W. R. Surry, wife and daugh* Miss Coral Smuck is now em­ ; ..........................' ..................................M ’ ----------- l ter, of Lyons, passed through ployed at the bakery. Stayton Monday on their way Perrv Bressler and son, of Fox First Class Confections. High Grade Pure Candies home from a visit with their son Valley, were in town Saturday. I in Idaho and Mrs. S. brother in Services held at the Bap­ Fine Cigars tuAl Tobacco Wash., having been gone two tist church were last Sunday followed 1 weeks. Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks by baptismal services. Wm. Doughty, son of B. F. Will Cooper, who is employed All Prices and Style Box Candy Doughty, who lives on the Aums- in Linn county, spent Sunday ville road, in a letter to friends with his sister Miss Cora Cooper. here, says he is stationed with A number of Stayton Odd Fel­ the Areopland Squadron at ('amp lows attended lodge meeting in Oregon Stayton, Hicks, Ft. Worth, Texas, and Silverton last Tuesday evening. P likes army life first rate. Mrs. Will Gonderham, of La- i^) The Mother Goose Bazaar will Grande, is visiting friends in 'y j open at 10:30a. m. December 8th in the Gardner building. Those Ellen Townsend left Tues-, dB SijB fnS. 1 lie 1 C O ttO Il ^ j who wish to bring their articles day Mrs. for a visit with rel­ Friday Dec. 7 may do so as there atives morning at Irrigon. will be some one there to receive them. If brought earlier than M**s. Zulu Mosier. of near Sil- then leave at the 16 cent store. j verton, visited at the home of, Miss Ermine Bushnell, sister of Mrs. J. M. Ringo, was mar­ S. Watters, the last of the week. YOUR PICTURE L. Dillard and family have Remember the Mother Goose ried in Salem last week to J. R. For Xmas farther. Your Bazaar Dec. 8. moved to Scio. Fawk. Miss Bushnell was for last chance goes at Studio While attending the Live Stock several years teacher in tha Sa­ this year. Open Stayton Dec. 1 and 2. Show in Portland last week. Cur­ lem schools and was also promi­ Candies at Beauchamp’s. tis Cole bought two registered nent in Salem musical circles. Delbert )). Murphy, son of A. She is quite well known in this i D.. enlisted in the navy. The There has been no school this cows to add to his herd. city. Mr. and Mrs. Ringo were navy is now calling for firemen, week, as the teachers are attend­ The Latest in ing institute in Salem. j ajj ^ ^ of Stationery at attendance at the wedding. and wants 2000. Wanda Brown is home from Harold Murphy has been up Slopers Eugene where she is attending SALE OF REAL PROPERTY from Salem several days visiting 1 B. A. Schaefer and wife, who SHERIFFS W e are showing a full and complete line of ON FORECLOSURE. the University,- to spend the relatives. have been living on their farm at Thanksgiving vacation. Mis. E. D. Alexander returned Thomas for a short time, are Notice is. hereby given, that by vir- W. W. Elder was elected a di-; Winter Wear for Men Women and Children Sunday evening from a ten days back in Stayton again. tue °* “n execution duly issued out of rector in the Farmers & Mer­ W oolen underwear, hosiery, skirts, mackinaws, C t in gy | | the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- visit in Junction City. chants Bank at their last meet- u to p 1 h a t t o u g h *on* tor the county of Marion, and to gloves etc. Also u fine now line of Mr. Smuck. who has been in me directed on the 13th day of Novem- ing. the 'east for the past year re­ With Rexall Cherry bark i*.r ial7, upon a judgment and decree w it ,* .. , 1 o . Heavy Winter Comforts for the Beds, turned last Thursday. cough cure 25. 5b and $1.00 bot- duly rendered, entered of record and I -Man^ r Hoereth of the Star docketed in und by said court on the h as Secured tht* Hoarrtt ties — Money Back Guarantee. 29th day of September, isi7, in a cer P a th e Newsservice, and it. will Soft, warm , cozy Blankets, in white, gray und tan. Sloper's Cold and Lagrippe Prices on all lines as low as the times will allow Tablets rob the winter of its Beauchamp’s the Rexall Store. l*'n »ait then in said court pending. I be a feature of his Wednesday Mrs. Roy Hall and son Jack, wherein Stayton State Bunk, h shows from now lagrippe terrors. who have been visiting her par- ration, was plaintiff, and H. N. Hunt- j The infant son of Chas. . Gen- ents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilbur, 'ey. and Emogene Huntley, his wife. I 1 :irr proper am l wife and J. R. Gardner’ s Cash Store, Stayton, Ore. len. who has been very sick, is |eft Tuesd morninji for their C h - S u .b and Maggie S.aab hi. wife. Wayne Ashby motored to the « consideraoly n i i / t o n n i » iim improved. im voii . „ . n were defendants in favor of plaintiff Berg home at Shaw Sunday. Miss * 1 ’ ’ , againat said defendants,by which L*.na Berg returned home with Mrs, J. P. Funk and daughter M iss Anna-Nystrom, who at* , and execution am commanded to sell the t^(.m Vera, of Corvallis, were out of tended high school here last vaar property in 1 said execution and herein- town guests at the Forrette-Mat- was married last week in Alba- ai * r Mrs. J. F. Lau and little ' ** ,um to-wit: tf. Let us make up an itinerary and arrange your trip . a business trip to Portland the 25 cents or fraction thereof. For commencing at a point where the FOR SALE -66 acres Sanliam bottom last of the week. During their instance, if the package needs 25 southeast comer of the John w. Thom- land about half in cultivation, several absence Miss Ina Harold looked cents postage, a lc war revenue as water lot interstc-u the «outhbound- acres can be easily cleared, balaure Ask any agent for particulars or write after the interests of the produce stamp is required; if the postage “ south, 7 line of Section 10, in township 9 good timber. Four roomed house good 1 west of the Willamette and other out buildings. Slfo 8x24 house for Mr. Thomas. is 26 to 50c, a 2c revenue stamp. Meridian range in Stayton, Marion eoun bam p|BW, j„ f,.nce(] Hnd crossed fenced ^ Lots of Holiday Doll's Cash Store f Costs but Little More to Go East via California SEE Oregon; running thence East mostly woven wire; running w ater in chain; thence North 1.12 chains; thence i panture. Near S. P. depot and county t John i l W. Thomas ..........~T~ T” road, . grade school, route, ner of water lot; .. mail orchard. . telephone . Price ... .. thence South c .. along , .. the east . boundary . , in house and . . family , . . . . . (000 part cash balance, term s if desired line of said water lot to the place of . . _ i . . . ' Apply to Alfred Beal Aumsville, Ore., I ^ , nson-nK- or ^ Bakerfteld Cal. 4014 All w ater rights and priviledges FOR SALE — Registered Berkshire for power purposes in connection there- Hoar„ rcwl for w r¥ice. pric„ re8SOn. with or appurtenant thereto. abte> Bpp,y Andrew Fery. Aum. A A !° : right-of-way , , - for ingress a n d 'vile. 4t 44 ________ egress to and from the above descrioed j.-()K SA LE—Carpet Loom and fix- ; premises for vehicles and pedestrians (Ureg j n good condition. Apply J. A. across the Stayton W ater Power Co. Lulay, Stayton, Ore. water ditch at the foot of Third street _____________________________________ as now established and used in said LOST —18 month roan, muley Dur- town of Stayton, Oregon. ham heifer, strayed from pasture 1 1-2 Also: miles west of Sublimity, finder pleas« Beginning at a point 32.6 rods east notify J. A. Smith, Aumsville 4612 and 110 feet south of the southwest cor- IX)ST —Coming 2 year old heifer, 11 ner of the southeast quarter of section light fawn color, marking, under bit ; 10, in townahin 9 south, range 1 west of right ear, hair brand 20 on right hip. i j the W illamette Meridian in Marion Phone W. E. Chriaman, Stayton 2461 county, Oregon; running thence South 80.25 feet; thence East 88 feet; thence FOR SALE- One 3 1-4 half truck North 140.25 fbet; thence West 28 feet; wagon, one pair farm trucks, one Je r­ thence in a Southwesterly direction to sey row will be fresh in February. J. A. Burns, Shaw, Ore. 46tf the place of beginning. Also: FOR SA L E - Guineas $1.60 per pair, All machinety, belting, shafting, i apply F. X. Hottinger. 4612 water-wheels, fixtures, furnace, sup­ FOR SA L E -10 head of stock sheep. plies, tools and equipment of every na­ ture and kind in, upon or about each of P. T. Etxel, Stayton._______ 4812 tne above described tracts of land and FOR SA LE—Small bunch stork ra t­ used directly or indirectly in connection tle. Call or write J. H. Ruinn Box 60 | with the operation and maintenance of K F. D. 2, Scio, Ore.________________ | a chair factory arid dry houae on said FOR SALE 5 head good fresh milk premises. rows also 1 black 5 year old mare wt. Said sale being made subject to re­ about 1600. C. P. Neibert, Stayion. 48 demption as provided by law. Dated this 17th day of November, 1917 KCK SALE Two Jeraey heifers W. I. NEEDHAM. fresh with 2 and 3 weeks old calves Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. $4o 00 each. Brown Leghorn ctx'kerla '! By O. D. Bow eh . Deputy. 47to $1.00 each. John Sandner, Jr. The Old Homestead Greatest single triumph of the American Stage In 6 Big reels at The STAR Theatre Saturday Also a Black Diamond Comedy “SUSIE SLIPS ONE OVER.” Home of Home of Best Shows STAR THEATRE Best Shows SUNDAY “He’s not fit fora little anirel like you.” “I’m not an angel, I’m just his wife, and I love him.’ What then GLADYS HULETTE —IN - “THE CANDY GIRL” Zlhorte* the L : 2 i4.D ........,w............_ # $ 'ht>r pnrent8’ °*pt Hnd M'8- w I £ S : News From All Over The ■---------City--------- Possibly About You or Your Friends - J. A. HENDERSHOTT, Proprietor Your attention is directed to our exceptionally attractive showini of beautiful crepes and flannel ettes in patterns particularly suit- able for the making of Kimono for women, misses and children. These fabrics are of finest cotton in rich colorings and beautiful in- eludes crepes and soft clinging fabrics. These too are in rich tones, both dull and brilliant and conventional patterns that are designed especially for the mak- ing of Kimonos. ; ; 5 J 2 J 2 S Kimono Fabrics ; 4 1 GEM CONFECTIONERY John M. Scott GeneJal Panarnger Agent Portland, Oiegon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES IM A These Cool days and Chilly Evenings remind one winter and the need of Heating Stoves You will find a large and Complete Line and at the Right Price at LILLY HARDWARE CO. See our Clubbing offer iu another column.