The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, December 20, 1917, Image 2

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    TH E S T A Y T O N M
n ir.M JL u iT v ,,
UALOHERTl . Owners and Pubhsncrs
C. E. D A l’O H E R Tl, E ditor and Manager
Entered as second class mutter at the postoffice at Stayton, Marion
County, Oregon, under the Act of Congress o f March 3, 1879.
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year In Advance
Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application
Foreign Advertising Represented by The American Press Association
Address all Communications to The Stayton Mail
School Notes
The high school students were
highly pleased with the results
o f the basket ball game played
at Amity last Friday e v e n in g ,
Our team scored 18 points while
Amity made only 4.
The win-
ning of games gives the team
courage and determination to
keep the same record throughout
the course _ of their scheduled
Next Friday evening
they will play the Mill City team
at our home court.
25 and 15 cents.
Another pa-
rade will precede the game with
Mill City.
The. parade will be
similar to the one of "Getting
Scio s Goat, although not like
it, A C lown Band and a Mother
Hubbard Glee Club will make up
part of the procession, which
will pass thru the business part
o f to w n
t r
ee S.
Loud sock and Middy day was
observed by the high school stu-
dents last Wednesday. The boys
wore middies and beautiful hair
Last 1 riday evening the sev-
enth and eighth grades had their
first class parties, The eighth
grade and teacher Miss Crabtree
pleasantly enieiiaineti
entertained at
t r e ‘ Pleasanuy
the home of the class president
Cecil Schaefer.
The evening
was pleasantly spent and at a
late hour fresh fruits, cake and
sandwiches, provided by the
girls of the class, were served.
All of them report the "finest
time ever." The seventh grade.
chaperoned by Miss Miller, board-
. n
ed a wagon about 6:30 and trav-
eled to Geymers. Reaching their
destination about 7:30 they spent
the evening playing many differ-
ent °k
games. Late
in 7*~
the V
i* J *"
punch, fruit salad, cake and pie
was served.
The young folks
returned home,t rejoicing over
the grand time they had.
0reKon> all the ri(fht. tit|e and ,ntere8t
which the »aid defendants had on or
after the 16th day o f July, 1917, in or
to the following described premise», to-
T h o ir nuaiom-
5 n Mrs. Gladys Stone and baby
ed part of town was solicited w e r e v i8 ito r s in th e valley Sun-
Monday and Tuesday.
. ,
A drive for new students will f &y' , T , 4 , .
out a mi8€rable existence without rcal-
iZlng the cause o f their suffering. Dav
aft* r day tbey are racked with head-
ache, and backache; suffer from ner-
vouanesg, diz^neaa, weakneaa. languor
JaCk J o h n 8 to n to o k 8 om e " ° K 3 >"d depresaion. Perhaps the kidneys
to Mill City the first o f the week, have fallen behind tn their work of
D n
, ,
, filtering the blood that may he the
W . R. Surry attended a good root o f the trouble. Look to your kid-
maue alter me nouaa,s.
Vacation is near at hand, be-
ginning Friday afternoon Dec.
21, it will last until Monday *’o a d s meeting at A.bany Satur- neya-a»BiBt them in their w o rk -g iv e
morning Dec ‘31
. them the help they need. You can use
„ ,
Mrs. Morris has been appoint- no mort! hi*h,v recommended remedy
The high school glris assisted ,
. .
, .,
„ . V.
than Doan’ a Kidney Pills.
Miss Mclnturff in making cur- 6
a/ n ? .
ross j ne|ow ¡g grateful testimony from «
tains for her room, and three membership dnve for the Lyon, sufferer in this lo c lity .
,.e 1 •,
• *•
auxiliary for this week,
Mrs. M. M. Moench, :m S. Main St.,
beautiful Oil paintings have been
Alb. n, f Ore., say»;” I am only too gla 1
glacen in her room.
lhe work
to tell any who are in need o f a Rood,
was done by Miss Mclnturff’s
reliable medicine for backache and
Plants, pictures and
kidney disorders about Doan’a Kidney
light curtains make a school room
Wbenever 1 bave
For 1918
m ore
I 0
om o.
Monday evening, on account
o f the high water, Emma Mueller
an eighth grade girl, while cross-
ing between the bridges, came
very near being swept from the
back o f the horse she was riding,
The water was co swift that the
horse could scarcely hold its
foitin r. After much difficulty
IM S « « I U la n , ( m m
T i m m
I h t Q re v a l, W ay
•hraa m a t« S a lte C o n i M
W ith a l i m i * C haw
th a n a Ma ah a w a t eiS la a ry «la « .
is p p o o r o r it
Cb Puma.*. 'mTtHrm
b n g h t^ §t
m ^n
for that trouble« I have used Doan’n
Kfclney Fills whenever necessary for
the high- the past ten years and I have found
for T h eithem to
‘ hat is claimed for
th is
Thrift Is N ow a
National Slogan
The American people mr%
Waking up.
They reaen ' Aw
charge that they are waatef * 1
Bank depoaita all over the
country are increaaing by leapa
and bounda.
A re you a depoaitor T
Fo# of tl a T*ran*>j!a.
Tnrant'du» prefer Iw w , atony grmuid
for their habitat. The fooltab crea­
ture» citne out ( i n
troll Ju»t beforo •
the »unset hours, ut toe very tita»
for the sum o f One Hundred (flOUOOl wiieu the tarentulu hawk- which I»
Dollars in U. S. gold com. with inter- uot a lord. Irtt u w i-,» -I» out looking
est thereon at the rite o f 6 ¡>er cent for them. The vicious wasp Is ijulte
P*r |,nnuni- fro® the 6th day o f No- sure to find them. and. although lb »
tight may he long m il the turautula
vember, 1915, until paid, the further
may make a tenacious defease, the
sum o f One Hundred Thirty-five ami
wasp’s '«nee will dually ploree uml
45-100 ($135.45) Dollar», with interest stupefy the tarantula, whose body will
thereon at the rate o f 6 per cent per retain warmth during the rei|ulred
annum from the 13th day o f November, number o f day» for the tucuhatlon of
1912, and the further sum o f Fifty-four the egg» which the wasp will deposit
hi her r let he.
a"d 68-100 <«■«*> !*>»•«■ witb
When the gnih» o f the haliy taran­
thereon at the rate of b per cent |»er
annum from the 30th day o f March, tula hawks Hp;>e:ir the ungracious little
1916, and accruing cost*. I have levied things will immi'dlntely proceed to de­
vour the warm husk that gives them
upon and will sell at public auction on
protection and life, thus fulfilling tbetr
Saturday the 19th day o f January, 1918, destiny uml Incblenbilly protecting the
“ ’ m ” “l the 0ourl Hou,Mf dwellers on the border.
door in Salem, Marion county, Stale of
Fox Valley Gems
H p marfp n ftP r th p BoliH avo
C M JIM tA T U )
Real Chewing Plug
uf the Honorable Circuit Court o f the
state o f Oregon, for the County of
Marion, on the ll*h day o f December,
1917, ¡n f*vor o f Bernard Kiecker,
i>laintiff' and against J H Kleckrrand
ribbons. the girls made no use of
Wednesday morning the high ^ iW e e T T « * ‘L ‘ fi^'rllfad^h
hairpins that day.
school students were permitted ; o f the Section corner o f Section» nine,
Prof. Ford is one of five dele-11° g ° to the river and see the ten, fifteen and sixteen in Township
gates from Marion county in the high water. About 2 hours were n' ne> S. R. one west o f the Wdismette
Meridsan, Oregon, and thence south 14
Representative Counsel for the spont watching t h e
drift rods; thence east 110 feet; thence north
tne State Teachers Association wood pass, as well as enjoying 14 rods; thence west 110 feet to the
place o f beginning, containing 93 square
to be held in Portland Dec. 27, the high water.
rod» more or less, all lying and being
28 and 29.
in Sectioa 15, T. 9 S. R. one west in
The names of several of the
Marion county, Oregon.
pupils who intended to take up
Terms o f sale cash unless bid in by
the Orchestra work were omitted
Rev. Gatke filled his usual ap-
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 14th
last week by oversight.
E . church day o f December, 1917.
full ‘line up* has not been com­
Sunday morning and evening.
Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon.
Mrs. Schnakenberg spent Sun-
By O. D. Bower, Deputy.
The Literary program given
lastjFriday by the A C’s was well day eveni"K w'th Mrs. Sandberg,
rendered, the program for next j A dance was given in the Ly-
Friday will be given by both so- ons hal1 Saturday evening, which
Arthur Kelley. Soph-; was well attended,
omore, will preside.
Mrs. Peling and Miss Fuson Many Stayton People in Poor ^ealth
Without Knowing the Cau*e.
The high school students are f?ave some special music at church
helping in the Red Cross drive Sunday.
There are »cores o f people who drag
fo r new m em h er»
she reached the other side, but
in the excitement she lost her
books and lunch box.
The pupils of the fifth and sixth
grades, as a part of their Art
work, have completed a large
Tiny snd i n . ass.
number of joke books. Each
Flrat Is lint n suhatauiv. It l * ti.*rely
book is entitled “ Miles o f Smiles”
the vibration o f the molecules c«*un>oa-
lug the tunlerlul heated. Kvery uiate-
and is all that the name implies,
rlul I» mude up o f mole ule», mid cucli
The cover designs have been
molecule 1» i ouipi
1 o f atoms. Mole­
painted by the children and each
cules o f mutter ure h. Id together by a
Pa£e in the book is full o f inter- . The
3 ^ompamon 5- force called “ cube» ou."
At absolute aero, colder yet iban
esting jokes.
These books are ¡»sues of 1918. All the remam-
l! |uld air. or minus 270 degrees, uli
tube sent to an Army Training jnK issues of 1917. IheCompan- m Maculca are nt r-ft A» the letnper
Calendar for , 1918. mure rise« the molecule» beg.U to move
Camp, where it is hoped M i l e s ! ' ™ * Home
, .............................
of Smiles will be the result.
i McCall s Magazine 1- fa .non to and fro. T oe higher the temporuture
Is raised the further and faster swing
,' numbers of 1918, all for $2.25.
The pupils of Miss Marshal!
tl e inoleeules.
The Youth’s Companion, Com­ Mol eulv» are so minute that there
and Mrs. Lau’s room ar$ iearn-
monwealth Ave., Boston Mass. are uliout one soxtllUou of them In a
ing Christmas songs,
New Subscriptions Received at i u'dc Imh o f a!r. These at freezing
Several pupils have been ab-
temperature oscillate l.u k and forth
this Office.
at the rate o f 174Til feet u sei u-.d. The
gent from school on account of
_________ ______
average length i f their puth h.-tweeu
the extreme wet weather, those
o» Illations I» about one two hundred
this week are. Edith and Carrie Sheriffs S3le of Real Property on and seventy-seven Ui ti-undth o f an
tn"h. Bach eoun » Into colli«l >o with
Cavin, Minta Caldwell and Urian
%' fellows about .">.<< ' '.UUO tilue» u sec-
By v,rtue of an execu,ion
01,1 oud.
Prof. Ford gave a very inter-
esting talk to the high school
students Monday morning on the
. . . . . War
facts which he gave can scarcely
be imagined but the talk was not
a report o f rumors, as many sup-
pose the reports, but it was of
actual facts. Such reports bring
the students to the present con­
Word has been received from
Leo Klecker, and he is now in
San Francisco. Cal., in the Naval
Training work,
He seems to
like it and thinks he will be in
the Detention Camp for alout
mark. Agnos Rt‘ppla*r, Dr. Ru-
1 '
Dert Blue, Walter tamp, Gen.
Charles King and other gnat
contributors for 1918. The Con -
panion will have its great run of
serials and short stories. It will
give .the clearest and in st re­
liable summary o f the progress
of the great war. At the same
time the regular departments
will be maintained in all their
profusion and variety.
Sample copies of the paper an
nouncing the important features
of next year’s volume will be
sent you on request For the
Companion alone the subscription
price is $2 00. But the publish­
ers also make an extraordinary
double offer The Youths Com­
panion and McCall’ s Magazine
together for $2.25. McCalls is
the best fashion authority for
women and girls, just as the
Companion is the nation’s favor­
ite family literary weekly
Our two-at-one-price offer in­
I f you arc not, join the finan­
cial preperedneaa army. Man­
age to lay aaide a certain
amount o f caah. W e ’ll be glad
to explain our banking eyetem.
In the Circuit Court o f the State
o f Oregon for Marion county, Depart­
ment No. 2. John L. Apple, Plaintiff,
vs. Daisy Apple, Defendant. To Dai»v
Apple, the above named Defendant: IN
OREGON, vou are hereby required to
appear and ar.Rwer the complaint, filed
against you in the shove entitled Court
and cause on or before the 27lh dav o f
December, 1917, and if you fail ao to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
wdl apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in hia complaint, to w it:—
That the bonds o f matrimony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant
he dissolved and that he have tjoch
other and further relief a» to the Court
may seem just and equitable. This
summons is aerved upon you by publi­
cation in the Stayton Mail by order of
Hon. Geo. G. Bingham, Judge o f the
nreuit Court o f the State o f Oregon
for the Third Judicial District, dated
the loth day o f November, 1917, the
first publication to be on the 15th dHy
o f November, 1917, and you are re­
quired to appear un.i answer on or
before the 27th day o f December, 1917.
46t7___________ Attorney for Plaintiff.
country and those witn
est ideals will write
Youth's Companion in 1918. them ’
Ideals in reading matter count !n j Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sun-
these days, and it is worth every-
K[ ^ y" S ^ J T m e thll
thing to keep in the mental com-
-J .
pany of Ex-President Taft. Alex- Cd.. Props., Buffalo. X. Y.
ander Graham Bell, Franklin K.-<
----------:------ ;-----
Lane, Secretary of the interior,
Subscribe for The Mail
of Stayton and vicinity
is solicited.
You are assured of a safe deposi­
tory and courteous treatment at
this bank, by ample capital and
long experience in the banking
Farmers & Merchants
Bank of Stayton Oregon
Capital $25,000.00
Large line of Fall Goods l
Men’s Slickers at the Old Price
Complete line for Men, Women and Children
M. R IN G O -
A share of the banking business
Night Light In the Sky.
la atudyiug the amount of light In
the sky ou a starlit night loimtwrtua
Tutema, In Oerniuuy, reached the In­
teresting coiH-iusii’p tbnt tlie luminosi­
ty o f the sky 1» caused partly by di­
rect starlight and |iartly by soma other
source o f light This latter be calls
earth light and suggests that It may
be due to a iwnnuncut aurora attend­
ing the earth. The light la variable
not only on different night», but at
different hours o f the same ulgbt. Ha
found It to be from »even to fifteen
time« the amount o f menu starlight,
but It is believed that tbia ratio la ex­
ceptional and doea not prevail every­
home observations Indicate
that the light has Ita origin close to
the surface o f the earth. It has been
suggested tnat It may hare a similar
origin to that o f the light emitted by
the coma of a comet.
' ♦ * ' < * * * 4 * » 4 * 4 V
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