The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 11, 1918, Image 2

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    «hip 9 South. Rang» l Went o f the Wil-
tomettr Meridian. Marion County, Gra­
in; thence W ilt 8 rhaina; thence
North 26" 30’ W e»t 14.92 chairm; thence
A L E X A N D E R it D A U G H E R T Y , Owners und Publishers
weet 6 90 chains to the middle o f the
C. E. D A U G H E R T Y , Editor and Manager
Salem Flouring Milla water ditch;
• s tsj — ---- - -T.r:.= r=.—.
•— -
-----~ • ---------------------------------j thcncc down aaid ditch to a point where
T H E S T A Y T O N M A I L 1;
IVs Easy to P e r i Him
a pouch ol
Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping
That'« the tobacco (or him—Real Gravely
Chewing Plug— condensed quality —the moat
tobacco satisfaction in tho smallest apace, ready
to give him the aolid comfort of tobacco wherever
he nappene to bo.
Entered as second class matter at the postuffice at Stayton, Marion
"»'Jdie o f the »ame n* imeracctcd
i by the (Cast line of a 30 acre tract of
‘ Jounty. Orvjron, under the Act o f Congress o f March 3. 1879.
j land owned by E. C. Baker: thence
north 2.00 chains to the Northeaat cor­
ner o f aaid So acre tract; thence North
89 3p* East 8.44 chain* to the North-
ea*t corner o f E, C. Baker's land;
thence South 2R 30’ Kaat 27.22 chaina i
to the place o f beRinnuiK and contain-,
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
in* 23.63 acres, more or ies*. situated !
in Marion County and State o f Oregon.
Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Associato*
Alto for a judgment againat the tie
fendants O. L. Buraon and Fannie Bur-
son tor the sum o f $236.00 together
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum, from the j
the 17th day o f September 1916 until '
vice F lag." Miss Hazel Phillips paid and foi the further sum cf 160.00,
"T h e Sons of L ib erty :" which attorney’s fees, and for the coats and
I fct 4a* w UHiii
was a splendid piece of her own disbursements o f this suit; that the us­
»¿at mm mmm- ■" mmj W |*aj (4* LtJm
ual decree be made for the sale o f said
lUal Crawly ému latiti
Chas. Barrett and w ife o f Jor- composition in behalf o f the boys premises by the sheriff o f said Marion
•ian spent Sunday visiting relu* w ^° have joined the colors from County, Oregon accotding to law and
lives in the valley.
he,v and whose names are on practice o f this court; that the pro-
our service dag, namely, Ernest eeeds of «aid sale be applied toward the
Carl Titus and wife, o f Kings­
LaiToon, Laurence I. Miller, Cliff payment of the amount due the plaintiff.'
ton^ visited at the Goodman home
including attorney’» fees and the cc*ts
ami Nigh Phillips (brothers of
of this suit; and that defendants O. L,
in Gooch and at J. H. Johnston's
Hazel), Clyde
Bressler. Guy Bunion and Fannie Burson and all per­
Sunday afternoon.
Prichard and August Sehroeder. sons claiming under or through them,
-S E L L S
Ray J. Fox and G. F. Johns­
or either of them subaequeutto the ex­
ton spent Monday soliciting in
Miss Marguerite Ryan, o f Mt. ecution o f the mortgage set forth in
I said complaint, whether as purchasers,
th e valley for Liberty bonds.
Pleasant, was trading with Stay-
I incumbrancers, or otherwise, may be
About twenty ladies of the Ly- ton merchants Monday,
barred and foreclosed of all their right,
ons Red Cross visited the M^ha-
Mr. and Mrs- Loose from near claims, liens, e<t*tes, title, interest
ma auxiliary last Wednesday. Mehama were trading in Stayton ami eq iity o f redemption, in. on, or
to said premises and ever* part thereof;
They were very pleasantly en­ Wednesday.
that tne plaintiff nmy become a pur­
tertained at dinner, and also en­
chaser at said sale and that the sheriff
joyed very much the food dem­
execute a deed to the purchaser; that
1 octal application*, aa they cannot reach
onstration. speaking, and ex­ by
the diseased portion o f the ea r
Th ere ta
said purchaser be let into the possession
one w ay to cur* ca ta rrh a l drain* aa.
o f suid premises and the whole thereof
plaining the various methods of only
and that ia by a cunatitutional rem edy
C atarrhal D eafnea* ia cauaed by an in ­
w a r cookery as well as the dem­ flam ed condition o f the tnucou* lin in g o f upon the purchase of the same and that
the Euatachian Tube
W hen th l* tube ia
onstration of same.
Not many Inflam ed you have a ru m b lin g aound or lm - | plaintiff have such other and turther I mons and if you fail to appear and an-
p e rfec t hearing, and when U ui en tirely 1 relief in the premises as to the court
j awer »aid complaint - within »aid time,
were able to attend the evening closed. Deafnesa ia the r e a a lt Unices the may seem just ar'd equitable.
inflam m ation can be reduced and tfcla tube
I the plaintiff for want of answer will
session but were pleased to have restored to Its norm al condition, h earing
This Summons is serve»! upon you by
w ill be destroyed fo re ve r
Many cases o f
apply to the Court for the relief prayed
deafness are caua* d by ca tarrh w hich la
, ublication thereof .n the Stayton Mail,
met with them during the day.
an indanv d condition o f the mucous sur­
I for in her comnlaint, to-wit;
H a ll's C atarrh M edicine acts thru
a newspaper published weekly in Slay­
Mrs. Phillip Brant departed face«.
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
the blood on tha mucous su rfaces o f tbs
ton Marion County,Oregon, by order of
inalrimany existing between plant iff
"the week end for San Francisco
W e w ill g iv e One H u ad red D olla rs fo r
Hon. G» o. G. Bingham, Judge o f the
any case o f C ata rrh a l D eafness that cannot
xac ’ isit with her husband, who is be cured by H a il’s C atarrh Medicine. C ir­ Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, and defendant Levi I). Katliff on the
culars free
A ll D ruggists. 75c.
ground* o f desertion and granting plain­
for the Third Judicial District.
F. J. CHENEY * CO . Tolsdo. a
steioned there.
tiff alimony in the sum o f $1000,00; for
Dated on the lOlh day o f April, 1918.
i -H- Johnston and w ife were
h further decree setting uside a cer
The first publication to be on the 11th
tain deed from defendant Levi t). Krt-
Ftrday visitors in Stayton.
day o f April, 1918, and you are required
I liff and plaintiff herein to defendant
Glen Adams and wife, of Sa­
to appear and answer pn or before the
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
Nellie IVnrl Ratliff, tearing date Jan.
lem. were over Sunday visito.s , Oregon for the County of Marion. 23rd day o f May, 1918.
6th, 1913, recorded Oct. 24th, 1916 in
a t fBenry Mercer’s and E. A. . Department No. 2
Book 142 page 19 Record of Dredi of
Stavtcn, Oregon,
Grant Murphy as A'lmiristrator of
Marion County Oregon mid making the
Attorney for 1'laintiff.
| the Estate o f S. H. Burson decease*!,
said alimony, in the sum o f $HHX).I|0 h
Lrm Titus of Kingston and Mrs.
plaintiff vs. O. L. Burson ar.d Fannie
¡ charge against the real property de­
TNellie Tiiomas of Jorr’an spent Burson, his wife. Defendants.
scribed in said deed, also granting to
Sunday at the home of their sis-
To Fannie Burson, one o f tlie defend­
plaintiff all right and title o f defendant
ants above named.
Levi D. Ratliff in and to Lot 03 Ora
ter, Mrs. J. H. Johnston.
In the name o f the State o f Oregon,
In the Ciicuit Court *>f the State of benhorat Fruit Farm Marion County,
Dick Brriwn returned with S.
You are hereby required to nr pear and Oregon for Alarion County, Depart- l Oregon as shown by the recorded plat,
Brown Lorn Po Land last answer the complaint flTed against you ment No. 2. *
i nil of which will more fully appear from
w e e !, bringing with them a fine in the rfbove entitled Court and suit
Beulah R. Ratliff, Plaintiff. vs Levi plaintiff* complaint to which reference
within six weeks from the date o f the I). Ratliff and Nellie Pearl Ratliff, De­ 1 is hereby made.
large logging team.
first publication of this Summons, to- fendants.
This summons is served by publira-
The" Flag Raising ceremony
wit: On or before the 23rd day o f May,
To Levi D. Ratliff and Nellie Pearl 1 lion under the terms o f an order of the
was well attended at Lyons Sun­ 1918, and if you fail *n to answer, for Ratliff, defendants above named;
1 Hon. Geprge G. Bingham, Judge o f the
day considering it was arranged want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
In the name o f the State o f Oregon Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon
•on very short notice. Rev. G a t k e 't h e Court for the relief prajed for in you and each o f you are hereby required for Marion County, on the 23d day o f
to appear and answer the complaint; Feb. 1918, the date o f the firm public»-
t! iivered the dedicating address th* c<>«nP,‘unt, viz.
For a foreclosure upon the following filed against you in the above entitled tion is Feb. 28t)i. 1918 and th«* date of
it-. J several good numbers were
described premises, to-wit;
cause in the within entitled Court by the the last publication is April 11th, 1918.
<»r the program.
Miss Ethel
Beginning at the quarter Section cor­ plaintiff, within six weeks from the
Fchr.ackenberg recited "The Ser- ner between Sections 4 and 9 in Town- date o f the first publ cation of this lum-
Attorney for Plaintiff
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year in Advance
C iv « any man a chaw « f Baal Gravel* Plug, and ha will
tall you th a t'» tha kind to sand. Sand ‘ tha r bist I
falsa economy. It coat* la.* par waah
Ordlaary pii
___ ______
*inall chaw of it la*t* *
to chaw Baal
Cravaly, bacau.a
Iona whila.
Ip with yaur knifa and
If you smoko a ptpa, *Uee Gr
add a littla to your smoking tobaaco. It will giva liavor -
improva your »media.
son vom nums i t n u i ..xvici a touch or oavdy
Daalar* all around haro carry it In 10c. p»uihc*. A Sc.
•tamp will put it lato hi* hand* In any Training Camp or
Saaport of tha U. 5. A . Evan “ ovar tluro" a 3c. .tamp will
taka it to him. Your dnalar will supply envulope and giva
you official directions how to addra** it.
Fox Valley Gems
T O B A C C O C O M P A N Y . D a n v ille , V « .
L atab llah o U 1 8 0 1
fW -
Be Ready For
An Opportunity
Formaldehyde and
Blue Stone
School Books,
Flash Lights, Drugs
and Prescriptions
T* W . JOHNSON* Prop*
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
B. Q A V U T
Th‘- Putrr.t P tv r A Avapa it FrmsA * * f damn anti Good
—it is not L jo I Crawly without (A m /‘n gicliw i Saal
One often hearj, “ I f I only
had a little money I could make
a fortune. **
V/hy not l>e ready when op­
portunity knock a at your d ->or ?
Plan to place in the banft a
certain percentage o f your eat-
ary or basinets profits.
Then when thr main chance
comet along you'll be ready
for it.
Banking in every form.
Swift & Company’s 1918 Year Book
It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from
a steer for less money then the live steer co st!
Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products
covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling
expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift &
Company’s 1917 figures as follows:
Average price paid for live cattle p*r «war {8 4 4 5
Capital $25,000.00
Average price received for by-products
Total received
Average price received for meat
. . . . . . . . .
This leaves for expenses and profit
O f which the profit per steer was
There are many other interesting and instructive
facts and figures in the Year Book.
You arc assured of a safe deposi­
tory and courteous treatm ent at
this bank, by ample capital and
long experience in the banking
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton, Oregon
Send for
A share of the banking business
of Stayton ?nd vicinity
is solicited.
W e want to »end our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere — free
for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
S w ift & C o m p a n y , U . S. A.
■ ■
o o * '• ■»<■>*►* ■> « ♦ ♦ o
o •> **■ !• o ■» * «
W e carry a large line of
dry goods, shoes, notions,
gents’ furnishings, hats,
caps and rubber goods, etc.
has a large line of fancy and
staple groceries, canned goods,
smoked meats. In fact ev­
erything you w ill find in a
first-class Merchandise store
is to be found here at prices
that are right.