' Physician and Surgson H R P o a T o r T ilR c o n d i t i o n o r t h is FARM AND C ITY LOANS I f vou are paying a high rate o f in­ ternet. why not refund your loan at a lower rate and morn liberal term*. It la not good buaineaa to pay a higher rate o f Internet than the market demand«, nor le It goflfl boal- near to keep your aurplue lurid« on lime depoaita at 8 to 4 per ct. per an­ num when 6 per rent can readily be »erured on Hr»t Farm Mortage«. I f you have money to loan or wi«h to rofund or aecure a new one, call or write 8. H. H ELTZEL, Stayton, Oregon. »• • • • • • ♦ • • • • ♦ ♦ • • • • ♦ fr STAYTON S TA TE BANK NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department o f the Interior U 8. Land Office Ht Portland, Oregon November, 26th, 1917. STAYTO N. AMOL'ftCfCH OREGON IrOAiiB Bini niMount* ............. 9121,771 *3 Notice 1« hereby given that Aubrey O v«rdr*fU , •eoiiriifl tiwl urifM.‘Ctjr«<1. 71» AC G. Myem o f fiate«, Oregon, who on Bond* »nd Warrant* ................... h October 8, 1912, mnde Homestead En Mtorkt, m » o tiriti««, Judgment*, mVt. . «I Hanking bonne,....................................... A.AOU 00 try. No 0MB0, for SE* NW * 3W * NE* Kuruitnr* and f lit u m , .... 2 /áM) Ob and W * 8K*, Section 8. Townahip 9 P H Y S IC IA N A N I) SUHÜEON Du« from bank* (n ot r«*crvr banks» South, Range 8 Eaat, Willamette Me­ Du« from approve«! rewrve banks ... 11.MM 42 ridian, haa filed notice o f intention to S t a y t o n . O kkco n <’ he«‘ k* sud other <:«»h Itemi» . . M3 01 ('s ili on h siK l............. 9ß'£7 »1 make five year proof under A ct of March 4, 1913, to eatabliah claim to the T o rti.. .................. $»$ß1b 12 land bbove deacribed, beft re Regiater and Receiver o f the U nite! State« U A B IU T IK H DENTIST Capital Ulu li palli l « ........... ....... I 21.000 un Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on Undivided proflu, ........... .......... the 17th day o f January, 1918. < >ftlco Opp. Lancefield Hhoo Store «41 O l e » c i panie, al 4 l a « . , paid Claimant name« aa witnea-ea: A. B. Individua! drpoaiu auliteci lo .back in ww 7a Phone 2162 Stevton, Ore 2.001 g' Myera, S. G. Myera, A. Y. Myera and Caahler cb.nk» oulatandln*...... TI io . and Having» Papuan».............. •0 A li tu A. R. Myera, all o f Gate«, Marion, Co., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones of T o tal . MH An i Oregon. Proof made under Aet of Victor Point celebrated their March 4, 1913. N. C AM PB ELL, LA W YE R end NO TAR Y PUBLIC twentieth wedding anniversary Hial« nf Orr « on f 48U> Regiater C. H. BREWER, M. D. Wilbur N. Pintler, D.M.D. • I HUylon, In 'h e Auto of Oregoa, s i (hr O k *« of biiilncM Hov gl). 1917. Wedding Anniversary V. A. GOODE last Sunday at their home. The Office Room No. 6, Roy lildg. occasion wan one long to be re­ membered by those present, an M. H . H K L T Z K L elaborate dinner was served and an enjoyable time was had by all. Attorney-at-Law -Notary Public Those present were J. Morely. w ife and aons, Everett and Lloyd C. E. Morely and family o f Shaw, W. R. Jonea and wife, C. C. Jones and family of Victor Point, F. M. Egan and family, H. P. Broughton and family of Silver- GEO. A. SMITH ton, A. C. Thomas and family of Stayton, Oregon Stayton and Wm. Greenberg, wife and son of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were presented G. F . KORINEK, V. S„ B. V. Sc with a beautiful hand painted china dinner set and several other beautiful pieces of china. Trenta all domeatic animala, alee — Real Estate— And Farm Loans Veterinarian applica the Tuberculin teat. Telephone 8*7 • , O nice « I Stay ton > tab le t STA YTO N . . . . If in the Market For Chevrolet or Buick Four or Six P h on e o r Call on 0. M. Baker, Agent Kingston. O re. T IN W O R K and PL U M B IN G Bath Tube, Lavatories and dll Sanitary ñttinsrs— Farm- ere-W e carry a line o f pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. JACOB SPANIOL STAYTON MEAT MARKET SESTAK Union Hill OREGOf & TH O M AS, Proprietors. Mrs. C. C. Carter spent the week end In Stayton, returning home Monday. Thomas Tate is home on a vis­ it from eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. M ollett daughters Bertha and Ethel and Mrs. Jessie Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crabtree and sons were entertained at the Elvin Carter home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevely, ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Lincoln, motored to Stayton Sun­ day eve, attending the show. Mrs. May Williams is visiting friends in Salem this week. Fresh, Salt & Cured Meats Mr. Lard & Creamery Butter. spent Kgbest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock St. Marys Church Services 2nd 4th and 6th Sun­ days at 8:30 a. m. Rev. Fr. Lai nek. Pastor • and Mrs. C. J. Seibel Sunday near the Silver Creek Falla. Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Hurt made a business trip to Salem Wednesday. North Santiam FUNERAL DIRECTOR NOTI FOR PUBLICATION Portland people are going to take one or more soldier boys from Vancouver to their home for Thanksgiving and according to Mrs. Van Winkle of Portland reports from the east the Oregon w ho has been visiting her mice boys will be taken into homes Mrs. tWilh ir f. r a few days re- thtre for the day. tu...w- ~ • ... Tu - ’ y. Hamman Auto Stage ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ fr < ♦ fr ♦ ♦ » ❖ ❖ ♦ ♦ A FULL LINE OF Men's Slickers at the Old Price ♦ ♦ ♦ fr ♦ RUBBER W EAR ♦ ♦ Complete line for Men* Women and Children GEHLEN S STORE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SE*. Section 3 Townahip 9 South, ♦ Range 3 Eaat, Willamette Meridian, ♦ 4 A A %4 4 A < « 4 6 4 A 4 4 4 4 V v 6 A 4 4 4 4 * A 4 4 6 t « 6 4 4 4 4 4 haa filed notice o f intention to make KKPOIlT or TIIB CONDITION o r THB five year proof under act o f March 4 1913, to eatabliah claim to the land Farmers and Merchants Bank above deacribed, before the Regiatet at Slayton, In th* Slate of Oregon, at the clow and Receiver o f the United State« Land , Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 17th of bustnesa Nov. «11, 1*17 Kaaovacaa. day o f January, 1918. 1/van» and discount»........................ |r»l,2M U Claimant name* as witnesses: A. B. Overdraft» accurrd and unsecured I'd *>■ Honda and warranta ...................... fl.'AM 77 Mvers, S. G. Myera, A. G. Myera, and Hanking house ................................. *,V>0 On A. R. Myera, all o f Gatea, Marion Co., • Furniture and fixture».................... *.«11 Ml Oregon. Proof made under A ct of; Due from approved reserve Pauk».. 23.M6 «1 March 4, 1913. N. CAM PBELL, Check» and other ca»h Ite m »........... 48t5 Register. Cash on hand ......... ....................... 10,7«* W. PI ree tora Florsheim Shoes are Now T o t a l .............................. » jmj ia* L ia r unaa. Capital slock paid In ....................... I 2 . 1,000 no Sutpluafuod.......................................... 1,300 00 It is a fine thing to guard our Undivided p ro flu ............................. leaaeipeuaea and taxes paid 1,1*5 «4 homes against alien soldiers of Individual depoalu subject to check l l l i l f l 40 Demand certificate» of depoeit.............. 6.201 04 whose purpose we are all aware- Tim e and flavin «» Depoalu 66.au 07 But it is also very important to Selling at from $9.00 to $10.50. However while they last I have some good styles in this well known brand that I can sell at $6.00 $7.50 and $8.00. Get them while the getting is Good Lancefield Shoe Store T o t a l ................................ Uti*.43H 66 guard them against other insidu- ous foes that creep io under the flu te of Oregon I County of Marloni disguise o f friendly entertainers 1, J. W. MAYO, Caablerof the above named bank, do aolamnly »»e a r that the above a u u - to plunder and destroy the cher­ menl la trua to the beat of my knowledge and ished ideals, the lofty standards, belief I. W. Mayo.Caahler. the clear views that have Riven Hu bar rl bed and (w orn to before me thla (7fb the home its character. day of Nov., ,1*17. V A-OOODE. I f you will familiarize your Notary Public young people with the beat read­ My Cnmialaslon exptrea Oct.. 7. Ilia C o rre c t-A Ilea': ing. they will not be likely to A. D. U a b p n « « crave what is inferior and de­ W. W. KLivra J. M. Rlfloo moralizing. The Youth’s Com­ Director». panion is a powerful influence in awakening a taste for what is best in reading. It is on guard at the reading gate! Nothing cheap, mean or hateful passes (Last week’s items) its challenge. But neither does Mrs. Gunsaules spent Sunday the crabbed, dull and austere. afternoon viaiting relatives in Cheery idealism is The Compan­ Stayton. ion’s countersign. Put it on Arthur Branch has traded his guard at your reading gate! ranch for a Waldo Hill ranch and The Companion ia $2,00 a year is busy moving. I f you do not know it, by all Mrs. 'Shieman and daughter means send for sample copies Josephine were trading with givin g a forecast o f what the next volume will bring. By ad­ Stayton merchants Saturday. Mr. McClellan, our genial mer­ ding 26 cents you can also get chant, haa moved hia stock o f McCall’s Magazine, the best fashion authority for women and goods into the Henny building. girls—both publications for $2.26 Earl Brown went to Washing­ Our two-at-one-price offer in­ ton to spend the winter. cludes: Mrs. Gunsaules called on Leona 1. The Youth’ s Companion- Forrette Monday afternoon, 62 issues of 1918. Andrew Fery, w ife and daugh­ . 2. All the remaining issues of ters, visited at the Nick Schmitz 1917. home Sunday afternoon. 3. The Companion Home Cal­ Andrew Brown is working for endar for 1918. Geo. Brewer. 4. McCall’ s Magazine — 12 Ruby McCormick is employed fashion numbers o f 1918. All at the Charley Martin home in for only $2.25. Aumsville. THE Y O U T H ’S CO M PANIO N Mrs. Carlson was a Salem vis­ Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. itor recently. New subscriptions Received at Oliver Forrette is doing some this Office. farm work on the Leonard W alk-1 West Stayton LeterRai 8:00 a.m. . ur Stavton I v 5:00 p.m. Ar W - M - ° " 1 v !6:16 p.m. I Large line of Fall Goods ofco. SPANIOL. Mrs. George Brower, o f Auro­ ra, visitfed friends and relatives here. - J . M. RINGO — S. E. Kuenzli, who has spent STAYTON OREGON several months in Ohio and Michigan visiting relatives and CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AUG. 17 friends, has returned home. Bert Beal and family, of Cam­ as, Washington, have moved on AUTO STAGE his mother’s place. She will re­ er ranch. G. W. DeJardin made a fiyir.g Will make regular trips every flay. side with them. visit toGervais and return last Sundays included « h follows: P. A. Stephens and family vis­ Monday. SAl.KM PHON K 1*96 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A. M. IP- M. ited in Albany Sunday. 7:4(1 L v ___Kingston.... Ar 5 :30 The Red Cross auxiliary will 7:50 ......... Stayton............. 5 :00 DepHrtment o f the Interior 8:00 ......... Sublimity........ 4 :60 meet this week in the Saints •8:20 ......... Aum aville....... 4 :30 "U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon :lfi church. 8:40 ......... Turner.............. 4 I November 26th, 1917. 9:15 A r . .. .Salem......... Lv 8 :45 Notice is hereby given that Stephen Ralph Spicer and wife v ent to G. Myers, o f Gates, Oregon, who, on Portland the first of the week. •Meets Train 62 northbound at Auma- October 8, 1912, made Homestead En­ ville. Stage leave» opposite O. E. de- Mr. Mayo, of Stayton, is ship­ try, No. n3651 tor Lots 2. 3, 4 and SW* fait in Salem. ping a car of spuds from here. NW *. Section 3, Township 9 South, S ta y to n -W e s t Stayton Several potato buyers have Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, \ has tiled notice o f intention to make been in this neighborhood after, three-vear Proof, to estatdish claim t o . » . 8:45 a.m. 7:00 a. in. • Lv Stayton A r « :00p|n the crop. 4:10 p.m the land above deacribed, before the Kingston- Stayton- Salem ♦ I uunty ul Marlon i ♦ 1, U. K Munk.r», Caabler o f Ibe aborr 4 named bank, do »ul.mnljr »wear Ihal Iba above ❖ l l •la ie m .n l la irua lo iba b «»l of my kaow ladg. fr and belief. ❖ Department o f the Interior O. K. Mi'Rxma. Cashier fr U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, ❖ Hubaerlbad and »worn lo before me Ib i» 27th I day of Nov., I»I7. November 26th, 1917. * fl. It. HKLT7.KL, Notice ia hereby giv e« that Anthony ♦ Notary Public. Y. Myera, of Gate«. Oregon, who on fr My Coinm lulnn capire» Dec. *7, l«zn fr October 8, 1912 made Homeatead Entry fr Correct— A lia ti : I.KK T A T * No. 03649 for lot 1, SE* NE* and E* fr On Guard at the Reading Gate (I^utt week’s items) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Heater and family motored to Silverton Sunday. Hugh Hurt haa been taking care of Eld Tate’a farm while thev were viaiting friends and relatives in Hillsboro, Ore. Misses Elsie King and Bertha Mollett visited the Union Hill school this week. C O M IN G ! ♦ ♦ H. A. BE AUCH AMP, M O . Regiater and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland, Ore­ gon, on the 17th day of January, 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses. A. B. Myera, A. G. Myera, A. Y. Myera and | A. R. Myera, all of Gatea, Mnrion, Co,, Oregon. Proof made under Act of June 6,1912. n . C a m p b e l l . 4a.o Legist, r. FISH BRAND S L IC K E R S w ill keepi you d ry as nothing else will DEALERS FISH BRAND POM MEL.the beet Saddle Coot in the world. EVERYWHERE A.J TOWED CC — — BOSTON Union Hill Johnson spent Friday afternoon at the Fox Valley school, where the pupils recited a Thanksgiving The Walluga Club met with program. Mrs. Geo. Scott Thursday after­ Miss Alta Brown and Maxine noon. The time was spent in Berry will spend Thanksgiving sewing for the hostess. with home folks in Portland. The Parent Teacher meeting W. R. Surry and family re­ was well attended Friday even­ turned the first o f the week from ing November 23rd. A Thanks­ a two weeks visit with relatives giving program was given by in Washington and Idaho. the school with several numbers Ralph and Ruth Trask spent from the young people. Later a the last o f the week with Ralphs lunch was very much enjoyed. folks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rabens The Misses Sarah and Anna Dora and Elmer motored to Stay- Kuiken came to Lyons Friday ton Sunday spending the day evening from Stayton to visit with Elvin C. Carter and family. over Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Carter were enter­ Red Cross society will meet tained at the home of Will Mol- Friday o f this week instead o f let Sunday. Thanksgiving day. Everyone is Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lincoln invited to attend the meetings spent the week end in Silverton and requested to help all they visiting with relatives and can friends. Stmt* of Ohio, city o f Toledo. I _ Lu cas County. 1 Miss Shinn is spending the Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha la first of the week in Salem going rcn'.or partner of the firm o f F. J . Cheney A Co. dofn* business tn the City o f T o ­ from there to spend Thanksgiv­ ledo. Ceunty and State aforesaid, and that arid Arm will pay the sum o f O N B ing in Portland with her folks. H U N D P .F D D O L L A R S fo r each and ev­ ery raxe c f Catarrh that cannot be cured C A T AR R H CURE. Geo. Scott and family and Nick sy the use o f H A F L R L ’S A N K J. C H E N E T . Gilmore and family spent Sun­ Sworn to before me and subscribed la ir.y prcrerce, this 6th day o f December. x d . im. day with home folks. (Seal) Rock Point Several were absent from school this week on account of the Chicken Pox. Henry Frank and family were Salem visitors Thursday. X W . GLEASON, N o tary Public. H a ll’s Catarrh Cure la taken internally and acta directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surfaces of the system. Send fo r testimonials, free. F. J. C H E N E T A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Taka H all's Fasall* PUla tor i WHAT’S THE REASOM Many Stayton People in Poor Haaltlt Without Knowing the Cans#. J. J. Staiger and w ife were Stayton callers Friday. Albert Frank and L. O. Rey­ nolds and w ife were Salem callers Thursday. Joe Hendricks has a crew working on the telephone line this week. E. C. Downing and mother and T. B. Patton and w ife visited at the Herbert Downing home near Wendling, Lane county this week E. C. reports the roads fine. ' The school is preparing for a Christmass tree this year. There are scores o f people who drag out a miserable existence without real­ izing the cause of their suffering. Day after day they are racked with head­ ache, and backache; suffer from ner­ vousness, dizziness, weakness, languor and depression. Perhaps the kidneys have fallen behind in their work o f filtering the blood that may be the root o f the trouble. Look to your kid- neys- assist them in their work—give them the help they need. You can use no more highly recommended remedy than Doan’ s Kidney Pills. Below is grateful testimony from a sufferer in this locality. Mrs. M. M. Moench, 330 S. Main St., Albany, Ore., says:’ ’ I am only too gia.i to tell any who are in need o f a good, reliable medicine for backache and kidney disorders about Doan’s Kidney Pills. Whenever I have taken them for that trouble. I have used Doan’s John Maybee and wife, and Kidney Pills whenever necessary for Clyde Maybee arrived Tuesday, the past ten years and I have found on a visit from Idaho. Clyde them to do all that ia claimed for will remain ad winter but the them.” Fox Valley Gems ¡others expect to return about, Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't aim- plv ask for a kidney remedy—get December the first. ! Visit's K/u ry I ’ lls the «sine th »t Menuai.itb. Jutiboo. Quinn, j Mr. Moench uaea. Foster-Mitborn . Prop»., 3v.ff.de. N . Y . Law, John and Trask tr.d