ,
O /o n for th*-
» ;.!y o f K. .don.
S t a i t i n, O regon,
D e p a r t m e n t No. i
A. o rn o , l o r I'laintitf.
t . f a n t e lu r i hy a« A e m in i s t r a to r of
W e carry a large line of
dry goods, shoes, notions,
gents’ furnishings, hats,
caps and rubber goods, etc.
has a large lire of fancy ar.d
staple groceries,canned goods,
r’ra~!;ed meats. In fact cv-
erything you will fipd
First-class rJerchandi ;o • 1o r
is to be found here at prices
that are right.
• .* A /.
*> A A
.>.* /.
fj •* •: •• A -• A a A !• rfv .\ ^
♦ V V
------------------- —-------
Advertising Hates Made Known Upon Application