‘f»' O«-r THE STAYTON MAIL H as the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , APRIL 18. 1918. Serial N o. 1157 ~ -= # Although there are always j p e u t u tlC L U U ll M A J few selfish individuals in every community who would l>e willing From a letter to her cousin, to aet: th e ir neighbors neighbor« Buffer if Mrs. G. F. Korinek, written in they could save a few pennies in It is now quite definitely set- the procès», it is expected that i'sris, France by Miss Margaret The following telegram tied that aBpecial election will be the elections will both carry by a Wentworth, we glean the fol­ received this morning by J lowing items of interest to Mail held in the town of Stay ton Mon- good majoiity. readers: Mayo, from the chairman of th e |day j une 10th. for the purpose -----r ----- j_ r r “ I had been wanting to do (ieneral executive board Twelfty of votin4f on the boundary ques- d ¡strict and is self explanatory, i tion. something in the way of war Up work for some time, so when I San hrancisco, Cal. April 17. | An initiative petition will in heard the Y. M. C. A. needed Liberty I-oan Hoard, Stayton, Or. a || probability be circulated some Heartiest congratulations on time next we*k requesting the Pursuant to the instruction women workers I volunteered T H E » T o n e T H A T U N O C R S C L L S B E C A U S E IT S E L L * F O B C A S H magnificent work in winning Council to call u special election from the common council of the and was accepted. Paris is al­ honor (lag. Flag goes forward f()r (bat purpose, town of Stayton to designate a most as exciting as th* front these days. We have had half a by mail today. Letter follows. | It hu9 developed that the elec- clean up day. dozen air raids since I have been Lynch. ( huirtnan tlon of 1906, ut which an attem pt I, H. A. Beauchamy mayor of General Executive Hoard, | was made to annex additional the town of Stayton. do there- to re and now they have togun Twelfth District. territory to the town was uncon­ fore set Monday April 22asclean the big cannon that carries Since the opening of the cam­ stitutional and void for the rea­ up day. All refuse such as old 75 miles at us. No one is cowed, paign Stayton district which son that the .proposition of an­ planks telephone and electric however, and the citv is so beau- originally took in the southeast­ nexation was not submitted light poles must be removed orj Uful *n the spring sunshine, with ern corner of Marion county and sei arately to the voters of the burned, all such refuse as can be the chestnut trees in bloom, that that portion of Linn immediately town and to those in the territory burned should be disposed of in il is hard to believe in this wick' tributary thereto has been divi­ proposed to lie annexed. this manner. All rubish that war that is not very far away, ded bo that Mill City and the sur­ The noundarics of the town as cannot be burned should be placed I sailed Feb. 2-1 and had a very rounding community is now re ­ described in the most recent in barrels, cans or laixes and the K<>f>d crossing for the season-no cognized as a separate district. charter includes the Southeast town will furnish teams to haul storms, no bitter cold and no The original Stayton quota was Quarter and a strip 40 rods wide away such trash as is prepared submarines. divided equally between the two off the Fast side of the southwest for removal but will not clean up I am living with a charming district*, Stayton has practically' quarter of section ten, whereas your premises. Such obstruct­ old French woman who has two doubled her new quota while at the territory involved includes all ions as wood, boards, old lumber, sons at the front and who is very Mill City their qi^ota has tieen Gf section ten and a strip off stumps, building material and glad to have someone to keep practically tripled, the employes the east side of section nine, brush should have no the place her company and share expens­ ot the Hammond Lumber Co.. The North boundary line runs street except by permission from es. I knew French fairly well subscribing over $20,000. ¡just North of the High School the street commissioner. Teams and. as she speaks no Erglish. I STAYTON OREGON grounds including the property will be furnished Tuesday and am getting splendid practice. I am now in the office work of the ¡of Mrs. Anna Stayton. The Wednesday if necessary. West boundary follows the alley Let everybody clean up and Y. M. C. A., but I have told them that I want to go to the on the West side of Potter’s Ad­ may there be no “ slackers". Having accepted a position as front before I return home and dition and just includes the resi­ Signed H. A. Beauchamp meat inspector for the city of they have promised to give me a dences of Jacob Spaniol and J. A ttest: Mayor. Tort land, I am anxious to close show at it later. That, of course, M. Kin go in the Ottomar-Luttich J. B. Grier, recorder up my business affairs here. is the canteen work. They said Addition and runs some distance Mrs. Korinek will probably re­ Y e M u s t B e B O H l A g a i n more women could do that work main in Stayton for a week or East of the Burson Addition. than this in the office, but it 1 he question has been asked if ____ ^ so, in order to give my clients a doesn't seem possible as it is very chance to settle their accounts, the people in the outside te rri-' The revival meetings will be simple." which I hope they w ill do imme­ tory would be entitled to city continued this week in the M. E. water and electric lights if the Church at 8 p. m. No meetings diately. territory is not annexed. In on Saturday except a childrens’ I greatly appreciate the pat­ this connection it may be stated and young peoples’service at 4 p. ronage given me by the people Mrs. Minnie Luthy, secretary of Stayton and vicinity during that the town could not furnish m. On Sunday the services will of the Stayton Patriotic League, my residence here, ami desire to city water or lights nor fire pro­ be at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. has received a letter from Corp. tection to persons residing outside thank you all for the same. John H. Rieger, to whom the the corporate limits for the rea­ Douglas Fairbanks at the Star League sent a knitted outfit. He Very truly yours, son that they would not be sub­ G. F. Korinek. ject to a city tax and could not Theatre Friday and Saturday says: “ I wish to extend my _____ many thanks to the good and Subscribe for the Mail. expect the benefits in question. April 19 and 20. generous ladies of Stayton for their gifts, which are most use­ ful and highly appreciated by a soldier, especially when you get it from your home town. It is most encouraging to know that the ladies as well as the men are co-operating in this great world war struggle for humanity and for the protection of our homes and country that we Americans love so much." He is with the Frank Siegmund donated the First prize and Mrs. T . W . 619th Aero Squadron at Waco, Creech the Second Texas, and expected when he The P re se n t s c a r c ity o f w o o len s The present inferior q u a lity of w oolen s wrote to be moved over-seas at I in a T u r k e y fo r 10 C e n ts ------------------------------------------------ — ------- — —---------- - H any time. ■ J ¿4th. Year, N o. 16 Mav STAYTON WINS Soerial Be Election Held June 10th HONOR FLAG a prom France Be Patriotic by Buying Liberty Bonds Help the Boys by Conserving Monday April 22 Clean Be Economical by Trading at the Day M ARKETERS GROCERY COMPANY General Merchandise Highest Market Prices paid for your Wool and Mohair in any quantity Good Second Hand Sacks And Twine for either for sale. Custom carding done. WILBUR WOOLEN MILLS CO. Girls’ Honor Guard - DANCE - To Former Patrons Soldier Writes. FRIDAY APRIL 19,1918 IN THE TROTTER BLDG. TWO GRAND PRIZES Our Foresight Means a Saving to You First Prize-Fat Turkey Second Prize-Fat Hen Proceeds from prizes to be donated to the Red Cross It Also Means Satisfaction The p re se n t high p ric e s o f w o o len s The p r e s e n t in c re a se d w ages to tailors These things were foreseen by us over a year ago We knew we must order early if we wished to secure a complete stock of high grade woolens at a reasonable price. We took time by the forelock and immediately, placed orders for the most com­ plete stock of men’s and boys’ suits, overcoatB and furnishings that we have ever carried. These Goods are now Here They embrace everything th at could be desired for men’s and boys’ wear — goods of superior quality and style at prices based on low cost to us. They are of the same high quality standard that always characterizes goods sold by this store. They include such lines as: BISHOP ALL WOOL HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Suits and Overcoats............................ ..............$20.00, $25.00, $80.00, $35.00 Suits and overcoats............................... ..............$25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 SALEM W O O LEN MILLS STORE » I* *^* *^* Sublimity Red p . ! A large number of Stavtonites LlOSS K c p O riS attended the district convention ------- of the Odd Fellows lodge held in The Sublimity auxiliary of the Lyons last Saturday afternoon Red Cross submits the following and evening, financial report for the quarter ending March 31. $ 41 85 Jan .T Cash on hand Dance, play and supper 124 35 Why buy Cow Butter? $166 20 Disbursements Materials for Red Cross work Music, printing, lunch and hall rent When you can get $61 80 26 20 Total disbursements $87 23 Donated 115 Triangulars and made 34 drawers in January, donated 108 Triangulars, 11 pair knitted socks, made 6 pair knit­ ted socks and donated 12 pillows in February. Donated 82 Trian­ gulars. 136 bandages and 63 four tail bandages. Mrs. G. E. Glover Treasurer S. R. C. A. I .____________________________ The Rebekah’s will serve a 7 o’clock supper next Tuesday ev­ ening in the Odd Fellows hall to which all members are invited. Be sure and be there by 7 o’clock • See Douglas Fairbanks before the dance Friday evening. i PEANU T BUTTER For less than half. Just Received a full Barrel of Peanut Butter NOBODY UNDERSELLS US W. F. KLECKER. ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS