Oraron Historie»! 8 oclity THE STÄYT0N MAIL Has the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley STAYTON, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917. 23rd. Year, No. 49. Serial No. 1138 very bad, as they don’t want to j naires which win begin to be Another Letter From | i fight with the Americans. mailed December 15, will reach I suppose yov know that some j such registrants without delay. Stayton Soldier Boy of the U. S. soldiers are in the •Every man registered under “Registrants are bound to keep trenches a'ready. Are there the draft law who huH changed themselves advised of all pro­ :3 - many soldiers training in the liis residence or poatofflee ad­ ceedings in respect of them, and Mrs. H. J. Mutschler has re- states now? I suppose there % are j dress should immediately, with­ failure to do so may. result in * * $ ¡& * fm*‘' fr , lots of them, and are they send- j riZ * •"?ther l' tter f" ,m .Carl out fail, notify his lory I hoard of their M l rinht to claim «X- Ä.! ing any of them over here now? j emption or di«charKe. Mart'"' fo,™ !,'lv employCd by his present address so that he It How is John Thoma and th e1 Mr. Mutschler in his shop, will receive the Questionaire he written “Somewhere in , rest oi the boys in Stayton? It’s is required to fill out under the There will be no “dousing the was France,” Nov. 1st. getting late now so I must close new draft Regulations. glim ’’ along the groat white way for tnis time, so best wishes to Dear Mrs. Mutschler: m m 3 - This applies to all registered of Broadway under the orders of | J all, tell Henry and Harry hello! men, even those previously ex­ the rdministration at Washington. I received your most welcome for me and tell little Harry that empted or discharged. All pre­ We don’t depend on coal for our 1 letter the other day and sure was 1 will come back all right at the Christm; vious exemptions and discharges power in this neck of the woods. | glad to hear from you, and your end of the war. This is all for from the draft are automatically — L ob Angles Times. letter found me well only 1 have this time, revoked on December 15. little cold, but it will be all Nor up here in Oregon, either. a right Good bye, The Questionains will begin There in a few days, I think. is enough water power run­ Carl Martin, to be sent to registered men on ning to waste down our Cascade You asked me if I needed any­ Co. F. 18th Eng. Ry. D o l l s of all kinds from 10 C ts u p December 15. Each man will and Coast Range mountain sides, thing. I need several things, U. S. Army P. 0. in France have seven days in which to fill and through their gorges, and in , but I , don’t . like to ask you You will be money ahead by buying ., ,. for . No. 705 via New York. out answers to the many ques­ our pMCeful »alley, to fill .11 the!*n>'lhln*’.b"t . .. 'f ,. 11 m>uldn 1 1,8 I have to write my name this your Holiday goods from tions asked and return the Ques­ Willamette valley with the hum 100 muoh ,r«uMe “ nd mf a way on the bottom so it will pass tionaire to his local board. x of Industry, ami to extract from , a pa'r of w0° Ie" censor. Blacksmith Carl Martin. ; MARKETERS GROCERY COMPANY Failure to answer the Question­ the air the fertilizer, and to pro. I8« * 8- 11 “ a"d, “ld verv ” * 8 u“ th8m and n"w- within this seven day limit will the apacea between fartoriea ooe [ » « " 8od‘I8 No- 11 sweater endanger a man’s right to claim great g.'.rden , . orchard. . , No. 56. If , 3 you ,, send me the , sweater, exemption, regardless of wheth­ After p«sce and send me the price of , .. it shall have come, er he did not receive the Ques­ no doubt will be vast further de­ and I will send you the money. Mrs. Oscar Käufer entertained Ben Roy and wife left Friday tionnaire. You got my letter from Eng­ velopment of our all hut unlimited a party of army friends at an ex­ j for their home in New York af­ Hence it is urgent th^t every “white coal” resources.—Salem, land you said. We have now a several weeks visit at the quisitely appointed Thanksgiving ter registered man whose address Ore. Statesman. been in France several months. E. Roy here. Mrs. Milca dinner. The decorations were of Watson home has been changed should, for his The only thing which will pre­ I like it all right over here. The accompanied as far the national colors combined as Victoria, B. G., them own protection, at once notify his vent such power development in country is very beautiful and where with autumnal flowers, the va­ l will visit her husband Dr. G. she local hoard of his change in ad­ all parts of the west is lack of when we got here there was all C. cant chair of the absent Lieuten­ Watson of the dental corps of the dress. kinds of fruit and we had plenty workable waterpower legislation ant Käufer being draped with an British army. The Dr. had a So important is this matter! permitting development and it is of it to eat, but now the winter American flag. Mrs. Käufer is several day furloujh and joined considered by Provost. Marshal1 to has set in and the weather is be sincerely hoped that the c< Id and rainy. an energetic worker in the El the party at Seattle. General Crowder, at Washington ! coming session of congress will All the houses are made out of Paso Red Cross Chapter.—El I). C. that he has issued the fob remove this No greater stone and everything looks so Paso (Tex.) News. Subscribe for the Mail. lowing instructions relative to fuel and obstacle. labour conservation different from the states. The giving it full publicity: “Please cause the broadest and measure could be passed- people treat us very nice over most extensive and continuous here and all the boys get along publicity to be given through the Mrs. Myrtle Gooderham and fine with the French people. A Full Line o f Christmas At the Star Saturday Adjutant General, local and dis­ son Wayne, of LaGrande, Ore., Nearly all the men here are in trict boards, the newspapers departed for home last Sunday the army and the women do the and by all other possible means after visiting at her uncle John most of the work. We are work­ Save Your Pennies Toys, books, games, dolls, pictures of warning to all registrants who Lulay’s and with other relatives. ing all the time now. I can’t and useful articles, such as hand­ and Help Uncle Sam may have changed their places She also paid a visit to Adam Lu­ tell you what we’re doing for it kerchiefs, towels, bibs, neckties, of abode and i>ostoflice address lay’s, near Sublimity Friday. wouldn't pass the censorship. Those who cannot save in large arm bands, ribbons, box paper, to communicate immediately with Miss Merta M. Sienmund is a There are a large number of enough amounts to buy Liberty china and glassware. Everything their local boards where they are guest at the C. A. Luthy home German prisoners near us here. bonds can help the government to make Christmas happy for the registered, and furnish their this week and is taking in the They are working around here in the smaller savings To en­ present address so that Question­ Chautauqua. and they don’t want to run away courage this, thrift stamps are little ones as well as the older ones now to be had at the postoffice. A card will be given to those who call for one. on which there Our Line is Compiete, our Prices RIGHT is a place for sixteen stamps. Stamps may be bought at the STARR’S postoffice for 25 cents each. That G enteel When the card is filled with the thrift stamps, the amount is $4 Oregon Stayton and by paying 12 to 23 cents this earance may be exchanged for a war sav­ ings certificate, valued at matur­ There’s quality in the goods we sell that makes the ity at $5. The thrift stamps pay Mrs, J. Braun and son return­ Leo Klecker is the latest Stay- wearer look genteel. He is readily recognized as no interest, but the certificates ed to their home near Seio today. ton boy to join the colors. Last pay 4J per cent. well dressed. _________ Bert Watters is home from night he was given a reception The thrift stamps are excel­ Canada, where he has been for by the High school students. lent to impress on the minds of several months. Mrs. Mary Allen and son Mel- If there ever was a choice line of Winter children the idea of saving and ford the last of the the certificates, which are prac­ Edgar Watters and wife were week returned Suits and Overcoats we have them now from a visit with relatives tically a government bond of week end guests at the W, S. in Silverton. small denomination, are useful Watters home. for those who feel the need of Mrs. L. Crabtree, of Lebanon, Wm. Trout and wife spent the Hart Schaffner & Marx saving “for a rainy day” but visited at the C. E. Lampnian week end in Mill City. are unable to spare much at a home last week. Attend the Bazaar. $25 $30 $35 time. Postmaster Alexander reports considerable interest being shown Bishop’s AU-Wool in this new plan of saving and $15 $20 $25 $30 Buy that Boy o f Yours helping the government at the same time, and several thrift One of our overcoats this cold weather. These are the stamps and savings certificates j A full line of Men’s Furnishing Goods finest ovèreoats in the market and price is absolutely have been taken. Master Fred of our high standard of quality. Also cheap, must be seen to be appreciated. Davie was the first in Stayton to a good assortment of invest in a certificate, and Miss Maryan Alexander secured the first thrift stamp. Galore at the old prices. If you buy your merchandise Remember our own tailors will conform from us you are right in line with Hoover’s instructions your suit so that it will fit you perfectly because you are saving money on every purchase you make here. Pastor W. J. Warren Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. The finest and best flavored Walnuts ever sold in Ore­ Epworth League 6:30 p. m., gon lb 25 cents. Prayer meeting every Wednes­ NOBODY UNDERSELLS US day evening at 7:30. Headquarters for Good, Reliable Clothing for the Willamette Valley Meeting of the Sunday school | W . F. KLECKER. board the second Monday of 136 ty. Commercial Street Telephone 166 every month at 7:30 p. m. Of­ ESTABLISHED 14 YEARS ficial board meeting the same evening at 8 o’clock. IMPORTANT M U ßT b i* 1 • '" X v 'W XT '- Toys for young and old General Merchandise T H E S T O R E T H A T U N D E R S E L L S B E C A U S E IT S E L L S F O R C A S H i-i ri " ? .ittéM ii 1 ■ » '» ir * .iilàii» . »I ttf" * ..»»Ili ~ '»utili __ uiitifc — iiTy(r ¿ jUUÉÉiiiUÉil' "flIMWiiT*' 5-10-15-25c Store App - - 9S55Î5 5 5 5 HE? - - - Wool Dress Goods Boys’ Suits - Hats - Shoes - Etc. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Methodist Church Walnuts lb 25c