H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgeon STAYTON. OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANI) SUKCKON S t a y t o n . O regon W . N. Pintler, D. M. D, KAIIM AND CITY LOANS If you art paying a high rata of in- taraaL why not refund your loan at a lower rate and morn liberal terma. It la not good buaineaa to pay a higher rate of intereat than the market demanda, nor ia It good busi- neaa to keep your surplus luuda on time depoeita at 8 to 4 perct. per an­ num when 6 per cent can readily be aecured on flrat Farm Mortagea. If you hnve money to loan or wiah to refund or aerure a new one, call or write 8. H. HCLTZEL, Stayton, Oregon. DENTIST Office Opp. Lancetleld Shoe Store Phone 2152 * Htmvton. Ore V. A. GOODE LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Office Room No. 8, Hoy Bldg. L. J. ADAMS Republican Candidate for County Judge FOR MARION COUNTY At Republican Primaries May 17. 1918. S. H . H E L T Z B L A lto rn e y -a t-L a w - N otary Public FUNERAL DIRECTOR Partial List of Liber­ ty Loan Subscribers House in Salem, Marion County, Oro- gon, «ell at public auction to tha high­ est bidder far cash in hand on I bo day of sale, all the right, title. Jintereat and eatata which said defandsnta Phil­ ipp Meier and Rosa Meier, his w ife. * and Henry Barkmyer and all persona claiming under (turn subsequent to tha execution of the two mortgagee held by crose-complainant The Mitchell, Lewis k. Staver Company, a corporation, in, of and to said premises hereinbefore mentioned and described in said execu­ tion as follows, to-wit: Lota Four (4), Five (5) and Six (8) in Block Two (2), Town of Sublim ity... Marion County, State of Oregon, ac­ cording to the recorded plat thereof. Said sale being made aubject to re­ demption as provided by law. Osted tnis9thdayof March, 1918. W. L NEEDHAM, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. You Can’t make an Ome­ s let Without Breaking Eggs s : n pi m M H U O win the war it is unavoidable that the rights of the individual be in­ fringed. It is unavoidable that his per­ sonal comfort be temporarily ignored, his personal property temporarily conscript­ ed, his personal fortunes temporarily impaired. T By O. D. B ow er . Deputy. I Iltfi SUMMONS In the C ircuit Court of the S ta te o f Oregon for Marion County. D epart­ m ent No. 2. M arie Bielser, Plaintiff, vs Arnold Bielser, D efendant. To Arnold Bielser, the defendant above named; In the name o f the State of Oregon, you arc hereby required to flppear and answ er the com plaint hied ag a in st you in the above entitled cause and co u rt on or before six weeks frora the d ate of the first publication of this summons as herein specified and in any 1 event on or before April 27, 1918, and if you fail to so answ er or appear in the above entitled cause, for w ant thereo f, the plaintiff will apply to the court fo r the xelief dem anded in her com plaint on 1 file in said cause and court, and will tak e ju d g m en t and decree again st you substantially as follows. a t th e m o m en t—to A decree forever dissolving the bonds of m atrim ony existing betw een you ai>d I plaintiff and aw arding to plaintiff the fu tu re care and custody of Walter Biel­ ser, Mary Bielser. and D ora Bielser, and adjudging th a t you pay to plaintiff to assist in th e ir support the sura of 130.00 p er m onth from th e date o f yoor desertion of them to-w it: February 19th 1917, until fu rth e r order o f this court. A d ecree establishing plaintiff’s rig h ts and in te re st in th e borne dw ell­ ing and hom estead of yourself and w ife 1 in Salem, O regon, and adjudging and decreeing th a t plaintiff is th e owner in fee simple of an undivided two- SI thirds in te re st in said rest prem ises « ! which are described as follows: Ja Beginning on th e W est line of 17th S tre e t in Salem, Oregon, as the sam e is show n and designated on the official Ed Doerfler plat of Salem on file and of record in the office of th e Recorder for M arion E. B. Patton County, Oregon, which beginning point W. H. Humphrey :s a t a point w here the South line of the. Charles E. Taylor John B aker Donation Land Claim No. Sarah Jane Davie 42 in Tow nship 7 South, R ange 3 W est Minnie Luthy j in te rsec ts said W est line of 17th S tre e t, said point of intersection being South E. B. W atters and wife, of 64 1-2 degrees, E ast 35.41 chains from Shaw, visited Saturday and Sun- the S outhw est cornef of said John Ba­ ; day at the W. S. Watters home. k er Donation Land Claim; Thence . Mrs. W atters has just returned N ortherly on th e W est line of 17th S tre e t, 109.10 fe e t; Thence W esterly at from a trip east. rig h t angles to 17th S tre e t, 137 feet to Cleo, daughtt r of Mr. and Mrs. the E ast line of th e alley in Englewood W. A. Weddle, fe l and broke an Addition to th e City o f Salem, if ex­ arm while playing at school last tended N ortherly; Thence South paral­ lel to 17th S tre e t 96.6 feet;thence East IV e M ust M ake H aste IV e must Strike H ard Following is a partial list of of the Liberty Loan subscribers from Stayton a n d vicinity. OREGON Wutch it grow. STAYTON First Liberty Loan: Nina J. Ringo Marcile Dorothy Baker J. M. Ringo Joseph Sestak Vanda Sestak Hath Tubs. lavatories and W. W. Elder All a rg u m e n ts aside, w e ’ve got one big job all Sanitary fittings—Farm- H. A. Beauchamp m ers-W e carry a line of F. liza Itoy Taylor pumps, leader water sys­ Ina Harold tems. etc. Gasoline engines. T. W. Creech Brown-Petzel Lumber Co. F. & M. Bank JACOB SPANIOL Leo Rock L A. Thomas E Roy Kenneth Thomas K A. P. Kirsch SESTAK & E. I). Alexander l | This Space Donated by The Stayton Mail T H O M A S, Mrs. Henrv Miller Geo. Keech Proprietors. 4 Malana Sestak M. J. Crabtree J. VV. Holtorf J. M. Ringo Eugene C. Titus J. B. Grier Harold Richardson W. A Cladek Alois Imper Wilbur N. Pintler G. L. Brown Highest Market Pi ice Paid For Fat Slock Geo.’ A. Smith Wm H. Tate Wm. Trout Second Liberty Loan: i Francis Harris Clifford Stayton J. W. Mavo If in the Market Ben F. Fresh L. M. Archambeau Fortest Mack Joseph J. Lambrecht G. I). Stayton * For H. Lilly John F. Wilbur C. E. Lampman Leo Rock Chevrolet or Buick Lee Tate Jr. Joseph Sestak Ruth Roy Charles E. Taylor Vanda Sestak Four or Six Mary J. Thomas Durrell C. Davis W. H. Hobson A. P. Kirsch P h o n e o r Call o n Andrew K. Lambrecht William H. Humphrey Clara Pratt Martin Kuiken Harry Humphrey 0. M. Baker, Agent John Sandner Claire Thomas Jas C. Leffler K ingston. O re . J. L. Siegmund Elia Williams Martin E. Smith J. C. Mayo Friday. She was taken home by j th7pT cIT f'^nning. T. H. Thomas John Stuart Taylor M. J. Downing CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AUG. 17 her teacher, Miss Crabtree, a A furthfcr decree against you cancell- Ben H. Cutler Ed. Jacobs J. T. Hunt physician was called, and at last mg the certain New York draft No. W. R. Ray Everett Morley Kingston- Stayton- Salem Grace Elder reports she was getting a lo n g ------ now hekl by y°u and drawn by H. A. Beauchamp L. A. Thomas I. J. Johnson nieely the United States National Bank of AUTO STAGE John F. Richards Carrie M. Thomas Chas. I). Stayton ’ Salem, Oregon, from the joint funds of Will m ake reg u lar trip* every day. Ellen G. Lambert A. Beitel The first episode l6d the troops plaintiff and defendant and finally de- J. H. Hawley Sundays included as follow«: Maude H. Beauchamp to their positions the next will creeing payment of the same to plain- Mrs. Henry Miller Constance Beauchamp lead them into battle. While tiff *» her undivided one-half of your P. M. Alva C. Thomas A. M. Third Liberty Loan: W. W. Elder Ar 5:30 Kingston 7:40 Lv there is many pictures showing ori«,nal i°int b ^ k account, Glenn R. Munkers Frank A. Siegmund . 5:00 J. M. Ringo 7:50 . . . . . .Staytoa battles but none with the real favor A further iudB,n*nt an decree in . . . . 4:50 .Sublimity 8:00 Wilbur N. Pintler Mrs. J. H- Hawley of plaintiff for her reasonable and Merta Siegmund . . . . 4:30 . Aunisville *8:20 punch of battle that these dis­ necessary expenses, costs, suit money Stanley A. Starr Maude E. Beauchamp Gale C. Missler . . . . 4:16 8:40 play. The action is real. The and attorneys fees of this proceeding in . Lvl 3:45 Louisa Keech 9:15 A r . . . Salem. . . . . Chas. Rossiter Nora B. Lesley the sum of $250.00 and for plaintiff’s fight is for life. H. W. Porter E. A. Kusey Frank Lesley •Meets Train 62northbound at Atiim- ---------------------- -------------------- ; costa and disbursements of this pro- Jacob Spaniol Frank Kusey A. D. Gardner SHER.FF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ceeding. p o t in Salem. Andrew Fery John Kusey Brown-Petzel Lumber Co. And a further and final decree ad­ 1 ON FORECLOSURE. Catholic Foresters judging that the said allowance of C. A. Beauchamp W. R. Surrv S ta yton -W est Stayton 430.00 per month for the support of Joe Fery Horace Lilly W. A. Riggs Notice is hereby given, that by vir- I your minor children and the said $250.00 Frank C. Fery 7 :rto a. m. j « «.„v to n Ar!8:4 5 a m- Nora Lesley G. E. Thomas tue of an execution duly issued out of necessary suit money and the costs and 4:10 p.m. ’v S tayton A r 6:00 p.m. JohnJMack Frank Lesley Clara M. Surry the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- disbursements of this proceeding shall 8:00 a .m .:. w l v 8:12 a r n - 5:00 p.m. A r S U yton ‘'5 : 1 6 p.m. W. J. Hewitt Louise Beauchgmp A rthur Vaughn gon, for the county of Marion, and to be taxed against and paid from vour Byron Denny me directed on the 8lh day of March, J remaining undivided one-third interest V. P. Lancefield Jas. C. Leffler 1918, upon a judgment and decree in the above described real premises S. H. Heltzel Hamman Auto Stage John Goeders J. H. Thoma duly rendered, entered of record and ; and that the said allowance for your T. C. Crabtree J. P. Wilbur Marie Henkle docketed in and by said court on the 1 minor childreivshall become a perma- C. H. Brewer Emma E. Wilbur Grant Murphy 8th day of February, 1918, in a certain nent lien against your said interest in LOCAL AGENT FOR THE Edna Ö. Brewer E. R. Nelson V. Dare Sloper suit then in said court pending, wherein said prem ises for the faithful paym ent Alta Pintler William Bell, was plaintiff, and Philipp thereof. Edmund Klecker E. R. Nelson And plaintiff will ta k e such fu rth e r Meier and Rose Meier, his w ife. The John Habens W. F. Klecker D. M. Doll * OF NEW YORK M itchell Lewis & S tav er Company, a ju d g m en t, order or decree ag a in st you P. Williams N. C. Smith. F. J. Mack corporation, and Henry Barkm.ver, in said proceeding as may seem ju s t Wm. Bell % F. J. Mack C. D. Wilson w ere d efen d an ts in favor of cross- and equitable. Geo. H. Bell G. F. Mack F. X. Hoereth com plainant T h e M itchell Lewis This summ ons is served upon you by Joseph Breitenstein & S tav e r Company s corporation, th e publication th ereo f th the S tayton Norval Fisher „ A. K. Lambrecht OF BUTTEVILLE, ORE defendants Mail, a weekly new spaper of general I a n d ag ain st s i i d James Ripp Fred Watters C. M. Thomas 1 Philipp Meier and Rose M eier, his circulation, printed and published a t * Alois Beitel Emma K. Streff Isabella Surry ! w ife, and H enry B arkm yer, bv which S tay to n in Marion County, Oregon, John P. Ditter J. H. Thoma Ed. Jacobs ] execution 1 am commanded to sell the said publication being made in accor­ F. A. Bell Peter Diednch Earl F. Downing ! p ro p erty in said execution and h ere­ dance w ith the order of the Hon. Geo. OF SPRINGFIELD. MASS. Joseph Schulte in a fte r described to pay the sum due G. Bingham , Ju d g e of said court, which Wm. Petzel Wilbur Lesley the cross-com plainant The M itchell, o rder was made and entered of record A. P. Schott Leo J. Rock HARRY HUMPHREYS George H. Bell Lewis A S ta v e r ComDanv, a corpnra- on March 9th 1918, and the d a te o f the F. J. Riesterer Chas. Gehlen John A. Ditter Room 7 Roy Building : tion, o f $1825.46. with in te rest thereon first publication of th is summ ons shall John Sandner W. A. Weddle Mary Eisenhart a t the ra te of 8 p e rc e n t per annum be T hursday, March 14tii 1918, and the Elmer Downing Arthur Leffler Anthony B. Lainck from the firat day of Ju n e 1917 until d a te of the last publication th e re o f, Mrs. J. T. Hunt S t. M a r y s C h u r c h Wm Vanllandel paid to g eth er w ith the costs, a tto rn e y 's shall be Thursday, April 25th 1918, and Charles E. Daugherty fees and disbursem ents o f said suit you shall answ er as aforesaid on or be­ Thos. Becker Grant Murphy C. Roy Wiley; raxed a t $131 .’It), and costs and exi>en- fore April 27th 1918 Helen Hunt John F. Mielkie John P. Ditter ■«es of saiii execution. 1 will on SAT- Address, 413 IVAN G MARTIN W. H. T ^ e Services 2nd 4th and 5th Sun­ George Keech M. P.. Urban URDAY the 13th day of April. 1*18 «1 Masonic Temple CAREY F MARI IN C. B. McEihany days at 8:110 a. m. V. Dare Sloper Eugene Roy ihe hour of 10 o’clock a. in. of said lay Buddirg Attorneys for Plaintiff J. A. Bums at the W est d«s>r of the C ounty C.»urt Salem, Oregon. 1D7 • AiU.il S. Paticoast George A. Smith Rev. I V. Lai nek. Pastor - J . M. RINGO — TlrtWOItK and PLUMBING There is no time to weigh too carefully the questions of individual equity. The big job, the one job, is to win the war. There will be plenty of time to talk about it and adjust grievances afterward Invest in LIBERTY BONDS STAYTON MEAT MARKET £ a B & E B E B K H IU K B iC g !2 B S K B 3 IB S S Z K & H B K B E E ] Fresh*Salt&Cured Meats Lard, Creamery Butter ----------— ..... Mutual Life Insurance Co The Farmers* Fire Relief Association Sprirgfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co*