The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 07, 1918, Image 2

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were present.
The time was
spent in doing wotk for the Red
t ress.
ALEXANDER A DAUGHERTY . Owners and Publishers
Mrs. Elvin Carter and son Lyle
C. E. DAUGHERTY , E ditor and Manager
spent Sunday at the C. C, Carter
Entered as second class m atter at the postoffice at St ay ton, Marion
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Heater and
County, _____________________
Oregon, under the Act of _______________
Con Kress of March 8, 1879.
I daughter Vivian visited at the
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year In Advance
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
Encourage The
Oil Industry-
t ! .o « \ii
! h iß
M «-‘-ta " t i l m
r *•
fit ri < «val •
-'if J I<9 * »4 OH1 If) M I'klQIV
• • « I ihmw $ r 1 4 V i # l r .
u r«
Cli1 m « DiMir«*« ,}0
b a .M r ««ft P j i | , H ig h
»" iti# i h
• r«| g r d i
T o tiflo ««
C t a*«ly V.
n in r g up
IN '*• b««VV rv4«U f».*r
Pot tor (f home Sutufiiy.
A 1 C«. l ‘ O U : h
Mrs. S. P. Matheny and son
Robert spent the week end in i
Mr. and Mrs. visited Friday at |
the A. Frazer In m *.
David PottortT made a business
trip to Scio last Wednesday.
IS »»HOC) O» I f
•3 'J k t ! i f ... i»W > A ' \ i » i v 4* « » U m * u i If I
* r r "■
UP. BUY A P I P O o r 1
The Fight For $1 Silver
Nothing would boost mineral i
production like $1.00 an ounce1
for silver. Western States nat­
urally lend in this fight.
Tremendous increases in ex­ This summons in served by |ml)|ica-
li»n tin lo r Ihn term s of an order of the
ports of siiw r to tiie Far Last Hon. G eorge («. Bingham, Ju d g e o f the
are shown in figures of movement Circuit Court of the S ta le oT Oregon
of precious metal for 1917.
for Marion County, on the 28*1 day of
China took $12.106,000. twice Pah. 1918. the d ate of the first pubhea-
as much as in the previous vear; ti,,n ,s Kt’b-
19‘* * ' " * ,h,i
. .
the last puUlirHtion is April 11th, 191H,
1 «ought
$8,01», id«
worth, as compared w ith $ 3 .1 9 7 ,- j
A ttorney for Plaintiff
S41 in 1910, and purchases by
British India jumped from $2.384. Executor^’ Sale of Rea! Property,
•167 to $24.392,402. China and
Notice of Sjle
India virturlly have been denud­
ed of their silver coinage by high In th e County Court of the S ta te of
prices for the metal and by war Oregon for M arion County in probate
In the m a tte r of the e sta te o f David |
China has shipped great quan-i F. Ingeraoll, deceased.
tities of silver to British India Notice is hereby given th a t in pur-j
for account of the government, suance to an order of the above en titled |
court in the above estate, dulv made
to replace money sent to pay In­ and entered of record on F ebruary 11th
dian troops,.
11*18. ami in pursuance of the direction*
China also found it necessary and requirem ents of the last W ul and
to increase its silver coinage be­ T estam ent of David F. Ingeraoll, de-
cause of the export of millions c c a sc I, we th«« undersigned uxe<-utors
of said e s ta te , will on and a fte r March
of “ cash” when copper became loth, 1!*18, proceed to sell at p rivate
more valuable than the money.
sale subject to confirmation by th e
To replace silver exported, the court the following described real pro­
United States increased its im­ p erty in Marion County, Oregon, to-w it:
T ra ct No. 1.
ports, from Mexico, which sent
Ixjt No. Four (4) in Block No. th ree
this country $32,000,000 worth (3) in Broadway Addition to the C ity of
of bullion.
Salem, Marion County, Oregon, a*
Mexico in return, received shown by the recorded p lat th ereo f.
T ra c t No. 2.
nearly 13,000,000 in gold, twelve
Beginning at a point in the middle of
times more than in 1916.
the County Road leading from Salem
Japan and Spain were the only to Oregon City and 10 84 chain* North
countries to receive more than and .93 chain* E ast of the S o u th east
$100,000,000 in this country l a s t 1 corner of the A lfred S tanton Donation
j Land Claim in T . 7. S. R. 2. W of the
The high school play will be
given at the State Training
Prospects for an upheaval in school Thursday evening March
the oil industry being brought 7. It will be given at Jefferson
about by price-fixing action on ¡Saturday evening March 16.
the part of the Fuel Administra- j The postponed basket bail game
tion are becoming more and more wilh Hubbard will be played at
remote with the passing of each that p|ace next Saturday night,
week, and this feeling, which
March 15 a basket k .,, game
has been general among Califor­ will bo played between the two
nia operators since the appoint­ literary societies at the school
ments of Mark I . as oil i grounds.
administrator, has extended to
fields east of the Rocky Mount-, The Domestic Science work is
ains. Several California o p e » . V * * " ™ * *
•• v and all the
tors have recently expressed the *r!rls„of the department are domg
opinion that the Fuel Administra- eXt ' " "
tion was more concerned with
^ *,e bttfh school baseball team
the proDlem of increasing pro-
play a team Irom town Tri-
duction than with that of price- ^a>’ March ~2.
fixing, and their «.pinions have
The debate subject for next
been verified by the progress of Monday morning is "Resolved
events in Washington and else- That Country Life is more Educa-
‘tional than City Life.”
There is still a fly or two in the
The Freshman team played the
ointment, however.
\ Boy’s Training School team last
In California, relief has not Thursday evening. The Fresh-
been granted operators on with- man boys came home victorious,
drawn lands nor provision made
Don’t forget the high school
for satisfactory development on pIay next Friday night,
these lands. This holds up de-
_ .
velopment which .s of vital im-| The‘ Senior and Junior classes
portance at this time and w hile;umted ,n ^ v m g a party at the
production has been increased to i gymnasium last Saturday even-
some extent in old fields it is ing. The members were asked
steadily falling behind consump ■ to appear in costume, which they
tion, to the detriment of all in­ did. The costumes worn rang­
dustries and the danger of the ing from that of a cowboy to
‘‘Sis Hopkins.”
The evening
games of
In the mountain states snch as
j W illam ette Meridian in Marion County,
Colorado and Wyoming the oil
The men of the town are e s­ S ta te of Oregon; Thence South 70 d e­
shale lands recently discovered lunch was served at a late hour. pecially invited to attend the gree* E ast 7.40 chain*; thence North
chain*; thence N orth 70 degree*
Donald Sanders. Minta Cald­ Silver T for the benefit of the 4.99
were placed in a position where
W est 4.72 chain* to the middle of
rapid development was assured. well and Marie Deidrich were Stayton auxiliary A. R. C.
*aid County Road; Thence South 30 d e­
_____ ____ _
by the passage of the Walch-Pitt- absent from Mrs. Lau's room on •
g rees and 30 minute* W est along the
middle line of said road to the place of
Subscribe for the Mail.
man bill in the senate. This bill account of illness.
beginning and containing 3 acre* of
was fair to the small productr
Following is the program to be • t a t * o f Ohio. C ity o f Tolodo,
land, m ore or lea*.
and would have allowed develop­ given by the Apollo Literary So­ L uca* C ounty, aa.
Said real property to be «old for
P ran k J. Oh. n .) m a k es o a th th a t ha
ment of an entirely newsourceof ciety next Friday afternoon.
ts sen io r p artn er o< th s Arm o f
F. J.
ca*h in hand, or p art cash with b ank­
Chen ay A Co., d oin g b u sin ess In the Ctty
supply which promised to sur- Medley,
Everybody sing o f T oledo. C ounty an d S ta te aforesaid , able security for unpaid balance«, and
th at aaid firm w ill pay the sum of
said tra c t No. One (l) to be sold su b ­
pass in volume the oil w ell opera- History of Stayton. Norval Fisher and
O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r ea ch
je c t to the lien thereon, of the City of
and ev ery a*« o f C atarrh t'.a t cannot be
ted today.
i Piono Solo.
Vanda Sestak cured by th e use o f H A L L 'S C A T A R R H Salem for im provem ent o f N«»rth F ifth
F R A N K J. C H E N E T .
Department heads are endea- ■ Industries and Education of
Sw orn to b efo re m e and aybscrtbed In
S tre et.
4th d ay o f D ecem ber.
vouring to change this bill as
Stayton, Josephene Lambrecht A. D. IB*.
All bid* for said premiaes «bull be
A. W . O L E * S O N .
N o ta ry Public.
subm itted at Room 413 Masonic Tem ple
passed by the senate, in an effort Vocal Solo,
Marian Alexander H (Seal»
a ll's C atarrh M ed icin e I* ta k en In­
Building, Salem, Oregon to the u n d er­
a lly and acta th ro u g h the Blood on
to kill its remedial sections. Nos. Stayton in 1950,
Lynn Neal tern
th e M ucous S urfacaa o f tha S y stem . Send
for testim o n ia ls, free.
16 and 17. which would have en- Piano Duet, Rath Roy and
F. J. C H E N E T * CO.. T oledo. O.
D ated at Salem, Oregon, F ebruary
couraged rapid development of
Bessie Shank Sold by all d ru g g ists 71c.
11th 1918. F irs t publication F ebruary
B a ll's F a m ily P ills for co n stip a tio n .
shale deposits in western states. Recitation in Costume.
14th 1918. L ast publication March 14th
Maude W atkins,
Why such industry killing tac-
Ralph Cole
N ettie ldgcraoll,
ties are pursued by certain offici- Jokes,
Ed Bell
Carev F, Martin.
In th e Circuit C ourt of the S tato of
als is hard to understand.
Executor* of e s ta te o f David F. In-
Oregon for Marion County, D epart-
The senate has shown a spirit
gentoll, deceased.
m ent No. 2.
of fairness in passing the Walsh
Beulah R. Ratliff, Plaintiff, v* Levi
bill which means everything to
D. R atliff and Nellie Pearl Ratliff, De­
the oil industry of the west and
To Levi D. Ratliff an d N .d lic P e a rl,
___ _
the house should give heed to
W. E. Tate, w’ife and son Asa- R atliff, d e fe n d a n t s above nam ed;
their conclusions for in the sen­ h d spent Sunday at the W. H.
In th e name of the S ta te of Oregon ! Many Stayton People in Poor Health
ate the west has more nearly Mollet home,
you and each of you are hereby required j
W ithout Knowing the Cause,
equal representation than in the
to ap p ear and answ er the com plaint
T here are scores of people who d rag
Delbert Murphy, of Stayton, filed ag a in st you in the above entitled out a m iserable existence w ithout real-
house, where a single state like
been visiting at the W. D. cause in th«: within entitled Court by the izing the cause of their suffering. Day
New York has probably more re­
plaintiff, w ithin *ix w eeks from t h e , a fte r 'lay they are racked with head-
home the past week.
presentatives than all western
date o f the first publ ration of this sum ache, and backache; suffer from ner-
John Worden and M. M. Gil- mons and if you fail to ap p ear and an- vousness, dixiiness, w eakness, languor
states combined.
attended a lodge meeting sw er said com plaint within said time, and depression. P e rh tp s the kidneys
The Attorney General and Sec­
Point Saturday night. the plaintiff for w ant of answ er will have fallen behind in th eir work of
retary of the Navy are particul­
Mrs. Mary Woideq returned apply to the Court for the relief prayed filt«Ting the blood th a t may bn the
arly in favor of killing the effect
in her com plaint, to-w it;
root of th e trouble. Look to your kid­
of the bill as passed by the sen­ home Saturday eve from Salem, for For
a decree «Jissolving the bonds of | neys -a t sist them m th eir work —give
ate. The nation is depending to­ where she has been visiting her m atrim any existing betw een plaintiff them the heh they need. You can use
day on the oil supplies of the sick mother.
ami defendant Levi D. Ratliff on t h e ! no m ore highly recommended remedy
west and policies of encourage-
W. H. Mol et an ! fam ly spent grounds of desertion and g ran tin g plain than D oan’s Kidney Pills.
ment instea.l of discouragement Sunday at t(,e G. I). Scott home. tiff alimony in the sum of $1000.00; forj Below is g ratefu l testim ony from a
fu rth e r decree se ttin g aside a cer sufferer in this locality.
should be shown toward indust­ Wm. Carter an I family spent a tain
deed from defen d an t Levi D. R at­
Mrs. M- M. Moen-h, 330 8. Main S t.,
ries by the public officials.
Sunday at tr e C. C. f a r erhome. liff and plaintiff herein to defendant! Albany, O re., say»:’'! am only too g lu t
It would seem tha* if the Ad­
J. A. Lincoln v sited home Nellie Pearl Ratliff, bearing d ate Jan . to tell any who are in heed of a gixxl,
8th, 1913. record«,*d O t. 24th, 1918 in reliable me ' for Packach«' and
ministration couid only realize
folks in Silverton Sunday.
Book 142 pa^e 19 Record of Deeds of kidney disorders about Doan’s Kidney
the necessity of stabilizing and
Marion County Oregon and m aking the | Pill*. W henever I have taken them
safe guarding this h g infant in­
said alimony, in the sum of $1000.00a for th a t trouble, I have used Doan’s
dustry that there would be little home of his 3on, C. C. Carter.
charge against the real property de- Kidney Pills w henever necessary for
Misses Belle Hurt and Marietta scribed in said deed, also g ran tin g t o , the p ast ten years and I have fonml
opposition to passing a reasonable
ahd Hi gh Hurt and Del-; plaintiff all rig h t and title of d e fe n d a n t, them to do all that is claimed for
bert Murphy spen Sunday even­ Levi D. Ratliff in and to Lot 83 Ora- th e m .”
benhorst F ru it F arm Marlon County, I Price «Or, a t all dealers. Don’t sim-
A dance to be given by the ing at the W. H. M> llet home.
Oregon as shown by »he recorded plat, ! p|y
f„r a kidney remedy- get
Talmadge orc^-e t a in the Trot­ The Walluga Club met with all «jfwhich will m ole luiiy appear .rom Doan’a Kidney Pill* the sam e th: t
Hurt Thursday
af- plaintiff* com plaint to which re fe re n c e ' M r,. Moem-h uses, Foster-W ilburn
ter budding is announced for the Mrs. W. I). ------
----------.. ...
13th—’* edneiHay.
ternoon and most of the members, ¡a hereby made.
1 1 „ ., p rap s., Buffalo, N. Y.
.... . ...
A share of the banking business
of S tayton and vicinity
is solicited.
You are assured of a safe deposi­
tory and courteous treatm ent at
this bank, by ample capital and
long experience in the banking
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton Oregon
Capital $25,000.00
Union hill
W e carry a large line of
dry goods, shoes, notions,
gents’ furnishings, hats,
caps and rubber goods, etc.
has a large line of fancy and
staple groceries, canned goods,
smohed meats. In fact ev­
erything you will find in a
first-class Merchandise store
is to be found here at prices
that are right.
A A * 4 4 i / * » + 4 * * 4 4 4
4 «
%-A 4 4 4 4 N 4 4 ♦ 4 4 v •