ex - was a limit recovered when he was obliged to submit to this last operation. 2 2 Million Families in the U nited States Dr. Korinek's Go to Portland* I)r, Geo. F. Korinek came from Portland Saturday and remained over Sunday at home. He has been appointed city inspector for the city of Portland at a good salary and began work Monday. The Dr. and wife will make their home in Portland. Mrs. Korinek expecting to leave w ith­ in the next two or three weeks. Dr. Korinek has practiced vet­ erinary medicine here for sever­ al years with splendid success and will be missed by those who are in need of such service, while both himself and wife will he greatly missed in social and mu­ sical circles. Their many friends will w ish that their new location may prove pleasant and pros­ perous. X f EACH FAMILY saved one cup of wheat flour it would amount to 5,500,000 pounds, or more than 28.000 barrels. If this saving was made three times a week, it would amount to 858,000,000 pounds, or 4,377,000 barrels in a year. You can do your share in effecting this saving and really help to win the war by omitting white bread from one meal today and baking in its place muffins or corn bread made according to this recipe: Corn Meal Muffins \ cop corn n » * l 1 \ cup* (lour teetpooa **lt teaspoon* Royal Bakin* Powder i 2 UbUapoon* *u**r No eg*« 1 cop milk 2 tablespoon* shortenin* Sift d ry in g red ien ts to g e th e r in to howl; a d d m ilk a n d m elted sh o rten in g a n d b e a t well. B ake in g reased m uffin tin s in h o t oven a b o u t 20 m inutes. S am e b a tte r m ay be bak ed a s com bread in greased shallow pan. On.'new Red, White and Blue booklet, “ Best War Time R ecip esco n ta in in g many other t tcipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods mailed free—address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., DEPT. H., 135 William S t, New York Hi Wm. Trout and wife are enjoy­ Seed wheat and oats recleaned at 10c per hundred pounds on ing the pleasure of a Ford car. M. J. Crabtree, wife and son, power cleaner. Mayo & Co. Mrs. E. C. Lau and little visited Salem Sunday. granddaughter visited in Fox See the official War Pictures Valley several days this week. next Wed. and Thurs. Mrs. W. C. Parry and little son S. H. Heltzel visited Eugene Dixon, of Junction City, are at on legal business Friday last. the E. D. Alexander home for a Don’t Fpi^get Bill Hart next couple of week’s visit Sunday a t Star theatre. Leo Rock has purchased a Ford Over 275 people saw the War runabout *o be used on Route 2 Pictures last night. as soon as the roads get in better 0. M. Baker drove.a Buick 4 condition. out from Albany last Monday. Miss Bertha Luthy, at a few O. M. Bilker sold a Chevrolet hours notice, left Portland Tues­ to Zeta and Tracy Pritchard. day for Newport News. Va.. to War Pictures next Wednesaay nurse in the military camp. and Thursday. Rev. W. J. Warren left this Mrs. W. W. and Miss Grace morning to attend the quartarly Elder visited Salem Sunday. meeting of the church at Oregon Lonesome Luke next Wed. City. with the War Pictures at Star Prize Spot Dance Friday even­ theatre. ing in the Trotter Ruilding under Mrs- George Thomas, of Lyors the auspices of Stayton’s Patriotic is visiting at the home of her League. Dancing will begin at grandfather, U. Whitney. 8:45. There will be 14 prizes Prof. Ford and family and Mr. awarded. and Mrs. Foster visited Jefferson N. Geymer left last week for Sunday. California and is looking over Mrs. J. H. Anderson visited the country in the vicinity of the past week or more with the San Jose. From his letters home Ed Maertz family in Linn county. it appears that he is still well John F. Lau has returned to satisfied with Oregon. J. H. Thoma has secured over Fort Canby after a short visit a hundred names of people as with his family. The Giris’ Honor Guard are members of a local home guard. planning for a dance in the Trot­ He is in correspondence with of­ ficials and as soon as arrange­ ter building April 19. ments can be effected the com­ E. C. Titus reports the sal« of pany will be organized. Buick to W. E. Haynes of Mill Walter W. Miller of Turner, City, has answered the draft call. He Mary Fuchs spent Easter va­ left Monday morning for Camp cation with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lewis, Wash. Walter is well Fiedler at Mt. Pleasant known in Stay ton and vicinity T. C. Crabtree has returned and has many friends who will from eastern Oregon, where he wish him well. has been for several months. In another column of the Mail will he seen the quarterly report of Stayton’s Patriotic League. They are to be commended for their $50 g ift to the local Red -IN - Cross auxiliary, as they are ex- j pected to be self supporting this j is quite a help. I Tense Tale of the E ter­ Bristling with adventure but nal Struggle between made refreshing by a love inter­ Good and Evil. Prices est that never wanes, “ The Des­ 10 and 20 cents including ert Man” tells of the wonderful war tax things that happen to Jim Alton a good man, but “quick on the S U N D A Y N IG H T A T T H E draw” in an abandoned mining town on the border. Hart is at his best in this magnificent drama of the West in “ the making.” Star Theatre Sunday April 7. The romantic daughter of John j Houston, president of the road, FEATURING exchanges rings with a bandit leader who holds up her train. Later she sees the ring on the finger of a young man who is The great Western player. stopping at the same hotel where He is as quick on the trigger she and her father have reg­ as they make ’em. Hands istered and recognizes the bandit Up! Line Up! Not a move or They elope, and her father pur­ I shoot With these words sues the c >uple into the bandits’ we all knew that train rob­ stronghold. The piay ends hap­ bers were at work. pily, although the climax is a ADMISSION 17 cts. and 11 cts hair-raising one. Star Theatre S A T U T D A Y N IG H T Saturday April 6. Corp. Wm. F. Smoke writes to a friend here that he is still in the U. S. General Hospital, New York, and that on the 24th he suffered an operation for the re­ moval of his tonsils. A hemor- hage resulted, in which he came near bleeding to death, but at the time of writing he was much improved and expected to be out soon. He had received the knit­ ted garments sent him by the Stayton ladies and writes that he was very glad to get the a r­ ticles and very thankful to the ladies for remembering him. “ Billy” has had a bad time since going east. He was ¡first taken with scarlet fever, which was followed by complications. He e Dainty New s Wash Fabrics T o get the best results when sew ing your Spring and Summer dresses be sure to use Butterick patterns We invite the ladies to to come in and inspect our new stock of beau­ tiful wash fabrics for spring and summer JJ F irst C lass Confections. Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks M FOR SA L E —8 or 1» ton* of Alsace Clover hay baled, lirat rlaaa hay. V. J . Philippi. 14 All Prices and Style Box Candy J. A. HENDERSHOTT, Proprietor Get right with God. Revival ‘ meetings will begin at the Bap­ tist church on Monday April 8. 1 and continue in the M. E. church from the 12th. J. W. Mayo was a business caller in Salem to lay. S tayton, For('|Spring and Summer Cheap Cool and Strong white or brown Lancefield Shoe Store B Spring Time Means Garden Time IT’S TOASTED You will have better suceea with the garden if you buy your seeds at J. R. GARDNER’S CASH STORE Our fine plump onion sets will give more onions to the acre than any other, lfic per pound. We also have a few dry goods and notions coming in with the spring days. Ladies and childrens trimmed hats, white canvas shoes fancy wash goods, wash waists and white materials. Cooking makes things deli­ cious—toasting the tobacco has made the Lucky Strike Cigarette famous. II r o w d*mlmr d o « « n o t c a r r y t h « m ,s « i u i ( 1 . 2 0 f o r a c a rto n o f 12 p a c k ­ a g e s to T h a A m e ric a » T o b a c c o C o ., N .Y .C i t» J. R. Gardner’s Cash Store, r°cA G a r d e n in g - . > THE DESERT MAN Stayton, Ore. T im e ! ! | At this season of the year the mind:; t f practically all of our citizens turn to making a garden and the need for gar­ den tools is felt. W e carry a complete line of High Grade Garden Tools Star Theatre Hands Up O regon P L A Y SHO ES white, mealy—with butter melting on it. Um-m-ml And you like it because i t is baked. Same with Lucky Strike Cigarette à AJ * H ig h G rad e P u re C andies Fine C ig ars and T o b acco KOK S A J E —A few bushel of ap rln * w heat also a few bush«' I of grey oata IG , Bill Hart Get the Habit of Buying at GEM CONFECTIONERY FOR SA L K —3 Jero«y Milk Cow* and several head stock c a ttle . Jo h n Sami- nor J r . 13t4 10c Here you will see the newest ideas that will used during the com­ ing season. I«et us show you Doll’s Sash Store BAKED POTATO rr | T h e designs are prettier and daintier—the assort­ ments more varied than ever, and you will be agree­ ably surprised at the reasonable price we ask for them. CLASSIFIED ADS. P. J. Etzel, Sublimity w- O f all descriptions consisting o f hoes, rakes, w eeders, shovels, h an d cultivators, all m ad e o f th e best m a te ria l an d sold a t th e m ost reaso n ab le prices. O u a ra n te e d by J LILLY HARDWARE CO. WILFRED LUCAS Star Theatre BUY YOUR SAR e . e. TITUS N O W While the rest are buying Has the largest stock of automobiles carried this side of Salem He has a car ready for you, either a Buick Six, Buick Four, Chevrolet Or a used Car. Also a large and complete line of four thous­ and mile tires. » SAVE MONEY H ig h P rice o f S u b stitu tes and w a ste an d cost of doing y o u r o w n b ak in g m ak e it expensive, w h a t is the use of all this expense, w o rk an d w o rry w h e n you c an get 3 LOAVES OF BREAD FOR 25cU. B a^ ed in a S a n ita ry B ak ery , C lean, W h o lesom e, N u tri­ tious V IC T O R Y B read a t ST A Y T O N BAKERY Country Trade Solicited Phone 125