The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 07, 1918, Image 2

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Wood burn and Silverton, return­
ing home Friday evening.
L a Geer, Marietta Shinn, Ikvra
A L E X A XD ER X- D AU G H ERTY, O w ners mod Publishers
Karens, Bertha Mollett, Ralph
C. E. D AU G H ERTY, E d ito r a n d M a n a g er
Mollett and Kliner Rubens spent
Sunday afternoon at the W. D.
Entered as second class m atter at the postoffice at Stayton, Marion Hurt home.
County. Oregon, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879.
C. C. Carter and wife spent
Sunday at W. II. Mollett’s.
Subscription Trice $1.00 Ter Year In Advance
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
Country Correspondence
All Over The Valley
Howell Notes.
called on Mrs. John Trask Wed­
nesday of last week.
Mrs. Martin was a Sunday vis­
itor at the home of her parents
in Lyons.
Mrs. J. H. Johnston and chil­
dren called on Mrs. Hardin in
Lyons Sunday.
Floyd Munroe and wife of
Gooch and Mrs. R. Wiley called
at the D. H. Munroe home.
Victor Point
Union Hill
Fox Valley Gems
Chew ing Plug
L r hi
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ti» rim •*»»« «I T iimm
M il n n m i <"•*•■
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«0«. eoucM is enoor or it
I JPM Vram^AAiwO CktmuM **TK
nt. Pleasant
G. H. Ray made a business
trip to Jefferson last week.
Miss Anna Miles spent the
week end visiting home folks at
Charley Lambert left Sunday
for Halsey.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Shark and
son, Ernest Knapp. Fred Smith
and Melvin Shank were enter­
tained at the John Huber home j
Tony Laux visited at the Hen­
Martin : nd wife ar. 1 Maxine
ry Senz home Sunday.
Rorrv spent Sunday at the coun­
Frank Senz and Pete Laux try home of Ed Jackson.
were over Sunday visitors at the
Misses Alta and Myrtle Brown
Nick Zimmerman home.
spent Saturday and Sunday at
Geo. Qneener is visiting at G. the Ben Berr nger home near
H. Ra>’s.
Misses Gladys Downing and
Frank Bass and wife of Alsea,
Maud Smith were Sunday visit­ and Jim Bass of Medford, have
ors at the Mrs. Roxie Shank been visiting their sister in Fox f -
Valley the past month.
Frank and Charley Lambert
Mrs. Maude Trask has been on
and Dave Aergerter Jr. were en­ the sick list.
tertained at a card party at J. H.
The party at S. D. Brown's
Kloer’s Tuesday eve.
was well attended, there being
Miss Marguerite Ryan return- a5out 40 prc3ent> G|d as well us
ed home Sunday after a visit at vounj,
Y s v:
I 1 T
Co ] prrt
iw V
Thrift Is Now a
National Slogan
The A m e ric a n p e o p le mr%
w a k in g up.
They resen
ch arge th a t th ey a re w a e te f « '
B an k depoeite a ll over the
c o u n try are in creasin g by leaps
a n d bounds.
j • Mr. Minten. of Albany, was in
George Friehtal made a busi- ^own on business Thurday.
ness trip to F. X. H ottinger’s
Those who were in attendance
A re y o u a d e p o sito r T
at the Valentine party given at
A singing was given at the the Frank Johnston home Friday
I f you a re n ot, jo in th e fin a n ­
Mrs. Roxie Shank home Sunday night report a most enjoyable
c ia l p re p a re d n e ss arm y. M an ­
A large crowd attended time.
a g e to la y a sid e a c e rta in
and a very enjoyable time was
Mr. Butler and Mr. Newton of
ou n t o f cash. W e ’ll be g la d
reported by all.
Albany have been working on
ex p la in o a r b an kin g eyetem .
The Misses Frances Kloer. So­ the Mehama bridge which was
phia and Alice Eberhardt and broken through by a truck-load
Messrs. Tony and August Kloer, of shingles a week ago.
Archie and Albert Eberhardt and
There will be a meeting at the
Dave A egerter Jr. were enter­
M. E. church Sunday evening at
tained at the Cornnely home Sun­ 6i& for the purpose o f organiz­
day eve.
ing a junior choir. All are re­
quested to attend.
Mrs. McCall, of Albany, came
Monday morning to stay with
A share of the banking business
her mother, Mrs. Shelton, during
W. F. Harris attended the
of Stayton and vicinity
her illness.
school directors convention at
is solicited.
Mrs. Major Alsman has been
seriously ill from a stroke of par-1
You are assured of a safe deposi­
The Red Cross held their meet­
tory and courteous treatment at
Geo. Ashford and little son
have been on the sick list.
this bank, by ample capital and
Tuesday afternoon.
Several of the yonng men from
long experience in the banking
Carl Brown was called to Salem
this vicinity have gone to a log­
last Monday to be examined.
ging camp at Timber, Ore.
Carl Luellen
formally a West
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rucker, of
Astoria, were called here due to StaV.ton
il,ed wh,le m the
the illness of Mrs. R’s mother, service of the army of pneumonia
and will be buried at Junction
Mrs. Major Alsman.
City Wednesday.
S. E. Ktienzli visited in Salem
Mr. Edwin Forrette was a
this week at the home of his son
visitor one day last week.
Charles Loose spent the
Mr. and Mrs. George Brower,
Mrs. Gunsaules last
of Aurora, were called to the
LfcJoiiie of Mrs. Brower’s mother Thursday.
Mrs. Alsman.
Mr. T. Y. McClellen spent the
Quite a number in this locality week end in Portland,
might be termed “ financially em-
Mrs. Arthur Forrette called on
harrassed” due to the collapse of Mrs. Gunsules one day last week,
the Scio Condenser.
The telephone meeting held at
Ralph Spicer, of Shelburn, vis- Andrew Ferys last Thursday was
ited with his parents, Mr. and well attended’
Mrs. George Spicer, Sunday.
Clarence Forrette made a busi­
The Baptist Sunday school ness trip to Salem Monday.
showed its patriotism Sunday by
Mr. McClellen made a busi-'
each of the five classes subscrib­ ness trip to Salem Tuesday.
ing to the Red Cross, Now each
Sam Martin is visiting in West
will have a Red Cross banner and Staston now,
it will soon be seen exhibited in
the church windows.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daugherty
W. B. McCormick was a Sa­ entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Alexander and daughter Marian,
lem visitor this week.
Dr. and Mrs, G. F. Korinek and
Mrs. Josephine Korinek at dinner
Wednesday evening.
A very interesting meeting
Mrs. Willis Brown visited with
held Jan. 23 in the Neigh-
home folks at Mill City last week.
„ _ „
bors of Woodcraft hall which
1. C. H oumt , Of A lb « .,, ha, consistert of ¡„st„ | | « ion
moved into Mrs. Ed Jackson’s cers by Neighbor L. B. Miller
house on Church street.
after which she gave a prize
Grandma Shelton, who has contest which created some little
been seriously ill of pneumonia, fun. Neighbor Lulie English
ii reported to be improving.
received the prize and Neighbor
John l inley and family have Rilla Gardner thr comoiaiion. All
moved to Albany.
left hoping for more iuch happy *
S. D. Brown and wife, Marion events.
♦ ♦ ♦ ' + 4
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North Santiam
West Stayton
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton, Oregon
Capital $25,000.00
: Federal Government ;
Instructions from the
: Our G overnm ent is insisting on the
W holesalers and Retailers of the
; country cutting down on the system
of long time credits, m aking th irty
days the limit. W e are therefore
compelled to insist th a t all bills be
: paid in full a t least every th irty
| days, in order th at we m ay m eet
our obligations. To those accounts
; w hich are not paid in th irty days,
: we are instructed to discontinue
further credit.
Lyons News
■ \ t t /% «I
n F rt
1« W
I n a u a / t M
*> : > •
Mrs. Wm, Lake and Mrs. Ma­
lone were Thursday visitors with
Mrs. Caplinger in Salem.
Mr. Loose was a Stayton visit­
or Monday.
Mrs. T. J. Ware and son An­
gus have returned home from
Summit, after spending the week
v siting Mrs. Ware’s sister at
that place.
Mrs. Malone and Mrs. Wm.
Lake were in Stayton Saturday
Mrs. Andrew Fisher who has
morning, the latter’s mother, spent the last two weeks with
Mrs. Smith,returning with them. her father near McCoy returned
A. P. Kirsch and wife spent home Saturday.
Saturday shopping in Salem.
H. E. King and daughter Zel-
Airs. Rebecka Kimsey and Ed­ ma were Silverton visitors last
na Buckner were shopping in Saturday.
Stayton Saturday morning.
W. N Savage and wife called
Miss Bessie Steward has re­ at the J. D. Darby home Snnday
turned home from F. A. Smith’s afternoon.
where she has been working,
Miss Leona King returned
Placidus Ruef was in Stayton home Saturday from Silverton,
Friday afternoon.
where she has been attending
Miss Merta Siegmundard Mrs- high school.
Matilda Jones were callers on
Mr. and Mrs. John Doerfler
Hulda Smith Wednesday.
and family visited recently with
Grandma Lake called at the J. relatives here.
W. Thomas home Wednesday
Merton Gilmore of Union Hill
and family spent the week end
Theresa Ruef spent Sunday at the Clarence Jones home.
afternoon with Mary Kirsch.
Miss Elsie Darby, who has
Eugene Ware and sister Wilma been spending a few weeks Jat
were entertained at the Edna home has returned to Silverton
Richardson home Tuesday eve. where she has employment at
Mrs. Steward and Mrs. Forest Wray’s furniture store.
called on Mrs.Grindroed Wednes­ An enjoyable evening was
spent at the W. O. W. hall on
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas Saturday evening when the mem­
spent Sunday at the T. J. Ware bers entertained in an open meet­
ing. Quite a crowd was present
W. L. Kimsey and wife and and passed the time with cards,
Ed.ia Buckner were entertained singing and dancing, a lunch
at dinner at the Archie Kimsey was served at midnight,
Mathew Gibson called at the
home Sunday, it being Mrs. A.
P. Fischer home Sunday evening
Kimsey’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Humph­
The Bee Hive Club was not so
went to Stayton Monday.
largely attended Friday, owing
Henry Jaquet was a Silverton
to the very bad weather, but all
present had a most enjoyable visitor Satuadav.
time, although we missed our Mathew Gibson was a Salem bu­
absent members very much.
siness visitor the latter part of
Joseph Becker and wife spent last week.
Sunday at Sublimity.
Misses Susie Kearns and Ella
Williams, of Stayton, called on
Grandma Lake and J. W. Thom­
The Walluga Club met with
as and wife recently.
Mrs. M. M. Gilmore Thursday
afternoon. The time was spent
sewing for the Red Cross.
Mrs. Darnell returned home
Mr. and Mrs. E. Canning went Thursday.
to Salem Saturday afternoon for
Hugh Hurt and Blanton Gus­
a few days visit with relatives tafson were in Stayton Friday.
and returned the first of this
A number of the Union Hill
folks attended the dar ce given
The young folks’ party at at Matt Burnett’s Saturday night
Frank Johnston’s Friday evening
M. M. Gilmore and family
was a very pleasant affair, all spent the week end with rela­
present departing at a late hour tives near Victor Point.
and feeling rather drowsy on the
John Steinberger and wife
following day as the result.
spent ? inday at the Joe Lincoln
Marshall Stone and family home.
«pent Sunday afternoon at Mrs.
Mr. rr.d Mrs. C. J. Seibel are
entertaining company from Cali­
Jack Johnston went, to Stayton fornia.
Monday to have some dental
W. H. Mollett and family spent
wi>rk done.
Sundav evening at the W. D.
Mrs. Willie Brown spent the Hurt home.
week enJ in Mill City.
J. A. L n oln and wife went
Mrs. Merser and Mrs. Canning W ednesda/on business to Salem,